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This paper empirically investigates the direct and indirect effects of tourism activity on economic growth in China's four major tourist cities with world cultural and natural heritage sites. Based on the resource curse hypothesis approach, we calculate the indirect effects of tourism on economic growth through four main transmission channels: Dutch disease effect, crowding out effect, price volatility and institutional quality. Empirical evidence from four major tourist cities from 2000 to 2010 suggests that heavy dependence on tourism resources appears to lead to Dutch disease effect; however, the effect is small and insignificant in the short term. The empirical results show that physical investment and human capital are important transmission channels through which tourism activity indirectly exerts more positive effects on economic growth. The prices volatility and economic openness play a positive but small and insignificant role in explaining tourism's indirect effect.  相似文献   

Input-output techniques are used to assess the role of tourism in the economic diversification in Hong Kong. It is found that, in comparison with domestic manufacturing, the value-added content and labor productivity of tourism are relatively high, and tourism requires very little energy, not many laborers, moderate amounts of capital and appreciable amounts of skills, all of which are ideal in an environment of rocketing energy costs, rising wages, and fast growth with rapid accumulation of capital and skills. Moreover, the shares of tourism in GDP and total employment have been increasing due to decreasing leakage. On the demand side, the growth of tourist exports is more stable than many major commodity exports partly because tourism is less subject to import protectionism. Tourism is thus considered a prime choice in the current economic diversification of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

世界旅游强国离不开良好交通的支持,而作为交通中非常重要的高速铁路的快速发展,必将有力地促进区域旅游的发展。文章探讨了2020年全国高铁网络影响下旅游景点可达性空间格局及其变化,分析旅游目的地与客源地市场空间格局变化特征,在全国尺度下定量分析高速铁路建设对旅游客源地与目的地可达性的影响。测度2020年规划高铁通车前后旅游可达性空间格局与变化。结果显示:高铁开通后,高铁沿线城市可达景点数量显著增加;尤其是"日"字形高铁沿线城市与景点的增加值最高,将成为我国重要旅游经济带,高铁沿线城市与景点是高铁网络效应的主要受益者,高铁服务带来了时空压缩效应,即高铁的开通不仅缩短旅游客源地和目的地之间的时间距离、加强了两地之间的联系,也实现了旅游者跨区域的快速外部交通,而这种快捷效应的延续同样离不开城市内部交通网络的优化,缩短中心城市到旅游景区的时间,将会进一步增强景区的吸引力。  相似文献   

Ice-snow tourism is trendy in the global tourism industry. High-speed rail improves the accessibility of these destinations. However, the influences of accessibility on regional economies are understudied. This study investigated changes in accessibility between urban areas and ice-snow tourist destinations after implementation of high-speed rail in northeastern China. Data on transportation networks, destinations, and economic factors were used to compute weighted mean travel times and daily accessibility, and a tourism-economy linkage model was utilized. After implementation, (1) the shortest intercity travel times were significantly shorter, (2) numbers of one-day and weekend trips significantly increased, (3) distribution of accessible tourist destinations expanded northward and southward, (4) isochrone analysis revealed that central cities promoted tourism development in nearby cities, and (5) intercity tourism-economy linkages increased. Accessibility to Shenyang was the most powerful influence on economic development. The tourism-economy linkages between Liaoyang and other cities were greatly enhanced between 2008 and 2018.  相似文献   

非旅游者群体是一个巨大的潜在市场,而要使其潜在的旅游需求转变为现实的购买决策,就必须深入了解其出游的障碍性因素.本文以西安市城中村居民作为研究对象,采取问卷调查的方法进行实证研究.试图探究不同性别、不同职业类型、不同年龄以及不同类型城中村居民出游障碍性因素的构成及区别.研究发现:城中村居民的出游障碍性因素较为普遍,不同类型的群体对不同的障碍性因素的敏感度存在不同程度的差异.城中村居民出游的障碍性因素有多元化特征,经济因素和时间因素仍然是主要障碍性因素.根据分析结果,针对性地提出改变这种现状的策略建议,为旅游企业、政府及旅游地进行客源市场拓展提供思路.  相似文献   

