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在很多张迷们费尽心力搜集张爱玲小说的时候,《张爱玲小说全集》于2009年应运而生。纯白、干净、中国风的装帧与设计,配合张爱玲的文字是那么的贴切而自然,带您回到故事中的故事。本全集收录张爱玲所有小说作品,不仅包括《小团圆》,还包括脍炙人口的《倾城之恋》、《金锁记》、《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》、《色,戒》等中短篇小说,  相似文献   

林沛理 《银行家》2007,(12):136
《色,戒》是张爱玲最适宜拍成电影的作品,李安选对了,但他只是狐狸而非刺猬。你不得不佩服李安——除了他,还有谁可以将早已被正式纳入典范(canonize)的张爱玲作品拍成一出充满性与暴力的电影,而能得到本地文化菁英众口一词的激  相似文献   

在转型期,小银行发展和转型的边界在哪?转型转到哪儿?有没有一个大的框架?在此,我想谈一下小银行的"九戒". 第一戒,经营地域要"戒"全覆盖.  相似文献   

贪婪和恐惧是股市操盘心态中常见的一对孪生兄弟,投资者总是在两者之间来回摇摆,琢磨不定。戒贪,戒恐传说佛下山宣讲佛法,在一家路边小店看到一串佛珠,晶莹剔透。佛很喜欢,于是问道:"这佛珠怎么卖?"店老板态度非常坚决地说:"5000两银子,少一文都不卖。"佛笑了笑,走了。  相似文献   

刚刚上映的电影《色·戒》给我们带来了很多思考,女主人公王佳芝的形象是对传统的女革命家形象的一种颠覆,在某种层面上讲是对我们传统观念的一次冲击。这也正是我们要直视的问题:随着时代、社会的发展,多元的价值观与个人追求正在彰显。  相似文献   

李建军 《深交所》2009,(8):52-54
朋友相邀,盛情难却,我终于还是看了李安的《色·戒》。我说“终于”,是因为,看过《断背山》之后,我对李安的趣味倾向和探索人类心灵生活的能力,都心存怀疑:我不太相信一个过于强调娱乐元素的导演,一个过于迎合市场的消极需要的导演,能拍出什么“伟大”的电影来。  相似文献   

赵天泉 《云南金融》2011,(6Z):134-134
<正>党的作风是党的性质、宗旨、纲领、路线的重要体现,是党的创造力、战斗力和凝聚力的重要内容,关系党的形象,关系人心向背,关系事业成败。人民银行作为我国的中央银行,其干部作风特别是领导干部的作风如何,直接关系到人民银行能否有效履行职责,关系到金融业的健康发展。如何采取有力措施,解决基层党员领导干部在作风建设方面存在的突出问题,使其成为政治坚定、作风优良、纪律严明、勤政为民、恪尽职守、清正廉洁的领导干部,笔者认为,必须从抓好戒满、戒浮、戒粗、戒惰"四戒"做起,才能收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

一戒暴利。非公平竞争、欺诈暴利只能得逞一时,皆难长久。做生意要眼光长远,"在点滴赢利中求发展,在持久坚挺中谋大利"当是从商者的座右铭。二戒违法投资。有的人财迷心窍,一听有高息集资就倾囊而出,也不想想那个企业有偿还能力吗?如果弄到法院,这种"驴打滚"的高利贷,法院会支持吗?三戒盲目跟"风"。道听途说某项目投资赚钱,不加分  相似文献   

<正>党的作风是党的性质、宗旨、纲领、路线的重要体现,是党的创造力、战斗力和凝聚力的重要内容,关系党的形象,关系人心向背,关系事业成败。人民银行作为我国的中央银行,其干部作风特别是领导干部的作风如何,直接关系到人民银行能否有效履行职责,关系到金融业的健康发展。如何采取有力措施,解决基层党员领导干部在作风建设方面存在的突出问题,使其成为政治坚定、作风优良、纪律严明、勤政为民、恪尽职守、清正廉洁的领导干部,笔者认为,必须从抓好戒满、戒浮、戒粗、戒惰"四戒"做起,才能收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

