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The purpose of this study was to find out if significant differences exist in patterns of expenditures between elderly and non-elderly consumers, taking poverty status into account. Cluster analysis was used to identify expenditure patterns. Four different expenditure patterns were found. Elderly middle-income and affluent households were more likely to belong to service-using cluster than non-elderly poor households. Nonelderly households were more likely to belong to shelter-dominated cluster than elderly households. Poor households were more likely to belong to homebound cluster, while non-poor households were more likely to belong to car-centred cluster.  相似文献   

Engel curve analyses of six major categories of expenditures are presented. Data for U.S. consumer units are from the 1989 Consumer Expenditure Survey. Six different functional forms for each of the six expenditure categories were compared and the form with the best fit between permanent income, as derived from an instrumental variable approach, and expenditure was selected for each expenditure category. Regressions of each expenditure with permanent income and selected household characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify household consumption expenditure patterns in the US and to determine if these patterns are different from those of Korean households. Data were cluster analysed, and the results revealed four different consumption expenditure patterns for US and Korean households. Logit analysis showed that consumption expenditure patterns of households in both countries are likely to vary depending on socioeconomic factors. Similarities and differences in consumption expenditure patterns between cultures are discussed, and implications are provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between the extent of household production and satisfaction with household production. Data were obtained from 400 married couples who responded to a postal questionnaire. The dependent variable was an index of satisfaction incorporating two aspects of household production, quality and quantity. Regression analysis indicated that of the three variables representing the extent of household production in the model — hours spent by each spouse in household production and an activity index to measure the number of household production activities — only husband's hours spent in household production demonstrated a significant, independent effect. Other significant variables included husband's hours of market work, household net worth, age of respondent and gender of respondent. Two significant interactions indicated that (i) the relationship between wife's hours of household production and satisfaction with household production differed according to the gender of the respondent, and (ii) the relationship of husband's hours of market work and satisfaction differed according to the age of the respondent.  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of household buying decisions to purchase bottled water or purified water from refilling stations among households in Metro Cebu, Philippines. A survey of 360 households was conducted to obtain data on household sources of drinking water, household bottled water buying behaviour and perceptions of water quality. A binary probit model was used to examine the effects of socio‐economic and perception‐based variables on the likelihood that a household regularly bought bottled or purified water. Results show that households that perceived their primary source of water, whether from the tap or from other sources, to be unsafe were more likely to buy bottled or purified water. Education of household heads, the presence of children ages 0–5 years, household size and price were also found to have significant effects. Income, however, was not found to have influenced the decision to buy. Having piped access to the local water district and knowledge of government assurances about water safety were also not found to have a significant impact.  相似文献   

A model of use-utility of household durables was developed and estimated using survey data. The survey was conducted to identify attributes relating to the efficiency of kitchen work centres. Indexes for the most important attributes were developed and used to compare different selections of equipment. The impact of adding an equipment item was found to vary with the characteristics of the item, the degree of importance ascribed to attributes of the work center and specific functions performed there  相似文献   

本文选取1990-2019年国家统计局公布的数据,运用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数模型来反映居民储蓄率和常住人口城镇化率、少儿抚养比、老年抚养比之间的关系。最终发现:1990-2019年,在常住人口城镇化率呈现快速单调递增的前提下,少儿抚养比一直呈现下降的趋势,并最终稳定在一个较低的水平状态;老年抚养比则一直呈现较为缓慢的增长趋势;居民储蓄率呈现波动性上升的趋势,并最终稳定在一个较高水平区间呈现震荡上升的状态。基于此,本研究提出:需要积极转变人口思想——从人口数量转变到人口质量;需要注意到人口年龄结构和城镇化水平的变化对经济活动所造成的影响。  相似文献   

We examine why studies reach contradictory conclusions concerning the value of the household life cycle model as a predictive tool in consumer expenditure research. Using a database of roughly 14,000 Canadian households, we find that household life cycle variables do not generally enhance prediction over a more parsimonious model containing a basic set of socioeconomic and demographic variables, even when comparing less aggregated to more aggregated expenditure categories. However, they do enhance prediction for categories that are defined such that the typical users of the category fall into a fairly narrow age range. The theoretical and applied significance of our findings are discussed and directions for future research are offered. Copyright © 2007 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