张金山 《旅游学刊》2013,(11):42-49
在世界城市建设的背景中,北京提出了建设国际一流旅游城市的目标,大力发展旅游产业被定位为北京中国特色世界城市建设的重要支柱。文章结合世界城市的内涵,分析了世界城市与旅游业的关系以及北京的差距所在,最后提出推动旅游产业从传统服务业向现代服务业转型升级、大力发展文化创意产业、发展旅游总部经济、努力建设国际会展之都等未来北京旅游建设的重点方向及建议。  相似文献   

从创汇导向的国际旅游目的地发展到以游客满意为导向的国民旅游福祉提升,是包括中国在内的世界旅游发展战略正在经历的趋势性变革。游客在旅游基础理论研究和旅游经济发展实践中已经被事实上赋予了主体地位,游客满意应当、也可以成为当代旅游发展理论的学术基石、国家旅游发展战略的思想基础和目的地管理实践的政策创新。作者团队5年的全国游客满意度调查实践表明:城市政府牵头、培育游客和市民共享的生活空间、完善商业接待和公共服务体系等,是提升游客满意度的有效路径。  相似文献   

中国城市居民旅游需求空间差异及变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
时空差异及变化是我国旅游需求差异研究中不容忽视的问题。该研究是以我国旅游抽样调查主要的39个城市近10年来居民旅游需求变动数据为依据,通过旅游需求差异的测度和空间分析等方法,对我国城市居民旅游需求的空间差异及变化进行动态分析,结果显示:①各城市间旅游需求的绝对差异扩大,相对差异在较高的差异水平上下波动,这主要源于旅游人均花费存在较大的差异性及出游率出现σ分异;②旅游需求差异来源的空间分布表现出较大集中性,但随着极大偏离均值城市的差距减小,集中度也逐渐降低;③大部分城市旅游需求水平呈较平稳的增长趋势,一些城市表现出阶梯式推进的态势,同时少数城市具有较明显的跳跃性增长或下降趋势。④旅游需求差异的存在及其扩大主要源于三大地区内部的差异,特别是东部地区城市间的差异贡献率巨大,但其贡献率有明显的缩小趋势。  相似文献   

This study examines the negative impacts of economic crises and disasters caused by weather or diseases on inbound tourists. We use two well-known tourist cities, Macao and Hong Kong, to highlight the importance of economic variables in attracting tourists, and the significant decreases in tourists when economic crises and disaster hit. Our results show that ignoring the impacts of crises will bias the statistical estimates. Using a simple dummy variable method, we illustrate that the test results can change from insignificant to significant statistically. We find that different types of crises will have different degree of negative impacts on tourism industry which are important for policy makers and the tourism industry in crisis management and in overcoming the difficulties in attracting more tourists under very unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

Scholars and local planners are becoming increasingly interested in the contribution of tourism to economic and social development. In the European cities that currently lead the world rankings for tourist arrivals, local governments have actively promoted tourism. Mobility is an essential issue for tourists visiting large cities, since it is a crucial factor for their comfort. It also facilitates the spread of benefits across the city. This study uses an international database of European cities to examine whether city planners respond to the additional demand for urban public transport by extending service supply. Our results confirm that tourism intensity is a demand-enhancing factor in urban public transport. However, cities do not seem to address this pressure by increasing services. Tourism appears to exert a positive externality on public transport, since it provides additional funding for these services, but it also imposes external costs on resident users because of the congestion caused by supply constraints.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism management policies should aim at maximising economic benefits from tourist arrivals while minimising associated adverse impacts on the environment. This study assesses the short-run and long-run relationships between tourist arrivals, per capita economic output, emissions, energy consumption and capital formation, citing Nepal as a specific case study. We developed four hypotheses and tested them using time-series econometrics based on the autoregressive distributed lag model and Granger causality tests. The results provide strong evidence of an economy driven tourism sector where expansion in economic output leads to expansion in tourist arrivals. More tourist arrivals, in turn, generate positive impacts on gross capital formation. Energy consumption negatively affects tourist arrivals, calling for increased attention towards improving energy efficiency and energy diversity. We conclude that national policies to increase tourist arrivals should be integrated with national energy and environmental policies in order to facilitate the transition towards a sustainable tourism sector.  相似文献   

