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亚硫酸盐类在食品中的应用及残留控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品中二氧化硫残留超出国家标准屡见不鲜,控制食品中的二氧化硫残留量是当前食品加工企业及监管部门的一大难题。为了正确认识和解决食品中二氧化硫超标问题,本文从亚硫酸盐类在食品工业中的应用以及残留控制进行了综述。  相似文献   

This paper takes as its focus the adoption by the Co-operative Wholesale Society of what appears to be a socially responsible stance on food labelling practice and policy through the publication of a public report and a proposed code of practice. The central issue in the debate surrounding labelling is the question of ‘asymmetric information’ (when one party knows more about a product than the other). In order to function, markets need perfect information. The existence of asymmetric information gives rise to ‘market failure’ which prevents the ‘free market’ from functioning according to the laissez faire model. It can be argued that regulation will overcome this problem. However, this paper counters this argument on several grounds. In the first part of the paper labelling is examined as a textual construction, and ethical dimensions are revealed through an awareness of discourse and signification, which gives rise to a view of packaging as a version of reality partially built through connotation and association. The second part of the paper examines political and regulatory concerns. Marketing and economic theories are discussed in terms of their impact upon ethical issues in food labelling. Sense is made of various arguments about the policy and practice of food regulation – particularly in the wake of the James Report calling for the establishment of a Food Standards Agency. Tactics for resisting regulation are also examined. The paper analyses the role and motivation of the CWS in taking these steps. Consideration is given to the issue of where responsibility for information giving and public health education might lie, and what phenomena act as barriers to increased public awareness and action on dietary matters. Finally the debate over food labelling is used as an example of why it is problematic (and possibly unethical) to promote the free market model as the only sensible alternative to other modes of economic organisation.  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the issues involved in devising a suitable dietary for nineteenth century prisoners. It begins with a section defining and explaining the application of the ‘less-eligibility’ principle—a principle which still strikes a chord with many people today. The paper goes on to describe the lack of standardized diet in the early part of the century, which first led the prison inspectors to investigate the properties of food. The inspectors, however, were administrators, not nutritionists, and the next section is concerned with the work of such medical men as Dr Guy and Dr Smith, who made more scientific experiments and observations in the 1850s and 1860s. In the final paragraphs, prison diet is compared with the sort of food consumed by working class families of the Victorian period. Both at the beginning and at the end of the paper, an attempt is made to demonstrate that the problem of reconciling humane treatment for the prisoner, with society's demands for justice, is just as great for the prison administrator of today as it was in the previous century.  相似文献   

Grocery retailers have a large amount of societally relevant data on food purchases in their databases, which they have traditionally used merely for marketing purposes. However, despite the potential, the data have so far been rarely used in sustainability-related research. This study addresses a key sustainability challenge—the reduction of food waste—by using retailers' customer data and a questionnaire. This paper's purpose is to identify and analyse household food waste segments and discuss their actual purchasing behaviour patterns. By doing so, we also illustrate and exemplify the potential use of customer loyalty card data to address global challenges related to food at the consumer level. The study utilizes an extensive data set of food purchases together with a survey of self-reported reasons for food waste in households. Utilizing cluster analysis, Phase 1 identifies six household segments: no food waste; trust in date labels; safety first; occasional wasters; overpurchasers and overpreparers; and family first. These segments differ in their sociodemographic and purchase profiles. In Phase 2, these segments' purchasing behaviour is examined further by applying tree-based methods. This study contributes to food waste research and studies on sustainable retailing. It also has practical implications for how retailers can facilitate household food waste reduction.  相似文献   

In developed countries, choosing and purchasing food is today perhaps more complex than ever. In recent years, European consumers have experienced several food crises. We face a rapidly expanding range of novel food products, the food chain has become longer, and the origin of food more anonymous. At the same time, consumers confront increasing amounts of information on food every day. Consumers build their conceptions of modern food‐related risks on the basis of their everyday knowledge and coping strategies. Hence, the focus of this paper is on consumers’ food choices and everyday practices in relation to food safety and quality as well as food‐related risks. The paper is based on a Finnish study 1 examining consumers’ food choices. The data for the study were collected in September 2004 using an Internet‐based food diary accompanied by open‐ended questions on food‐related views and strategies. Altogether, 92 consumers completed the diary. The method combining the tradition of dietary intake and food consumption surveys with open‐ended questions was developed in order to gain an insight both on the types of foods purchased and on consumers’ conceptions of food‐related issues. In this paper, we focus on the key findings of the study as regards to consumers’ notions on food quality and safety issues and the practices they use in their everyday lives. We found eight everyday strategies consumers use. We suggest, first, that the strategies are important in simplifying food choice and making daily life easier, and second, that consumers use food‐related information flexibly in creating these strategies.  相似文献   

