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鸡缸杯对当代仿古瓷陶瓷设计及文化消费有何影响?它如何进行传统文化情感设计?陶瓷装饰设计更趋向于技术还是品牌效应?陶瓷装饰文化艺术价值在哪里?当今陶瓷装饰设计如何依托传统文化进行了有效传播。  相似文献   

景德镇是闻名中外的"瓷都",世代名家辈出,因创造了不少精巧的陶瓷艺术作品而成为中国陶瓷艺术高度成就的代表。景德镇陶瓷名家风格独特、扬名四海,在艺术风格上逐渐形成了一套独特的创作方法和形式美感。本文试图从陶瓷名家情况、市场分布、消费者购买动机、总体消费态势、销售模式、影响因素等几个方面对景德镇名家陶瓷市场进行分析,以提升景德镇名人陶瓷作品市场价值与艺术价值,使收藏家更愿意购买景德镇当代名人的陶瓷作品,从而兴旺景德镇名家陶瓷市场,提升景德镇名人陶瓷的艺术生产力。  相似文献   

陶瓷,作为中国文明的象征,拥有着悠久的历史。瓷器的发展经历了由实用到审美的过程,以实用作为产生的开始,随着生产技术的发展和审美意识的提高,陶瓷最终成为完全意义上的欣赏艺术品。在这个基础上形成的现代陶瓷,总有很多价值,但是现代陶瓷艺术要怎样通过市场来肯定它的价值呢?  相似文献   

朱云莉  胡林荣 《中国市场》2008,(52):172-173
随着我国经济的快速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,购买力和艺术鉴赏力也不断提升,景德镇当代陶瓷名人名作因具有极高的艺术价值、投资价值和收藏价值,备受世人青睐。本文主要分析了当代景德镇陶瓷名人名作的经济特点及其价格的形成。  相似文献   

在艺术市场中,艺术价值是核心;资本围绕着艺术价值获得投资回报,资本在获得利润的同时也促进艺术价值的发展;市场确定艺术交易的程序与规则,在市场各方的参与下形成具有一定公信力的艺术价格;金融是创新手段,通过挖掘、整合艺术市场中的价值交换方式,将大量的零散资金与大众投资者吸引到艺术市场中。艺术市场金融化创新模式的建立需要分析艺术市场中各种因素的影响与其内在逻辑,平衡不同的价值取向与利益诉求,使它们相互制约、共同发展,促进艺术市场的理性发展。  相似文献   

现代陶瓷艺术作为一种独立的艺术形式,其历史并不算长。现代艺术品市场已经是一个相对成熟的行业,在面对新的艺术品形式时,往往需要经过漫长的摸索期。深入了解现代陶瓷艺术的特点,分析其与市场间的关系以及其真正的价值属性,才能更好的将其与市场相连,并通过市场来体现其真正的价值。  相似文献   

该文通过对艺术市场的价格起伏跌荡,揭示了艺术品价值的内在规定性,阐明了艺术品价值与价格的关系,强调艺术家群体应该忽略价格,找寻艺术品真实的艺术价值。  相似文献   

广彩,全称“广州织金彩绘陶瓷”,源起于清康熙年间,是外销器的主要品种,发展至今已拥有三百多年的历史,见证了中西方的贸易往来与文化交流。本文聚焦于清末民初,梳理在岭南画派参与下广彩瓷的全新使命与艺术风格走向。并探析其在当今艺术拍卖市场中的价格表现及整体态势,以加深对清末民初广彩瓷艺术价值与历史价值的认识。  相似文献   

逸云 《中国拍卖》2008,(7):42-47
2008年春拍结束了,但春拍的话题并没有结束。尤其是今年春拍中中国现当代艺术市场的表现,更给我们供出了一系列的思考。中国现当代艺术市场在整个中国艺术品市场中处于怎样的位置?为什么中国现当代艺术能够高价频出?中国现当代艺术是否存在价格泡沫?其到底价值几何?数据的整理告诉我们,中国现当代艺术是能够折射中国改革开放步伐的另一面镜子,它是中国经济发展,国际地位日益重要的受益者,也是国际金融资本目光聚焦的宠儿。其被热捧的原因,是审美取向的变化带来了价值取向的变化,并催生了需求市场的不断放大。当财富滚滚而来的时候,被颠覆的不仅仅是观念!  相似文献   

随着社会经济水平的提升,艺术品市场逐步得到发展,当代艺术陶瓷市场也逐步兴盛。在当代艺术陶瓷市场的买方主体众多,各自呈现出不同的购买特点。本文从消费者角度对当代艺术陶瓷市场进行分析研究,主要分析购买艺术陶瓷的消费群体的消费动机,为更好的发展当代艺术陶瓷市场提供参考。  相似文献   

Agricultural price policies are under closer review now in many developing countries. There is a growing tendency to rely more on market forces. What impact have agricultural price policies had on the performance of the agricultural sector in developing countries until now?  相似文献   

International law holds that a firm is dumping if its foreign price is either below its domestic price or below its marginal cost. Domestic firms often claim that a low-cost foreign firm is engaged in a long run strategy to destroy the domestic industry and harm domestic consumers. Dumping is a permanent feature of marketing strategies of numerous companies, and anti-dumping complaints are increasingly resorted to as a defensive instrument to stop the challengers. This article offers a synthesis of ethical and legal issues involved and relates them to marketing concerns in international operations. What is the current state of dumping legislation? What concern over personal ethics should a manager have? Using teleological and deontological philosophies of ethics the argument is made that the marketing manager who set very low prices for an international market is not behaving unethically.  相似文献   

