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It is shown that the rental of the ith primary factor in terms of the jth product is a convex function of the relative price of the jth commodity if and only if the weighted elasticity of factor substitution is greater in whichever industry employs the ith factor relatively intensively the weights being the shares of the ith factor in the total costs of the two industries.  相似文献   

张可云 《中国市场》2010,(50):12-16
从目前来看,"十一五"时期虽然遭遇了许多始料不及的多种困难,但成就辉煌。在举世受金融危机影响而陷入困顿境地的情况下中国将迎来百年不遇的发展机遇,盘点"十一五"时期的得失,有利于明确"十二五"时期的发展思路与方略。  相似文献   

Despite decades of efforts, it has not yet been possible to integrate the developing countries satisfactorily into the world economy. Professor Glastetter examines the reasons for the failure of the integration strategies pursued hitherto and discusses the prospects of success with alternative approaches. Abridged version of a paper presented at a conference organised by the Evangelical Academy, Loccum, between 16th and 18th September 1988.  相似文献   

英国在18世纪中叶进入工业革命时期后,社会经济快速发展,但是社会收入分配不均的情况不断恶化,城市病问题突出.虽然到19世纪下半叶,低收入阶层的物质生活有所改善,但直到20世纪初期,社会低收入阶层的物质和精神生活问题也没有得到彻底解决.二战后,政府采取了相应的政策措施,建立社会保障体系,推行保险制度,从制度层面保障低收入者的基本生活,解决了经济发展的顽疾,这对我国解决城乡低收入阶层的生存问题,建立一个可持续发展的社会,有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Retailing in the 21st century will no doubt be very different from retailing in the 20th century, just as retailing in the 20th century was very different from retailing in the 19th century. To understand and explain current retailing phenomena and retailing-related phenomena, and accurately predict such phenomena, it is necessary to have a coherent and consistent definition of retailing as well as comprehensive retailing theories based on this definition. This introduction to the special issue argues for such a definition and related comprehensive theories.  相似文献   

余文斌 《中国市场》2008,(49):75-76
2011年将在南昌举办的第七届全国城市运动会,使南昌体育物流业面临着一个很好的发展机遇,因为每一个大型的全国运动会都离不开一个强大体育物流业的支持;本文运用文献资料法、逻辑推理法,对南昌市当前物流与体育物流业的现状和影响南昌市体育物流业发展的因素进行了探讨,研究认为南昌市体育物流业应对第七届全国城运会的策略是:不断优化竞赛表演市场,充分发挥体育中介市场的作用,加大对体育物流业管理的投入。  相似文献   

全面落实建设社会主义文化强国,增强国家文化软实力理论是时代的需要。贯彻十八届三中全会的文化体制改革精神,必须坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展方向,必须坚持以人民为中心的工作导向,必须坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,运用文化引领、凝聚、推动功能,牢固把握十八届三中全会新思想新举措,营造良好的生态文化环境,打造优秀的文化主体,推进文化体制机制创新,开创中国特色社会主义文化强国建设新局面。  相似文献   

十六大以来我国财税体制改革取得重大进展,公共财政支出管理改革取得了很大成就。十八大报告对当前及今后一个时期加快财税体制改革、完善公共财政体系提出了明确要求。加快完善公共财政体系,必须建立健全财力与事权相匹配的财税体制;进一步完善预算体系与预算管理体系;加大支出结构的调整;加快完善税收制度。同时,要深入探讨开征环境保护税。  相似文献   

The Eleventh World Energy Conference 1980 was held in Munich from the 8th to the 12th of September. “Looking ahead to 2020”—the title of the energy survey published for this conference—indicates that the long-term trend was in the centre of interest. Oil is a finite resource and has to be substituted in the long run. It is the period in between which causes much concern because during this time we cannot do without oil. It is against this background that we have asked Senator Wolfgang Oehme, chairman of the board of Esso A.G., to present to us his views on this critical period of time.  相似文献   

Warnings about the dangers of protectionism are being heard from all sides at present. However, rehearsing the advantages of free trade and the drawbacks of protectionism is to little avail if it fails to take account of the limitations that the international context imposes on national economic policy. This article is an edited and updated version of a paper presented at a conference organized by the Evangelical Academy, Loccum, between 16th and 18th September 1988.  相似文献   