食品安全是社会普遍关注的热点问题。食品出现安全问题,不仅会威胁到消费者的健康,也会削弱我国食品在国际市场上的竞争力。政府和相关部门将食品检测工作落实到位,能够保障食品生产和销售过程中的安全,促进人们的身心健康发展。本文对食品质量检测意义和现状进行分析,并对具体检测技术要点进行论述,为食品检测工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Since the publication of quantified dietary guidelines in 198314, interest in food related issues has both increased and diversified. This paper describes changes in these issues and marketing response to these changes. There is, however, a marketing challenge which goes beyond reaction to individual issues and specific crises such as salmonella or listeria. This broader marketing challenge is the general increase in interest in food and in food related issues. This paper asserts that this phenomena itself is the greatest challenge to food marketers and further, that in today's consumer environment, it is a challenge which must be addressed without delay.

There is currently a merging of food and environmental/conservation issues along with the general increase in public awareness and information campaigns relating to “green” issues. This highlights the need for organisations in the food sector to take immediate action to rebuild customer confidence in the industry and in producers and in information produced by them. This problem is a shared one throughout the industry and when addressed will restore a more stable environment for competitive product marketing.

This paper is presented as a demonstration of the importance of the holistic view of research—of looking at the total situation and putting the issues or hypotheses in context of the total situation. It draws on a variety of sources, secondary and primary whilst also taking into account environmental factors such as media coverage and the particular history of the situation such as the distribution of the Villejuif list of food additives in 1986. It is, the paper concludes, important that a market situation is understood and reacted to in a sympathetic way for a marketing strategy to be successful.  相似文献   

The German youth is relatively well informed about healthy eating, but does not act in accordance with this knowledge. It is also known from empirical studies that there is an association between lifestyles, food knowledge and the eating patterns of older teenagers. However, is there a similar correlation in regard to younger children? This article shows results of a study addressing this issue by empirically investigating leisure time activities, food intake and food knowledge. The study conducted with 907 children, on average 12 years old, out of an urban region in northwest Germany using a written questionnaire, implies that food patterns and food knowledge have to be improved because they are – on average – only marginally acceptable. On this level, they are not in line with a healthy future. For the first time in Germany, food patterns and food knowledge of seventh grade pupils were analysed in relation to their lifestyles. The study revealed four lifestyles. One family‐oriented lifestyle and three non‐family oriented lifestyles: outdoor and sociable youth, culture‐oriented youth, and multimedia kids. The family‐oriented lifestyle influences the children's food patterns in a positive way; the three found non‐family‐oriented lifestyles lead to less preferable food patterns. The results imply that there is a phase of unhealthy food patterns at the beginning of the second life decade, which seems to be linked to the detachment from the parents and the gained independency, expressed by the first self‐chosen lifestyles. As lifestyles have such a vital influence on healthy eating, and family is no longer the place where children get their everyday competencies, school has to enable pupils to make healthier food and lifestyle choices.  相似文献   

This paper explores the pattern of change and development in the marketization and reconstitution of food products for children. It is in the past few decades that global corporations’ search for new markets has come to focus intensely on children. In the eyes of global corporations, children are a huge, multibillion dollar market. Childhood may be understood as a social construction but its form is historically specific. At present, the market is defining and reconstituting cultural meanings of childhood without being contested by other significant groups in society. The paper goes on to explore how transnational corporations have transformed the production and marketing of food. The paper discusses the food risks and the challenges faced by the fast food industry which specifically targets children. The reconstitution and the rebranding of popular children's food is producing ‘virtual’ food rather than real food. We live in an era where childhood offers untold opportunities in the northern hemisphere. However, the global market has come to dominate and define the social construction of childhood. Other cultural forms of identity outside of consumerism are not making the same impression. The food risks associated with the global processing of food and the health risks that have been linked to these new food forms ultimately has consequences not only for children but for society as a whole.  相似文献   

纳米码在食品流通中的应用设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将介绍如何把纳米码应用于食品流通的想法。食品是人类的食用物品,属于一次性消费品,从原料加工到成品上架,工序繁多,如何监测食品在制造和流通中,不被调换或被有害物质侵害,是制造商和流通部门都应重视的环节。  相似文献   