论家庭消费性生产与家务劳动产品价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘茂松 《消费经济》2002,18(1):62-64
家庭需要是指家庭成员在物质和文化生活中所产生的需求,其实现过程直接产生家庭生产性效用即欲望的满足,以往,人们只是把这个欲望实现过程看成是一种纯消费,其实,消费本身也不是家庭成员生活的最终目的,在消费过程中生产出“满足”家庭生活所要的最终产品才是目的,所以,从“满足”即效用产生这个角度来看,消费的过程也是一种生产的过程,当然,我们在这里讲的消费性生产,并不完全是从“满足”产生的角度来界定的,而是从家庭服务产品的角度来论证的,我们知道,服务业是第三次产业,家庭中直接为生活服务也就是直接为满足人们的各种欲望服务的活动,如做饭、洗衣、带小孩以及家庭文娱活动等,如果请人来做,那么,就构成了社会服务产业,而如果由家庭成员自己来做,以往则认为是家庭纯生活行为,而未被认为是一种生产或产业行为,现在看来,家庭成员所进行的这种家务活动,也是一种消费性的生产活动,因为,它同样要占用时间,要花费直接成本和机会成本,更重要的是它可以对社会服务业进行替代,具有转换形态的价值。  相似文献   

The pace of aging in China is accelerating, from the introduction of family planning to the liberalization of the two-child policy, with a growing proportion of families in the 4–2-1 structure. With filial piety in mind, most adult children will live with their elderly parents and share income and expenditure. Concurrently, due to the inadequacy of the social security system, a heavy supplementary burden of supporting the elderly has been placed on adult children. Based on data from the 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017 Chinese Social Survey (CSS) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), this study analyzes the objective factors affecting household elderly support expenditure using the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation method. It also examines the crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure on the consumption of different types of households through a panel generalized method of moments (GMM) approach. Finally, the crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure is discussed in a sub-sample according to the number of households needing to support the elderly aged 60 and above. The empirical results illustrate that there is a crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure on household consumption, and the magnitude of the crowding-out effect varies for diverse consumption. Our study reveals that the crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure on core consumption is the largest in a sample with different numbers of elderly persons in families. The empirical results for the sub-sample show that the larger the elderly population, the stronger the crowding-out effect of elderly support expenditure on core consumption and the less pronounced the effect on marginal consumption.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on consumption in a context of economic hardship. From an empirical perspective, and using a qualitative methodology, we show how disadvantaged individuals and households maintain a level of consumption commensurate with the society in which they are integrated through a type of consumption conceived of here as “resilient”. Resilient consumption is characterized by being a type of expenditure oriented towards maintaining the role of consumer, that is, maintaining a minimum level of purchasing power, modifying to this end both the level and the structure of consumption, both of which are key elements in the resilience process. We identify five main strategies used by households that modify and restructure the consumption of basic goods and necessities in response to economic hardship. Key resilient consumption strategies include: reduction (cutting down on spending), substitution (replacement of one difficulty with another), compensation (pseudo‐consumption or reduced usage), transference (meta‐resilience) and integration (reinterpretation of difficulties as opportunities). We conclude that although consumption is a naturally resilient behaviour, in a crisis context, resilient practices focus on maintaining acquisition capacity in spite of reduced income.  相似文献   

This paper shows the usefulness of cohort analysis for generational marketing. Aggregate data classified by age and period are decomposed into age, period, and generational cohort effects. We compare two cohort-analysis models, the constrained multiple regression model and the Bayesian cohort model. The empirical results that are common to the household vehicle expenditure ratio in the U.S. and Japan are as follows: (1) among a total of three effects, the period effect is the smallest; (2) with the exception of the latest birth cohort, the cohort effect shows a clear upward trend; (3) the age effect decreases in the 20s and 30s, and next increases with a peak detected in the late 50s, and finally decreases. We provide marketing implications for cohort segmentation and forecasting.  相似文献   