This paper reviews two early precedent–setting US antitrust decisions and asks a series of counter–factual questions. What if the Standard Oil Company had not been broken into 34 pieces? What if the United States Steel Corporation had been fragmented? It traces the qualitative evolution of the Standard Oil fragments, following the 1911 divestiture decision, and the corresponding history of United States Steel. It then undertakes quantitative analyses of the survivors' market share trends and the comparative productivity growth, average plant sizes, price — cost margins, and net exports for petroleum refining, blast furnaces and steel from 1899 through 1939. At first, the post–divestiture performance did not differ much between the two subject industries. However, by the 1930s, competition intensified in petroleum refining and the decline of the Standard Oil fragments' market shares came to a halt. In the steel industry, however, competition continued to be mild. A lethargic United States Steel held a price um brella over its rivals and steadily lost market share. Steel companies were ill–prepared for rising import competition during the 1960s and 1970s. The paper concludes that the 1911 break–up of Standard Oil had few deleterious short–run consequences and, by shaping a more competitive environment, it had a decidedly positive long–run effect.  相似文献   

文章从鲜活农产品市场流通过程中存在消费者和生产者“福利双损”这一社会现象出发,基于开放市场条件下的基础经济假设,采用数理模型推演、案例分析和自回归模型,对当前我国蔬菜流通中价值链构成问题和蔬菜价格走势的核心决定因素进行了深入分析。研究结果表明,受制于终端零售者的规模及鲜活农产品的市场出清特征,蔬菜终端零售费用占比相对过高的现象不可避免;同时,由于蔬菜价格是均衡经济系统内生决定的,而时间序列模型也说明了蔬菜价格与经济系统的高度一致性。因此,从蔬菜市场宏观调控的政策出发,“使市场机制在资源配置中起决定性作用”,容忍蔬菜价格的周期性波动,实际上是经济最优选择。  相似文献   

The Middle East has become the largest external supplier of imports to the European Community, and is also the EC's largest export market. Rising oll prices have not only affected the value of EC imports from the Middle East, but have also ultimately determined the ability of the Middle Eastern states to pay for Community exports. What are the prospects for the continuing growth of trade between the Community and the Middle East? What would be the effect of a fall in oil prices or of a decline in the EC's dependence on Middle Eastern oil?  相似文献   

Investments in alternative assets, such as art, are influenced by indices that measure price movements in these assets. This paper uses the South African art market to consider how different methodologies influence price estimates in a setting where repeated sales of the same artworks are limited. The focus is on estimating art prices in South Africa, based on a comprehensive database of South African art auctions. A new pseudo-repeat sales method is proposed, to overcome data limitations facing conventional hedonic and repeat sales methods. While the methods suggest similar trends in South African art prices, the levels and volatilities of the returns vary widely, depending on the method used to estimate the price index. The paper also introduces a test for price bubbles that accounts for the measurement error associated with constructed art price indices. Unlike indices based on central tendency methods, regression-based methods indicate mildly explosive prices for oil and watercolour art in South Africa, in the run-up to the global financial crisis. The new test suggests similar conclusions, but indicates shorter periods of explosive price behaviour.  相似文献   

<正>7月CPI创37个月新高,猪价I涨幅的贡献率为22.5%。如果的中国物价比喻成一位不知马拉松运动员,那猪价便是愧的领跑者。短短一年,猪价哪只手在翻云覆雨?过去的15年里,我国猪价出现过涨暴跌,每3~4年就有一次周动。于是,在这如赌局的行业里的养殖户在猪价起起落落的输输赢赢。于是,很多伤不起的择了逃离。  相似文献   

The OPEC price conference in Geneva on May 25–26, 1981 did not resolve the disagreement among OPEC member countries over official prices. As a result of this stalemate, Saudi Arabia with its intention to moderate prices will in the foreseeable future probably not be prepared to make substantial reductions in its high volume of production with which it puts pressure on prices. What short- and medium-term perspectives for the international oil market arise from this situation?  相似文献   

This reflective essay explores the role art can play in subsistence marketplaces, focusing particularly on its role in consumer‐entrepreneurship. Using informal field engagement in Mexico, Tanzania, and Native American tribes, in dialogue with the literature, it poses three questions as the basis for a research agenda: How can consumer‐entrepreneurs preserve art and heritage to sustain socioeconomic value? What transformative role does art play in subsistence marketplaces for the consumers and entrepreneurs involved? How can indigenous consumers and entrepreneurs protect their cultural identity and sovereignty through art? Directions for future research include the need to better understand the role of assemblages and intermediaries for artisan consumer‐entrepreneurs, an issue with evident policy implications. As indigenous and near‐indigenous societies seek identity, meaning, and cohesion in a turbulent world, art can preserve, transform, and assert.  相似文献   

The changes brought about in the OPEC states by their oil are reflected most clearly in the foreign trade1. How did their trade develop during the present decade? What will be the outcome of the latest drastic oil price increases?  相似文献   

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