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于海芳 《魅力中国》2010,(11):164-164
本文探讨了通过创设游戏环境,激发幼儿阅读的兴趣,创设集体阅读环境,在互动中学会阅读,提出了对幼儿阅读发音的指导方法.使幼儿的思维更加灵活、开阔了,观察、想象和语言表达等能力也很快地提高了。  相似文献   

金健 《魅力中国》2010,(5):59-59
对于打击物的质量和运动速度的变化,要注意根据发音体的大小不同来决定;掌握正确演奏方法.使演奏者的水平会逐步提高。  相似文献   

钟啸隆 《魅力中国》2014,(21):89-89
人们知道唱歌要讲究发声,自然,演奏乐器、拉二胡也要讲究发音。唱歌的人没有正确的发声方法、拉二胡的人没有正确的演奏(发音)方法,就不可能演唱或演奏出优美动听的、纯净的乐音。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了大学英语学习中一些同学发音不标准的主要原因及其影响,其次提出了改善这种状况的教学思路,主要是让学生认识到正确的发音对学习英语的重要性;在大学英语教学中引入英语发音的教学内容;坚持听说紧密结合,改善英语发音.  相似文献   

In 2010, Wan ke's sales amount is 108.16 billion yuan. Becoming the first housing enterprise Wanke: Marching forward in regulations
which achieves one hundred billion sale. After exceeding 100 billion yuan, Wan ke began to three hundred billion. In 2009, Wang shi said: "in the ext decade, according to 20% compound growth rate, Wanke's sales will reach 300 billion yuan."Wang said, with a most conservative estimated increasing rate,  相似文献   

Global economy's "second dip" and China's challenges
Recently, the prospects of global economic dim.Especially, since late September, the U.S. stock market evaporated over 3.4 trillionS.Global stock markets fall into a bear market. And Europe bogged down in debt crisis. This economic crisis quickly spread to all over the world. Now, fear is occupying the entire world. The world is suffering a crisis of confidence.To deal with it.  相似文献   

宋晓青 《魅力中国》2013,(34):72-72
“驰振”声音虽然有些人认为纯净、柔和,但是也有许多艺术批评家认为并不好听,甚至不科学。因为“驰振”发音法歌唱不能有效地表达音乐的思想感情,而且在音域、音量和音翼运用上存在许多缺点,甚至可以导致失音等问题。本文针对存在的问题,提出了科学的解决对策。  相似文献   

Budweiser-water and wine, circle for ever
As one of the global leaders in the beer production field, Budweiser China always makes all their best to reduce its effect on environment in their producing process to make a better world. The long term committment of seeking for a sustainable development in China,  相似文献   

Preview: house prices in 2012
The news that check-out tide appeared again in shanghai-nanjing hangzhou was published in the daily economic news on October 20 2011 . Developers finally can't help to make some deal to withstand the slump. They set a lower price to promote the sales but it can not help.  相似文献   

Carrefour Group, the originator of super malls industry, is the biggest retailer in Europe and the second biggest international retail chain group all over the world. Carrefour brought a revolutionary change to retail business when it entered into Chinese market in 1995. The chief means to make a profit in China is the famous 'Clear Fee' which suppliers suffer much and which formed the 'Carrefour Mode'.  相似文献   

Yangpu's Great Transformation
Yangpu used to bear the respon-sibility of the country's main sources of income, give birth to Chinese century modern industry civilization and modern machine industry. In the 80s last century, Yangpu owned more than 1,200 state-owned large and medium enterprises and more than 60 million industrial workers,  相似文献   

in 2008, China successfully withstood the impact of the financial tsunami. The annual gross domestic product reached 33.5 trillion Yuan with an increase of 8.7%. China achieved the "guarantee 8" target and first in the world achieved economic recovery.  相似文献   

Yunnanbaiyao: Old Tree Shows New Tolerance,Trade Protection of the Post-crisis Era,Hainan Tourism Real Estate Issues "Fever"  相似文献   

Economists talk about China's future
He Qiang, professor of Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that economic indicators will be from high to low in short-term and that is normal. And he advises that China's policy maintains stability in the last few months, the government shouldn't change its policy accroding to a temporary quarter fluctuations. He said, the stability development of following two years is important to the future.  相似文献   

The collection of Porcelains should be done in peaceful time
“the key of collection is to distinguish the authenticity. I am puzzled with this problem for a long time and still can't resolve it completely. Actually this problem can't be resolved completely, even impossible to the famous appraisers and collectors. So the point is to improve our appreciation level. I have summarized it to “six more”: read more; practice more; compare more; ask more and summarize more. The most important point is the last one: see more fakes. ”  相似文献   

To Develop the Environmental Protection in A Sustainable Way
n their process of industrialization the western countries tend to choose the "improve the environment after the economic development" route which has its inherent disadvantages Generally speaking, the cost of improving the environment is much higher than the gains of economic development When the scarce resources which are non-renewable are exhausted.  相似文献   

Cultural and Creative Industry Development China Rethinking
At present, the fundamental issue of China's economic structure is to resolve the contradictions. The new urgent consumer market needs to be expanded and the new demands hot spots urgently need to be created. In this financial crisis, China's economic development has to not only solve the internal and external structural imbalances but also stimulus the formation of new growth engines.  相似文献   

Chinese economic growth has both momentum and resistance. Urbanization is the driving force for China's future economic growth. Urbanization will promote the rapid development of heavy industrialization. Reindustrialization since the second half of 2009 accelerated again in 2010,  相似文献   

张月娟 《发展》2008,(10):96-97
绘画是孩子们喜欢的活动之一,也是发展孩子观察力、想象力、创造力和培养幼儿动手操作能力的活动。过去,我们发现幼儿的绘画作品缺乏想象力,内容不够丰富,其原因是教师往往用自己观察概括的图形来代替孩子观察和表现的结果。学龄前儿童的心理发展不受时空关系的束缚,也不受客观情理的限制。他们在美术活动中自由自在地运用自己的美术符号创造自己的世界。  相似文献   

刘燕 《魅力中国》2013,(29):136-137
英语词汇是英语学习的一个重要方面,在词汇学习当中学生的学习兴趣不高。如何提高词汇学习的效率一直以来是教师不断探讨的话题。本文中,笔者从初中英语词汇学习中存在的问题,以厦改善对策等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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