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Although the expectation of accountants is that they will always employ high ethical standards, empirical evidence suggests that individual accountants are, at best, no more ethically aware than average. This gap between expectation and reality could be the result of inadequate education. Universities cannot be relied upon to teach accounting ethics to prospective professional accountants principally because too few accountants have an accounting degree and because of the surface nature of accounting students' learning. The professional bodies pay only lip-service to ethics education in their syllabi and their treatment of ethics is thus both quantitatively and qualitatively inadequate. Accountants are consequently ill-prepared to face ethical dilemmas.  相似文献   

This study examined how mentoring support, peer influence and individual attributes of early career accountants (ECA) influence their ethical evaluations and behavioural intentions. Respondents indicate that their evaluation of the seriousness of the ethical conflict is affected by the perceived standard of ethical conduct of their peers, their personal ethical orientation, the extent of ethics education at university, and gender. ECAs’ evaluation of a senior colleague's unethical behaviour is affected by mentoring support and the perceived standard of ethical conduct of peers. In terms of ECAs’ willingness to contact accounting professional bodies for ethical advice, the size of the accounting firm and the extent of their ethics education at university are significant factors. Furthermore, the likelihood of respondents choosing a more ethical decision is correlated with his or her individual ethical orientation and the extent of ethics education at university.  相似文献   

The Australian professional accounting bodies developed their present educational policies during the period prior to 1964 when two major reports were issued. This paper traces the development of those educational policies, but particularly the crystallization of the philosophy underlying the decision of the Australian Society of Accountants to adopt degree level entry in 1965. The Institute of Chartered Accountants followed suit some years later. This signalled the end of the traditional system of part-time technical training associated with work experience, and established full degree-level education as a pre-requisite for professional accountants.  相似文献   

Recent releases from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) highlight the importance of ethics education. Academic institutions employ varying methods and place varying levels of emphasis on ethics teaching during a business/accounting degree. This paper attempts to evaluate whether teaching ethics to final year accounting students is beneficial. At the commencement of a semester, one class of 155 students was given five ethical scenarios on which to make an ethical decision. All students were then subject to three different methods of ethical instruction. Several weeks later, the class was again given the original five ethical scenarios and asked to re-complete. In all five instances, the mean responses were more ethical after the instruction methodologies. The subjects also verified that the combined effect of the methodologies had impacted positively on hypothetical ethical decision-making. Hence, it appears that ethics education is beneficial, and the challenge is to find the optimal method(s).  相似文献   

Recent attention to accountants’ ethics in the news, in professional practice, and by academia leads to questions about the ethical and cognitive characterization of students selecting accounting careers. We employ the Myers/Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) for assessing cognitive styles, and the Defining Issues Test (DIT) for assessing ethical reasoning to study differences between two groups of accounting graduates and new hires entering the accounting profession across a period of 15 years. We show that the dominant cognitive make-up of accountants has not changed significantly over the study period, which is consistent with prior research. Also, we hypothesize and provide evidence that this dominant style is associated with lower levels of ethical reasoning (as measured by the DIT) than other cognitive styles. The ethical reasoning scores are lower for the 2005 sample than for the 1990 sample. This result may be attributable to age, gender, grade point average, or political orientation; however, incomplete data in our sample does not allow us to make definitive conclusions regarding these control variables. We discuss the implications of these findings for curriculum development and professional practice.  相似文献   

In 2003, the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) issued a set of International Education Standards (IES). IES 4 Professional Values, Ethics and Attitudes aims to equip candidates for membership of an IFAC member body with the appropriate professional values, ethics and attitudes to function as professional accountants. This paper explores the implications of IES 4 and analyses some of the challenges arising from an international professional accounting body prescribing ethics education. It concludes with an overview of considerations to be addressed to ensure that the implementation of IES 4 is successful .  相似文献   

