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This paper first shows, with data from fourteen countries, the potential of time-use studies for measuring, in comparable physical quantities, labour inputs in SNA and in non-SNA production. It then presents the monetary valuations of unpaid household labour and of households' non-market product achieved on the basis of time-use data in a few of these countries. Further elaboration of these valuations illustrates the contribution of households' non-SNA production to extended private consumption. The conclusion suggests desirable future developments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general framework for defining the economies of scale in household consumption. It allows commodity specific economies of scale (taking into account the substitution effects). The chief contribution of the paper is to show how one can estimate economies of scale from cross section budget data without price information. The problem of identification that is inherent in these models is overcome by making use of some assumptions about the nature of goods and services employed in the estimation. The methodology developed in the paper is applied to Australian Household Expenditure Survey for 1984 to calculate item wise and overall economies of scale.  相似文献   

The growth of rural households' production ability is the key factor in the transformation from a traditional society based on a small‐scale peasant economy to a non‐agricultural dominated society based mainly on social production and trading on a large scale. From this perspective, this article examines England and the Yangzi Delta, both at one stage considered the most developed districts in their own countries, to investigate how England accomplished social change during the period of industrialization and why the Yangzi Delta failed to industrialize in modern times.  相似文献   

We analyze the welfare properties of the equilibrium path of a growth model where both habits and consumption externalities affect the utility of consumers. Our analysis highlights the crucial role played by complementarities between externalities and habits in order to generate an inefficient dynamic equilibrium. In particular, we show that the competitive equilibrium is inefficient when consumption externalities and habit‐adjusted consumption are not perfect substitutes.  相似文献   

This paper provides a survey of the research in matching and market design. We discuss both basic theories and recent advances. Emphasis is placed on applications of the theory to practical problems.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problem of valuing the time spent on household production and presents estimates of that production for the United States in 1960 and 1970. The estimates are derived by using both opportunity cost and market cost valuations of household time. A comparative analysis of these estimates concludes first that opportunity cost estimates exceeded market cost estimates by 1.0 to 3.0 percent of the GNP. Second, the ratio of household production to the GNP, although declining slightly between 1960 and 1970, may in the long run tend to be relatively stable. These conclusions do not support the popular views that over time household production will decline in relative magnitude, or that the opportunity cost method of valuing household time, relative to the market cost method, is significantly upward biased.  相似文献   

Mr. Mordechai E. Lando has devoted his entire ‘Comment’ to one paragraph in my article, ‘Full Employment and the New Economics’, which ran to 36 paragraphs. Despite this rather narrow concentration, Mr. Lando has seriously misstated my argument in that one paragraph, and he has supported his criticisms by misstatements of fact and errors in analysis. Since his criticisms go to the heart of a thesis that I have developed in some detail during the past decade, I think that I should answer them rather fully.  相似文献   

Household production as well as other informal economic activities have received scant attention in economic science. In the last decade the view has been taken that there has been a big shift from formal to informal production. In order to examine this trend this article presents estimates for the size of household production for the Federal Republic of Germany which are based on time-budget data collected from 1964 to 1980. To show the sensitivity of the results two different estimating methods the Opportunity Cost Method and the Market Cost Method, are used. Since productivity growth took place not only in the formal economy but also in household production, estimates will be presented which take productivity growth explicitly into account. The article concludes with a comparison of estimates for other countries.  相似文献   

The quantity index comparing the per capita consumption of one country vis-à-vis the other often gives widely different figures, depending on which country's prices are used as “weights”. In this paper, this gap between two quantity indexes is divided into a substitution effect and an income effect by assuming common tastes between nations. For this division, we estimate the points of over-compensated variation and under-compensated variation in income from Gilbert and Kravis’data. The results of our estimation show that the income effect is smaller than the substitution effect. But the sign of the income effect indicates that this effect is generally in the same direction as the difference between two quantity indexes. Translated into the Bortkiewicz covariance, this means that the income elasticities are inversely related to the relative prices; the higher the income elasticity of a good, the lower is its price in the high income country relative to the low income country. Since we only approximate the points of exactly compensated variation in income, we cannot estimate “true” quantity indexes. However, our result implies that the two indexes in Gilbert and Kravis’data do form the upper and lower boundaries to the true index-numbers.  相似文献   

