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刘玎 《时代经贸》2009,(9):64-65
美国次贷危机的爆发、华尔街投行时代的结束、金融危机的到来、全球经济的下滑使得很多企业面临着现金流短缺的问题,尤其是在国际化程度这么高的今天,国际贸易同样受到了很大的冲击。我国一直以来就有很高额的贸易顺差,但是目前我国的中小型企业面临着产品滞销,资金短缺的状况。本文首先分析中小型出口企业目前的困境,然后针对性的提出一些应对的措施。  相似文献   

王亚菲 《经济师》1999,(2):10-11
前一段时期,国内关于实行大公司、大集团战略的呼声甚高,谓之大企业“船大好冲浪”。近一段时期,又兴起了关于研讨中小企业发展的热潮,谓之小企业“船小好调头”。而要研究这些问题,首先应对如何区分大、中、小型企业有一个明确的认识,这样才能有的放矢。一、划分企...  相似文献   

龙永图 《商周刊》2012,(12):19-19
中国的改革对于中国所有企业包括跨国公司,都会带来巨大机遇,因为所有的改革都导向一个主要的目标,就是以内需为主导的体制,这可以解决过去很多靠投资和出口拉动所带来的弊端。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,社会经济飞速发展,社会财富迅猛增加,人民生活水平也有了一定的提高。在这一背景下,虽然社会整体发展状况良好,社会成员的生活质量有了显著的提高,但是人们对于生活幸福度的感知及认同并不高,并表现出不同的状态。这有可能引发出各种社会问题。特别是对于工作待遇的担忧、食品安全的担心、生活环境的困扰,等等。因此,分析了企业行为对社会幸福的双重影响,并就这些影响做出了深入分析,提出了如何在企业行为与社会幸福之间建立起有机联系的思考。  相似文献   

张冠岭 《经济师》1997,(10):13-14
如何推进中小型国有企业改革●张冠岭我国的国有经济在我国的经济中占主导地位,国有企业的经营好坏关系到我国社会主义道路方向的正确性。但国有企业的现状令人担忧:国有企业不仅有1/3盈利,有1/3尚能维持运转,还有1/3的国有企业资不抵债,面临破产倒闭的命运...  相似文献   

国民幸福总值(GNH)的启示与国民幸福研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
将微观幸福与社会经济发展和国家治理结合起来考量,是一种创新性研究.不丹等国整体人文发展情况与GDP增长的逆态势以及诸多著名学者均致力于"国民幸福总值"的研究,说明国民幸福是衡量社会和谐发展的重要依据.通过对GNH理论的研究,指出NHI较之GNH衡量国民幸福更为恰当,并提出构建以NHI为核心的多维度国民幸福指标体系.  相似文献   

对中小企业股份合作制过程中若干问题的思考王学农张有乾党的十五大以后,中小企业改制迅速在全国展开,而股份合作制又普遍成为各地中小企业改制的首选形成,显示了其强劲的生命力。这反映了股份合作制作为一种企业改制形式,可操作性强,适应了我国当前国有中小企业改制...  相似文献   

文章从REACH制度的产生背景和特点入手,认真分析REACH制度实施对我国中小型企业出口产品所产生的巨大影响,并在此基础上提出应对的措施和建议。  相似文献   

近年来关于国有中小企业卖与不卖的问题,众说纷纭。笔者认为争议的焦点不应是卖与不卖的问题,而是如何卖好的问题。无论是从理论还是从实践看,大量国有企业存在,社会主义市场经济体制难以建成,国有企业转换经营机制的目标难以实现以及企业活力增强缓慢,必然影响经济增长和...  相似文献   

Partisan Social Happiness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use a new approach to study questions in political economy that relies on data on the subjective well-being of a large sample of people living in the OECD over the period 1975{1992. Controlling for the personal characteristics of the respondents, year and country fixed effects and country-specific time trends, we find that the data describe social happiness functions for left-wing and right-wing individuals where inflation and unemployment enter negatively. We use these functions to test the root assumption of partisan business cycle models. The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that left-wing individuals care more about unemployment relative to inflation than right-wingers. Interestingly, we find that individuals declare themselves to be happier when the party they support is in power, even after controlling for macroeconomic variables. The effect of politics is large. Finally, we find that these partisan differences cannot be traced back to income differences. That is, it is misleading to assume|as it is done in the previous literature|that the poor (rich) behave similarly to the left (right). For example, inflation and unemployment do not have differential effects across rich and poor and the happiness levels of these two groups are unaffected by the identity of the party in power. Our findings are hard to explain using median voter models but are to be expected in a partisan world.  相似文献   

We study the importance of economists’ professional situation towards their life satisfaction based on a unique survey of mostly academic economists. On average, economists report to be highly happy with life. Satisfaction is positively related to spending more time on doing research. The lack of a tenured position decreases satisfaction. However, the extent to which the uncertainty created by the tenure system affects satisfaction varies with the contract terms. The effect is stronger if the contract expires in the near future or cannot be extended. Publication success has no effect if it is controlled for academic rank and the contract duration. The finding suggests that publications are rather a means to an end, for example, to acquire a tenured position. While the perceived level of external pressure also has no impact, the perceived change of pressure in recent years is positively related to economists’ life satisfaction. An explanation is that economists have accepted a high level of pressure when entering academia but are not willing to cope with the recent increase.  相似文献   