The function that accountants fulfil in the economic system is dependent on their ability to maintain the perception of high ethical standards. Building on the idea that birth cohorts, otherwise known as generations, are a useful proxy for the socio‐cultural environment of different time periods, we focus on the so‐called ‘GenMe’, that is, students and young workers born in the 1980s and 1990s. In particular, combining the accounting and business ethics literature, the purpose of our paper is to contribute to an increased awareness of the GenMe perceptions of accountants, with special attention given to ethical aspects. We believe that the perceptions of this age group are particularly crucial for the future of the accounting profession as it is these young people who will either become professional accountants or the accountants' future clients. Using an extensive database of 1,794 questionnaires, results show that the impression of the accountant as a corrupt professional is not dominant among GenMe and seem to suggest the existence of a multifaceted perception of accountants' ethics. Specifically, the factors that contribute to influencing GenMe perceptions of accountants' ethics are level of education, having attended an accounting course at high school level, gender, and belonging to the accounting profession. Finally, our study indicates that there is room for improving public perceptions of accountants' ethics through university courses in ethics, continuing education programs, and focused communication strategies by accounting firms and professional bodies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of exposing accounting graduate students to professional ethics. First, a method of instruction that encourages students to consider the ethical implications of business decisions was developed. This instruction included exposure to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, study of professional codes of ethics, and extensive use of written and video ethics cases. Next, instructional effectiveness was assessed through a pre-post-test with control group design. An accounting-specific test instrument was developed and validated. This instrument contains decision scenarios designed to elicit and identify students' stages of ethical reasoning, Test results revealed that students receiving ethics instruction demonstrated gains in ethical reasoning within the decision context. Appropriately designed ethics modules can thus foster consisitent consideration of ethical issues in decision making.  相似文献   

This commentary examines the work of Everett and Tremblay (2014) and their contribution to critical accounting. They examine three key ethical dilemmas that confront modern accounting practice. They examine a set of in-depth interviews, the autobiography of the former Vice President of Internal Audit of WorldCom, Cynthia Cooper, and the documents of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) to shed light on accounting and audit ethics. The dilemmas confronting the accounting profession are complex and multi-faceted, which they place in their socio-economic context using ideas from Pierre Bourdieu. I add ideas from Lovibond (2004),MacIntyre (1984) and McDowell (1993) as well as audit work by Jere Francis. My solution involves accountants acting like the phronemos. The phronemos is Aristotle's term for a wise and ethical person who has the capacity to judge and act appropriately. This ideal of the phronemos is used to examine the ethical ambiguities in accounting that involve analyzing the critical role that accounting curricula, education and pedagogy play in making better judgments. This critical accounting focus was also a focus in Chabrak and Craig's work on accounting education. They examined professional credentialing and professional education. Like Everett and Tremblay, they also point us toward the public interest role of accounting and our societal need for better and informed judgments. The comment concludes with the observation that Aristotle's notion of the phronemos is an ideal type that promotes virtue ethics to address the drift in accounting away from ethics and its public interest role.  相似文献   

Using Ross Skinner's 1995 CA Magazine article, “Judgment in Jeopardy", as a stepping stone, we revisit the meaning of professional judgment in accounting in light of developments in standard setting, financial markets, and business operations that have taken place over the past two decades. We argue that it is time to change the view that accountants' professional judgment is the application of accounting‐based knowledge and experience in the selection of an appropriate accounting method. Accountants now face a standard‐setting context that emphasizes the estimation of future cash flows as well as new business and financial realities. This context implies that, in exercising their professional judgment to choose between forecast alternatives, accountants must rely on knowledge and experience from other disciplines (even though this is not well integrated into accounting). Hence, accounting must evolve from its traditional stewardship role to the new role of “forecount‐ing” (the estimation of future cash flows). The implications as well as the challenges of that evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Accountants are often confronted with ethical decisions. Yet, some prior research indicates that both public accountants and accounting students in the U.S. may not have as high a level of moral reasoning as other professionals. One measure of moral reasoning ability is the Principled score, or P score, as determined by the Defining Issues Test. Prior research on accounting professionals and students using this measure has largely been confined to the U.S. This study compares the ethical reasoning abilities of American and Irish accounting students. We find that the mean P scores of American and Irish students are similar. However, gender and liberal/conservative attitudes are significant explanatory variables for moral reasoning ability across countries. In addition, our results show that students do correctly self-assess their moral reasoning abilities. We also find that those students with the lowest levels of moral reasoning abilities are the least likely to favor required ethics training in accounting programs. This may imply that students most in need of ethical training are less likely to seek this training.  相似文献   