杨波 《中国市场》2008,(41):120-121
我国食品行业一直保持高速发展,但是,在食品供应链上,存在着众多的风险。本文对我国食品供应链的风险进行了研究,总结出我国食品供应链的各类常见风险,并提出了食品行业应对风险的措施。  相似文献   

本文将食物多样性方法与食物最低需求量相结合,创造性地运用食物缺乏种类来判断贫困县的食物消费和供给多样性状况,并与脆弱性分析进行对比。分析表明:食物缺乏种类可以在很大程度上显示贫困县食物安全状况,与食物安全脆弱性也具有一致性。由于受收入、交通和市场条件制约,缺乏食物种类越多的县从外部购买满足食物最低需求量的困难越大,贫困县的多样性食物需求需要采取多种途径来满足。  相似文献   

This paper explores the sets of trading relationships and interdependencies that existed between British and Irish food retailers and the Irish food manufacturing sector prior to Tesco Stores acquisition of Power Supermarkets in 1997. Power Supermarkets was at that time the largest grocer in Ireland. The paper examines the role played by Irish and British retailers in the development of the Irish food manufacturing sector. It points to some of the ways in which retail internationalisation and growing retail concentration are likely to affect food manufacturers and the sets of power and dependency relationships that exist along the food chain. It demonstrates that the effect of internationalisation is likely to be asymmetric with small and emerging firms more likely to experience adverse consequences. The impact upon manufacturers' brand portfolio and customer portfolio strategies are also highlighted.  相似文献   

The U.S. government initiated food labeling reform in 1989, which culminated with the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) of 1990, emphasizing the provision of improved nutrition information on most food products. The goal of such labeling reform has been to provide consistent, readable, understandable and usable food labels that enable consumers to make more healthful food choices. This paper examines the theoretical impact of the new regulations on consumer food choice behavior. The paper first discusses the use and impact of food labels by/on consumers, and uses a choice model to desribe the effects of these new labels on consumer food choice decisions. In particular, the research focuses on two important food attributes, and the presence of information of these attributes through the new nutrition labels, which may influence consumer purchase behavior.  相似文献   

<正>当民族小吃以某种形式载入记录时,它的发展则更引起人们的关注,这不仅需要勇气,还需要运筹帷幄的智慧。8月18日,对于中华民族小吃来说是个值得纪念的日子,这一天,位于北京万丰路上的中华万丰小吃城以自己营业面积最大而获得了中国世界纪录。  相似文献   

开放经济下的中国食品安全管制:理论与管制政策体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周小梅 《国际贸易问题》2007,297(9):102-107
我国连续出现食品安全事件,暴露出目前我国食品安全管制体系存在的弊端。并且,随着各国经济的不断开放,食品进出口贸易将不断增加,使得食品安全问题不再是局限于对一国范围内公众生命健康的影响,而是直接关系到其他进口食品国家公众的安全。从食品安全对公众生命健康以及食品进出口影响角度看,当务之急是构建完善的中国食品安全管制体系。  相似文献   

俄罗斯食品安全法规体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对俄罗斯食品安全相关的法规体系进行了简要分析,并陈述了俄罗斯的食品安全监管机构以及对进口食品的相关要求,为对俄食品出口提供借鉴,促进对俄贸易的正常发展。  相似文献   

陈永清 《江苏商论》2012,(9):24-26,34
中国菜在实施标准化工艺过程中,与西餐相比较,会遇到更为复杂的工艺环节,技术、操作经验差异性等因素。本文试分析中国菜标准化过程中遇到的主要瓶颈、难点、节点,从操作层面上提出中国菜标准化实施的主要突破思路。  相似文献   

食品检验的目的在于获得精确的分析结果,为食品安全提供保障。通过采取有效的措施最大程度降低误差,防止误差直接影响到实际结果,具有十分重要的现实作用。联系实际状况,本文主要探讨了食品检验控制方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

我国快餐行业市场行为与市场绩效的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖蓓蓓  余敬 《商业研究》2006,(1):186-189
随着我国经济的增长,中国快餐业发展迅猛。分析我国快餐企业产品差异化行为,连锁经营行为以及整个快餐行业的市场绩效;并在此基础上运用多元统计的方法对我国快餐业市场行为对市场绩效的实现程度进行实证分析,使我国快餐企业市场行为合理化,积极发展中式快餐业。  相似文献   

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