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Early in 1980—well before the Special Session of the UN General Assembly in New York—the Independent Commission for International Development Issues chaired by Willy Brandt presented its Report: “North-South: A Programme for Survival”. The findings of the Commission which is better known as “North-South Commission” or “Brandt Commission” have met with agreement and approval but also with criticism. Which recommendations has the Commission made? Which points of the Report are being criticised?  相似文献   

UNCTAD’s Main Committee for Technology is to meet in November 1975 to discuss once again the subject of a Code of Conduct to be observed in transferring technical knowledge. What chances are there for such a Code to be adopted?  相似文献   

In the context of the New International Economic Order (NIEO) the developing countries are expressing more and more frequently a wish for stricter control over the multinational enterprises. What should be the features of a Code of Conduct for Multinationals?  相似文献   

The Commission of the European Communities, in the spring of 1970, accepted “A Plan for the Phases Establishment of An Economic and Monetary Union”, based on the Barre-Memorandum of February 12, 1969, prepared by M. R. Barre, himself a former Commission member. This article deals with the still unanswered questions which according to the author were raised.  相似文献   

Several recent articles in the field of ethics and business have raised questions concerning the viability of professional ethical codes. Are such codes serious, effective tools for promoting and enforcing an ethical standard of behavior? Or do the codes more closely resemble clever, elaborate public-relation ploys? The purpose of this paper is to analyze the content, role and efficacy of one such ethical code, namely, The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Realtors. The paper examines the ethical principles embodied, implicitly or explicitly, in this Code; it tests these principles for coherence, comprehensiveness, clarity and enforce-ability. Furthermore, it seeks to determine whether this Code articulates standards of ethical conduct that are higher than those already required by law and whether the Code successfully translates a general ethical vision down to concrete, everyday real estate practice.  相似文献   

The concept of Collective Self-Reliance (CSR) has been of increasing political importance since the early seventies in the North-South negotiations and also at the South-South conferences (of non-aligned and Group of 77 countries), especially in connection with the discussions on a New International Economic Order (NIEO). Development researchers in poor and rich countries have at the same time begun to pay more attention to the concept of Self-Reliance (SR) in both its individual and its collective dimension. The concept of Collective Self-Reliance is examined in the following article as are its chances of realization.  相似文献   

In 1972 the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) was given the mandate of protecting the U.S. public against unreasonable risks of injury associated with consumer products. Pooled cross-sectional time-series data from 1961 to 1982 on states' accidental home death rates are used to examine how effective the CPSC has been. This evaluation controls for several relevant historical forces (besides the CPSC) which may have contributed to fluctuations in the accidental home death rate. The results indicate that after controlling for those exogenous factors for which there are data, the CPSC reduced accidental home deaths by an estimated 17,941 over its first ten years of operation.  相似文献   

Attempts by the developing countries to replace the largely voluntary provision of development aid by a system that would free official resource flows from the possibility of political interference by the donors and from the need for yearly budgetary allocations have been going on for some time. The present author here examines the proposal of the Group of 77 for a Financing System for Science and Technology for Development.  相似文献   

In INTERECONOMICS No. 3, 1976, we published an Interview with Professor Dr Walter Hallstein, former President of the EEC Commission, on the Belgian Prime Minister’s, Leo Tindemans’, “Report on the European Union”. Meanwhile the Report has been discussed on occasion of the last European Council meeting in Luxembourg whose unfortunate outcome pointed out in a dramatic way the weakness of the political will of the Community. In the following article the President of the Council, Gaston Thorn, explains his views of the significance of the so-called “Tindemans Report”.  相似文献   

When the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development meets in Santiago de Chile on April 13, 1972, for its third full session, the representatives of 140 states and multllateral organisations will be faced with a very comprehensive programme including quite a few subjects of dispute. This article by Dr Eppler, the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation, points out some of the problems on the agenda of the third UNCTAD.  相似文献   

