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感官体验营销在超市生鲜食品销售中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对感官体验营销的分析并结合超市生鲜食品销售的现状,提出零售企业在生鲜食品的销售中集合运用视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉于一体的感官刺激作用,开展设计以快速提升生鲜商品的销售量。  相似文献   

无论是多么优秀完美的理论,只有能够指导企业进行品牌塑造和开展所有营销活动并最终实现经济利益的转化时,我们才会使用它并对它进行深入地研究探讨。感官营销理论随着社会经济不断发展而逐渐出现并得以应用。本文从视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉与嗅觉五感分别叙述感官营销在品牌塑造和体验营销中的应用。  相似文献   

本文从旅游纪念品的市场需求现状入手,分析了当前旅游纪念品营销中存在几个问题,并以此为基础,提出为了能够在同质化严重的旅游纪念品市场独树一帜,除了在产品开发与设计等方面努力,还应该从感官体验入手加强旅游纪念品的营销策略:即在感官体验指导下通过完善纪念品多样化特色化以满足游客的核心体验、搭建主题化营销场景、注重细节的设计来实施感官体验、加强管理以创造美好体验、强化纪念品品牌意识、提高从业人员的服务与营销专业素养几个方面提高特色旅游纪念品营销路径,以期能够促进旅游购物和旅游市场的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

随着粮食安全概念的推进和居民膳食结构多样化发展,居民杂粮消费行为也发生了一定改变。通过调查分析河北省保定市居民的杂粮消费行为,可以发现大多数消费者比较注重膳食结构多样化,对于杂粮概念具有一定认知,并且意识到了杂粮在日常饮食中的重要性。最后,对企业、种植户和政府三个主体提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

吴晓峰 《商》2014,(16):40-41
现代市场经济条件下,房地产企业想要在竞争中取胜,在保证为顾客提供所需产品的同时,也要不断调整观念,实施多元化的营销策略组合,本文通过多方面对房地产行业营销策略进行概括分析,从而对完善我国房地产行业营销策略提出建议。  相似文献   

基于感官营销的品牌个性塑造策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着消费者购买理性与品牌意识的加强,企业更加关注消费者的体验,各企业的品牌塑造意识空前强烈。在体验经济时代的背景下,本文基于感官营销的思想与原理,提出了品牌个性塑造的思路与方向。  相似文献   

翠兰产品定位比较模糊,价格相对混乱,市场营销缺乏竞争力,缺失边界的营销渠道和有效的促销组合策略,权利营销没有充分发挥作用,茶叶质量监管力度也不大,有点力不从心,缺乏实力强大的产业化龙头企业,缺乏持之以恒的宣传推动和系统的营销措施,导致茶叶销售局面难以打开,建立翠兰营销应用研究机构,打造翠兰强势的品牌效应,引导茶农进行深度的加工,扩大产品的组合效应,走上产业化发展的道路,加强营销渠道的拓展,可以解决翠兰销售中存在的问题,进一步拓展茶叶的市场。  相似文献   

随着网络科技的日益发达,电子商务已然成为人们日常生活中至关重要的组成部分。而视觉营销又是电子商务中不可或缺的营销手段。本文以淘宝平台花西子旗舰店为研究对象,由点到面分析视觉营销在店铺活动中的应用,剖析其视觉营销中存在的问题,总结出商家视觉营销意识淡薄、视觉营销技术有待提升、视觉营销内容真实性不足等问题,并针对这些问题制定相应的改善措施,为电商企业发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

本文详细剖析当地保险营销现状台州保险营销机制运行中所存在的问题,分析公司的专业人员工作态度、服务质量、资金实力、偿付能力、投诉受理、客户回访.指出公司台州保险业消费者行为的特点,台州保险业营销模式,台州保险业消费者行为的特点以及台州保险业营销策略分析,提出解决的方案.  相似文献   

The recent wave of retail bankruptcies as well as poor sales performance has resulted in a large number of store closings. Low sales in store-based retailers can also be attributed to the rapid growth of web-based retailers (largely, Amazon) as well as an excess of store space per capita in the U.S. as compared to other developed nations. Strategies to stem the decline of retail stores include: (1) utilizing omnichannel-based synergies among channels and devices to increase store sales; (2) making stores more attractive and engaging through personalization, interactivity, and a constantly changing environment; and (3) improving productivity through introducing small-size store formats and downsizing existing stores.  相似文献   

The substitution of small retail stores by the large stores has been a topic of debate among academics, practitioners, retailers and general public, especially in the context of foreign firms entering emerging markets such as China and India. The purpose of this research is to find out the determinants of consumer satisfaction in small and large retail stores in an emerging market, with a sample from India. Data were collected using a 39‐item structured questionnaire developed by the authors. The sample consists of 225 consumers who shop at retail outlets (Convenience sample of 125 consumers from small and 100 consumers from large stores respectively). Exploratory factor analysis grouped the 39 variables into 14 factors. Further, regression analysis revealed that six of the factors (Social desirability, staff friendliness, shopping economy, shopping ambience, family shopping and deal proneness) were major predictors of consumer satisfaction as they were found to be significant at 5% level. The significance of factors such as social desirability and staff friendliness imply that many consumers prefer those typical features of small stores, which in turn results in the likely coexistence of small retail formats in spite of the entry and proliferation of large retail stores from different countries. We posit three theoretical propositions to stimulate further research in this area.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that other factors of production have been substituted for labor, and that scanner technology has come into widespread use, the BLS index of labor productivity for retail food stores has been declining for sometime. The purpose of this paper is to study this puzzling decline in measured productivity. The results indicate that the decline in the BLS index is due to changes in services offered by retail food stores that are not incorporated into the index, and that productivity increased if these services are accounted for.  相似文献   

