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资产、负债项目的性质对其暂时性差异的确定有着直接的影响。一般而言,货币性资产、负债项目不形成暂时性差异,而非货币性项目则有可能形成暂时性差异。在某些情况下,这一结论似乎并不成立,如应收账款等项目有时也会产生暂时性差异,事实上,该资产项目此时已不再是严格意义上的货币性项目。弄清这一规律,不论在理论上还是在实践中均有重要意义。  相似文献   

资产、负债项目的性质对其暂时性差异的确定有着直接的影响。一般而言,货币性资产、负债项目不形成暂时性差异,而非货币性项目则有可能形成暂时性差异。在某些情况下,这一结论似乎并不成立,如应收账款等项目有时也会产生暂时性差异,事实上,该资产项目此时已不再是严格意义上的货币性项目。弄清这一规律,不论在理论上还是在实践中均有重要意义。  相似文献   

一、预付账款归类财税差异(一)会计上归类为非货币性资产《企业会计准则第19号——外币折算》规定:货币性项目,是指企业持有的货币资金和将以固定或可确定的金额收取的资产或者偿付的负债。非货币性项目,是指货币性项目以外的项目。《企业会计准则讲解2008》规定:货币性项  相似文献   

张志友  王超 《价值工程》2011,30(27):95-97
非货币性资产交换是会计中的重点内容,新准则中很多内容都和非货币性资产交换有密切的关系,可以说非货币性资产交换也贯穿了整个准则的始终。新准则中对非货币性资产交换的确认方式、计量基础、会计处理以及交易损益的确认等方面作了新的规定,从而对在非货币性资产交换的过程中所涉及的很多复杂涉税会计处理形成一定影响。理清非货币性资产交换中的涉税会计处理,对于理解和学习新准则具有重要意义,有必要对非货币性资产交换中的涉税会计处理问题进行必要研究。本文从对非货币性资产交换的会计处理,非货币性资产交换中损益的纳税调整及非货币性资产交换中的涉税项目的税收筹划为突破口进行分析,基本上折射出了非货币性资产交换中涉及到的涉税会计处理。  相似文献   

《企业所得税法实施条例》(以下简称《条例》)对企业非货币性资产交换纳税调整有明确规定;《企业会计准则第7号——非货币性资产交换》(以下简称《准则》)对企业非货币性资产交换的确认、计量也做出了相应规范。由于《条例》与《准则》在某些方面不一致,对非货币性交换资产初始确认产生的暂时性差异往往被忽视。  相似文献   

黄月眉 《财会月刊》2007,(18):89-90
本文揭示了新旧会计准则关于一般情况下的非货币性资产交换会计处理的差异,说明了在不涉及补价、涉及补价及同时换入多项资产这三种条件下非货币性资产交换的会计处理方法,分析了新会计准则在非货币性资产交换会计处理上的一系列重大变化。  相似文献   

新的非货币性资产交换会计准则引入了公允价值作为换入资产入账价值的计价基础,非货币性资产交换损益的确认方式也发生了变化。这使得会计处理与税法处理呈现明显的差异。如何进行纳税调整是企业正确运用非货币性资产交换准则的关键。  相似文献   

本文揭示了新旧会计准则关于一般情况下的非货币性资产交换会计处理的差异,说明了在不涉及补价、涉及补价及同时换入多项资产这三种条件下非货币性资产交换的会计处理方法,分析了新会计准则在非货币性资产交换会计处理上的一系列重大变化.  相似文献   

袁蕴  牟涛 《财会月刊》2007,(4):76-77
新的非货币性资产交换会计准则引入了公允价值作为换入资产入账价值的计价基础,非货币性资产交换损益的确认方式也发生了变化.这使得会计处理与税法处理呈现明显的差异.如何进行纳税调整是企业正确运用非货币性资产交换准则的关键.  相似文献   