The UN-Economic Commission for Europe, to which today the large majority of the economically most advanced states in the world belong, has in the 21 years of its existence done work that cannot be gauged merely by tangible results. The Commission has played a vital part in creating the essential climatic conditions for the economic reconstruction of Europe after the war. During the dark days of the “cold war” it remained the only functioning forum for a dialogue between East and West. Its activities range from the regulation of cross-frontier traffic, to researches into long-term economic developments in Europe, to the promotion of East-West trade and even to questions of scientific and technological cooperation, and as such the ECE sets an example of economic coexistence. At the beginning of the third decade of its existence the Commission, firmly rooted as it is in a well-balanced mixture of idealism and realism, can look to the future with confidence. On the occasion of the 23rd meeting of the UN/ECE, which ended in Geneva on the second of May, we discussed with its chairman, Dr Treu, some of the main problems of economic cooperation between Eastern and Western Europe.  相似文献   

In view of the close relationship between macro-economic performance, structural adjustment and international trade, the OECD Council established in 1979 a programme of work on Positive Adjustment Policies. Under this mandate, a Special Group of the Economic Policy Committee (under the chairmanship of Dr. Hans Tietmeyer, presently Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry of Finance in Bonn) was to review the macro-economic, structural and international implications of industrial, regional, manpower and other micro-economic policies, and to examine the adjustment policies of individual member countries. This work resulted in a Ministerial Declaration in 1982 on Positive Adjustment Policies and in a Final Report of the Special Group which is to be published shortly. The following article by Prof. Wolfgang Michalski, who directed this OECD project, is a résumé of the main conclusions.  相似文献   

The 11th session of the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the second Ministerial Conference of that Organisation took place in Accra from February 19 to 23, 1973. The Commission—a regional organisation of the United Nations—has 41 independent African states as members.  相似文献   

It has been observed since about 1976 that financial commitments to developing countries have been disbursed more slowly than in the past. At the same time there have been increasing complaints from recipients that the commitment, appraisal and disbursement procedures of the donor countries were excessively complicated, resulting in a delay of disbursements. The Western industrialized countries, both individually and jointly in the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, therefore initiated investigations into the importance to be assigned to this phenomenon as well as into the question of whether there are any possible ways of simplifying the administrative procedures. The following article sums up the results of such a study by the German Institute for Development Policy in respect of the Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

The Ivory Coast has been the scene of a remarkable economic upsurge since it gained independence in 1960. Agriculture and forestry have been the mainstay of growth. The evolvement of socio-economic structures in the rural areas is outlined in the following article which also discusses aspects of the present reorientation of the policy of rural development.  相似文献   

Rolf Hasse 《Intereconomics》1978,13(7-8):194-199
Demands for the imposition of economic sanctions under UN auspices on South Africa have been voiced for quite some time. Rhodesia was the first country ever to be subjected to a full obligatory embargo by the UN Security Council. An analysis of the embargo against Rhodesia will therefore help to answer the question whether an embargo on South Africa stands a chance of success.  相似文献   

Foreign aid has often been considered as one aspect of the world-wide confrontation between East and West and one might therefore wonder to what extent the neutral European countries have an aid policy of their own reflecting their status of non-alignment. The following article tries to give an answer to this question by analysing the aid policies and efforts of Austria, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland.  相似文献   

Klaus Bolz 《Intereconomics》1984,19(5):244-249
The new forms of cooperation between Western firms and East European enterprises, begun with so much optimism in the 1970s, have disappointed the expectations placed in them. In both East and West the question as to the benefits and risks of this particular form of collaboration is now being posed. This article seeks to explain the present situation and to draw some conclusions concerning future trends.  相似文献   

One of the many new publications dealing with the reform of the International trade system is the report of the Trade Policy Research Centre “Towards an Open World Economy”. The following article analyses and criticlses the main proposals of the report.  相似文献   

The developing countries have to be involved more closely in the international division of labour if they are to be able to play their part in a New International Economic Order. Increased competition in semifinished and finished products and internal substitution processes will pose new problems for the industrialized countries and force them to consider structural readjustments in their own economies.  相似文献   

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