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This paper analyzes the determinants of investments in physical infrastructure over the first decade of market reform in Central and Eastern Europe and other former Soviet economies. Both market and political reform would be expected to have an impact on the level of infrastructure, but the relationship will likely differ for infrastructure which remains dependent on the public sector and that which becomes more dependent on private investment after such reforms. Results for a large cross section of transition economies show that market reform has had a positive impact on both traditional and newer types of infrastructure, with a stronger impact on the newer types which are more likely to be market‐derived. The findings also suggest that market reform is more likely to push investors to develop infrastructure when political and market reforms are accomplished in tandem.  相似文献   

资本结构与产品市场竞争强度   总被引:120,自引:0,他引:120  
资本结构与产品市场竞争之间的关系 ,涉及公司金融学和产业经济学两个过去不相关的学术领域。本文对此提出了一个理论假设并建立了相关的经济模型 ,目的是检验企业的资本结构决策与其在产品市场上的竞争战略之间的关系。理论分析表明 ,企业的资本结构选择作为企业向市场发出的一项承诺 ,它向行业内的其他企业表示企业的竞争行为将更加强硬或更加温和 ,即它具有显著的信号发送功能 ,同时能够产生战略效应。企业的资本结构与其所在的产品市场上的竞争强度之间具有显著的正相关关系。我们以深、沪两地的上市公司为例进行的实证研究有效地支持了我们上述的假设。这对企业经营战略的制订与实施具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

A firm facing employment protection will defend its market position more fiercely than a rival firm operating without such restrictions. However, ex ante such firms may be more reluctant to expand. For the benchmark case of contest competition, the defensive effect dominates. A firm facing employment protection has a stronger average market position.  相似文献   

产品市场竞争与上市公司过度投资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于企业过度投资问题的研究,目前国内文献一般集中于代理问题展开的。本文认为,产品市场竞争也会对公司的过度投资行为产生影响。通过2001~2004年中国制造业上市公司数据,本文实证研究发现,产品市场竞争对公司的过度投资行为有显著影响,市场竞争能够约束公司过度投资水平。当公司代理问题严重时,产品市场竞争状况与公司的过度投资水平高度相关,公司经理会利用现金流进行过度投资。另外,处于行业内主要厂商地位的公司的过度投资问题也比其它公司严重。  相似文献   

产品市场竞争与资本结构动态调整   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
本文利用中国上市公司1999—2004年的数据,对产品市场竞争及其变化与资本结构动态调整之间的关系进行了探讨。实证研究的结果表明,无论是从静态角度还是动态角度,产品市场竞争对公司资本结构偏离目标资本结构水平都产生了显著影响,公司所在的产品市场竞争越激烈,公司资本结构偏离目标资本结构的幅度越小;同时,在产品市场竞争强度趋向更加激烈时,资本结构表现出向目标资本结构接近的趋势。但是,产品市场竞争的动态变化与资本结构调整速度的调整状况是相互独立的,互不影响的。  相似文献   

Central and Eastern European countries transformedradicallytheir unemployment benefit systems and altered significantly the composition of their active labor market policy budgets in the transition process. Their recent experience is valuable from an OECD country perspective. Based on a rich data base of district-level outflows from registered unemployment and active labor market policy expenditures and intakes, this paper provides a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of active labor market policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Estimates of an augmented matching function do not point to significant deadweight losses associated with active program intakes. This does not rule out the possibility that active policies displace those already employed, but such substitution effects may not be undesirable given the stagnancy of the unemployment pools in these countries.J. Comp. Econom.,December 1997,25(3), pp. 366–384. Università Bocconi and IGIER, Istituto di Economia Politica, via Sarfatti, 25, 20136 Milan, Italy.  相似文献   

