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吕秀华 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2003,(6):9-10
诚实守信历来是我们传统文化的精华,是中华文明的传统美德,但在市场经济体制发展时期,出现了诚实不守信现象,尤其是市场经济伦理道德观念“诚实守信”方面的问题更加突出,不仅极大地扰乱了市场秩序,更成为发展市场经济的重大障碍。必须认识到诚实守信对市场经济发展的重要性,加强社会诚信体系建设。 相似文献
近年来,随着市场竞争的加剧,保险业违背诚信原则的事件时有发生。本文通过分析我国保险市场存在的诚信问题以及产生这些问题的原因,提出了保险诚信建设的对策。 相似文献
对完善我国社会诚信体系建设的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
市场经济条件下,完善的诚信体系对于带动经济发展起着重要的作用.目前,我国出现的诚信危机已经越来越引起人们的关注.本文对这种诚信缺失的危害性进行了分析,同时对完善我国社会诚信体系建设的对策进行了探讨. 相似文献
国家在<公民道德建设实施纲要>中提出了"爱国守法、明理诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献"20字基本道德规范,其中就提到了诚信.今天我们提倡诚信,既是弘扬中华民族的传统美德,又有鲜明的时代特色,具有重要的现实意义和实践价值. 相似文献
由于儒家诚信植根于自给自足的封建自然经济和以血缘关系为纽带的家族伦理文化,因而在实际的社会交往中,人们往往很难超越血缘关系的局限对家庭之外的人产生信任。而在今天的市场经济社会,商品交换超出了家庭地域、民族乃至国家的界限,这种不以血缘关系为前提而是通过市场交换而形成的人与人之间的契约关系,直接要求人们彼此之间相互信任。可见,要使儒家的诚信美德在现代社会焕发出生机,就要结合现代市场经济的要求实现儒家诚信的现代转化。 相似文献
诚信是中华民族优秀传统文化的道德精髓,是公民基本道德规范,是社会主义市场经济的重要基础,也是构建社会主义精神文明和提高社会文明程度的思想支撑。中国特色社会主义进入新时代,人的全面进步和社会的全面发展都离不开更高质量的诚信建设。建设诚信社会是促进社会治理现代化的内在要求,但部分个人、商业和政府仍存在一些与之不相匹配的诚信滑坡问题,社会诚信意识和信用水平亟待提高。本文认为,在推进诚信社会建设的进程中,要加强诚信教育,修复诚信观念的缺失,鼓励并引导每位公民自觉树立诚信道德意识,强化诚信行为,同时利用社会信用体系将诚信制度化,将道德意识与制度规范有机融合,互促诚信社会建设。 相似文献
张启江 《湖北商业高等专科学校学报》2012,(6):101-105
在人类社会中,道德与法律之间在"形而下的制度之维与形而上的价值之维"中的此消彼长、共生与分离,只不过是人类为了生存创造良好社会秩序,追求幸福生活的努力,而这一努力必然在政治结构、文化逻辑上得以体现。因此,德法之辩的结构与意义也只能返身于历史的情境之中方可得到忠实地理解。 相似文献
儒家伦理虽以私德为主导,但在中国社会公德的建构中仍具有重要的时代价值.其时代价值主要体现在:推崇仁爱,注重人际关系和谐,创造良好的社会氛围;注重个人道德修养,崇尚理想人格,追求一种完美的生命价值. 相似文献
Jin Huang Sondra G. Beverly Youngmi Kim Margaret M. Clancy Michael Sherraden 《The Journal of consumer affairs》2019,53(3):770-795
In the financial capability intervention known as Child Development Accounts (CDAs), incentives with savings or investment accounts enable families (especially vulnerable ones) to accumulate assets for children's developmental and life‐cycle needs. With data from SEED for Oklahoma Kids (OK), a randomized statewide policy experiment, we examined a CDA intervention's effects on a subsample of low‐income families in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Head Start. Results from simultaneous equation modeling suggest that the intervention has positive, statistically significant impacts on financial and social‐development outcomes. Findings provide empirical support for a new model for integrating the accounts with other social services for economically vulnerable populations. The centralized account platform used in SEED OK seems essential to providing CDAs on a large scale, which would enable opportunities for integration with federal‐ and state‐funded social service programs. 相似文献
蔡宝刚 《扬州大学商学院学报》2005,9(6):8-13
和谐社会的内在规定性。一是在于协调利益冲突使得社会安定有序且充满活力,二是要培养诚实守信、团结友爱、公平正义为核心的价值体系。为此和谐社会需要法律与道德制度的和谐互补来推进与保障。建构法德和谐体系是达致社会和谐的制度支点。 相似文献
Smoking is an international health crisis. Tobacco packaging is an important vehicle to convey antismoking messages, which to date have been predominantly limited to fear‐based health appeals. Using an experimental approach, we examine whether a novel alternative—using negative social cues on packaging—is effective at discouraging smoking. Our results support the notion that packaging which conveys to smokers that “others” view smoking negatively is sufficient to trigger feelings of self‐consciousness, which in turn reduces smoking intentions. This approach is particularly effective in “isolated” smokers who do not see smoking as identity‐relevant or congruent with their social self. These findings suggest that for a particular segment of the smoking population, the integration of negative social cues on packaging may be an effective complement to current fear‐based appeals. 相似文献
Hans-W. Micklitz 《Journal of Consumer Policy》2012,35(3):283-296
Consumer law started in the 1960s and 1970s as consumer protection law, meant to compensate for the risks and deficiencies of the consumption society which led to an enormous increase. The target of the first generation of national consumer law was the weak consumers, those who could not cope with the increased choice and the resulting risks. The argument here presented is that the European Union by taking over consumer legislation gradually but steadily changed the outlook, from consumer protection law into consumer law. The weak consumer is not the one who is needed for the completion of the Internal Market. This is the famous average consumer which governs today??s?? normative design of the consumer law making and enforcement. However, the shift in paradigm does not set aside the need to strive for legal rules that cover the weakest in the society. 相似文献
李晶 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2005,(2):124-125
提高行政执法质量 ,消除和减少“低级执法” ,需要政府机关和全社会的努力 ,需要从立法、执法、监督等环节配套解决。执法制度创新要求实行“同类权限”集中管辖 ;构建新型的执法监督机制和制度 ;建立行政执法与刑事执法相衔接的工作机制和相关制度 ;完善行政诉讼制度 ;建立健全执法责任制、考评制以及检查制度 ,推行违法违规责任追究制 相似文献
一体化管理体系的建立和实施初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着现代化企业管理的发展 ,一体化管理体系逐渐成为人们关心的一个热点话题。这是因为近年来各种管理体系认证已经被人们所熟悉和了解 ,获得一种或两种以上的管理体系认证证书已经成为一个企业管理水平的象征 ,但是这些认证在很大程度上是重复进行的 ,因此给企业造成大量的资源浪费。为了实现管理的增值 ,有人提出了一体化管理的概念 ,并在现实中得到了较好的实施。 相似文献
Marta Frasquet John Dawson Haydeé Calderón Teresa Fayos 《International Business Review》2018,27(4):904-914
The paper presents an integration of the theoretical approaches of embeddedness and dynamic capabilities. Based on in-depth interviews with key informants of international fashion retail companies we show that dynamic capabilities enhance different types of embeddedness at different levels. Generic dynamic capabilities of adaptability and knowledge management play a role as they affect retailer-specific capabilities and societal, network and territorial forms of embeddedness. Integrating the two theoretical approaches provides new and deeper understanding of the nature of retail internationalization. 相似文献