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孟凯无路可走曾经的餐饮第一股,如今再也不能与"餐饮"二字挂上钩了。一句"我在餐饮业已无路可走",道出了湘鄂情董事长孟凯,作为十多年老餐饮人的辛酸与无奈。为了自救,2014年12月12日,中科云网发布公告,称拟2.3亿元转让湘鄂情系列商标,缓解资金压力。孟凯,曾经的中国餐饮第一股——湘鄂情的创始人,现在的中科云网董事长,还能否卷土重来,成为众人关注的  相似文献   

孟凯湘鄂情将夺餐饮富豪榜第二7月29日,北京湘鄂情股份有限公司首次公开发行股票申请获证监会批准。湘鄂情招股说明书显示,公司拟发行5000万股,每股面值1元,登陆深证证券交易所。预计募集资金约4.6亿元。据此推算,湘鄂情的发行价格将至少为每股9.2元。参照全聚德上市情况,湘鄂情首日收盘价大概为  相似文献   

孟凯噩梦继续对于孟凯来说,湘鄂情商标被贱卖只是转型噩梦的开始。2月7日,已更名的中科云网突然发布公告称,此前承诺收购三家子公司及其商标变更为仅受让"湘鄂情"商标,目受让价格由原来的2.3亿元下调至1亿元。这或许正是孟凯自己酿下盲目转型的苦果,都没有对曾经打造的金字品牌进行持续的维护,如何奢望买家  相似文献   

贾如棋 《商业科技》2013,(26):19-21
北京湘鄂情餐饮管理有限公司(以下简称:湘鄂情)是第一家在国内A股上市的民营餐饮企业,其掌门人是武汉人孟凯,今年似乎是个多事之秋。  相似文献   

2009年7月29日,中国证券市场又迎来一只餐饮股,中国富翁群体又增添一位大厨。 当日,北京湘鄂情餐饮管理有限公司在证监会发审委过会,即将登陆深圳中小板。董事长孟凯直接、间接合计控制本公司67%的股份。据平安证券分析师估算,孟凯的个人身价将接近19亿元,跻身于中国餐饮富豪行列,与味千拉面的潘慰、俏江南的张兰、真功夫的蔡达标等并驾齐驱。  相似文献   

苏旭  张环清 《浙商》2008,(3):56-58
十多年间,从建筑业、房地产、旅游业、再到能源业,五洋建设集团股份有限公司的董事长陈志樟没有停止过他的探索。他的目标也越来越明确:五洋要成为一个综合性的大集团企业。而今,五洋集团总资产超过60亿元,拥有员工1.8万人。陈志樟却仍未满足,他不断反思、总结着自己的过去,就像一个长跑运动员,期待着最后的冲刺。  相似文献   

俗话说“民以食为天”,人与食有着与生俱来的情愫,于是以“情”为主题的餐馆蔚然成风,或标榜肝胆相照之情,或渲染琴瑟和谐之情。尽管做的都是餐饮的行当,尽管名字中大都带有“情”字,但是时至今日,能用这份“情”敲响上市的钟声,并与数十亿身家画上等号的却只有孟凯和他的“湘鄂情”。  相似文献   

<正> 逢骚扰巧应变"色"大款没占便宜还签单张小姐是某房地产开发公司的一名售房员。一天,她接到一个以前买过她房子的某大款打来的电话,约她吃晚饭。张小姐在从前与他的接触中,觉察出此人决非是规矩人,这次约她估计是"醉翁之意不在酒"。但想到现在与人打交道,三教九流都能碰到,人不好,也不能就不做买卖,只要自己多加防范,灵活对待就是了。主意一定,张小姐拿了几张购房合同,在晚上准时来到约她的饭店。落座后,大款色眯眯地拉着张小姐的手,"心疼"地说:"小妹妹,天天站在那里售房子多辛苦啊,难到不想找个有钱的男人养活你吗?"张小姐顺水推舟地说:"当然想了,可您要是多买间我们公司的房子,我就不会太辛苦啦。"说着抽出  相似文献   

