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在对城市夜规划的本质、目的及其在城市规划体系中的地位进行了一系列讨论之后,分析并描述了城市空间在昼间和夜间的明显差异,探讨了城市夜规划研究的基本思路和方法,认为重视城市夜规划有利于促进城市空间的混合使用.  相似文献   

林涛 《城市问题》2009,(4):23-29
从跨行政区城镇体系规划的内涵入手,剖析了我国当前的城镇体系规划制度,划分了当前制度下的跨行政区城镇体系规划的层次;以长江三角洲地区为例,深入探讨了跨省域(省级)城镇体系发展与规划以及跨市域(地级)城镇体系发展与规划;提出了全国城镇体系规划滞后于各省区城镇体系规划,是导致跨省区城镇体系发展与规划不协调的直接原因的观点.  相似文献   

高质量的城市景观规划设计对旅游形象的构建般城市景观规划设计在原理、方法上是相通的,但在城市总体形象定位、游客的需求、游赏行为、生态保护和城市景观的经济价值导向性作用下,有其自身的独特性.以广东肇庆市为例,阐释了以构建旅游形象为导向的城市景观规划设计的独特性.  相似文献   

城市发展史是一部生动的城市经济社会生活变化史,也是一部城市规划史。天津迄今已有600多年建城史,形成了独特的城市文化。以天津城市发展进程和影响城市及城市规划的大事件为线索,系统梳理了天津城市规划历史沿革,旨在汲取历史经验,遵循发展规律,研究提出新时期做好天津城市规划管理工作的思路和方法。  相似文献   

Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) is a powerful and effective business planning template on which to build a continuous improvement culture. MRP II, when successfully implemented, encourages a disciplined yet nonthreatening environment centered on measurement and accountability. From the education that accompanies an MRP II implementation, the employees can better understand the vision and mission of the organization. This common goal keeps everyone's energy directed toward the same final objective. The Raymond Corporation is a major materiels handling equipment manufacturer headquartered in Greene, New York, with class "A" MRP II manufacturing facilities in Greene and Brantford, Ontario and an aftermark distribution facility in East Syracuse, New York. Prior to the implementation of MRP II in its Greene plant (from 1988 through 1990) good intentions and hard work were proving to be less than necessary to compete in the global market. Certified class "A" in February 1990. The Raymond Corporation has built a world-class organization from these foundations.  相似文献   

In most organizations, supply chain planning is a cross-functional effort. However, functional areas such as sales, marketing, finance, and operations traditionally specialize in portions of the planning activities, which results in conflicts over expectations, preferences, and priorities. We report findings from a detailed case analysis of a supply chain planning process that seemingly weathers these cross-functional conflicts. In contrast to traditional research on this area, which focuses on incentives, responsibilities, and structures, we adopt a process perspective and find that integration was achieved despite formal functional incentives that did not support it. By drawing a distinction between the incentive landscape and the planning process, we identify process as a mediator that can affect organizational outcomes. Thus, organizations may be capable of integration while functions retain different incentives and orientations to maintain focus on their stakeholders’ needs. Through iterative coding, we identify the attributes of the planning process that can drive planning performance—information, procedural, and alignment quality—but also find evidence that achieving alignment in the execution of plans can be more important than informational and procedural quality. In addition to process attributes, we also identify social elements that influenced the performance of the planning process and place the information processing attributes within a broader social and organizational context.  相似文献   

One of the most sensitive criteria for gauging the degree of socio-economic prosperity of an urban settlement is the ability to sustain stable rates of population growth by attracting newcomers and retaining existing population. The present paper argues that after reaching a particular size (on the average, 20–30, 000 residents), urban localities n Israel tend to experience substantial changes in components of their annual population growth. Starting with this inflection point, the growth of settlements gradually becomes less dependent on natural causes (birth and death rates) than on the ability to attract newcomers and retain current residents. On the basis of this conclusion, a strategy of "redirecting priorities" to developing the peripheral regions of the country is suggested. This strategy proposes the concentration of state and local financial resources on selected development Settlements until they reach the above population threshold and become more attractive for newcomers, followed by the sequential transfer of this support to other small urban localities in frontier areas. Although the present analysis was restricted to urban settlements in Israel, the mode of analysis and its applications for planning policy may be applicable to regional and urban physical planning elsewhere.  相似文献   

通过构建城市投资效益的评价指标体系,运用模糊评价法对吉林省8个城市的投资效益进行分析,认为,吉林省城市投资效益有待提高,应当加强对城市投资的监管,以促进城市科学发展,防止城市投资引发城市空间极化现象.  相似文献   