以在11个外国游客来华热点城市对外国游客做的6441份有效调查问卷一手资料为基础,采用模糊测量评价法、SPSS聚类分析法、感知矩阵从旅游吸引力因素、知名度、游前感知、实地旅游感知、实地—游前感知差异、旅游感知态6个方面,对外国游客对中国旅游城市的旅游感知及其差异进行了实证分析。结果表明:城市形象是吸引外国游客来该城市的仅次于景区景点的第二位吸引力因素;中国旅游城市最主要的特征是安全性,最次要特征是神秘性;外国游客对中国城市的整体感知评价高,其中实地感知评价普遍高于游前感知评价,不同城市的感知差异很大;中国热点旅游城市在外国游客感知中具有集群性。  相似文献   

京沪高铁对主要站点旅游流时空分布影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
交通是影响旅游流时空分布的最主要因素之一。文章以京沪高铁线为例,运用旅游场理论和社会网络分析方法,比较京沪高铁开通前后9个主要高铁站点的旅游流时空分布变化特征。研究表明:高铁开通强化了北京、上海和南京等重要旅游客源地和目的地的领先地位,呈现出高铁旅游流的"马太效应";高铁促使靠近重要旅游目的地的竞争处于劣势的旅游地旅游流呈现"过道效应";高铁促使空间距离临近的两个城市的旅游流呈现"同城效应";高铁提升原本缺乏区位优势的旅游资源型站点的可进入性,同时对区域核心城市的交通依赖程度明显下降;高铁的时空压缩效应缩短旅途时间,可实现小长假的远程旅游,双休日的中程旅游,一定程度上避免了中远程旅游对黄金周的依赖,从而缓解出游时间的集中性,提高了旅游质量。  相似文献   

游客满意度测评体系的构建及实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游客满意度测评体系旨在以旅游者视角来评价“城市旅游综合服务质量”软环境.该研究根据满意度理论和扎根理论,结合提升旅游服务质量的实践需要,构建了游客满意度调查体系,并以2010年全国50个城市的大规模调查数据为基础,较全面、系统地探讨中国游客满意度的总体及区域特征.游客满意度测评体系包含现场问卷调查、网络评论调查及旅游投诉与质监调查,2010年全国整体处于78.95的“基本满意”水平,呈现显著的区域差异性和正向空间集聚特征.建议推广“大旅游”的产业发展理念,切实提升涉旅行业服务质量和城市综合配套服务.  相似文献   

This exploratory paper examines the role of food tourism in developing and sustaining regional identities within the context of rural regeneration, agricultural diversification and the creation of closer relationships between production and consumption in the countryside. It focuses on Cornwall, South West England, an area with rural development issues, increasing tourism impacts and contested issues of regional identity. A literature and policy analysis, and in-depth interviews with 12 restaurateurs, were undertaken in four popular tourist locations. Correlation was found between increased levels of food tourism interest and the retention and development of regional identity, the enhancement of environmental awareness and sustainability, an increase in social and cultural benefits celebrating the production of local food and the conservation of traditional heritage, skills and ways of life. The paper draws attention to three issues: the role of food tourism in increasing tourist spending, the potential role of food tourism in extending the tourist season, and the re-examination of food tourist typologies within a sustainability framework.  相似文献   

In The Gambia, as in many other African countries, rural areas rarely profit from the turnover earned in the country's tourism sector. In academic and political literature, however, rural tourism is frequently identified as a diversification strategy that may trigger local economic development in remote communities. To promote rural tourism development, further knowledge is required to understand why tourists are motivated to engage in distinct tourism market segments. In this study, survey data was collected from 450 tourists in The Gambia using a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was constructed to identify the key characteristics and motivations of tourists so that the significant market segments could be categorized and the (latent) tourist demand for rural tourism activities could be gauged. This study identified four distinct segments of tourists in The Gambia: heritage & nature seekers, multi-experiences seekers, multi-experiences & beach seekers, and sun & beach seekers. Drawing on our key findings, we conclude by identifying a development path that could diversify Gambia's tourism sector. The development path would also include event-based rural tourism initiatives that align with the motivations of the identified market segments and may additionally benefit rural communities by reducing economic leakage rates.  相似文献   