<正>黑龙江省七台河市的赵清源十年前从名牌大学毕业,在事业单位就职,过着平静的生活。他的很多同学通过创业都打拼得有模有样。每次同学聚会,赵清源都感慨不已。自己已近不惑之年,再不去尝试,这辈子就没机会了。经过思考,赵清源决定从简单的餐饮业入手,他不打算放弃自己的工作,决定自己投资,先让小舅子李可干。李可对他的想法十分支持,两人一拍即合。  相似文献   

和阳 《创业家》2013,(7):42-42
陈明永受段永平的影响至深至远,但他才是OPPO的创始人和掌舵者。陈明永是四川达县人,农村子弟。照陈自己的说法,他在15岁时就背负过一生的重量。当时陈初中毕业,要么入读中师(中等师范学校),要么念高中,而读高中未必能考上大学。中师则意味着未来可见的小康生活(陈家并不富裕)。中学生陈明永感慨着"人生有得就有失",跑去读了高中,他要看外边更精彩的世界。陈声称,日后OPPO多次转型时,他面临的压力都没  相似文献   

对我国快餐业发展现状的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
快餐,已经成为我国餐饮市场上的一支重要力量,有力地推动着餐饮经济的发展,主要表现在数量上的增加,其质量和内涵也发生了深刻的变化;行业的经营领域和市场空间不断拓宽,企业管理水平不断提高;经营业态日趋丰富,网点数量和从业人员队伍继续扩大;市场更加繁荣;连锁化、品牌化的步伐加快,社会地位和作用得到提升等方面。目前,我国快餐业存在的问题,主要是缺少著名品牌、缺乏高级管理人才、企业资本规模小、连锁化进程慢。这在一定程度上制约了中国快餐业的发展。我国快餐业在追求发展速度的同时,必须着手解决好制约快餐业发展的各种问题,从而推动我国快餐业健康、有序地发展。  相似文献   

如何做好原生态食品原料采购,是维系原生态特色餐饮企业长久发展的关键。X餐饮有限公司作为浙江杭州原生态特色餐饮的领军企业,在多年的经营中已形成了一套独具特色的原生态食品原料采购模式,包括特色鲜明的采购组织体系、自建原生态食品原料采购基地、食品原料原生态生长全程监控、"二十四节气"PDCA循环采购、完善的原生态食品原料采购流程、严格的原生态食品原料采购团队管理,从而最大限度地保证了所采购食品原料的"原生态"品质。这些成功经验对原生态特色餐饮提供企业的食品原料采购具有深刻的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

王涛 《中国市场》2009,(2):52-53
近年来,我国餐饮业发展迅速,餐饮品种丰富,店铺数量迅速增加,行业竞争日趋激烈,随着洋快餐的大举进军,一种新的餐饮经营模式——连锁经营逐步受到广大从业者的关注。但总地来说,我国餐饮业连锁经营还处于初级阶段,还存在很多的问题,这些都有待于广大的企业经营者结合中式餐饮企业的自身特点,不断地去解决这些问题,为我国餐饮业谋求更好的发展。  相似文献   

墨子是我国伟大的思想家、哲学家、教育家、科学家和军事家,以其为代表的墨家思想在当今社会依然产生很大的影响。本文通过梳理墨子思想,从饮食文化角度理解和分析墨子提出的"兼相爱、交相利""节俭""非攻""强本"等思想内涵,以寻求墨子思想与当代饮食文化的结合,并依照墨子思想分别从思想、行为、具体操作和文化使命方面对餐饮企业提出实用措施,以实现餐饮企业的良好、有序、健康和可持续发展。研究墨子思想与餐饮文化的融合,对传承中国优秀传统文化和当代餐饮企业的发展都有积极意义。  相似文献   

How is the foodservice industry faring under the clouds of three big uncertainties--oil prices, recession and war? All things considered, its doing quite well. This annual status report of commercial and institutional business shows fast food, catering, nursing homes and employee feeding with growth percentages on the good, left side of the decimal point. Our forecast includes business trends to watch, food trends to guide menu planning and pricing, and interior- and kitchen-design trends that can be a blueprint for a successful new year.  相似文献   