This paper considers a theoretical model where firms reduce their initial unit costs by spending on R&D activities in a collusive market and where firms are able to coordinate on distinct output levels other than that of the unrestricted joint profit maximization outcome. We show that, in our model, the degree of collusion (captured by the discount factor) reduces the incentive to innovate when innovation is made non‐cooperatively. The reason is that non‐cooperative R&D introduces a negative externality where firms overinvest beyond the effort required to minimize the cost in order to extract profits from the rival firm, and a reduction in product competition helps internalize the externality. In a research joint venture the absence of R&D rivalry leads to contrary results. The main implication is that the validity of the Schumpeterian hypotheses depends on the extent of cooperation at the R&D stage.  相似文献   

供给侧改革的核心之一是引导企业有序进入新行业,金融契约执行效率的高低会影响企业外部融资成本和进入决策,进而决定市场竞争程度。本文将不完全契约机制和古诺竞争引入动态一般均衡框架,从理论上阐释了金融契约执行效率对企业进入和市场竞争的影响机制。此外,本文使用1998—2007年中国制造业企业的微观数据对理论结果进行了实证检验,回归结果表明:金融契约执行效率越高的地区,企业进入激励越强、市场竞争越充分;从地区角度看,中部地区对金融契约执行效率的变动相对敏感;从行业角度看,技术密集型行业对金融契约执行效率的变动相对不敏感。  相似文献   

二十世纪80年代中期以来,产品市场竞争与资本结构的互动关系逐渐受到学者的关注,研究文献接踵而至.近年来,国内对此的研究也不断涌现.本文认为,在这类实证研究中,对产品市场竞争的衡量问题是重点也是难点,因此,对国内_夕卜相关研究文献中对产品市场竞争的衡量方法进行了汇总,并根据自己的理解评述.  相似文献   

Law and Finance in Transition Economies   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
This paper offers the first comprehensive analysis of legal change in the protection of shareholder and creditor rights in transition economies and its impact on the propensity of firms to raise external finance. Following La Porta et al. (1998), the paper constructs an expanded set of legal indices to capture a range of potential conflicts between different stakeholders of the firm. It supplements the analysis of the law on the books with an analysis of the effectiveness of legal institutions. Our main finding is that the effectiveness of legal institutions has a much stronger impact on external finance than does the law on the books, despite legal change that has substantially improved shareholder and creditor rights. This finding supports the proposition that legal transplants and extensive legal reforms are not sufficient for the evolution of effective legal and market institutions.  相似文献   

高管薪酬契约一直被作为缓解企业委托—代理矛盾的必要手段,如何设计薪酬契约中各影响因素的权重将决定着契约的效率。规模因素作为薪酬契约中重要的因素,在契约中占据着极其重要的地位。本文从管理层权力视角出发,研究管理层权力对规模因素的影响,以及公司治理对权力滥用的抑制作用。研究发现,企业高管可以凭借管理层权力提高薪酬—规模敏感性,降低自身薪酬风险,而作为企业外部治理机制的产品市场竞争对这种权力滥用有显著的治理效应。此外,企业所处的成长性环境差异对薪酬契约有重要影响,高成长性企业既有着相对较高的薪酬—规模敏感性,又能为产品市场竞争提供较大的治理空间,从而提高竞争对薪酬契约的治理效应。  相似文献   

不同行业的企业会面临不同的市场竞争状况,这些不同的竞争状况会不同程度地影响公司高管的努力程度,同时也影响着企业对其高管的激励机制。在中国上市公司中,效益良好的企业面临更高的市场竞争时,会对其高管进行更多的激励;而对于效益低下的企业则正好相反。  相似文献   

产品市场竞争与公司现金持有价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2001-2005年沪深交易所A股非金融类上市公司为样本,实证检验了产品市场竞争对公司现金持有价值的影响.研究发现,产品市场竞争程度与企业的现金持有价值正相关,这种关系在国有企业和法制环境较差地区的企业表现得更为显著.研究结论说明了产品市场竞争可以减少代理成本,弥补投资者法律保护不足,约束管理者的行为.  相似文献   

