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Implications of ethnic diversity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Paul Collier 《Economic Policy》2001,16(32):127-166
Ethnically differentiated societies are often regarded as dysfunctional, with poor economic performance and a high risk of violent civil conflict. I argue that this is not well founded. I distinguish between 'dominance', in which one group constitutes a majority, and 'fractionalization', in which there are many small groups. In terms of overall economic performance, I show that both theoretically and empirically, fractionalization is normally unproblematic in democracies, although it can be damaging in dictatorships. Fractionalized societies have worse public sector performance, but this is offset by better private sector performance. Societies characterized by dominance are in principle likely to have worse economic performance, but empirically the effect is weak. In terms of the risk of civil war, I show that both theoretically and empirically fractionalization actually makes societies safer, while dominance increases the risk of conflict. A policy implication is that fractionalized societies are viable and secession should be discouraged.
—Paul Collier  相似文献   

Until recently, factors determining the decisions made by microfinance institutions (MFIs) to extend loans to business start-ups had not been explored. Recent evidence shows that MFI performance with regard to funds issued for small business start-ups depends on MFI-level characteristics such as profit orientation. We argue that these decisions do not only depend on MFI-specific practices or characteristics, but also on the role ethnic diversity plays. Using data on microfinance lending activities for business start-ups, we examine the impact of ethnic diversity on microenterprise start-ups. Results show that ethnic diversity negatively affects the provision of financial capital for business start-up. Furthermore, results also suggest a negative association between ethnic diversity and the share of female borrowers recorded by MFIs. We examine social networks and outreach as potential channels through which ethnic diversity affects business start-ups.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine how the two dimensions of income inequality and ethnic diversity affect the formation of political coalitions and the reallocation of income. I construct a legislative bargaining model to analyze when coalitions form along the income dimension and when it forms along the ethnic dimension. The results of the model suggest that the agenda setter selects a partner with a lower aggregate income: a smaller population size and a lower income level. Further, I extend the model from a one-round to a two-round game. The extended model shows that forming an oversized coalition is a possible equilibrium outcome and is consistent with the empirical findings.  相似文献   

生态环境多样性造就文化多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国生态环境是多样性的.正是由于地势西高东低,高差悬殊,地貌结构复杂,山川纵横,山谷众多,所以才构成了我国千姿百态的地貌类型.正是由于气候多样,南北变化很大,所以才构成了我国气候的多样性.我国的大部分领土处于北温带,正是黑格尔所说的"历史的真正的舞台".类型多样的地貌和多样化的气候资源,为种类繁多的生物生成和繁衍提供了极为优越的环境条件,而生态环境和生物的多样性又造就了富有特色的文化多样性.  相似文献   

While Professor Pagano’s general argument is attractive and may be valid, the Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis that he employs is extremely implausible from a sociobiological perspective. It posits the evolution of massive social inefficiencies in hominin societies over a long period during which there was doubtless severe competition among hominin groups for the same large animal scavenging/hunting niche. I propose an alternative to this part of Pagano’s argument that renders his overall theory more plausible. In this alternative, human hyper-cognition is a social good because it supplies powerful and flexible group leadership, which was likely a key element in the evolution of hominin hyper-cognition.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that autocratic culture adversely affects social trust and political participation. We find that individuals whose ancestors migrated from countries with higher autocracy levels are less likely to trust others and to vote in presidential elections in the U.S. The impact of autocratic culture on trust can last for at least three generations while the impact on voting disappears after one generation. These impacts on trust and voting are also significant across Europe. We further access the robustness of our findings concerning selection into migration and other confounders such as home countries’ economic conditions, human capital stocks, and the strength of family ties.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the way the Austrian theory of institutions evolved from Menger’s main works. It also tries to advance the idea that the economics of institutions, when it deals with the emergence and evolution of rules and norms from interacting individuals, is inspired by Menger’s work and more generally by the Austrian analysis of the emergence and evolution of institutions. Recent works in the economics of institutions build on this earlier Austrian work to make it more formalized and testable.
Pierre GarrousteEmail:

A conceptual argument is offered for the centrality of religion to the structure of capitalist civilization. This centrality is documented by examples of the role of Christianity in European civilization.  相似文献   

The target paper by Elinor Ostrom in this Special Issue carries a clear message about her research agenda: be attentive to institutional diversity, be aware of the danger of ‘monoculture’ and ‘monocropping’ of rules. Although Ostrom was fully aware of the necessity to focus on relevant and simplified variables in order to build general explanations, she deliberately adopted a bottom-up research strategy that opposes the top-down approach dominating social sciences. Her framework, developed through extensive field studies, shows the central role of “clusters” of rules in defining institutions and understanding how they change. My discussion is organized around this privilege conferred to rules. Section 2 posits her contribution, particularly her IAD model, in relation to New Institutional Economics. Section 3 focuses on what I consider her main contribution: her analysis of rules as the strategic point through which changes happen. Section 4 discusses some methodological issues, and Sect. 5 concludes.  相似文献   

A conceptual argument is offered for the centrality of religion to the structure of capitalist civilization. This centrality is documented by examples of the role of Christianity in European civilization.  相似文献   

Although it is known that ethnic biases exist in Africa, less is known about how these respond to natural resource prices. Many ethnically fragmented African countries depend on a small number commodities for their export base. Oil prices experienced in early life predict differential adult outcomes across Nigerian ethnic groups. Our difference-in-difference approach compares members of southern ethnicities to other Nigerians from the same birth cohort. This North-South distinction mirrors several economic, political, and religious cleavages in the country. Greater prices in a southern individual’s birth year predict several relative outcomes, including reduced fertility, delayed marriage, higher probabilities of working and having a skilled occupation, greater schooling, lower height, and greater BMI. These microeconomic impacts are explained by macroeconomic responses to oil prices; relatively, urban incomes increase, food production declines, and maternal labor intensifies in the South.  相似文献   

The consumer's demand for diversity is measured either by the entropy or by the Hirschman-Herfindahl index of the budget shares. This notion, including the income elasticity of the demand for diversity, is applied to per capita consumption data of 30 countries.  相似文献   

本文通过对地方性合并高校物资设备资源配置中存在的问题:物资设备资金投入严重不足,经费配置不尽合理,物资管理重投入、轻产出,不考核资产的使用效益等进行了分析,提出了优化物资资源应注重效益优先、实物管理和价值管理并重、有偿使用和资源共享的原则,并提出了优化民族地区高校物资资源配置的思路。  相似文献   

This paper offers a theory of how the degree of corruption that prevails in a society responds to changes in the ownership structure of major public service providers. We show that there are cases in which privatization, even though it fosters investments in infrastructure, also opens the door to more corruption. The public dissatisfaction towards privatization is then crucially affected by the changes in the degree and pattern of corruption. Our model thus helps understand the seemingly paradoxical situation prevailing in Latin America, where most studies find that privatizations have been efficiency-enhancing and have fostered investments and, at the same time, popular dissatisfaction with the process is extremely high, especially among the middle class. We show that this line of explanation is consistent with the evidence from surveys in the region.  相似文献   

This paper uses expenditure survey data to analyse disparities in income elasticities of demand by ethnic origin. Engel curve estimates indicate that the food elasticity varies with ethnic origin, while the others are quite similar. With data on five food commodities, the income elasticities display considerable disparities.  相似文献   

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