客户是餐饮企业生存与发展的基础,客户关系管理可以提高餐饮企业的顾客忠诚度。当前,餐饮业客户关系管理还存在着对客户关系管理重视不够,对客户的服务意识不到位,吸引客户的营销手段单调,企业内部组织结构不完善,对企业的价值顾客群判断不准等问题。餐饮企业应利用CRM管理系统,了解顾客,并建立良好客户关系;加强员工培训,提升员工的服务素质;制定合理的价格,维系客户永久关系;树立顾客成本概念,通过提高客户满意度和忠诚度,达到提升客户价值和提升品牌形象的目的,从而实现企业利润最大化。  相似文献   

The network surrounding a firm's foreign clients has large influence on its ability to act in the market. How firms can utilize the knowledge supplied by client networks is therefore of great importance to their business with clients. Many studies show the usefulness of foreign clients and suppliers, whereas less attention has been given to the usefulness of knowledge supplied by clients’ network, such as clients’ clients, clients’ supplementary suppliers and competitors to the firm. This study contributes to international business research on networks by investigating the knowledge supplied by client networks for a firm doing business with a specific foreign client on a sample of 494 firms. A LISREL analysis demonstrates that knowledge supplied by client networks is more useful the more experienced the firm. Client networks are also more useful the more knowledge the firm has of its client, the more the firm needs knowledge of its clients and suppliers, the higher the cost of the client relationship, and the more standardized the product. A major conclusion is that the client network knowledge is more useful the further a firm's collaboration with the client, presumably as a result of the new, and more embedded business that the firm develops with the client. Implications are that client networks are resources that can be important competitive advantages for the internationalizing firm.  相似文献   

The success of a city increasingly depends on its role as a consumer centre. The new form of consumption is increasingly playing the leading role in urban consumption growth. Based on Meituan take-out data, this paper investigates quantitatively the spatial differences and explores the associations of the number of take-out with neighborhood characteristics on the scale of business circles in Shanghai by spatial econometric model. The results show that: (1) the average order quantity and consumption amount have the gradient consumption trend of the inner ring > the middle ring > the outer ring > the suburban ring. The spatial distribution of take-out in business circles is bounded by the Huangpu River, with an obvious pattern of more in the west and less in the east. (2) Three types of food distributions, traditional take-out, fashion casual take-out and supermarket and fresh take-out within business circles have obvious differences. In many business circles, fashion and leisure food delivery is significantly higher than traditional food delivery. Supermarket and fruit and vegetable take-out is scattered among business circles and is evenly distributed around the inner ring. (3) Economic level, population concentration, office and traffic factors have significant effect on the number of take-out. In detail, the impact on the volatility of dependent variables is as follows: catering industry > the number of white collars > population density > per capita consumption > traffic facility. This study proposes that office and catering industry, multi-centre city and traffic accessibility should be further strengthened in the coordinated development of Shanghai business circles so as to improve take-out economy.  相似文献   

The U. S. catering industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. A major trend in the overall foodservices industry involves the healthy eating movement among consumers. Along with restaurants and foodservice contractors, caterers are responding to growing consumer demand for healthier fare. While caterers serve various target markets (e.g., event organizers, charities, civic groups, individuals), there is a need to research the viability of providing healthy food to the business market. A service concept test among decision makers at 36 companies is used here to provide an evaluation of a proposed catering service specializing in healthy food that would serve local businesses. The findings indicate that the healthy eating movement does extend to today's workplace. Overall, respondents are favorably disposed to the proposed service. Indeed, businesses appear to be a promising target market for caterers offering healthy food.  相似文献   


Quality assurance is particularly important for catering companies where the food is minimally processed and there is less automation than in other types of food processing plants. However, the implementation of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system that detects hazards in order to prevent food contamination and ensure product consistency is often very costly. This study suggests and demonstrates a practical tool that can be used by catering business managers to save some of these costs, allowing the company to remain competitive. The study evaluates whether the frequency of sampling and, consequently, the cost associated with these tests can be significantly reduced, while maintaining a similar level of confidence in the results. The tool was implemented and tested by an airline catering company. The results indicate that the company can reduce the sampling frequency by up to 50% of the existing sampling schedule.  相似文献   

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