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东部企业参与西部大开发的基本前提是东西部企业之间存在着比较势差和互补特性。东部企业地处沿海港城,发展大大快于西部,参与西部大开发的实质是通过异地拓展,实现二者竞争优势的双向转移,以及通过多种形式的重组产生一种协同效应,使得重组后西部企业的资源得以重置,发生“帕累托”方向的改进,产生新的剩余效益,使双方共同受益。因此,关键的问题是如何将东部企业和西部企业各自的竞争优势真正对接起来,实现优势互补。许多东部企业在前几年的西进实践已给我们提供很好的素材,分析它们是如何把自身优势和西部地区的优势对接起来的,加以理论的指导和推理,可归纳和总结出带有普遍性的如下十大模  相似文献   

The 21^st century is a century of service economy. The proportion of the tertiary industry becomes an important criterion to evaluate the economic level of a country or a district. As a big province with the largest population, whether the tertiary industry in Henan can develop rapidly and profitably in the long run or not has direct influence on the problem of employment pressure. Besides, this industry plays a very important role in supporting the further development of the first and the second industry. In order to provide a reference for instructing the further development of economy in Henan, based on the information got from the first general inspection of Henan's economy, gives a brief analysis according to the condition of different occupations, different districts and different interest effects.  相似文献   

去年我国台湾最大的产业公会--电机电子工业同业公会,对祖国大陆33个主要城市的投资环境及投资风险进行了评估,将广东省珠江三角洲及粤东地区的广州、深圳、汕头、东莞、惠州、珠海、佛山等城市列为投资环境最差的投资风险较高城市.而以上海为龙头的长江三角洲地区的主要城市均高居榜首,成为中国投资环境最佳城市.学习兄弟省市的经验,完善全省和深圳市的投资环境,增创发展新优势,成为广东省能否适应改革开放新形势,进一步提升区域竞争力、确保国民经济持续、健康发展,有效吸引外来投资的一项重要工作.对此需要引起广东全社会的高度重视.  相似文献   

魏啸亮 《首都经济》2006,(11):74-75
“十一五”期间,密云县计划构建以“生态农业”,“环境友好型工业”,“休闲旅游业”为特色的生态经济体系,提高经济增长质量和可持续性,优化完善城市功能,进一步向新城集聚人口和产业,初步形成“现代化新城”格局;全面发展社会事业,大幅提升公共服务能力,建成覆盖城乡的社会公共服务体系;稳步提高水源保护和生态涵养能力.进一步增强生态涵养区和首都饮用水源基地功能。实现经济发展水平、人民生活品质,可持续发展能力,公共服务能力、水源保护和生态涵养能力显著提升,预计地区生产总值年均增长13%,财政收入年均增长12%,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入年均分别增长7%左右.到2010年城镇化率达到50%左右,全县林木覆盖率达到68%。为达到这些目标,密云县将采取一系列措施创造优良发展环境,增加投入以促进产业发展,改善基础设施条件和公共服务水平,加强生态建设.为相关领域投资者和各种相关要素供给商提供了广阔商机。  相似文献   

魏啸亮 《首都经济》2006,(11):62-63
山峻、树绿、水清、天蓝,有着“首都后花园”美称的昌平,近年来在产业发展上取得了可喜的成绩。2005年,地方财政收入实现13.2亿元,二、三产业的贡献率明显提升,三次产业结构调整为2.347.3:50.4,基本符合现阶段的发展要求,产业布局更趋合理,初步形成了七个重点产业聚集区。高新技术产业和先进制造业.旅游会展业.现代流通服务业.现代农业以及房地产与建筑业等“五个经济板块”发展壮大,成为区域发展的主要支撑。  相似文献   

This paper is critical of the scenario planning approach which attempts to offer a formula for development for South Africa in the 1990s based upon the success of Japan, amongst other economic ‘winners’. It is argued that the complexities and debates surrounding Japanese modernization make the application of ‘lessons’ extremely problematical. Points of controversy arising out of the two ‘miracle’ periods of Japanese economic growth, the Meiji era of the nineteenth century and post World War Two era, are examined in some detail. The Tokugawa legacy, Japanese ethics and in particular Confucianism, capital formation and investment spurts, the agricultural contribution, militarism and economic gains from warfare, the role of the state, the zalbatsu and business structures, dualism, labour supplies, export performance and finally education are all factors central to the debate on causes of economic growth in Japan. The paper concludes with some suggestive and very tentative ideas about ‘lessons’ for South Africa.  相似文献   

随着生态环境保护制度日趋严格,如何守住环境质量底线和资源利用上线,实现科学、有序、绿色发展成为纺织印染工业园区亟须解决的问题。文章以常州某纺织印染工业园为例,梳理园区发展现状和存在问题,并从不同层面提出园区可持续发展建议。  相似文献   

The paper examines the tax-credit programme incorporated in the Industrial Plan introduced by the Lopez-Portillo administration (1976–1982). It discusses the objectives of industrial planning in Mexico at that time, and in particular the attempt to use fiscal incentives to guide private sector investment into priority areas. It argues that a priori the effectiveness of the tax-credit programme set out in the plan is questionable as a means of achieving this objective. Data on recent industrial developments in Mexico are examined to see the degree to which they cast light on the question.  相似文献   

随着我国居民生活水平的不断提高,汽车保有量逐年增加,汽车养护服务等后市场需求日益旺盛,但现阶段高邮市汽车产业还存在布局分散、企业规模小、服务水平参差不齐、环境污染等问题。文章从高质量打造城南汽车产业园背景出发,分析现有汽车城的现状与存在问题,结合外地成功经验,提出以集聚发展、重点打造汽车后市场为主攻方向,为未来汽车产业园建设提供一定参考。  相似文献   

集群化--中国开发区产业发展的新方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
凌嵩 《港口经济》2004,(1):49-51
纵观近现代世界产业组织的发展历史,各种产业在世界市场机制的配置下,呈现出一种新的特征,即相似或相关的产业在同一区位日益集聚、规模集约,相互之间依存度越来越大,以一种或几种核心技术产业化为引力,逐渐吸纳相关产业为之配套服务,依此不断发展壮大。产业集聚已成为世界各地  相似文献   

Abstract: The paper analyses the incidence of malaria in rural Nigeria and its implication for the country's efforts to meet the targets of various domestic and global development policy blueprints. In recent years, there has been remarkable increase in human and financial commitments to global malaria control, partly due to the need to meet specific and relevant development targets set in the millennium development goals (MDGs). However, these efforts have not translated into a significant decrease in the incidence of the disease and its impact in Nigeria. Using the cost of illness method to analyse the impact of malaria on various attempts at national development, the paper found that substantial resources and domestic output is lost annually to malaria attack in Oyo State. This has serious implications for the achievement of the principles of the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS) and the MDG target. It is implied from the results that effective control of malaria is capable of reducing household poverty, inequality, while improving various determinants of welfare and national development.  相似文献   


In the search for a “development theory”, during the 1950s and 1960s economists on the whole gave only limited consideration to the behavior of the state. Interest was mainly focused on the role of such factors as capital accumulation, education, transfer of technology, trade strategies etc in the development process. When the state entered the analysis, emphasis was usually put on its positive contribution to development: the state provides infrastructure and overhead capital, it corrects for externalities and designs overall development plans.1  相似文献   

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