The governing bodies of the Chartered Accountant (CA) profession and business schools go to great lengths to ensure accounting professionals are equipped with a skill set that meets technical, professional, ethical, and other general requirements. In spite of a strict code of ethics, violations of the professional conduct rules leading to disciplinary action are a reality. Using the total CA membership (= 36,465) of Ontario, Canada, this study makes a 27‐year retrospective assessment of the frequency of disciplinary cases, the characteristics of offenders, the disciplinary process, and the sanctions imposed. Results indicate that: (i) approximately 1.38 percent of the members have been charged with violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct by the Institute of Chartered Accountants over that period; (ii) most were sole proprietors engaged in public accounting; (iii) on average, men make up 76 percent of the CA membership, outnumbering women by three to one (3:1); yet, men were 16 times more likely than women to be charged; (iv) the majority of the offences occurred while members with public accounting licenses were conducting external audits; and (v) sanctions ranged from a “rap on the knuckles” admonishment to expulsion from the CA profession. This study is exploring the CA disciplinary process as observed through disciplinary notices and suggests improvements to the system.  相似文献   

The reputation of the accounting community is an important intangible asset. The community persistently builds its reputation through disclosure of reputation signals that crystallize its status with the commercial social system [Riahi-Belkaoui and Pavlik, 1992; Raar J. Beyond ethics: a community platform to secure moral integrity. Australian Accounting Review 2006;16(1):41–50]. Therefore, as a community in the global village, it is an institution of accountability, which in turn is dependent on honesty and trust (Lee, 1995). The intention of this conceptual paper is to provide discourse that induces questions for reflection in the call for values underpinning the integrity and ethical stance of the profession. To an extent ethical codes assist, however in an international professional community the self-governance procedures and investigations of a local professional body may now be outside its geographical jurisdiction. Walker [Walker RG. The ASRB: policy formation, political activity and research. Paper presented at Accounting Association of Australian and New Zealand (AANZ) annual conference in Sydney; August, 1985] suggests that accounting rules are only symbolic behaviour unless compliance is monitored, and sanctions are imposed [Walker RG. The ASRB: policy formation, political activity and research. Paper presented at Accounting Association of Australian and New Zealand (AANZ) annual conference in Sydney; August, 1985. p. 12]. The internationalisation of accounting standards appears to present an opportune period in the evolution of a self regulatory accounting profession to consider the issues of moral values and integrity and ask the question, what does this international profession stand for?  相似文献   

There has been pressure from various business and professional accounting bodies to place greater emphasis on ethics education. This has been reflected in academic research and curriculum development. The purpose of this paper is to expand the debate on accounting ethics education to take into account the globalization of business, accounting and educational services and to draw attention to the importance of cross-cultural factors. To illustrate this the paper discusses the impact that Confucius has had on the ethical thinking of East and South East Asia. Where appropriate, comparisons are made with Western attitudes and secular philosophies. This focus has been chosen because of the current and future importance of the Asian area to global commerce, and the fact that an understanding of its ethical thinking and behaviour is not possible without an appreciation of Confucian thought.  相似文献   

