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一、寿险公司利率风险的来源及影响利率风险主要是指由于利率水平的变化引起金融资产价格的变动而可能带来的损失。利率风险对寿险公司的经营意义重大主要原因在于其不仅影响寿险公司主要收益来源的利差变化,而且直接影响其他非利息收入。  相似文献   

<正>一、寿险公司利率风险的来源及影响利率风险主要是指由于利率水平的变化引起金融资产价格的变动而可能带来的损失。利率风险对寿险公司的经营意义重大主要原因在于其不仅影响寿险公司主要收益来源的利差变化,而且直接影响其他非利息收入。  相似文献   

利率风险是寿险公司的主要风险之一,本文从资产、负债角度入手分析了我国寿险行业的利率风险,并提出了利率风险规避和管理的方法和技术。  相似文献   

利率风险是寿险公司的主要风险之一,本文从资产、负债角度入手分析了我国寿险行业的利率风险,并提出了利率风险规避和管理的方法和技术.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了新会计准则实施对固定预定利率传统寿险产品的利润影响,在此基础上分析了利率市场化对传统险定价的影响,分析了固定预定利率的传统产品存在资债期限不匹配风险及市场竞争力不足的客观现状。在介绍变额年金的同时,给出了具体风险评估,最后对国内开办变额年金业务的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

段白鸽 《保险研究》2019,(4):85-101
作为老龄社会的重要风险,长寿风险专题研究是近20年来公共养老金领域、保险公司关注的热点。长寿风险引发的保险公司寿险产品定价高估和年金产品定价低估之间存在潜在的自然对冲效应。为了量化这种对冲效应的长期影响,本文基于构建的同时涵盖低龄、高龄和超高龄在内的整个生命跨度的全年龄人口动态死亡率模型,采用对冲弹性量化终身寿险与终身年金、两全保险与定期年金、递延寿险与递延年金三类保障型寿险产品和养老型年金产品对冲效应的动态演变,并通过敏感性分析扩展探讨利率变化对对冲效应的长期影响。研究发现,从单位寿险和年金产品组合的净对冲效应来看,由于保险公司的产品定价区分了性别差异,使得女性的对冲效应更明显,因而女性对应的产品组合中的长寿风险对保险公司的影响更不显著。作为系统性风险,利率风险和长寿风险也存在对冲,利率上升能抵消或对冲长寿风险的影响,低利率下长寿风险更显著。  相似文献   

一、利率风险是寿险公司经营面对的重要风险 (一)固定预定利率的寿险产品经营中存在利率风险 我国寿险业自1994年开始飞速发展以来,至1999年在市场上推出新型寿险品种如分红保险、投资连结保险和万能寿险为止,寿险公司经营的寿险产品都  相似文献   

寿险公司的负债业务风险与资产业务局限 长期以来,我国人寿保险公司所经营的长期品种,基本上是储蓄型的传统产品.传统寿险产品的利率、死亡、费用率都是预先确定的.如果预定利率低于银行存款利率、预定死亡率高于实际死亡率、预定费用率高于实际费用率,即保险公司获得"三差益";反之,保险公司将遭受"三差损".在"三差"中,利率差对长期寿险产品的影响最大.随经济形势的变化,利率在长期内是不断波动的,短期内很难准确把握.由于实行预定利率,往往使传统寿险产品的经营陷入一个两难的困境:如果预定过高,在实际利率降低时,寿险公司将背上"利差损"包袱,持续发展受到威胁;如果预定利率过低,会削弱保险产品的市场竞争力,客户资金将趋向高回报率的金融产品,导致投保率下降.  相似文献   

在当前全球经济基本面存在不确定性的背景下,如何进行有效资产配置依然是保险行业亟待解决的难题。而在各类寿险产品中,分红险具有一定的代表性和特殊性,其特殊之处在于风险与收益的非对称关系。基于此,本文首先分析了寿险公司战略资产配置的难点,以分红险为例指出固定给付类产品的隐含期权特征。之后,通过隐含期权的下行风险负债驱动投资模型,从理论上阐释了固定给付类产品的资产负债管理思路。紧接着又探讨了此类产品的成本评估和资产配置方法,从而发现基于负债驱动投资理念的动态财务情景分析法最为适宜。最后本文结合当前热点金融事件,给出了分红险等固定给付类产品的资产负债管理建议,为寿险公司等机构的战略资产配置提供了启示。  相似文献   

王少群 《上海金融》2007,90(12):51-53
投资风险与定价风险是寿险公司面临的主要风险,而定价风险的主要表现就是保单预定利率过高。本文首先通过建立寿险公司经营模型,证明保单预定利率管制不仅能降低定价风险,对寿险公司的投资风险防范也具有重要作用;接着使用实证方法得出我国股票市场变化对寿险保费收入没有确定性影响,实际利率变化也只能在短期内导致寿险保费收入反向变化。基于以上分析,本文认为在我国当前情况下,放开保单预定利率限制的时机还不成熟。  相似文献   

This article investigates the natural hedging strategy to deal with longevity risks for life insurance companies. We propose an immunization model that incorporates a stochastic mortality dynamic to calculate the optimal life insurance–annuity product mix ratio to hedge against longevity risks. We model the dynamic of the changes in future mortality using the well‐known Lee–Carter model and discuss the model risk issue by comparing the results between the Lee–Carter and Cairns–Blake–Dowd models. On the basis of the mortality experience and insurance products in the United States, we demonstrate that the proposed model can lead to an optimal product mix and effectively reduce longevity risks for life insurance companies.  相似文献   