By stressing the substantial continuity of vision between John Maynard Keynes’s early unpublished essays and his more mature writings, the paper discusses Keynes’s ethics and focuses on his thoughts about happiness. In particular, we emphasize the anti-utilitarianism of Keynes’s vision and his belief that material wealth is but a precondition to enjoy the possibilities of a good life, and direct attention to problems of incommensurability raised by the multidimensional nature of happiness as considered by Keynes. We then argue that the rediscovery of Keynes’s legacy in this respect may be a precious counterweight to the most controversial aspects of today’s happiness research.  相似文献   

Maximising Happiness?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The measurement of individual happiness challenges the notion that revealed preferences only reliably and empirically reflect individual utility. Reported subjective well-being is a broader concept than traditional decision utility; it also includes concepts like experience and procedural utility. Micro- and macroeconometric happiness functions offer new insights on determinants of life satisfaction. However, one should not leap to the conclusion that happiness should be maximized, as was suggested for social welfare function maximization. In contrast, happiness research strengthens the validity of an institutional approach, such as reflected in the theory of democratic economic policy.  相似文献   

By stressing the substantial continuity of vision between John Maynard Keynes’s early unpublished essays and his more mature writings, the paper discusses Keynes’s ethics and focuses on his thoughts about happiness. In particular, we emphasize the anti-utilitarianism of Keynes’s vision and his belief that material wealth is but a precondition to enjoy the possibilities of a good life, and direct attention to problems of incommensurability raised by the multidimensional nature of happiness as considered by Keynes. We then argue that the rediscovery of Keynes’s legacy in this respect may be a precious counterweight to the most controversial aspects of today’s happiness research.  相似文献   

根据黄有光的快乐经济学,人们追求的最终目的是提高福利,因而经济学探讨的中心问题是福利或快乐.由于快乐是一种主观感受,因而GDP并不是衡量福利的一个有效指标.在现代社会中,生活品质不仅与私人品的消费有关,更与公共品的质量和数量有关.因此,在未来社会中,公共开支确实会且应该不断增长.为了应对不断增加的公共支出,政府就需要提高累进税,尤其是提高钻石商品的税收.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence from a variety of sources to suggest that well-being is a function of relative income. These findings have been used to explain the Easterlin Paradox, whereby a rise in income for all does not lead to a rise in average happiness in a country (even though the cross section relationship between income and happiness is positive). This relativity of utility has led to calls for policy to focus away from GDP. I here first discuss some of the evidence that well-being is indeed relative in income, but then consider two relatively little-analysed issues to suggest that there may continue to be a role for GDP per capita in happiness-based policy: the inequality of subjective well-being, and the specific case of those in income poverty.  相似文献   

快乐品牌的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类消费进入更高层次的情感消费时代,尤其以娱乐为首的快乐消费已经成为我们生活必不可缺的组成部分.消费者对快乐的需求催生了一大批快乐品牌.本文运用经济学偏好理论阐释快乐内涵、特征及产生根源,并运用品牌经济学原理对快乐品牌进行分析发现,成功的快乐品牌满足消费者对"快乐"需求这一单一利益点.快乐情感的特性决定品牌品类具有高度敏感性.正确的品牌延伸策略使得目标顾客对品牌记忆持久.  相似文献   

How do people value freedom of choice? Drawing on economics and psychology the paper provides an hypothesis and empirical evidence on how individuals may value freedom of choice and derive utility from it. It is argued that the degree of perceived control that individuals have over choice – a construct known as the locus of control in psychology – regulates how we value freedom of choice. People who believe that the outcome of their actions depends on internal factors such as effort and skills (the ‘internals’) have a greater appreciation of freedom of choice than people who believe that the outcome of their actions depends on external factors such as fate or destiny (the ‘externals’). We find some evidence in support of this hypothesis using a combination of all rounds of the World and European Values Surveys. A variable that measures freedom of choice and the locus of control is found to predict life satisfaction better than any other known factor such as health, employment, income, marriage or religion, across countries and within countries. We show that this variable is not a proxy of happiness and measures well both freedom of choice and the locus of control. ‘Internals’ are found to appreciate freedom of choice more than ‘externals’ and to be happier. These findings have important implications for individual utility, social welfare and public policies.  相似文献   

This article utilises unit record data from the 1989–90 National Health Survey to explore the relationships between low income and perceptions of health and happiness. After describing how the key variables were constructed, attention is focused on the incidence of perceived poor health and unhappiness among those individuals living in income units on either side of a poverty threshold related to the Henderson poverty line. The results reveal that those in poverty generally have poorer health and are less happy than those above the poverty threshold. The observed differences are statistically significant for many income unit types, particularly non-aged single people and couples with children. Attention then turns to exploring how health and happiness vary across the deciles of the income distribution. Again, significant differences are revealed, particularly when more sophisticated distributional measures are employed. Finally, consideration is given to the possibility that the results reflect reverse causality, and that the observed correlations incorporate the role of intervening variables.  相似文献   

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