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This paper examines the concept of capital city tourism with reference to Wellington, the world's southernmost capital. Drawing on visitor survey data, interviews with providers, the analysis of marketing strategies and secondary statistics, the paper seeks to distinguish the ‘capital’ dimension from other aspects of tourism in the city and to consider this from the perspective of the visitors, providers and the destination marketing organization. Reflecting a range of functions-political, economic and symbolic-the ‘capital’ dimensions are shown to be multiple and often indirect. The capital city effect on the overall growth and nature of tourism in Wellington should not be overstated but scope exists to develop this unique selling point further.  相似文献   

Island Tourism: Sustainable Perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Authenticating Ethnic Tourism: Li Dancers' Perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Authenticity is a negotiated rather than an absolute attribute of tourism phenomena. A large number of stakeholders is involved in the negotiation of authenticity, including the state, the business community, tourists and, in the case of ethnicity, representatives of minority groups. Each of these is likely to hold its own perspectives on authenticity. This presentation focuses upon the latter group and examines the perceptions of tourism and culture of Li dancers who perform for tourists in purpose-built folk villages in the island of Hainan, China. In order to structure perspectives on authenticity, survey responses of Li dancers are arrayed upon five constructs that can be viewed as representing different dimensions of the authentic. These constructs are: commodification versus spontaneity (non-commercialization), cultural evolution versus museumification, economic development versus cultural preservation, ethnic autonomy versus state regulation, and mass tourism development versus sustainable cultural tourism. It is demonstrated that there is tension both within and between each of these constructs. Furthermore, the perspectives of Li dancers on tourism and culture are formulated and reformulated within the context of the perspectives of other stakeholders who may hold different positions related to authenticity.  相似文献   

俱乐部旅游:实施、意义与前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹娟 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):37-41
本文根据实地调研,讨论国内新近出现的一种新的旅游方式——俱乐部旅游。文章首先分析这种旅游方式成功实施的三要素,即相关主体、旅游线路设计、物质准备及费用;其次,从旅游者、当地社区、旅游组织者以及旅游目的地生态环境和遗产保护等角度,对俱乐部旅游进行收益分析,并同时与其他旅游方式进行效益比较;第三,通过讨论俱乐部旅游与“大众旅游”、“自助旅游”、“另类旅游”以及“活动旅游”等旅游概念的关系,对其进行学术定位;最后,从俱乐部旅游的易行性、潜在的参加者群体、与户外健身运动的关联性、以及中国户外运动资源等4个方面,指出俱乐部旅游在中国的发展前景。  相似文献   


This study examines the destination branding strategies of two national capitals, Canberra and Wellington. Literature on both destination branding and national capital tourism suggests that national capital status may be both beneficial and unfavourable for destination marketing. The results from personal interviews and documentary analysis point to differences between the two national capitals brands where Canberra uses national stories and symbolic concepts heavily while Wellington uses broader city/urban elements. This indicates that national stories, although an important aspect of tourism in national capitals, may also present a number of challenges, including a negative image and low consumer demand, creating practical implications for branding national capitals. The paper suggests further research is necessary to determine how national stories can be utilised in branding to develop a unique selling proposition.  相似文献   

This research explores tourism policy making, from the perspectives of policy makers using grounded theory. It focuses on Leeds, a city in the North of England, which is characterized by its turbulent environment. The paper identifies themes around policy making, including low status, lack of clarity, uncertainty, lack of consensus and congruence and complexity. Its findings indicate policy making is essentially a social process, involving communication and negotiation between people in the context of wider change. It suggests a social conceptualization, and further research to investigate the communications involved in producing policy rather than the focus on the tangible outputs of the process such as a plan or a physical development.  相似文献   

从旅游学的研究角度看旅游高等教育   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在高等教育改革的背景下 ,职业教育和专业教育的关系被进一步关注 ,而旅游行业本身的特点 ,对旅游高等教育提出了更多要求。本文着重从旅游学的研究角度 ,包括理论方面和研究现状 ,尤其是旅游学的基础理论、学科分支和学科成熟度等方面作了分析 ,提出对旅游学研究的把握是旅游高等教育安排中要深入考量的因素  相似文献   