台湾地区“会计师法”的兴起、繁荣及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾地区现行会计师法共有五十一条,自1977年5月25日修订公布以来,已有五次修正。从这次新修台湾地区会计师法81条来看,其中新增条文35条,删除10条,修正38条,修正幅度堪称历年之最。台湾地区会计师法在最近数十年间得到了迅速发展,并以改善会计师执业环境,提升会计师执业品质,督促会计师专业自律功能为主要任务。台湾地区较早实行市场经济体制,不但市场体系非常发达,而且会计师法在其创新和实施的过程中,获得了一些成功的经验,对注册会计师行业在组织形态、会计师民事责任、赔偿责任主体及赔偿金额、规范会计市场的法律管制等更有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper extends the work of accounting educators and researchers who have sought to develop and implement effective ethics interventions in the accounting curriculum. Its purpose is to assess the influence of ethics interventions, integrated into a one-semester introductory auditing course at both the undergraduate and graduate level, on the moral development and ethical behavior of accounting students. Ethics interventions were based on the review and discussion of ethics cases following a well known pedagogical framework over the first 10 weeks of one academic semester. The effectiveness of these interventions was tested two ways. First, using the Defining Issues Test (DIT) and a pre/post-test research design, the moral development of accounting seniors and graduate students in four separate auditing classes was assessed. Second, students' unethical behavior, defined as excessive “free-riding” on an economic-choice experiment based on the Prisoners' Dilemma, was observed by the researcher. In summary, results of this study show that ethics interventions did not cause accounting students' level of ethical reasoning to develop (increase) and did not curtail students' free-riding behavior. Findings also provide evidence of an association between ethical reasoning and students' economic choices, where students with relatively low and high levels of ethical reasoning were most likely to engage in free-riding. The implications of these findings are discussed in the last section of the paper.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effects of mentoring and organisational ethical climate (OEC) on the organisational and professional commitment (PC) of early career accountants (ECAs) (i.e. accounting graduate recruits with three or less years of working experience). The empirical data are based on a questionnaire survey from 86 ECAs in Australian public accounting firms, and hypothesis testing utilises partial least squares analysis. Our results indicate when a career development style of mentoring is adopted there is greater organisational as well as PC. By contrast, a social support mentoring style has no significant impact on organisational commitment (OC) and a negative effect on PC. Further, our data also reveal OEC to be positively associated with OC, and OC in turn having a positive impact on PC. The results imply that fostering a career‐focused mentoring environment and an OEC can increase an ECA's OC and PC. These results have various implications for human resource management at both the accounting firm and professional levels.  相似文献   

The Australian accounting environment is dominated by two competing brands – Chartered Accountant (CA) and Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) – which signal that the profession has been unable to achieve full unification. Focussed on 1969, this dual theory-informed, in-depth study examines the first of four unsuccessful attempts to merge the two professional accounting associations from which the two brands originate: The Australian Society of Accountants (the Society) and The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (the Institute). Primary data from public archives and oral history interviews, combined with secondary sources, are drawn upon to explain the failure of this proposed merger and to consider its legacy. The complementary theoretical perspectives of “boundary-work” and “institutional work” are applied. Amidst other challenges, corporate collapses during the 1960s precipitated a legitimacy crisis for the profession and raised the prospect of there being sufficient commonality of purpose to enable a merger. While there was overwhelming support from Society members, the merger proposal was defeated by a comprehensive “no” vote from Institute members. This pattern of voting was repeated in three subsequent merger attempts, leading to the persistence of the curious binary structure of the Australian accounting profession and associated ongoing differences and tensions.  相似文献   

There is considerable theory and evidence to suggest that culture is an important environmental variable influencing the development of accounting systems internationally. According to the Hofstede (1980) and Gray (1988) cultural models, China's accounting development and practice should be in the cluster that supports statutory control, uniform practices, a conservative measurement approach and secrecy in disclosure. A uniform and rigid system of financial reporting has been practised for decades in the People's Republic of China under the centrally controlled economy. The accounting reforms launched since the 1980s aim to establish a new framework for regulating financial reporting which is adaptable to China's recently emerged socialist market economy. The adoption of accounting standards in the later phases of the reforms marks a dramatic turning point in China's accounting history towards a more international Anglo-Saxon orientation in financial reporting. Based on an analysis of the authority for accounting systems, the accounting profession and accounting measurement and disclosure in China, it is argued that this development will be constrained by the influence of China's culture and its accounting subculture. While financial reporting will be governed by accounting standards, their development and enforcement will remain a governmental and legalistic function. Accountants will continue to rely heavily on detailed technical rules. This mixed orientation will constitute China's unique national identity in terms of its accounting and financial reporting system.  相似文献   

This paper develops an instrument that measures accounting professionalism. The instrument's development was informed by literature on professionalism, similar to the genesis of instruments developed in other fields (i.e., sociology, medicine and pharmacy), and interviews with practising accountants and accounting academics. An exploratory factor analysis of 516 survey responses received from members of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) produced four sub-dimensions of accounting professionalism: ethics and independence, altruism, respect for others, and excellence. This four-factor model and a unidimensional model were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. The four-factor model proved superior to the unidimensional one and produced a final instrument with strong psychometric properties.  相似文献   

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