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一在研究货币数量均衡的标志之前,先讨论一下货币数量均衡的涵义。货币数量均衡是货币数量运行中的一种状态,是货币供应与货币需求的一种对比关系,它既有量的规定性,也有质的规定性。(一)货币数量均衡在量上的规定在量的规定上,货币数量均衡从严格的意义上来说,首先应该是货币供应量与货币需求量完全相等。否则,无论是货币供应大于货币需求,还是货币需求大于货币供应,均不应称之为货币数量均衡。其次。货币数量均衡应该是名义货币供应与实际货币需求的相等,而不是与名义货币需求的相等。因为在一般情况下,如果  相似文献   

一、设置货币供求均衡监测指标体系的必要性 近年来,货币供求失衡巳成为我国经济发展的严重障碍。可以说一切宏观经济问题都直接间接地、或多或少地与货币供求失衡有关。通货膨胀无疑是货币供给失控的直接后果;消费膨胀、投资膨胀,经济波动以及经济运行秩序的混乱均与其有密切的关系。因此,宏观经济管理应把货币供求的均衡作为最重要的  相似文献   

彭涛 《经济学动态》2015,(3):115-124
以搜寻为基础的货币理论自20世纪80年代创立以来已经经历了三个发展阶段。该理论强调货币作为交易媒介这一基本职能并在此基础上研究价格、通货膨胀、货币政策等重要经济问题。以Kiyotaki&Wright(1989,1993)为代表的第一代货币搜寻理论研究货币存在的必要性;以Trejos&Wright(1995)和Shi(1995)为代表的第二代货币搜寻理论研究价格的决定;以Lagos&Wright(2005)为代表的第三代货币搜寻理论将有微观基础的货币搜寻理论纳入宏观动态一般均衡模型并将其用于货币政策分析。目前,Lagos&Wright(2005)模型已被扩展用于分析银行信贷、资产定价等更为广泛的问题。本文在简要介绍第一、二代货币搜寻理论的基础上,重点介绍第三代货币搜寻理论的代表模型,即Lagos&Wright(2005)模型以及在此基础上的两个扩展模型:Berentsen,Camera&Waller(2007)模型和Li,Rocheteau&Weil(2012)模型。  相似文献   

货币一般均衡模型及其发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
早期的货币理论一直在宏观背景下研究货币运行 ,存在严重的武断性。从 2 0世纪 70年代开始 ,宏观经济研究日趋注重微观层面的经济基础。通过解决代表人的跨期最大化问题 ,将货币纳入一般均衡的研究框架 ,成为货币理论发展的新方向。各类货币一般均衡模型分别从货币效用 ,现金约束和交易成本等角度解释了个体持币动机和整体货币运行。结合各类模型的优点形成一套解释我国实际经济运行的货币理论是一项十分有益的探索。  相似文献   

货币供求理论是货币经济学研究兴盛不衰的命题之一.本文系统梳理了近百年来货币供求理论的演进和发展脉络,剖析了货币理论研究“重需求,轻供给”格局的成因,并研究了未来货币供求理论发展的方向.  相似文献   

最优货币区(optimal currency area)理论是对货币一体化认识过程及实践发展进程的反映与总结。在区域经济联系加强初见端倪时,人们开始讨论满足什么样条件的地理空间可以组建最优货币区。理论基础最早可以追溯到20世纪60年代芒德尔基于固定汇率和浮动汇率之争提出的“最优货币区理论”,该理论研究了一组国家在具备一定条件的基础上可以组成最优货币区,在经济趋同的基础上实行单一货币。虽然芒德尔所指的最优货币区是指已经实现了货币一体化并采用单一货币的区域,但是最优货币区理论却可作为分析区域货币一体化问题以及其他货币合作问题的理论基础和分析框架。20世纪90年代以来,随着欧洲货币一体化实践的发展,北美自由贸易区经济一体化进程的加速,以及东亚货币合作及货币一体化问题日益在理论和实践中进入议事日程,人们逐渐认识到货币一体化已是世界区域经济发展的潮流。研究视野不再停留在是否组建货币区,而是讨论加入货币区的国别判断标准(即单个国家如何判断是否加入货币区,以及何时加入货币区)。由此,最优货币区理论在20世纪90年代以来得到了新的发展。  相似文献   