传统的产业经济学理论主要注重经济因素而较少注重社会因素对产业发展的影响.本文构建了基于信用资本、人力资本的产业经济增长模型,研究旅游信用资本、人力资本与区域旅游经济发展之间的影响机制,并以中国29个省市,东、中、西部不同省份的面板数据,对旅游业人力资本、信用资本积累与旅游业发展之间影响机制进行了实证检验.结果表明,私人生产性的教育消费支出和公共教育支出总体上促进了旅游业人力资本积累;旅游业人力资本积累相对于政府培育信用资本的公共支出更加有利于促进旅游业信用资本积累;信用资本对中国旅游业发展产生了积极影响,但这些影响存在较大的地区差异性.该研究为促进中国旅游业信用资本、人力资本积累与区域旅游经济的协调发展提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

利用资本市场发展旅游产业   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高广新 《旅游学刊》2001,16(5):9-12
在旅游业宏观与中观形势向好的大背景下,旅游业微观层次的效益低下日益凸现,特别是1998年,作为旅游业主体之一的酒店业全面亏损.众多研究结果表明,生产要素难以自由流动和产权制度不合理是导致这一背反状态的最主要因素.本文重点探讨如何利用资本市场功能解决旅游业项目资金筹集、产业结构升级和现代企业制度建立等面临的多重问题,以为解决旅游业的矛盾现状找寻多一点的思路.  相似文献   

由于工业旅游能带来额外的效益,工业旅游项目呈现从省会城市和工业发达城市向中小城市扩散势头.在缺少著名工业企业的情况下如何开展工业旅游项目?如何将工业旅游产品与目的地原有产品结合起来,增强目的地的整体吸引力?本文以广东中山为例进行深入探讨,提出传统旅游城市工业旅游的开发原则,开发思路以及开发模式,以期为众多的中小型传统旅游城市提供可参照范本.  相似文献   

The present article uses the example of the Alta Museum to discuss how museums have become dependent on tourism as a necessary source of income. This dependency has often been regarded as a challenge to the scholarly quality of the exhibits. The article argues that the involvement in tourism has less impact on what is represented by the museum and more on how the museum needs to represent the exhibition and its context. The article discusses the possible conflicts and contradictions between the traditional ideology of museums and modern tourism. The Alta Museum is then analysed in order to demonstrate how the museum is involved in a tourism system in which location is vital. The last part of the article analyses the Alta Museum in relation to the concepts of McDonaldisation and Disneyization. This analysis reveals the importance for museums to adapt to modes of productions that are familiar to international tourists. Museums thus become spaces for having a ‘good time’.  相似文献   

汤静 《旅游学刊》2014,29(12):111-117
我国传统的管制型政府(国家)背景下,立法在规制国家与公民关系时,以公民基本权利-国家权力关系为指针,立法者将侧重点放在国家权力规范设计上,突出国家权力对公民权利的保障。今天,随着以人为本法治理念与服务型政府建设的推进,我国服务型政府正取代传统的管制型政府,公民权利保障制度设计上必然走出传统的公民基本权利-国家权力关系理念,采取替代性公民基本权利-国家义务关系理念。2013年4月通过的《旅游法》作为综合性法律,适应新形势要求,全面规范了国家尊重、保护、促进公民旅游权之义务,呈现了规制公民-国家关系之国家义务强化趋势。  相似文献   

This paper suggests a life cycle model for aboriginal arts performance in tourism related situations from the perspective of authenticity. It is proposed that aboriginal arts performance is subject to a change and potential revitalisation process which consists of five stages: (1) the primordial state; (2) increasing involvement; (3) situational adaptations; (4) revitalisation; and (5) management for change, conservation or decline. The paper also examines the existing literature concerning authenticity in the field of tourism. It is designed to help understand and manage the increasingly complex world in which aboriginal arts can decline, survive or change.  相似文献   

Tourism, Trade, and National Welfare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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