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I. IntroductionA plethora of research has focused on therelationship between returns and volatility, andcointegration among major, well-established financial markets. It has been found that aninverse relationship exists between an individualfirm’s stock return volatility and itsstockprice. There are two popular explanations: the first one is related to the leverage effect. Itasserts that a decrease in afirm’s stock price increases the firm’s debt ratio (or decreasesthefirm’s equity ratio)…  相似文献   

This paper attempts to examine whether the asymmetry of stock return volatility varies with the level of volatility. Thus, quantile regression based tests (ρ-tests) are presupposed. These tests differ from the diagnostic tests introduced by Engle and Ng (1993) insofar as they can provide a complete picture of asymmetries in volatility across quantiles of variance distribution and, in case of non-normal errors, they have improved power due to their robustness against non-normality. A small Monte Carlo evidence suggests that the Wald and likelihood ratio (LR) tests out of ρ-tests are reasonable, showing that they outperform the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test based on least squares residuals when the innovations exhibit heavy tail. Using the normalized residuals obtained from AR(1)-GARCH(1, 1) estimation, the test results demonstrated that only the TOPIX out of six stock-return series had asymmetry in volatility at moderate level, while all stock return series except the FAZ and FA100 had more significant asymmetry in volatility at higher levels. Interestingly, it is clear from the empirical findings that, like hypothesis of leverage effects, volatility of the TOPIX, CAC40, and, MIB tends to respond significantly to extremely negative shock at high level, but is not correlated with any positive shock. These might be valuable findings that have not been seriously considered in past research, which has focussed only on mean level of volatility.  相似文献   

日经指数期货与现货市场波动关联性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以日收益率作为分析对象,考察了日经225指数期货推出对日本股票市场指数波动性的影响,研究样本期间为1984.01.04~2009.09.30.分别采用EGARCH、TGARCH和DCC-GARCH3种模型对日收益率的条件方差及市场波动性之间的关系进行实证分析,研究结果表明:(1)日经225指数期货在大阪证券交易所(OSE)的推出加剧了股票现货市场的波动性;(2)好坏消息对股指波动率的影响存在非对称性,即利空消息对收益率波动率的影响比利好消息大;(3)日经225指数期货与标的指数之间的波动性具有较强的联动性和传递性,且2007年次贷危机的爆发加强了两者间的相关性.  相似文献   

运用广义误差分布的EGARCH(1,1)模型,分析中小板市场"牛市"和"熊市"行情(即样本)的波动非对称性。主要结论有:在牛市、熊市中等量"利好"消息与"利空"消息对股市产生的冲击是不对称的:在牛市中,"利好"消息对股市的影响要比相同力度的"利空"消息影响大;在熊市中,"利空"消息对股市的影响要比相同力度的"利好"消息影响大;中小板市场的波动性较大。  相似文献   


This study adopts the SWARCH model to examine the volatile behavior and volatility linkages among the four major segmented Chinese stock indices. We find strong evidence of a regime shift in the volatility of the four markets, and the SWARCH model appears to outperform standard generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) family models. The evidence suggests that, compared with the A-share markets, B-share markets stay in a high-volatility state longer and are more volatile and shift more frequently between high- and low-volatility states. In addition, the relative magnitude of the high-volatility compared with that of the low-volatility state in the B-share markets is much greater than the case in the two A-share markets. B-share markets are found to be more sensitive to international shocks, while A-share markets seem immune to international spillovers of volatility. Finally, analyses of the volatility spillover effect among the four stock markets indicate that the A-share markets play a dominant role in volatility in Chinese stock markets.  相似文献   

The fact that stock market returns in Europe and the USA are characterised by conditional heteroscedasticity is by now well documented in a large literature. We address the question of whether the same is true of the four Chinese stock markets (Shanghai and Shenzhen A and B) over the period from 25 November 1994 to 27 April 2001. Using daily index data, we make two departures from the standard GARCH(1,1) model. First, we use exponential GARCH (EGARCH) to allow for asymmetry in the volatility, which may be present as a result of leverage effects. Second, we respond to evidence of two-way causality between volume and return (and return volatility) by introducing a simultaneous equation model of the relationship. The results of estimating the model indicate that asymmetry does not seem to be present to a significant degree, possibly as a result of lack of information or concern among Chinese investors. We find that volume appears to play a significant part in determining index volatility, which may reflect information arrival effects or may alternatively result from the direct impact of trading on volatility. At the same time, we also find that both the level of returns and their conditional variance have an impact on trade volume, probably because positive (negative) returns tend to attract (deter) investors into the markets.  相似文献   