Reducing food waste at stores is a huge challenge for retailers, that are called to improve the efficiency of their operations in order to reduce the quantity of food that goes discarded. Some studies suggest that part of the food products removed from sale are not recorded as waste, but the quantity and features of this unrecorded food waste is largely unknown. The underestimation of retail food waste data hinders the effectiveness of actions against food waste at the store level, as managers may build their decisions on unreliable information. In this study we directly measure the waste of 9 food categories in a panel of 13 supermarkets in Italy. An improved recording practice was applied during the 12 months of the study, allowing to detect all the food wasted, including what usually remains unrecorded. By comparing the data gathered during the study with those recorded at the same stores prior the application of the improved recording routine, meaningful quantities of unrecorded food waste emerge for many food categories, especially fruits and vegetables, packed cold cuts and groceries. The rate of food waste in value raises from 1.00% to 1.35% on comparable periods, as a result of the implementation of the improved recording routine. However, the rate of food waste in value decreases during the study period, suggesting that a more accurate recording procedure may sensitize the staff over the issue of food waste, thus preventing to some extent its generation. A new model of food waste recording is therefore proposed, with a meaningful potential to improve the quality of the data available to store managers and, at the same time, to reduce the economic losses due to in-store food waste.  相似文献   

This paper aims to first identify gender differences in perception and evaluation of retail agglomerations, and second, discuss the implications of these differences for marketing and management. Based on a conceptual model 2151 agglomeration shoppers were surveyed using interviewer-administered questionnaires. Structural equation modelling revealed that accessibility, parking and infrastructure are perceived differently between gender groups. The attractiveness in terms of satisfaction, retention proneness and patronage intention was also evaluated distinctively. Nevertheless, when examining the impact of the perceived attributes on agglomeration attractiveness, there was no difference. In both settings, the retail tenant mix and the atmosphere are the main antecedents of attractiveness. Finally, an importance–performance analysis offers managers a method for prioritising their marketing efforts considering gender differences.  相似文献   

As emerging markets open, they attract large domestic and international retailers, which compete with traditional local small stores. This study investigates whether this influx of large stores is inevitable, by focusing on consumers' motivation for selecting a retail store, and the association between these motivation dimensions and the shopping patronage. The results from an empirical study conducted in Mexico indicate that consumer's preference for small stores is positively motivated by functional benefits and familiarity with small stores; and negatively associated with the functional benefits offered by large stores. These motivational dimensions are also positively associated with the share of wallet spent at small stores. While gender exhibits mixed effect on preference for small stores and the share of wallet, women do feel that large stores provide better functional benefits and support for the local economy. Finally, the study details the research and managerial implications of the findings.  相似文献   

The scarce previous literature indicates that the customer toilet facilities influence shopping value and should be a concern for retailers. However, customer toilets are often inadequately capitalised in retail stores. This study aims to provide a scientifically robust argument about the critical role of customer toilets in retail stores. The explanatory survey data (n=655) from a Finnish out-of-town department store is examined to explore (1) the importance that consumers place on the customer toilets and (2) the effect of toilet usage on actual shopping behaviour. The results support the assumptions of previous literature by suggesting that customer toilets are considered as an important store attribute and, more importantly, the use of toilets is associated with prolonged in-store time which, in turn, increases spending. The findings offer both academic and managerial contribution and encourage academics and practitioners to regard customer toilets as more than mere an unwanted property expense and discover their full marketing potential.  相似文献   

Since its appearance in the mid 1980s, the hypermarket is a symbol of the modernisation of Portugal. It has dramatically changed not only the retailing structure in this country but also Portuguese buying behaviour. To better understand these changes, personal interviews were conducted with 500 Braga consumers. In addition, a mailed survey was administered in the same market to 204 traditional retailers. The results show that, for consumers, the hypermarket is the preferred type of retail store for frequently purchased packaged goods, due to its low prices and convenient one-stop shopping. The perception of traditional retailers is that the hypermarkets affected them negatively. The comparative analysis suggests that, although consumers do not have a negative opinion about traditional retail, they do not share the same favourable opinion that traditional retailers have about themselves.  相似文献   


Heaviness is a bodily metaphor used to express sadness. Building on embodied cognition theory and metaphor theory, we argue that sadness is grounded in bodily sensation of heaviness, which has important sensory marketing implications for engaging consumer senses to affect consumer decision-making and attitude formation processes. We found support for this metaphorical link between heaviness and sadness across six studies. We showed that carrying a heavy bag saddened individuals and increased the valuation of a teddy bear. Intention to donate to a charity supporting endangered tigers increased when burdened participants watched a sad video about these animals. Conversely, sadness induced physical heaviness and increased preference for an easy-to-maintain sofa. Further, sad individuals disliked an advertisement for a sports drink that figured energy-consuming actions. Our findings inform sensory marketing practice about embedding the bodily sensation of heaviness to induce sadness in marketing communication.  相似文献   

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