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研究目的:以土地权籍理论下的人地关系为核心构建土地管理数据模型,为基于统一数据模型的土地管理数据共享集成提供基础。研究方法:综合分析现有的土地数据模型和土地行业标准规范,总结归纳土地管理中的人地关系内涵和结构,在此基础上构建土地管理数据模型。研究结果:分析了土地管理中的人地关系语义,初步建立了基于人地关系的土地管理数据模型。研究结论:土地管理是人地关系的综合体,基于人地关系的土地管理数据模型,能够集成土地管理中的人地关系,并完整地表达土地管理的要素、关系和过程。  相似文献   

根据农地整理后期管护的内涵和影响因素,从公共参与度、管护资金投入度、管护制度完善度和管护效果4个方面构建农地整理后期管护绩效评价指标体评价模型并进行实证研究。通过问卷调查获取评价数据,运用层次分析法、熵权法和物元可拓模型进行绩效评价。研究表明:通过土地流转实现土地规模经营的姑塘村农地整理项目后期管护综合绩效水平达到良好等级,但该项目良好等级关联度不强;王岗村农地整理后依然实行家庭联产承包责任制,项目后期管护水平不高,综合绩效只能达到中等水平。农地整理项目后期管护绩效的主要制约因素包括管护资金来源稳定程度、村组织管护的宣传强度、管护监督检查机制完善度、管护资金筹集制度完善度、奖惩制度完善度、水利设施管护完好度。总之,物元可拓模型有利于保障农地整理项目后期管护绩效评价的全面性、科学性,为制定农地整理项目后期管护政策提供启示。  相似文献   

本文根据地政管理的特点,着重介绍了土地生命周期管理的内容,并从业务模型和数据模型方面其管理模式的建立进行了探讨,给出了基于土地生命周期管理模式的系统建设构想.  相似文献   

针对城市园林管理问题,建立量化的游人消费价值模型和效用函数,运用博弈论分析了城市园林管理模型的纳什均衡。在借鉴信息经济学理论的基础上,提出了景区管理的委托——代理管理模型,提出了加强景区管理的具体措施。  相似文献   

河道管护效果评价对于提高河道管护效能,促进水利工程设施管护单位转型发展具有重要意义。从堤防护岸管护效果、堤防绿化效果、河道保洁效果、河道整治效果、河道生态修复效果和河道附属设施管护效果6个方面建立河道管护效果评价指标体系,提出改进云模型方法评价河道管护效果。该模型采用云模型计算出云权重作为主观权重,用投影寻踪法确定客观权重,将主客观权重进行组合计算得到各指标的综合权重值,再用云模型计算得各指标的隶属度,根据最大隶属度原则确定评价等级。对昆山市周庄镇河道管护效果进行了评价,评价结果和实际情况一致,证实了该评价方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

根据我国林业十二五产业发展的任务和集体林权制度改革深化的新形势,提出了创新科技管理,促进林业产业发展的思考:创新项目管理机制,由分散式立项到链式立项,由单一管理到综合管理,由任务评价到效益评价;创新拓展产业研发领域,延伸林业产业链,发展林业新兴产业;创新产学研合作共赢机制,建立产业技术创新联盟,培育产业研发人才。  相似文献   

In this paper the optimal management strategy for intensive aquaculture is viewed in terms of a combined strategy of releasing the optimal number of recruits and harvesting those recruits at the optimal harvesting time. A model which can be used to determine the optimal management strategy is developed. In the model the optimal harvesting model documented by Bjorndahl (1988, 1990) in which harvesting and feed costs are considered, is extended by including release costs and how they influence the optimal number of recruits. The model forms the basis for an empirical analysis in which the optimal management strategy for a yearclass of Atlantic salmon farmed in Australia during 1989-91 is considered.  相似文献   

Despite the significant effect that invasive species have on natural values, the number and extent of invasions continue to rise globally. At least three dominant reasons explain why policy development and implementation can fail: differences in managers’ mental models of invasive species management; cross-agency responsibility; and poor planning and management (i.e., planning–implementation gap). We used a case study of cross-agency management of gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus) in Australia to explore the differences in organizational staffs’ mental models of management. The gamba grass invasion in northern Australia is continuing to expand and associated effects are increasing; coordinated action across agencies is needed to manage the expansion. Our aim was to examine how staff would represent their mental models as a diagram that we could compare between individuals and groups. We used cognitive mapping techniques to elicit models of 15 individuals from across 5 organizations, represented as an influence diagram, which shows the interrelationships that define a system. We compiled the individual influence diagrams to create a team model of management that captures the common connections across participants’ diagrams. The team model revealed that education, science, legislation, enforcement and property management plans were perceived to be the most important management tools to control or eradicate gamba grass. The Weed Management Branch was perceived to have the most central role in gamba grass management, while other organizations were perceived to have specific roles according to their core business. Significant positive correlations (i.e., shared perceptions) were observed across half of the participants, indicating that the some participants have shared models that could be used as a starting point for discussing the team model, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and potentially building consensus around a shared model. Dominant opportunities for improvement identified by participants were better use of management tools, namely education and enforcement, better coordination and collaboration between agencies and increased resourcing. Our research demonstrates the value and validity of using influence diagrams to explore managers’ mental models and to create a team model that could serve as a starting point for improved cross-agency natural resource management.  相似文献   