Some important aspects of returns to education in Indonesia have been neglected. This paper draws on the Indonesia Family Life Survey, a longitudinal survey, to shed some light on these aspects. This paper finds in a Mincerian specification that a more recent rate of return is in line with the rates found in previous research. A quantile regression is applied to show that the rate varies little in the conditional distribution of earnings, which stands in stark contrast to findings from some developed countries. In addition, the rate of return in self‐employment is estimated to be lower than that in paid employment for person‐ and sector‐specific reasons. In addition to monetary returns to education, happiness returns to education are considered. This paper advances evidence that education has important and robust implications for happiness above and beyond absolute and relative levels of income.  相似文献   

Most studies on the correlations in stock returns and volatilities focus on the contemporaneous relationships and spillover effects in major stock markets such as the US and Japan. This paper adds to the literature by focusing on the dynamic relationship in the volatilities of the returns in the Pacific-Rim stock markets. The causality in variances test method of Cheung and Ng (1996), a multivariate GARCH model and VAR analyses are employed to model conditional volatilities and study the dynamic responses of volatilities to innovations in conditional variances. The results suggest that while the stock markets are correlated in returns and volatilities contemporaneously and with lags, idiosyncratic factors play important roles in national stock markets. In addition, the dynamic adjustment of the market return volatilities can take a much longer time than previously reported in some of the countries studied.  相似文献   

Using the 2000 through 2008 waves of the Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares (ENIGH), Mexico's income and expenditure survey, we estimate the way in which volatility surrounding the inflows of international remittances impacts male and female labor supply. We find that male and female labor supply decreases with higher levels of remittance income. Additionally, increases in remittance income volatility raise the employment likelihood of men and women, as well as the hours worked by employed women. Since men are more likely than women to be employed full‐time, women may be better suited to respond to increased volatility in remittance income by raising the number of hours worked. Overall, the findings are suggestive of labor supply being used as a buffer against income shortfalls and increased volatility in remittance inflows.  相似文献   

李勇  李辉富 《改革与战略》2011,27(8):184-186
文章指出,信息不对称问题会严重阻碍微型金融的发展。信息越是对称,交易将越方便,市场将越发达,解决好因信息不对称导致的市场摩擦对微型金融的发展至关重要。文章重点分析因信息不对称对微型金融产生的影响,提出了完善法律机制和信息披露机制、扶持交易商发展、完善保险制度和减少政府干预等促进巴基斯坦微型金融发展的建议。  相似文献   

冯学锋 《开放导报》2006,(3):99-102
信息不对称会导致逆向选择和道德风险。在银行并购市场上,信息不对称可能会导致并购银行放弃了优质银行而并购了低质量的银行,或者付出此实际价值更高的成本并购了目标银行。二者都加大了银行并购的成本,影响并购效果。设立最优契约,甄别质量高低银行,同时针对经营层拥有的私人信息,股东从监督和激励两个方面诱导经营层的行为与股东利益一致,是解决银行并购中信息不对称问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of financial and trade liberalization on growth volatility of real output and consumption in Africa. Our results suggest trade liberalization is associated with greater output and consumption growth volatility while financial liberalization increases the efficacy of consumption smoothing and stabilizes income and consumption growth. In addition, we find financial market depth and institutional quality operate jointly with trade and financial openness to reduce volatility in output and consumption growth. There is also evidence that good institutions which foster low inflation levels and volatility promote consumption and output growth stability.  相似文献   

以往传统的仅依靠现货市场运营的单一运作模式是新疆棉产业历年难以走出困境的主要症结所在。如何利用棉花期货助推新疆棉产业转变发展方式,实现优势资源转换,是新疆棉产业亟待解决的重大问题。本文阐释了棉花期货助推新疆棉产业发展的作用,分析了2号棉(新疆棉)合约缺失、新疆棉花指定交割仓库缺位等制约新疆棉产业有效利用棉花期货的因素,提出了新疆棉产业利用棉花期货转变发展方式的组织模式及对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies the rise and fall of the first financial futures market in China. We compare the characteristics in the Chinese Government bond futures market with those in the US T-bond futures market. They differ in market design and structure, market governance, margin requirements, position limits, delivery process, and the way in which the settlement price is calculated. Furthermore, with a unique dataset, we show that prior to maturities of government bond futures, traders began to accumulate significant amounts of long positions for several selected contracts without the intention to offset, forcing short position holders to either purchase deliverable bonds or offset futures at highly inflated prices, causing higher market volatility and price disequilibrium in both spot and futures markets. Arbitrage opportunity arises and the market eventually collapses. The lessons learned from the suspension of the Chinese Government bond futures market offer an invaluable learning experience.  相似文献   