本分析了我国刑法规定的洗钱罪的内涵及构成要件,提出了认定洗钱罪应注意把握的问题。  相似文献   

The dominant supply-side foundation for explanations of the growth potential of an economy is losing its persuasive power in the face of persistent losses in output and employment experienced by mature economies in the aftermath of the financial crisis. There is now an opening for eclectic approaches that consider the interaction between supply-side and demand-side factors in shaping macroeconomic outcomes. In this paper, we develop a model that reflects such an approach to interpreting differential productivity growth over the long run, and then present empirical results for several countries. On the supply-side, the model considers the linkage between the intensity and efficacy of the accumulation process and the gains of productivity in terms of a Kaldorian Technical Progress Function. Then, drawing on the Evsey Domar's Keynesian notion of dynamic equilibrium as the growth rate that reconciles additions to capacity with the absorption of aggregate output by demand, we derive a locus for a ‘Domar equilibrium path’. Imbalances caused by excess aggregate supply or demand, and by the effects of ‘shocks’ are presented and discussed using a simple graphical framework. In the empirical analysis, an error-correction model is applied to the fundamental relationship between the rate of growth of product per work-hour and the rate of capital accumulation. The results suggest that the differences in productivity growth among countries are can be explained in terms of the efficiency of their ‘accumulation paths’.  相似文献   

内部审计作为现代企业管理体系中的重要组成部分,作用正在逐步扩大,成为企业进行有效控制和监督的重要方式。然而,目前中国企业内部审计仍然存在一系列的问题,如审计的独立性差、内审人员素质偏低等。正确认识和发挥企业内部审计的作用,解决现代企业内部审计中存在的问题,对当前企业加强管理及提高经济效益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment where respondents were asked to tackle two decision tasks which were very similar in structure, but which differed in that one problem involved direct money payoffs while the other involved payoffs in the form of probabilities of winning a given sum of money. According to most decision models, most risk averse individuals might be expected to behave quite differently under the two conditions. But the behaviour actually observed does not accord with this expectation. The paper discusses possible reasons for this and the potential implicati ons of such findings  相似文献   

杨剑 《经济与管理》2005,19(1):23-25
政府部门的决策对于社会及公众的影响是重大且深远的。要建立及完善我国的行政决策制度,首先必须建立及完 善政府行政决策的责任机制、监督机制、法律机制和技术机制。四个机制中,责任机制是关键,监督机制是核心,法律机制是保 障,技术机制是补充。  相似文献   

单辉 《经济研究导刊》2009,(32):178-179
法院内部产生的许多违法违纪现象有半数以上与执行款的管理不到位有关,为保护当事人的权利,落实以人为本的科学发展观,分析执行款管理存在的问题,并结合目前财政管理的政策,摸索执行款管理的新思路及模式。  相似文献   

This paper considers the effects of a proportional consumption tax with the same rate over time on the real growth path of a monetary economy. The analysis uses a variety of stylized monetary growth models in which the individual's consumption-saving decision is based on intertemporal utility maximization (e.g. the money-in-utility, transaction-costs, and cash-in-advance models). The neutrality of consumption taxation depends on the assumed role of money in the respective models, even though the tax revenue collected is fully rebated to consumers as lump-sum transfers. The consumption tax is generally superior to inflation tax (i.e. the rate of monetary growth) in terms of steady-state welfare, as long as the labour supply is fixed.
JEL Classification Numbers: E21, E41, E62, H24  相似文献   

董辅礽作为中国最有影响的经济学家之一,他在理论实践方面为推动中国经济改革与发展做出了开拓性贡献。对中国经济学家来说,既令人烦恼又使人兴奋的是,他们面临的是世界上最复杂的国情与经济;他最早提出并一直坚持所有制改革是中国经济改革的关键……中国经济学家探索解决的问题,是世界上最复杂、最艰深的经济上的“哥德巴赫猜想”。  相似文献   

1中国加入WTO的迫切性和必要性 首先,中国确实需要加入WTO。参加世贸组织对中国具有广泛的积极意义, WTO拥有 135个成员国,还有 30个积极申请加入的国家和地区,其贸易投资占到了全球的 97%以上。它不仅管辖所有货物贸易,也管辖所有服务业的国际交易及与贸易有关的知识产权与投资措施。根据世贸组织的章程,中国只要加入了WTO,就可以无条件的得到该组织成员国相互提供的最惠国待遇(去年改称正常贸易待遇)。所以说,尽早加入WTO有利于推动中国市场经济建设,有利于中国掌握先进的管理经验,使中国的经济能与…  相似文献   

Throughout much of mankind's experience with elections, vote brokers – local elites who direct the voting decisions of a subset of the electorate – have been able to make or break political careers. In various polities, brokers have thrived in spite of the secret ballot, a surprising outcome given that vote secrecy would ostensibly allow citizens to pocket the inducements offered by such individuals and vote their consciences anyway. To address this puzzle, we develop a framework for understanding the persistence and demise of vote brokerage under the secret ballot. In our model, a broker contracts with voters using an outcome contingent contract: some fixed benefit is promised to all voters sharing one of several observable profiles should the broker's candidate win the election. Using this framework, we demonstrate that the existence of brokerage depends on the size of the electorate contained within the jurisdiction controlled by the broker, with large jurisdiction sizes tending to drive brokerage out of existence. Moreover, we detail the manner in which the strategies employed by brokers depend on their economic power, the size of social groups, and ideological polarization. Empirical evidence from Minas Gerais, Brazil is used to evaluate the performance of the model.  相似文献   

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