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张宏彦 《经济师》2007,(11):44-45
文章对中国古代的货币金属主义进行了一个大致的分析。结合中国金融发展历程及不同阶段货币理论的特点,对周朝至清朝的货币金属主义货币理论的起源、发展作了阐述,分析该理论在中国古代的演进脉络及其历史作用和理论症结。  相似文献   

圣王创制论是中国古代关于货币起源的一种主要观点,认为货币是圣王为解决民间交换的困难而人为创造出来的,圣王创制货币可以应对天灾、解决资源不均衡问题、调剂流通、实现社会和谐.圣王应该控制货币的制造、流通等环节,通过适当的货币政策发展经济、增强国力.这一观点深刻地影响了中国人对货币的认识,衍生出一系列货币思想,对中国古代的货币政策和经济发展产生了根本性的影响,对今天的经济发展也具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

<管子>后16篇,也称轻重篇,着重阐述了轻重理论,是中国古代特有的一种经济管理思想.前人学者大多从供求规律与货币数量论等角度对商品之间的轻重规律进行阐释.文章则重点阐述了轻重规律所蕴含的均衡思想,并且在阐述管子轻重理论中蕴含的局部均衡、动态均衡、一般均衡思想后,借用现代经济学的分析工具,试图重建管子轻重规律的均衡分析.西方经济学直到1769年以后才在经济学中引入均衡的概念,此研究将进一步丰富中国经济思想的研究.  相似文献   

林璟 《财经研究》2005,31(7):60-70
中国股市制度建设思想是中国现代经济思想史的重要组成部分,中国股市制度建设思想的争论是中国股市制度建设思想中最精彩的部分.文章用经济思想史的研究方法,梳理在股市发展不同阶段中关于制度建设争论最激烈的几个问题,这些争论有其发展与演变的规律,并对中国的经济理论和实践产生重大的影响.  相似文献   

两宋白银货币化是中国货币史上的一个重要课题。在中国金属货币史上,宋元时期是古代中国金属货币币材演变的转折点。以宋元为界,此前以铜钱为代表的贱金属货币占主导地位,而此后贵金属白银最终成为主要货币。这意味着,两宋白银货币化,揭开了中国古代后期金属货币发展的序幕。白银从商品向货币的演变,预示着货币发展的未来方向。因此,研究两宋白银货币化的历史,有助于揭示古代金属货币发展、演变的内在规律,有助于从总体上把握古代货币史的基本脉络。  相似文献   

文章基于网络虚拟货币的发展现状,梳理了该研究领域的主要文献,归纳总结为四个方面:网络虚拟货币的性质及交易研究、对其涉及财产权的法律监管研究、对其涉及税收问题的研究以及其对经济与金融的影响研究。文章总结了相关代表性研究的主要观点并进行了评述,认为现有研究总体的理论分析深度不够,未能构建起网络虚拟货币发展、影响等理论基础。文章对于网络虚拟货币进一步的研究,建议可以从三个方面予以推进:首先,从货币演变史和虚拟货币运行过程的不同特点来详细考察虚拟货币的含义和本质;其次,研究虚拟货币对现有货币理论及货币体系的影响;最后,分析虚拟货币对网络经济的影响机理以及这些影响的决定因素。  相似文献   

上海近代庄票的性质、数量与功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李耀华 《财经研究》2005,31(2):98-109
在近代中国,上海钱庄庄票曾被誉为具有"直等现金"的功能,但关于此种票据却鲜有深入的分析.文章采用理论和实证相结合的分析方法,首先通过对庄票货币性的理论分析,认为庄票属于准货币的范畴;其后利用现有的资料对上海近代庄票的数量进行了估计;最后通过回归分析得出结论:庄票的发行弥补了货币供给的相对不足,从而大大地促进了经济的发展.  相似文献   