夏睿 《改革与战略》2014,(5):134-136
自从中国加入世贸组织以来,我国大豆对外贸易逆差越来越大。大豆进口量逐年增长以及对进口依存度过高等现象的存在,给国内大豆种植生产带来了一定的影响。文章主要从中国大豆对外贸易的现状着手,分别从中国大豆定价权的缺失、转基因大豆对我国大豆行业的冲击、国内政策对大豆产业的支持力度不够、大豆进口管理机制有待完善等四个方面阐述了中国大豆对外贸易所存在的问题。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Skalenertr?ge und M?glichkeiten der Faktorsubstitution in der spanischen Industrie.— Mit diesem Beitrag wird versucht, eine wichtige Infonnationslücke hinsichtlich der Produktionsbedingungen in der verarbeitenden Industrie Spaniens schlie\en zu helfen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Cobb-Douglas- und CES-Funktionen für 20 Branchen mit Hilfe von Querschnittsregressionen für das Jahr 1968 gesch?tzt. Angesichts der v?llig unzureichenden Industriestatistiken in Spanien mu\ten die ben?tigten Daten von Unternehmern direkt erfragt werden. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen (1) da\ sich die relative Bedeutung von zunehmenden, konstanten und abnehmenden Skalenertr?gen ziemlich die Waage h?lt und (2) da\ die Substitutionselastizit?ten zwischen Arbeit und Kapital für die Mehrheit der Branchen recht hoch zu sein scheinen. Da nur sehr einfache Modelle angewandt wurden und Verzerrungen in den Sch?tzergebnissen m?glich sind, k?nnen die numerischen Werte, vorl?ufig, nichts mehr als Orientierungshilfen für die Anwendung einer exportorientierten Industrialisierungsstrategie sein.
Résumé Rendements d’échelle et possibilités de substitution des facteurs de production dans l’industrie espagnole.— Cet article veut aider à remplir une lacune importante dans l’information disponible sur les conditions de production dans l’industrie espagnole de transformation. A cet effet, on a estimé — à l’aide de régressions transversales — les fonctions Cobb-Douglas et CES pour vingt branches industrielles en 1968. Vu l’insuffisance absolue des statistiques industrielles pour l’Espagne, il fallait demander les données nécessaires directement aux entrepreneurs. Les résultats obtenus démontrent (1) que l’importance relative des rendements d’échelle augmentants, constants et diminuants est assez équilibrée et (2) que les élases ticitde substitution entre la main-d’∄uvre et le capital paraissent être relativement hautes pour la majorité des branches. Puisqu’on n’a employé que des modèles très simples, et puisqu’il peut y avoir des inexactitudes dans les résultats d’estimation, les valeurs numériques ne peuvent, en attendant, représenter que des points d’orientation pour l’élaboration d’une stratégie d’industrialisation, qui vise l’exportation.

Resumen Rendimientos de escala y grado de substituibilidad de los factores de productión en la industria espa?ola.— El objetivo de este estudio es contribuir al mejoramiento de la información sobre las relaciones de producción existentes en la industria manufacturera espa?ola. Para ello se estimaron, mediante regressiones de corte transversal para el a?o 1968, funciones de productión del tipo CobbDouglas y CES para 20 sectores. En vista del estado deficiente de las estadísticas industriales en Espa?a, tuvieron que utilizarse datos facilitados directamente por empresas. Los resultados obtenidos parecen indicar que (1) la importancia relativa de rendimientos de escala crecientes, constantes y decrecientes es bastante equilibrada y que (2) las elasticidades de sustitución entre los factores trabajo y capital son relativamente altas para la mayoría de los sectores. Debido a que se utilizaron modelos muy simples y a que no cabe descartar la posibilidad de sesgos en las estimaciones, los valores numéricos no pueden, de momento, ser más que puntos de orientatión para la elaboratión de una estrategia de industrializatión hacia afuera.

Riassunto Rendimenti di scala e possibilità della sostituzione di fattori nell’industria spagnola.— In questo articolo si cerca di contribuire a colmare una lacuna di informazione riguardante le condizioni di produzione nell’industria manifatturiera spagnola. Per questo scopo funzioni Cobb-Douglas e CES furono valutate per 20 settori con l’aiuto di regressioni trasversali per l’anno 1968. In vista delle statistiche industriali del tutto insufficienti in Spagna, i dati occorrenti furono direttamente richiesti agli impresari. I risultati ottenuti mostrano (1) che l’importanza relativa di rendimenti di scala crescente, costante e decrescente è abbastanza equilibrata e (2) che le elasticità di sostituzione tra lavoro e capitale sembrano essere relativamente alte per la maggioranza dei settori. Dal momento che furono utilizzati soltanto modelli assai semplici e deformazioni nei risultati valutati sono possibili, i valori numerici non possono essere più punti di orientamento per l’impiego di una strategia d’industrializzazione orientata verso l’esportazione.

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