当前国土资源管理改革的总体趋势是:管理模式向综合型和协调型转变,管理职能向透明型和服务型政府转变,管理方式向贴近宏观经济和社会发展转变,管理手段向政府调控和市场配置型转变,管理理念向资源、资产、资本三位一体转变.国土资源管理的难点问题体现在:大综合的管理趋势与系统内部的条块混合体制,民众参政热情与低效的社会舆论应对机制,传统的资源管理与参与宏观调控的职能要求,权力的垂直上收与调动地方积极性,资源资产化和收益分配制度问题等五对矛盾.建议在国土资源管理改革中树立建设综合协调的大国土资源体制目标,建立健全宣传应对机制,明确参与宏观调控的站位和抓手,建立有效调控与市场机制相结合的高效管理方式,探索建立资源、资产、资本三位一体的管理模式.  相似文献   

土地是最基础与最重要的资源与资产,是国家经济政策拟定的依据,是实施规划纲要与落实方针政策的基础。土地是人类生存的基础,而且是不可再生的,只有加大土地管理的力度,高效合理地利用土地,才能实现我国可持续发展的目标。地籍管理是土地管理工作的重点领域,是土地产权得到保障的前提。目前的土地管理集中在对土地产权的管理,土地产权变化会涉及到地理实体时间、空间及属性的变化,时态GIS正好反映了此变化。目前时态GIS的研究集中在对时空数据模型的建构。时空数据模型决定了时态GIS系统的运行效率。无论是国内还是国外均对时空数据模型进行了研究,通过模型的构建的相应地提出了超过20种模型,而在实际的应用中,不同的模型有不同的特点。文章对典型的6种时空数据模型进行了分析,从模型的建模思路出发,分别探讨了模型的适合环境与优缺点,可以为人们在应用时空数据模型进行土地管理时提供帮助,有利于研究者对模型的进一步研究。  相似文献   

地质灾害风险管理是一种寻求更加合理有效的地质灾害减灾防灾的理念和模式。国外对于地质灾害风险管理的研究,主要是通过采用现代高技术与地质灾害风险管理相结合的方式体现出来的。国内学者对我国地质灾害的类型、特征、影响因素、分布状况和区域发展规律等进行了深入的研究,提出了许多新理论、新观点。需要解决的问题:(1)如何评估灾情程度需要科学的理论与切实可行的方法;(2)需要借助现代信息技术和数值模拟仿真技术建立地质灾害风险评价与风险管理的数学模型,以进一步拓展地质灾害风险管理的研究体系;(3)需要结合具体的区域,对风险管理措施、手段及传导机制进行系统仿真和比较研究。  相似文献   

Disaster prevention, response and recovery require information about land tenure. Though, in many high-risk contexts, such records are non-existent or not up to date. As a result, vulnerable groups are often passed over by the government during risk management activities. At present there exists no dedicated tool for supporting land tenure recordation of all people-to-land relationships for the purposes of disaster risk management. More specifically, the required supportive data models and standards that could enable integration of concepts from the respective domains of land administration and disaster risk management are also lacking. Standardized data models could support software and service designs. This paper introduces a model linking the domains of land administration and disaster risk management – with the goal of supporting resilience against natural disasters and providing an approach for collecting data once, and using it multiple times. A design approach was used to develop the model – with adaption of the international Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) standard acting as a basis. Key features of the model include the support of interoperability through standardisation, the inclusion of all people-to-land relationships including those specific to disaster contexts, and the potential of the model to contribute to each of the disaster phases. The model is suggested to be highly applicable in natural disaster contexts where no land tenure information exists or the national mapping authority already uses a land administration system compatible with LADM. Overall, the model is considered as a step toward an implementable strategy for applying responsible land administration in the context of disaster risk management.  相似文献   

研究目的:通过信息化手段解决高度城市化地区土地利用计划的精细化管理问题。研究方法:系统分析法,实例验证法。研究结果:设计了基于B/S的开放化、常态化的用地信息采集方案和图文一体化的用地核查方案,引入多部门参与的计划编制模式和土地利用计划实施动态跟踪模型。研究结论:开放式土地利用计划精细化管理系统稳定,操作简便,在深圳市2012年土地利用计划管理工作中的应用,有效地实现精细化管理目标,对高度城市化地区的土地利用精细化管理具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍了江西省林权改革第一阶段明晰产权工作的主要做法,并运用实地调研的数据分析了林权改革的实施对自留山、责任山、集体山的林地经营模式产生的影响。通过分析发现,自留山和责任山的经营模式在林改前后没有发生大的变化,几乎不受林权改革影响;而集体山林的经营模式受林改的影响较大,林改之后股份合作、承包、转让等模式逐渐取代了集体统一经营的模式成为集体山林经营的重要模式;提出了江西省林权改革工作存在的不足之处及改进的建议。  相似文献   

结合兰坪县森林资源的现状,分析当前森林资源保护存在的问题,确定兰坪县森林资源管护模式、管护机制、森林管护设计的具体内容,提出了护林的方式、措施和森林管护的具体办法。  相似文献   

文章结合国土资源系统和环境保护系统审计及财务管理实践,就如何发挥财务管理在科研单位管理中的核心作用进行了探讨,明确了基层单位管理中财务管理的重点和地位,提出设计内部管理模式和目标考核指标等观点,以期建立和完善适应单位管理的内部控制制度,从而强化资金管理,提高资金使用效益,达到提高单位社会效益和经济效益的目的.  相似文献   

Agricultural production in many semi-arid areas over the world is affected by poor drainage and saline conditions. Optimal agricultural management can be considerably different under these conditions than in locations where these problems do not occur. A long-run steady-state model is developed to analyse several management strategies for a farm with limited natural drainage and no access to off farm facilities. The model is applied to a representative farm in California. Under optimal management, the results suggest relatively small evaporation ponds, a reduction in water application, and little change in cropping patterns. Some drainage reuse is optimal when only variable reuse costs are considered. Returns to land and management are positive in all cases considered and benefits from a free off-farm facility are approximately $260/ha.  相似文献   

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