城市规划的实证主义传统的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁睿 《城市问题》2006,(7):11-13
在分析了后现代城市的特征后,认为城市规划的实证主义分析传统面对更为复杂的后现代城市时已日渐式微.在这一背景下,城市规划的实证主义传统出现了向人本主义、结构主义和经验主义的转变,规划的认识论和方法论渐渐趋于多元和复合.  相似文献   

城市经营与城市规划   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对城市经营的理念进行了阐释 ,并分析了城市经营的特征、目标与途径 ,最后提出借助城市规划手段提高城市资本竞争优势的思路和策略。  相似文献   

城市规划与社区规划的异同和互融   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前社区已成为我国城市结构中的基本构成,全面推进社区建设成为建设和谐社会的一项重要内容。从人文视角探索了基于社区发展理念的城市规划编制办法,以求将社区发展的规划理念、规划方法、规划内容与策略等有机地融入城市规划;并以位于杭州市旧城区的长庆单元控制性详细规划的编制为例,分析了操作层面的具体措施。  相似文献   

秦学 《城市问题》2006,(4):73-78
城市的本质是人的居住形态和生活方式,现代社会休闲已成为城市居民的基本生活需求与生存方式,满足市民的休闲生活需求是城市的基本责任,"创造市民休闲生活"应该成为当代城市规划与管理的指导思想.以广州市为例,分析了基于市民休闲生活需求的城市规划方向和管理目标,并提出了具体策略.  相似文献   

本规划从区域发展战略研究出发,探讨规划的内容和可行性;以场地的系统分析为依据,探讨空间布局的适宜性;根据国际一流高科技园的发展经验,探讨功能布局和景观规划.使高新区规划具有一个生态规划模式和一个生活、生产和娱乐的地域综合体两大特点.  相似文献   

伦敦的"交通收费"及其福利经济学解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王冰  王国华 《城市问题》2006,(2):80-84,96
2003年2月17日起,伦敦市采取对进入市中心的车辆收取5镑进入费的做法来缓解交通堵塞.对这一政策的运行方式、政策效果及反对意见进行了评价,并从福利经济学的角度作出了解释.  相似文献   

高宜程  赵培红 《城市问题》2012,(9):23-26,90
从提出背景、空间组织、空间形态与结构、城市功能特征等四个方面对城市功能地域的概念进行了辨识,分析了都市区、大都市带、都市圈、城市群、经济圈等概念,对城市功能地域发生作用的内部机理和规划中要解决的问题进行了分析,并对城市功能地域的概念在城市规划中的应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

罗艳菊  毕华  黄宇 《企业技术开发》2007,26(4):59-61,103
作为一种技术手段,GIS为规划者提供了全新的视角和工具,可应用于城市户外游憩规划的游憩资源与设施清查与现状分析,社会经济技术指标统计计算,土地利用功能区划,预测分析,可持续性评估,辅助规划决策方面。文章以海口市为例对GIS在城市户外游憩规划中的应用作了案例研究。  相似文献   

The requirements engineering (RE) processes have become a key to conceptualising corporate-wide integrated solutions based on packaged enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. The RE literature has mainly focused on procuring the most suitable ERP package. Little is known about how an organisation exploits the chosen ERP RE model to frame the business application development. This article reports an exploratory case study of a key tenet of ERP RE adoption, namely that aligning business applications to the packaged RE model leads to integral practices and economic development. The case study analysed a series interrelated pilot projects developed for a business division of a large IT manufacturing and service company, using Oracle's appl1ication implementation method (AIM). The study indicated that AIM RE improved team collaboration and project management experience, but needed to make hidden assumptions explicit to support data visibility and integrity. Our study can direct researchers towards rigorous empirical evaluations of ERP RE adoption, collect experiences and lessons learned for practitioners, and help generate more effective and mature processes when exploiting ERP RE methods.  相似文献   

冯婧  龙德才 《城市问题》2006,(4):99-102
以宁波市北仑区拆迁安置小区调查为基础,在分析安置小区的区位特征、空间形态特征的基础上,指出安置小区建设存在的问题与不足,并从规划角度对安置小区的住区布局原则、住区开发规模、住区服务配套设施、住区社区归属感营造、住区公众参与等方面提出相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

城市生态支持系统指标体系研究--以上海为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
城市生态支持系统是城市这一复合的人工生态系统可持续发展的重要支持系统。本文运用层次分析法构建指标体系,采用德尔菲法则确定其权重。在此基础上,本文对上海的城市生态支持系统水平进行了定性、定量的研究分析,并提出了评价的结果和优劣分析。  相似文献   

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