Market risks account for an integral part of insurers' risk profiles. We explore market risk sensitivities of insurers in the United States and Europe. Based on panel regression models and daily market data from 2012 to 2018, we find that sensitivities are particularly driven by insurers' product portfolio. The influence of interest rate movements on stock returns is 60% larger for US than for European life insurers. For the former, interest rate risk is a dominant market risk with an effect that is five times larger than through corporate credit risk. For European life insurers, the sensitivity to interest rate changes is only 44% larger than toward credit default swap of government bonds, underlining the relevance of sovereign credit risk.  相似文献   

The prediction of future mortality rates by any existing mortality models is hardly exact, which causes an exposure to mortality (longevity) risk for life insurers (annuity providers). Since a change in mortality rates has opposite impacts on the surpluses of life insurance and annuity, hedging strategies of mortality and longevity risks can be implemented by creating an insurance portfolio of both life insurance and annuity products. In this article, we apply relational models to capture the mortality movements by assuming that the realized mortality sequence is a proportional change and/or a constant shift of the expected one, and the size of the changes varies in the length of the sequences. Then we create a variety of non-size-free matching strategies to determine the weights of life insurance and annuity products in an insurance portfolio for mortality immunization, where the weights depend on the sizes of the proportional and/or constant changes. Comparing the hedging performances of four non-size-free matching strategies with corresponding size-free ones proposed by Lin and Tsai, we demonstrate with simulation illustrations that the non-size-free matching strategies can hedge against mortality and longevity risks more effectively than the size-free ones.  相似文献   

Catastrophic mortality events are characterized by a sudden and concentrated increase in mortality and as such present a major risk to life insurers. Such events include pandemics, war, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and industrial, transport, and other accidents. Of these, pandemics arising from influenza are considered the most significant threat to the life insurance industry due to their capacity to cause a major increase in claims. We review the features and mortality implications of an influenza pandemic for life insurers, and describe a range of other risks that are likely to emerge as well.  相似文献   

Using a system of simultaneous equations, this study examines the relation among external audit monitoring, in the US life insurance industry. We find insurers with higher leverage risk and surplus risk are more likely to use Big‐4 auditors and to pay higher fees. In return, insurers hiring Big‐4 auditors and paying higher audit fees have lower leverage risk and surplus risk. Second, the results suggest that mutual life insurers have a higher leverage risk and surplus risk than stock life insurers. This evidence is in contrast to that for property–liability insurance companies. Third, we find insurers are less likely to hire Big‐4 auditors and to pay higher audit fees after implementation of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX). Finally, life insurers with Big‐4 auditors or paying higher audit fees are more likely to take lower risks after the implementation of SOX.  相似文献   

Life insurers often claim that the life settlement industry reduces their surrender profits and leads to an adverse shift in their portfolio of insured risks; that is, high risks remain in the portfolio instead of surrendering. In this article, we aim to quantify the effect of altered surrender behavior––subject to the health status of an insured––in a portfolio of life insurance contracts on the surrender profits of primary insurers. Our model includes mortality heterogeneity by applying a stochastic frailty factor to a mortality table. We additionally analyze the impact of the premium payment method by comparing results for annual and single premium payments.  相似文献   

This study uses 1991–99 data gathered from the United Kingdom's life insurance industry to test empirically the notion that the reported annual surplus of a life insurer may be influenced by four firm‐specific characteristics: namely, reinsurance, output mix, organizational form and firm size. Consistent with expectations, the results indicate that the annual reported surplus is positively related to reinsurance and firm size and negatively related to the degree of product diversification. Contrary to our expectations, however, we find no evidence that proprietary (stock) life insurers tend to report higher annual surpluses than mutual life insurers.  相似文献   

Insolvencies of life insurers in Europe have been virtually nonexistent. The deregulation of European markets, however, is likely to dramatically alter that situation. The goal of this study is two-fold: first, to identify significant variables in the early detection of financially distressed life insurers; and second, to consider the importance of these variables to the evaluation of life insurer insolvency risk in the European Union (EU). The availability of a data sample approaching the universe of insurers in the US allows us to stratify a large sample in order to make reasonable inferences regarding the factors likely to influence insolvency experience in the EU. The most significant findings for EU consumers, regulators, and insurers relate to the importance of capital and surplus, geographic focus, asset mix, and leverage in determining the likelihood of insurer bankruptcy.  相似文献   

It is already foreseeable that Solvency II will tie capital requirements to a very comprehensive risk definition including underwriting and market risks. The new regulatory framework will demand more sophisticated tools to detect interest rate risks on both sides of the balance sheet in an integrated approach. Efforts by life insurers to level these risks could lead to an increased demand for long term fixed income securities. At this point the question arises if this industry wide change in asset demand will have or already has had an impact on prices of long-term bonds and the yield curve in the Euro-Zone?  相似文献   

The reinsurance market is the secondary market for insurance risks. It has a very specific organization. Direct insurers rarely trade risks with each other. Rather, they cede part of their primary risks to specialized professional reinsurers who have no primary business. This article offers a model of equilibrium in reinsurance and capital markets in which professional reinsurers arise endogenously. Their role is to monitor primary insurers credibly, so that insurers can raise capital more easily. In equilibrium, the financial structure of primary insurers consists of a mix of reinsurance and outside capital. The comparative statics yield empirical predictions which are broadly in line with a number of stylized facts from the reinsurance market.  相似文献   

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