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Tangible Suggestions on Promoting All Weather Bilateral Trade I would first of all like to extend warm greetings from the people of Pakistan to the people of China on the 55th year of all weather friendship between our two countries and this all weather friendship will keep rising. Succeeding generations in both countries have ever since carefully nurtured this friendship which has blossomed into beautiful and all comprehensive partnership for peace and development. Pakistan China friendship is rooted in the ethos of our peoples.It evokes spontaneous love, respect, admiration and touches a receptive cord in every heart that resonates and energizes this unique relationship.  相似文献   

On January 1,2007,Ro- mania and Bulgaria joined the European Union (EU), bringing the EU membership total to 27."This event has great significance in boosting bilateral relations between Romania and China."H.E.Mr.Viorel Isticioaia,Roma- nian Ambassador gave his comments when interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in December,2006. "We will take the heritage of the tradi- tonal friendship with China as a gift to the EU.Both Romania and China will enjoy the new framework of China-EU relations." Ambassador Viorel said. The interview with Ambassador Viorel was held in a pleasant atmosphere;his great sense of humor,fluent Chinese and smart expression made you believe that the long friendship between Romania and China has never changed.The reporter said:"This is the happiest interview I have done!" The follows are his comments.  相似文献   

China and Pakistan have an especially close friendship, during the past 57 years they have developed their diplomatic ties,and both have prospered from the smooth development of friendly and neighborly relations, as well as mutually beneficial cooperation. In 2006, the successful exchange of visits between the two presidents has brought bilateral relations into a new phase; in addition, the two sides have strengthened their high-level strategic dialogue. Though the top leaders in Pakistan have recently changed, the countries' friendship will never change; therefore, it was a meaningful gesture that in October 2008, H.E. Mr. AsifAli Zardari, the newly elected president, chose China for his first official visit abroad,  相似文献   

Q1. This year is the 50th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Syria, and the friendship between the two countries can trace back to 2000 years ago. Would you introduce the development situation of economy and trade relationship between China and Syria?  相似文献   

"In recent years, we've found increasing interest from Chinese investors in the Belarus economy. Please let China know, Belarus is always ready to be a true friend to China. We have built a fort in Europe for China," the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko told Zhou Xiaochuan, President of the Bank of China, during his visit to the capital of Minsk, on January 8th, he expressed his high praise and firm confidence in the development of Sino-Belarusian relations.  相似文献   

"In recent years,we've found increasing interest from Chinese investors in the Belarus economy. Please let China know,Belarus is always ready to be a true friend to China.We have built a fort in Europe for China,"the President of Belarus,Alexander Lukashenko told Zhou Xiaochuan, President of the Bank of China,during his visit to the capital of Minsk,on January 8th,he expressed his high praise and firm confidence in the development of Sino-Belarusian relations.  相似文献   

Interview with Xie Zhongmei, Counsellor of the Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of P. R. China Q1. This year is the 50th Anniver-sary of diplomatic relations between China and Syria, and the friendship between the two countries can trace back to 2000 years ago. Would you introduce the development situation of economy and trade relationship between China and Syria?  相似文献   

China Premier Wen Jiabao paid an official visit to Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India from April 5 to 12. Pakistan was his first stop. This is the second meeting of two prime ministers. Both sides discussed how to further develop Sino-Pakistan relations and cooperation of mutual benefit and reached wide common understanding. After the meeting, they signed the Treaty of Good-  相似文献   

The Russian Federation and the P.R. China have a long standing friendship, which has been highly praised from generation to generation. During recent years, the close bilateral political relations and high-level government visits between the two countries have made solid foundations for promoting bilateral economic and trade cooperation. In 2006, China is celebrating Russia Year, in 2007 Russia will celebrate China Year, giving unprecedented opportunities for the promotion of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries. In August, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Sergey TSYPLAKOV, Trade Representative for the Russian Federation (of Minister Rank), he stated: "The bilateral economic and trade cooperation between Russia and China has never been better!" By Editor  相似文献   

The Russian Federation and the P.R. China have a long standing friendship, which has been highly praised from generation to generation. During recent years, the close bilateral political relations and high-level government visits between the two countries have made solid foundations for promoting bilateral economic and trade cooperation. In 2006, China is celebrating Russia Year, in 2007 Russia will celebrate China Year, giving unprecedented opportunities for the promotion of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries. In August, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Sergey TSYPLAKOV, Trade Representative for the Russian Federation (of Minister Rank), he stated: "The bilateral economic and trade cooperation between Russia and China has never been better!" By Editor  相似文献   