本文使用大样本的微观企业数据,通过实证分析来判别中国转型背景下,现阶段以大银行体系为主的金融体制与实体经济形成的是“共生”还是“掠夺”关系。结果发现:民营企业中贷款成本支出对企业利润和资产增长造成了显著的“挤压”和“抑制”效应;相反,国有企业中却表现出“共生”效应,而其他类型企业中这些效应皆不存在。这些结果验证了银行体系对民营企业造成了“掠夺”之手的效应。  相似文献   

We examine the sensitivity of U.K.-Spanish poverty comparisons to variations in the dependence of equivalence scales on household size and composition, using evidence from national household budget surveys. We sum up these comparisons using subjective confidence levels. Taking into account the dissimilarities in the distribution of incomes and needs across countries, we find, inter alia , that although the poor are typically more numerous in Spain than in Britain, the actual headcount differences may vary by up to 10 percent of the population when needs allowances are altered, even when kept the same across the two countries. Comparisons of poverty composition across the two countries are also very sensitive to the choice of equivalence scale parameters. Generally, however, the proportion of single adults among the poor is much less important in Spain than in Britain, the reverse being true for households with three or more adults.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants of voluntary contribution to environmental quality by introducing the perception of environmental risk. We consider individuals who are aware both of the impact of their voluntary contributions and of the quality of the current environment on the future quality of environment. Their preferences are represented by the RDU model. We distinguish three kinds of effect: environmental quality, wealth and risk perception. The first effects are not always sufficient to explain agents' implication in the improvement of environmental quality.  相似文献   

This paper develops a network model to analyse the economic effects resulting from the non‐price competition between the home country's and neighbouring country's hub‐airports. Focusing on the trade‐off relationship between the length of the connecting time in the hub‐airport and the consumption opportunities of the transfer passengers, we demonstrate theoretically that even though the hub‐airport bears a cost disadvantage over its rival in providing the hub‐airport service, it still has a chance to earn more profits than its rival by the setting of the connecting time. This finding suggests a new methodology for hub‐airports that attempt to alleviate price competition.  相似文献   

《经济学季刊》2004年第3卷第3期第703—726页发表的洪永淼、成思危、刘艳辉、汪寿阳共同撰写的论文"中国股市与世界其他股市之间的大风险溢出效应"存在若干笔误,特作如下更正  相似文献   

The impact of immigration on labour markets depends, among other factors, on the substitutability or complementarity between immigrants and natives. This relationship is examined by treating migrant and native labour, along with capital, as inputs in production process. Estimated price elasticities of substitution between immigrants and native labour suggest that in Australian context, an increase in the wage rate of one group of workers leads to an increased demand for the other. The estimated elasticities of substitution between immigrant and native workers and the complementary relationship between immigrants and capital provide an insight into the complex effects of immigration.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with analyzing the consistency problem that arises when the macroenterprise sector of a nation's accounting system is put on a microdata foundation. This foundation is composed of sets of microbusiness accounts, after some appropriate rearrangements and reclassifications. We pose the question: can the macroenterprise sector accounts be regarded as a consolidation of (observed) microbusiness accounts? The answer is positive from a purely conceptual viewpoint, but negative from a statistical viewpoint which preserves the decision-making records of microbusiness units. The latter phenomenon is referred to as the limits to (statistical) consistency while attempting to maintain the viability of a national accounting system. The analysis proceeds by exploiting the structural properties of market transactions matrices for a nation's economy. The results are sufficiently general to encompass the case where the transaction matrices are initially characterized by both sectoral discrepancies and transaction flow category discrepancies. In this general context it is shown that the statistical inconsistency potentially resulting from the replacement of the macroenterprise sector by an aggregation of microbusiness units has certain properties with economic meaning. This leads to a discussion that explains the ultimate rationale of statistical inconsistency: the fact that different microeconomic decision units may have different views and knowledge of common market transactions. The paper concludes with some implications for future research that appear to follow from the historical development of the subject matter.  相似文献   

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