中国古代经济思想的辉煌成就,是世界经济思想宝库中不可或缺的珍贵遗产。司马迁与亚当.斯密在经济思想的诸多领域,如肯定人的物质欲望、宏观经济调节机制、分工思想、价格思想、对资本积累的认识、财政思想以及货币思想等方面均存在着相似或接近的认识。在经济学西学东渐、很多学者动辄"言必称西方"的今天,我们不应妄自菲薄,而应积极探寻古代经济思想和现代经济思想的契合点,扎根现实,大胆创新,努力构建有中国特色的经济学理论体系。  相似文献   

邹晓勇  张吉成 《生产力研究》2006,(11):69-70,143
人民币已经在中国境外特别是周边国家和地区流通,流通的规模不断扩大,在有些国家和地区甚至出现了替代当地货币的趋势。人民币在我国周边国家流通对我国经济有何影响?文章分析了人民币跨境流通的现状,认为人民币在我国周边国家使用对中国经济有以下益处:获得铸币税收入、有利于边境地区地下经济的发展、有助于人民币确立亚洲核心货币的地位。  相似文献   

在双循环发展的新格局下,中国经济快速复苏,企业技术创新愈加重要,对企业技术创新的要求愈加迫切.文章梳理了近年来中国学者从不同角度对企业技术创新影响因素的研究文献,分别从宏观、中观、微观三个层面分析制约与影响中国企业技术创新的四大因素,即根本因素、直接因素、关键因素和调节因素,通过对企业技术创新影响因素的系统梳理,预测发展趋势与研究方向,厘清中国企业在技术创新过程中逐层突破壁垒、充分发挥自身优势的路径选择.研究有助于提升企业化解重大危机、技术封锁等一系列系统性风险的能力,夯实企业作为科技与经济重要力量,打通经济双循环.  相似文献   

中国货币市场发展的分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
近年来 ,中国的货币市场得到了快速发展。货币市场交易品种逐渐增加 ,交易规模持续增长 ,市场成员不断扩大。在货币市场发展的基础上 ,中央银行货币政策的间接调控方式的有效性在不断提高。但中国的货币市场还处于发展的初期 ,可供交易的货币市场工具还比较少 ,市场存在一定程度的分割 ,交易规模偏低。由于存贷款利率仍然受到管制 ,货币市场利率的变化对信贷市场等其他金融市场的影响还相对有限。本文将描述货币市场各子市场的基本框架和发展状况 ,并侧重从中央银行货币管理的角度对货币市场中各子市场的相互关系进行分析与探讨。  相似文献   

Money pools are ancient African traditions that speak to the functionality of getting things done by a historically oppressed group of people. The analysis for this study is based on 583 interviews in five Caribbean countries: Haiti, Grenada, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana. African traditions of collectives reveal that Black people have long had money pools that focused on helping people thrive in commerce, including during the hard times of slavery and colonization. This research argues that throughout the Caribbean indigenous banking systems—with localized names such as susu, partner, meeting-turn, box-hand and sol—are long-standing ancient traditions that historically and currently are taking a bold stand against exclusionary financial systems. African-Caribbean people have an important legacy on the social economy through money pools. The ways in which persons of African descent organize in the social economy is vital to unravelling the market fundamentalist view that there is only a singular way to do business in society.  相似文献   

I expand on the ownership-based approach to money and argue that core elements of conflicting commodity, state, credit, and ownership-based money views can be integrated into a theory of money through a framework based on claims to property and the associated categories of settlement assets and money of account. This new synthesis reveals that, in all major ownership-based societies, individuals have entered into economic dealings by issuing enforceable claims to their property on the basis of ownership and security. Claims to property historically emerged in two forms: (i) debtor-issued claims, including negotiable instruments and book accounts; and (ii) creator-issued claims, such as bank notes and bank deposits. Commodities, coins, and state instruments attain their monetary roles because they allow private claims to be finally settled. Eight archetypes of monetary arrangements, reflecting the historical evolution of monetary systems, are identified and compared. I demonstrate the role of property assets in money creation, the proper significance of money of account, and delineate the role of state-issued payment instruments.  相似文献   