China and Pakistan are good neighbors and time-honored friends. During the past 56 years of diplomatic relations, both sides have developed a special friendship which enjoys the fame of "All Weather Friendship". At the invitation of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz paid an official visit to China in April, and attended the 2007 Annual Conference of Boao Forum. During his visit, the Prime Minister contacted Chinese government leaders. Both sides have reached a common understanding of promoting the China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperative Partnership to a new stage, especially on the following issues: 1. Actively implementing China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement(FTA) and China-Pakistan Economic and Trade Cooperation 5-year Development Program, encourage the mutual investment, adjust the trade structure, and promote the fast and healthy economic development of both sides. 2. Expand the people's communication and exchange, enhance the mutual understanding, and consolidate the traditional friendship. 3. Tighten the communication and cooperation in multi-lateral affairs, and strengthen the stability and development of the South Asia. For a long term, as a famous financial expert and banker, Shaukat Aziz has been dedicated to the financial development. Now, as a Prime Minister, he has made tremendous contributions in promoting the Pakistan-China economic and trade cooperation. The following is a written interview with Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz.  相似文献   

In 2010, China and Ecuador celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Accepting an invitation from the Chinese government, Ricardo Armando Patino Aroca, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration of Ecuador, and his delegation had a state visit to China. During his visit, China's Foreign Trade magazine interviewed the Minister, providing his views on bilateral relations, he stated that in the past thirty years, bilateral relation haven't developed enough and the aim of this visit was to strengthen bilateral relations further, especially regarding the economy and travel.  相似文献   

Belarus-China cooperation provides good example of interstate relations The cooperation between Belarus and China is a good example of interstate relations, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Belarus Hu Hunbin said at the meeting with the stu- dents and professors of the Management Academy under President of Belarus on September 4. According to him, the bilateral rela- tions enjoy a sustainable development in all the areas. A political dialogue between the two countries is particularly success- ful. In line with the top-level agreements,  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa in 2008,China is celebrating"South Africa Week"to com- memorate.H.E.Dr.Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma,the minister of South Africa,and the delegation attended the series of ac- tivities in China."South Africa Week"got great success and more and more Chinese people focus on the beautiful and attrac- tive country-South Africa.Dr.Ayanda Ntsaluba,the Director General in Foreign Affairs of South Africa shared his view on the bilateral relations and cooperation, and the development of South Africa with the journalist of China's Foreign Trade magazine.  相似文献   

China and Pakistan have an es- pecially close friendship,dur- ing the past 57 years they have developed their diplomatic ties, and both have prospered from the smooth development of friendly and neighborly relations,as well as mutually beneficial cooperation.In 2006,the successful exchange of visits between the two presi-  相似文献   

Mr.Sorin Dimitriu,President of Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry,is an old friend of China.This August,he visited Beijing for the Romanian-Chinese Business Forum,along with 35 Romanian enterprises as a large business delegation accompanying Romanian Prime Minister Mr.Emil Boc's visit to China.Less than one month later,he was in Beijing again for the 2011 Beijing International Conference of Friendly Chambers of Commerce in September.In his career life,he has made great efforts to the promotion of Romanian-Chinese business.On the bilateral trade and investment of between Romania and China,China's Foreign Trade took an exclusive interview with Mr.Sorin Dimitriu.  相似文献   

Mr.Lim Sit Chen,the Chairman of Board of Investment (BOI)in Mauritius,as a distinguished guest came to China ac- companying the Prime Minister of Mauritius,H.E. Dr.Navin- chandra Ramgoolam's visiting in this July.On the China- Mauritius Investment Promotion Seminar,excellent speech he delivered,charm of manner he was and great efforts to pro- mote the economic,trade and finance relations between China and Mauritius he had made,swept the audience off their feet. Besides Chairman of BOI,Mr.Lim owns many other titles under his name,such as Managing Director of Stewardship Consulting Pte Ltd in Singapore and President of Spirit of En- terprise in Mauritius. What's more, he has an international working experience and education background in Mauritius, Singapore and America. Recently,China's Foreign Trade had a written interview with Mr.Lim Sit Chen when he was on a business trip in Singa- pore.The following are the views he shared with us. By Editor  相似文献   

After Mongolian President Bagabandy's visit to China in July this year, China and Mongolia strengthened neighborly and friendly bilateral relations and opened a new chapter for cooperation in many fields. More than two months passed since then, how are the cooperative agreements that both side signed going on? What will the two countries do in future? Below is the interview with H.E. L. Amarsanaa, Ambassador of Mongolia to China, in which he stated the President's visit and introduced economic and trade cooperation between two countries recently.  相似文献   

After Mongolian President Bagabandy‘s visit to China in July this year, China and Mongolia strengthened neighborly and friendly bilateral relations and opened a new chapter for cooperation in many fields. More than two months passed since then, how are the cooperative agreements that both side signed going on? What will the two countries do in future? Below is the interview with H.E. L. Amarsanaa, Ambassador of Mongolia to China, in which he stated the President‘s visit and introduced economic and trade cooperation between two countries recently.  相似文献   

For China and Mexico, the just past July 2008 is their "honeymoon", as their relations have been consolidated by a series of big events. Only three days later after Mexican President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa met his counterpart Hun Jintao at G8, he paid an official visit to China on July 9, and agreed with Chinese top leaders on some significant issues. It was the first China tour that Calderon paid since he took office in December 2006.  相似文献   

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