就目前的情况分析,我国很多的公司开始采取非货币性的资产交易来进一步达到对利润的实际操控,因此,在各大公司发展进步过程中,对于公司内部的实际利润控制方法已经集中在了非货币性的资产交易。但是,在会计核算领域的非货币性资产交易管理工作不到位,目前只有欧美等部分几个发达资本主义国家对此进行了明确的规定。我国在2001年颁布了非货币性的资产交易企业会计核算准则,我国相关法律政策的实施有利于进一步对企业的非货币性资产交易行为进行规范和引导,有利于相关的会计核算工作顺利实施,从而进一步实现会计核算工作的可靠性提高。同时,对于我国整体市场经济的发展进步拥有重要意义。文章从非货币性资产交易会计的基本论述入手,详细阐述了引起非货币性资产交易产生的原因以及新旧非货币性资产交易会计准则的差异,最后对非货币性资产交易会计的相关处理办法进行了完整总结,对于非货币性资产交易会计问题的研究具有重要实际应用价值。  相似文献   


We consider the problem of governing systemic risk in an assets–liabilities dynamical model of a banking system. In the model considered, each bank is represented by its assets and liabilities. The net worth of a bank is the difference between its assets and liabilities and bank is solvent when its net worth is greater than or equal to zero; otherwise, the bank has failed. The banking system dynamics is defined by an initial value problem for a system of stochastic differential equations whose independent variable is time and whose dependent variables are the assets and liabilities of the banks. The banking system model presented generalizes those discussed in Fouque and Sun (in: Fouque, Langsam (eds) Handbook of systemic risk, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 444–452, 2013) and Fatone and Mariani (J Glob Optim 75(3):851–883, 2019) and describes a homogeneous population of banks. The main features of the model are a cooperation mechanism among banks and the possibility of the (direct) intervention of the monetary authority in the banking system dynamics. By “systemic risk” or “systemic event” in a bounded time interval, we mean that in that time interval at least a given fraction of banks have failed. The probability of systemic risk in a bounded time interval is evaluated via statistical simulation. Systemic risk governance aims to maintain the probability of systemic risk in a bounded time interval between two given thresholds. The monetary authority is responsible for systemic risk governance. The governance consists in the choice of assets and liabilities of a kind of “ideal bank” as functions of time and in the choice of the rules for the cooperation mechanism among banks. These rules are obtained by solving an optimal control problem for the pseudo mean field approximation of the banking system model. Governance induces banks in the system to behave like the “ideal bank”. Shocks acting on the banks’ assets or liabilities are simulated. Numerical examples of systemic risk governance in the presence and absence of shocks acting on the banking system are studied.


《Economic Systems》2022,46(4):101054
The lack of developed financial markets and well-functioning transmission channels assigns monetary aggregates in emerging economies the potential role of nominal anchor, intermediate target, or informational variable for monetary policy. The effectiveness of this approach relies crucially on the correct measurement of money, which is not fulfilled by the conventional index based on the simple sum of financial assets. This paper calculates alternative Divisia monetary aggregates for Russia over the period 1998–2019, which account for the level of liquidity of a given monetary asset by assigning weights according to the usefulness of that asset for transaction services. Divisia is found to follow a markedly different growth pattern from the simple sum, whereby deviations between the two series are even more pronounced when foreign currency accounts are included. We conduct three empirical exercises to demonstrate the advantages of Divisia over the simple sum. Divisia confirms the stability of the money demand function and reflects portfolio shifts in response to changes in the opportunity cost of money. Divisia-based GDP nowcasting performs better in times of financial turmoil than the simple sum. Lastly, Divisia mitigates the price puzzle phenomenon relative to the conventional measure. We conclude that Divisia monetary aggregates would improve the effectiveness of monetary policy in Russia.  相似文献   

2006年发布的所得税会计准则,要求采用资产负债表债务法,引入计税基础计量暂时性差异,重在规范递延所得税资产或负债的确认及计量,在资产及负债存量可靠、完整的基础上,从资产及负债的增减变动导出对所得税费用的影响金额,体现了资产负债观在我国会计规范中的运用。  相似文献   

This review identifies in the literature three distinct conceptual frameworks for analysing money, in which the means of settlement is provided by (i) a special commodity used in exchange, (ii) all generally accepted media of exchange including some bank deposits, and (iii) a book‐keeping system recording changes in ownership of financial assets within a pure credit economy. All three sections consider the implications for monetary policy aimed at maintaining price stability. The paper concludes that future theoretical developments are likely to take place within finance theory rather than being based on the quantity theory of money.  相似文献   