We investigate the existence and relative strength of favoritism for in-group versus out-group along multiple identity categories (body type, political views, nationality, religion, and more) in four alternative contexts: (1) giving money in a dictator game, (2) sharing an office, (3) commuting, and (4) work. We carried out two studies. The first study entailed hypothetical situations and imaginary people; the second study was similar to the first, but the dictator game component was incentivized (actual money) and involved actual receivers. Our subjects’ behavior towards others is significantly affected by their respective identities. (1) Those that belong to the in-group are treated more favorably than those who belong to the out-group in nearly all identity categories and in all contexts. (2) Family and kinship are the most powerful source of differentiation, followed by political views, religion, sports-team loyalty, and music preferences, with gender being basically insignificant. (3) The hierarchy of identity categories is fairly stable across the four contexts. (4) Subjects give similar amounts and discriminate between in-group and out-group to similar degrees in the hypothetical and incentivized dictator games.  相似文献   

The practice of usury has recently provoked an intense debate in China. While the practice is widely condemned, prominent figures have sought to legitimize it with economic analysis. The institutional competition between ancient usury and modern money and banking has persisted for centuries and seems far from ending. This article examines the institutional factors underpinning the revival of usury in China after a thirty-year stretch (1948–1978), during which the practice had virtually disappeared. The revival of usury is attributed mainly to a pattern of uneven development in China. Usury, by its nature, is a drag on economic productivity and a source of social discord. As China endeavors to achieve a more broad-based human flourishing, the practice of usury must be prohibited strictly once more.  相似文献   

电子货币的产生与发展已经给传统的货币金融理论带来了前所未有的挑战.以电子货币为视角,通过对电子货币与交易性货币供给的相关性进行统计检验,结果表明: (1)电子货币对交易性货币有着明显的替代效应,它不仅改变了货币供给结构,而且给传统货币层次划分方法带来了新的挑战; (2)电子货币对传统货币的替代有着明显的阶段性特征; (3)电子货币的存在削弱了中央银行对基础货币的控制能力,弱化了货币供应量作为货币政策中介目标的效果,从而影响了货币政策的有效性.  相似文献   

我国货币政策中介目标研究——一个文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,一些西方发达国家相继放弃了货币供应量目标,转向了利率、通货膨胀等目标,进而在我国也引发了货币供应量能否继续充当货币政策中介目标的争论.本文认为,尽管大多数实证研究均已表明货币供应量作为中介目标的有效性正不断降低,然而从我国当前的经济金融发展情况来看,选择利率或通货膨胀目标还缺乏可行性.因此,我国面临的现实选择只能是继续以货币供应量为目标,同时稳步推进金融体系、金融制度的改革,为中介目标的转变奠定基础.  相似文献   

We design a laboratory experiment to examine predictions of trustworthiness in a novel three-person trust game. We investigate whether and why observers of the game can predict the trustworthiness of hand-written communications. Observers report their perception of the trustworthiness of messages, and make predictions about the senders’ behavior. Using observers’ decisions, we are able to classify messages as “promises” or “empty talk.” Drawing from substantial previous research, we hypothesize that certain factors influence whether a sender is likely to honor a message and/or whether an observer perceives the message as likely to behonored: the mention of money; the use of encompassing words; and message length. We find that observers have more trust in longer messages and “promises”; promises that mention money are significantly more likely to be broken; and observers trust equally in promises that do and do not mention money. Overall, observers perform slightly better than chance at predicting whether a message will be honored. We attribute this result to observers’ ability to distinguish promises from empty talk, and to trust promises more than empty talk. However, within each of these two categories, observers are unable to discern between messages that senders will honor from those that they will not.  相似文献   

论公共产品的市场提供   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一般而言,满足消费者需求的消费品划分为两类,一类是用货币收入等价交换的消费品,即私人产品;一类是不以货币交换的消费品,即公共产品。私人产品只能由私人提供,公共产品只能由政府提供,这一分析结论所包含的政策含义往往导致公共产品供给决策绝对化和“一刀切”的倾向,把许多行业和商品纳入公共产品范畴由政府垄断性供给,由此导致资源配置效率和使用效率较低,因此。中国应加大公共产品提供的市场化改革步伐。  相似文献   

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