This paper considers an endogenous transition from a self-sufficient traditional economy to a market economy and its consequences on fertility and growth. The transition can occur if private intergenerational transfers are unable to secure old-age consumption as adequately as savings on capital markets; otherwise individuals stay in the traditional economy unless the mass-production technology in the market economy is sufficiently more advanced than individually accessible technologies. Markets emerge only if per capita output exceeds a certain level given a fixed cost of forming markets. The transition reduces fertility and promotes growth under plausible restrictions.
JEL Classification : E 20; J 13; O 10  相似文献   

生产型企业资本结构决策与产品市场竞争策略是生产型企业发展中重要的两项决策,两者间具有密切的相关关系。若不存在破产成本或竞争对手的财务杠杆率较低,进入障碍相对较小时,债务杠杆促使企业采取进攻性行为,从而加剧市场竞争;另一方面,考虑破产成本或市场竞争激烈等情况时,债务使杠杆企业减少进攻行为,从而缓和市场竞争。本文从战略公司金融的观点出发,阐述了生产型企业资本结构决策对产品市场上产量策略与价格竞争策略的影响。  相似文献   

Liquidity Constraints and Investment in Transition Economies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We use Bulgarian firm-level data to investigate the impact of liquidity constraints on investment performance. Internal funds are an important determinant of investment in most industrialized countries. We test whether internal funds are important for firm investment during the current transition process in Bulgaria. We use a simple accelerator model of investment to test whether liquidity constraints are relevant in the case of Bulgaria. Our estimations are based on data for the period 1993–95, prior to the Bulgarian financial crisis in 1996–97. It turns out that Bulgarian firms are liquidity constrained, and that firms' size and financial structure help to distinguish between firms that are more and less liquidity constrained. In our view, liquidity constraints can be given a different interpretation in the case of transition economies as compared to Western economies. A more in depth analysis of the data reveals that liquidity constraints, and consequently the access to external funds for Bulgarian firm investment, are to be seen against the background of soft-budget constraints and the failure of the financial system to enforce an efficient allocation of funds. In our view, the lack of liquidity constraints may actually be seen as a sign of financial weakness in the case of Bulgaria.  相似文献   

We examine the strategies of multiproduct plants in the Taiwanese electronics sector by introducing two new measures of product dissimilarity to capture the technological gaps of product pairs within the plant. The plant‐level index is used to analyze product mix decisions of plants. We find that plants whose products have large technological gaps are more likely to give up product lines. The product‐level index is used to show that, with increased competition, multiproduct plants exit markets where production technologies are farthest away from their core products and they also perform better than plants that continue to produce a wider range of products.  相似文献   

利用248家国防科技相关企业与具有军工资质的民营企业2009-2017年面板数据,分2009-2012年、2013-2017年两阶段研究产品市场竞争、知识外溢与企业技术效率间的关系。结果发现,产品市场竞争对于企业技术效率提升具有显著促进作用;相较于国防科技相关企业,这种正向效应在具有军工资质的民企中表现得更为显著,并且随着国防与民营经济的融合发展,这两种正向效应更为显著。进一步引入知识外溢与产品市场竞争交互项发现,无论是技术人员知识外溢还是技术人员产出外溢,随着外溢程度增加,均会抑制产品市场竞争对企业技术效率的正向影响;在国有国防科技相关企业中,技术人员产出外溢效应的抑制作用更强。  相似文献   

资本结构的产品市场竞争理论认为,在特定竞争模型下债务融资结构能够反映企业的产品市场竞争策略,并认为短期债务增加加剧了产品市场竞争,长期债务缓和产品市场竞争。进一步的实证分析得到短期债务融资与产品市场竞争程度是显著负相关的,长期债务融资与产品市场竞争程度是显著正相关的,能够支持产品市场竞争理论。同时,数据分析发现,企业规模小、资产利用效率高和收益好也是促使企业采取激进竞争手段的影响因素。  相似文献   

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