This survey provides an updated review of the empirical literature on the regional effects of monetary policy in economic activity by means of undertaking a threefold perspective. First, the main methodological dimensions of this literature are examined while pinpointing those modelling or methodological traits that constitute a source of diverging estimates and thereby produce inconclusive evidence. Secondly, the estimates yielded by the literature are summarized by carrying out a cross‐study analysis of the results for each monetary union. By drawing on empirical regularities that are robust across studies, the conclusiveness of the results is assessed, while those monetary unions for which conclusive evidence is still lacking are also identified. Lastly, the sources of regional heterogeneity identified by these studies are reviewed in order to shed some light on the linkage between monetary policy and territorial heterogeneity. As a result of this threefold perspective, this survey delivers overall structured conclusions and updated policy‐relevant lessons. Moreover, various research gaps and emerging topics in the literature are also identified.  相似文献   

Can monetary policy trigger pronounced boom-bust cycles in house prices and create persistent business cycles? We address this question by building heuristics into an otherwise standard DSGE model. As a result, monetary policy sets off waves of optimism and pessimism (“animal spirits”) that drive house prices, that, in turn, have strong repercussions on the business cycle. We compare our findings to a standard model with rational expectations by means of impulse responses. We suggest that a standard Taylor rule is not well-suited to maintain macroeconomic stability. Instead, an augmented rule that incorporates house prices is shown to be superior.  相似文献   

本文在货币需求函数稳健性为货币政策中介目标有效性标准的假设基础上,结合货币政策传导过程中的非对称性,构建具有非对称性的LSTAR模型。货币政策中介目标的选择有不同统计口径的货币供应量,采用M1、M2和Divisia加权M1、M2时,货币需求函数稳健性具有差异性;利用构建的LSTAR模型,使用M1、M2和测算Divisa加权M1、M2对相应LSTAR模型进行实证分析,发现Divisa加权的货币供应量作为货币政策中介目标比不加权的更为有效,而就货币供应量层次分析,Divisa加权的M2比M1更有效。  相似文献   

We explore how embedded options in assets and liabilities of financial institutions impact interest rate risk, which is measured by equity value change with interest rate movements. We find that both asset and liability durations decline when embedded options are present where liability duration declines more substantially. This leads to a duration-mismatch and a negative change in equity value when interest rates rise, but a positive change for interest rate declines. In a more sophisticated model, an option adjusted duration-matching strategy eliminates interest rate risk caused by duration-mismatch, but the convexity-mismatch remains large due to large negative convexity of callable assets and large positive convexity of putable liabilities. The interest rate risk introduced by convexity mismatch is quite large in comparison to that of duration mismatch. The pattern of this impact is complex and strongest for roughly intermediate maturities. We propose and show that a simple convexity hedging strategy with putable assets and callable liabilities (or caps and floors combined with floating rate assets and liabilities) reduces the interest rate risk substantially.  相似文献   

货币资金是企业资产的重要组成部分。货币资金对企业的健康经营和发展十分重要,因此企业货币资金的内部控制管理对货币资金的安全性、流动性和收益性本就有着至关重要的意义。近年来,白酒行业新兴起了一种"存款销酒"的销售模式,该销售模式又对白酒企业的货币资金内部控制提出了更高的要求。本文以A企业采用该种销售模式导致一亿元银行存款丢失事件为案例,通过分析A企业货币资金内部控制要素,评价其在货币资金内部控制中存在的缺陷,提出企业加强货币资金内部控制的策略。  相似文献   

Abstract We propose a simple, yet sufficiently encompassing, classification scheme of monetary economics. It comprises three fundamental fields and six recent areas that expand within and across these fields. The elements of our scheme are not found together and in their mutual relationships in earlier studies of the relevant literature; neither does this attempt aim to produce a relatively complete systematization. Our intention in taking stock is not finality or exhaustiveness. We rather suggest a viewpoint and a possible ordering of the accumulating knowledge. Our purpose is to promote discussion on the evolving nature and internal consistency of monetary economics at large.  相似文献   

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