Tourism authorities in the Las Vegas region have suggested the diversification of the tourism industry as a strategy to improve the vitality of rural communities outside of the metropolitan area. The present study uses Social Representation Theory as the conceptual basis to test the moderating effects of the various types of proposed tourism development on residents' willingness to pay higher taxes to support such development. A survey of 301 residents in Las Vegas rural communities examined how the factors of economic dependence on tourism, community attachment, and ecocentric attitude towards tourism influence residents' perceptions of tourism's impacts. A higher economic dependence on tourism and higher levels of community attachment led to more favorable perceptions of tourism's economic and social impacts. The economic impacts, in turn, resulted in a willingness to pay higher taxes, irrespective of the type of tourism development proposed by the Las Vegas authorities. The results suggest that rural communities reinforce a hegemonic social representation of tourism in order to characterize the ethos of capitalist urbanism that pervades the economic development discourse. The residents' social construction of tourism has important implications for tourism planners in the region and suggests the adoption of an inclusive tourism diversification strategy that leverages both gaming and alternative tourism.  相似文献   

The global economic value of parks through improved mental health of tourists has been estimated at about ten times greater than direct park tourism expenditure. The Chinese term for this health services value is jing hua xin ling, psychological destressing. Here we present the first case where optimal tourist infrastructure is influenced by including mental health. Using a multi-stage, cross-lingual, differential stakeholder method, we analyse conflicts between road- and roadless-access tourism in the very large new Sanjiangyuan National Park, Qinghai, which offers jing hua xin ling to domestic tourists from eastern-seaboard cities. This provides a powerful tourism attraction, and hence economic opportunity, for the region around the park. If these mental health aspects are included, together with their direct and indirect consequences for tourism, then roadlessness is preferable to new roads. Similar infrastructure conflicts occur for park tourism worldwide, and jing hua xin ling can provide a global theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of tourist flows represent the movement of tourists and show differences in tourism resources giving advice for promoting balanced and sustainable tourism development. This paper proposes a novel framework for analyzing these patterns based on tourists' digital footprint data collected from online travel diaries. Based on illustrative case study data from Qingdao (China), the framework, combining traditional quantitative and social network analysis, is able to pinpoint: (1) The influence of distance decay and attractions’ popularity on the spatial patterns of tourist flows; (2) The uneven distribution of the core tourist nodes and the existence of the structural hole phenomenon, which form a network pattern with unbalanced power and intense internal competition; (3) The formation of the core area for tourism along the coastline – as is typical for coastal tourism cities. This difference of tourism resources between coastal and inland areas, thus, remains a challenge for future tourism development in Qingdao.  相似文献   

中国国内游客满意度的内在机理和时空特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何琼峰 《旅游学刊》2011,26(9):45-52
文章基于包含6项结构变量、21项观测变量的游客满意度结构方程模型,利用2010年50个样本城市的23531份国内游客现场调查问卷数据,结合方差分析、CF滤波分析、时间序列模型、Theil指数和Moran’s Ⅰ指数等方法,全面分析旅游形象、游客预期、游客感知质量、游客感知价值、游客满意度和游客忠诚的内在机理和时空特征。研究发现:游客满意度模型的实际拟合效果较好,游客感知质量对游客满意度、游客满意度对未来忠诚度的作用效果较大;2010年全国样本城市国内游客的整体满意度指数为81.13,游客对景点、娱乐、旅游公共服务的评价较高;2010年游客满意度指数具有倒U形的季节规律,同时具有显著的正向空间集聚特征,华东地区已成为国内游客满意度较高城市的集聚区。  相似文献   

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