This JBR Special Issue on Retailing includes several high quality research studies presented at the 10th and 11th Society for Marketing Advances Retail Strategy and Patronage Behavior Symposiums. The articles cover a wide range of interesting and important retailing topics including topics such as atmospherics, self-esteem and advertising. This introduction offers a few comments on the 2007 and 2008 Symposiums' content including a brief overview of each article.  相似文献   

Banking crises were a relatively common occurrence in 19th century England. Like the Federal Reserve today, the Bank of England struggled to quell panics by acting as the lender of last resort, while at the same time maintaining monetary stability. This article surveys the events leading up to and the Bank's response to the four post-1844 crises, highlights some of the similarities between the Victorian era panics and the 2007–08 crisis, and draws on the 19th century experience to illustrate the dilemmas facing modern central banks.  相似文献   

19世纪中后期至20世纪初期,中国处于半殖民地半封建社会。与中国以往的封建社会形态不同,中国社会在这个时期一方面具有自身的封建性;另一方面,也显示出了殖民主义的特点。“租界”作为半殖民地半封建社会的特殊产物,在破坏中国原有农业社会基础和形态的同时,还带来或产生了新的意识形态以及思想。其中,“租界史学”可以被认为是这种新意识形态的一种具体体现。把握“租界史学”的产生原因、发展过程、表现形式和特点,对史学理论研究具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

县区是我国发展林业的重要区域.面对十七犬后新的林业发展契机.从下述三个方面,概要分析县区规划林业创新性的发展思路:1.紧密结合县区实际,深化林业改革创新;2咖强森林资源培育基地建设,加快森林资源培育总量;3.实施林业再加工项目带动,壮大林产工业,对县区规划林业创新性的发展.  相似文献   

The newly passed 2008 marked the 7th anniversarv of China's entry into the WTO.Embracing the change we prepared and matured to the challenge of becoming WTO member, and act which opened numerous opportunities to our country.  相似文献   

We taught a mere seven‐period financial literacy curriculum to two 12th grade economics classes, where one treatment was Financial Fitness for Life® (FFFL)‐intensive and the other was “stock market learning” (SML)‐intensive. Two control groups received no financial literacy treatment—an 11th grade group with no exposure to economics and a 12th grade economics class. The 12th grade economics classes, i.e., the two treatment groups and one control group, also worked on identical stock market portfolio assignments that their teachers required independently of our curriculum. In a test of overall financial knowledge, the FFFL‐intensive group outscored both control groups and the SML‐intensive groups, even on questions that were not taught in our curriculum. We conclude that an FFFL‐intensive input mix was beneficial in directly adding to financial knowledge and also in terms of leading to spillovers in such knowledge.  相似文献   

With the New Year's bell ready to ring, representatives from enterprises all over the country and overseas offices all over the world met in Beijing, to gather up the threads from 2008, and make plans for the future. The 2009 National Trade Promotion Conference was hold at the Jingxi Hotel from January 4th to the 5th, with over 300 people in attendance.  相似文献   

On 24th and 25th April, 1985, delegates from more than 80 Asian and African countries gathered in the Indonesian city of Bandung at the “Gedung Merdeka”, or “House of Freedom”, to commemorate the famous Bandung Asian-African Conference held thirty years previously. What, in retrospect, has been the historical and political significance of Bandung? What have been the achievements of its heirs so far?  相似文献   

中国人口迁移研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对本世纪以来 ,特别是自 70年代末期以来我国人口迁移研究文献进行了量化分析 ,描述了我国人口迁移研究的大致情况  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between the introduction of innovation and subsequent firm growth employing a dataset representative of the Chilean productive structure. By means of quantile treatment effects (QTE), we estimate the effect of the introduction of innovation by comparing firms with a similar propensity to innovate for different quantiles of the firm growth distribution. Our results indicate that process innovation positively affects sales growth for those firms located at the 75th and 90th percentiles. Contrarily, product innovation appears not to be a driver of firm performance. We also find that process innovation benefits mature firms at higher quantiles while it positively affects young firms located at low-medium quantiles.  相似文献   

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