A path model was tested to ascertain the relationships between certain socio-economic and demographic variables, the percentage of household meals prepared and eaten at home (secondary household production), food expenditures, and the household's reported adequacy of food consumed. Significant positive predictors of secondary household production of food were the age of the head and household size. Negative predictors were education of the head, income of the head(s) and number of hours worked by the household head(s). By far the most important predictor was the number of hours worked. The strongest predictor of food expenditures was household size. Other positive predictors were income of the head(s), number of household heads and the degree of urbanization. Negatively affecting food expenditures was secondary household production of food, indicating the ‘saving’ effect of preparing meals at home. The household's reported adequacy of their food was predicted by the positive effect of education of the head, age of the head, tenure, hours worked by the head(s) and number of household heads. Although the number of hours the heads are employed decreased the percentage of meals prepared at home, and the percentage of meals at home negatively affected expenditures, the number of employment hours had no effect on food expenditures.  相似文献   

A simple, dynamic selection procedure is proposed, based on conditional, expected profits using Markov chain models with memory. The method is easy to apply, only frequencies and mean values have to be calculated or estimated. The method is empirically illustrated using a data set from a charitable foundation. The results reveal some interesting features with respect to the time-dependent behavior of certain subsets of households, whereas the profitability increases by about 9% by using the method compared to a benchmark of sending a mailing to all households.  相似文献   

基于体验消费的我国主题餐厅建设模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李雪松 《消费经济》2007,23(3):86-88,92
论文在分析界定主题餐厅概念的基础上,从体验消费的视角,结合我国主题餐厅建设现状,构建了一个概念模型,并提出了该模型的实施设想。  相似文献   

厂商透过广告,企图吸引消费者注目,如果一句很红、造成很大话题的标语(slogan),不仅让很多人在茶余饭后口耳相传,连其它的媒体都会绕着这句slogan在谈论,形同是免费广告,造成更大的回响。正因为slogan是广告的灵魂,一句话的影响力可以无远弗界,带动社会文化流行,所以本研究特别以由台湾“文建会”、台湾“新闻局”、及《动脑杂志》共同主办的“1994-2008年广告流行语金句奖”为分析文本,从文化与消费观点去讨论这些广告流行语背后的意涵,希望能为分析台湾广告流行语创造一个开端,建立以华文广告流行语为轴之文化分析的版图。  相似文献   

A survey was sent to a group of households selected at random in six counties to identify financial events and coping strategies of households in the current economic climate. The purpose of the study was to provide information on the occurrence of major financial events and coping strategies to be used in the development of outreach educational programmes in the financial area. Additionally, information was obtained on the types of financial information the respondents would find helpful as well as preferred delivery methods. The inability to save money was a problem for the majority of households, with job-related events such as losing a job causing the most financial difficulty for the households. Many of the households indicated a desire for information on investments, retirement planning, estates and wills. It was clear from the findings that the methodologies used to teach financial information need to be geared towards learning at home.  相似文献   

朱虹  蒋承 《中国市场》2011,(20):78-85
本文利用我国县级财政统计数据,对教育公共投入差异以与地方财政能力的关联性进行研究。统计性描述发现我国生均教育公共投入呈现出显著的区域和省际差异;泰尔指数分解结果显示我国财政教育支出总体不平等主要由区域内以及省内差距引起。回归方法在控制地方财政能力总量、财力结构、政府间转移支付等因素对公共教育投入的影响后,发现政府可用财力和财力结构是引起财政教育支出差异的重要因素,而目前转移支付体制还没有充分发挥减小财政教育投入差距的作用,部分转移支付甚至有减少财政教育投入的效应。  相似文献   

政府消费对居民消费存在着挤出效应、挤入效应。本文在典型的新古典经济学的分析框架下,引入凯恩斯主义中的当期绝对可支配收入研究政府消费与居民消费的关系,发现中国居民消费率与政府消费率、可支配收入占比之间存在阶段性的协整关系,政府消费对居民消费存在加强的挤出效应;政府消费与居民消费共生,互为Granger因果;政府消费对居民消费的动态效应开始为挤入,后为更强挤出。如果在新经济增长阶段中国政府消费职能从推动经济建设向提供公共产品过渡,中国政府消费对居民消费的作用也将从挤出变为挤入。  相似文献   

本文综述了家用录像机的技术进展及市场现状。给出了录像机的调频信号传输模型,进而指出了录像机中的主要技术问题。最后概述了家用录像机的发展趋势、  相似文献   

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