"他对战局并不乐观。知道他将来怎样?得一知己,死而无憾。他觉得她的影子会永远依傍他,安慰他。虽然她恨他,她最后对他的情感强烈到是什么感情都不相干了,只是有感情。他们是原始的猎人与猎物的关系,虎与伥的关系,最终极的占有。她这才生是他的人,死是他的鬼。"——张爱玲《色戒》  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the understanding of accountability in its relation with responsibility. It applies Derrida's work on responsibility, testimony, and gift to the problematic of accountability. Accountability's entanglement in the tension between, morality and ethics, singular and general responsibilities is examined, and Derrida's analysis of the aporia of responsibility is expressed and explored in terms of an aporia of accountability: It is argued that accountability relies on responsibility but that the rendering of accountability tends to undermine responsibility. In seeking to make a positive contribution to the question of how accountability might contribute to raising levels of responsibility for the other, the wholly other, the paper critically builds on existing Levinasian perspectives on this question, and develops the suggestion, inspired by Derrida's work, that in appropriate circumstances the reconfiguring of accountability as testimony and as gift might help enhance responsibility.  相似文献   

奥运贵金属纪念品的升值空间最具潜力奥运题材一直是收藏热门,随着2008年北京奥运会的临近,各类奥运纪念品的销售都进入了旺季,不少与奥运相关的纪念品都有较大幅度的升值,而奥运贵金属纪念品的升值空间也最具潜力。贵金属纪念品包括徽章、纪念章、大铜章、奖章、勋章、币、纪念币等。徽章小巧而精美,逐渐为  相似文献   

2014年以来,伴随着互联网化、数字化社会变革进程的加快,工商银行全面推进e-ICBC战略,实现了从1.0、2.0到3.0的跨越式升级,初步打造出“技术驱动、服务协同、场景链接、生态融合”的线上金融服务生态。作为e-ICBC战略的重要落地载体之一,融e购电商平台于2014年正式推出,秉持“名商、名品、名店”策略定位,坚持“遵循电商规律、发挥金融优势、体现银行特色”的发展原则和“以商促融、以融引商”的发展方式,创新提出“打造专业平台,提供特色服务”的建设理念。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for thinking about economic growth, trade, and capital flows viewed as transformations of current and vintage solar energy, stored in the form of natural resources, human capital, physical capital and technology described by the laws of thermodynamics. Recent developments in nonequilibrium thermodynamics (NET) show how efficient global capital markets and high-speed communications networks accelerate energy flow and growth but also create turbulence, financial crisis, protectionism and conflict. The paper discusses the role that NET can play in helping us understand stock market bubbles and financial crises.  相似文献   

New evidence on the correlation patterns of various real estate returns with inflation is presented. Returns on a wide array of real estate, nonresidential as well as residential, are investigated. Stock and bond returns are also analyzed for comparison purposes. Extensive heterogeneity is found in real estate return correlations with inflation. Nonresidential property returns are most strongly positively correlated with inflation, although the appreciation in owner-occupied homes is also positively associated with inflation. However, REIT returns tend to be strongly negatively correlated with inflation. In this respect, they look more like traditional stocks and bonds than any other type of real estate. Finally, new evidence on return correlations with energy prices is also presented. Nonresidential real estate performs best here, too, although no real estate asset fully compensates investors for adverse energy price shocks.  相似文献   

Ecomuseums are attracting increasing attention as means of preserving heritage and also impacting positively on social and economic issues. This paper contrasts ecomuseums with previous forms of cross-sector partnerships. The authors focus on the governance, strategy and leadership of the Flodden 1513 Ecomuseum. The findings have lessons for ecomuseums and other cross-sector partnerships both in and outside the UK.  相似文献   

We analyze the role of state ownership in the banking sector from the perspective of competition. That is, do state-owned banks play a special role as competition enhancers? Focusing on the market for mortgage loans in Switzerland, we test four hypotheses which are consistent with this view. First, are state-owned banks’ interest rates relatively cost sensitive? Second, are state-owned banks charging relatively low mark-ups? Third, are the state-owned banks’ interest rates particularly borrower friendly? And fourth, do state-owned banks exert a disciplinary effect on competitors’ prices? Based on a comprehensive database containing information at the individual bank level over the 1996–2002 period, our answer is ‘No.’  相似文献   

中注协在《会计师事务所内部治理指南》中指出:为了加强会计师事务所内部决策和管理机制,提高事务所风险和质量控制能力,为事务所做大做强奠定坚实的微观基础。据此,我们联系实际,建立和完成诚信执业、质量控制、开拓创新、民主法治、公平分配和所企互动等内部治理机制,推动事务所和谐健康发展,为做强做大创造条件。  相似文献   

Critical studies of accounting are a potential source of invigoration and action to abate lingering injustice and opportune the betterment of present and future life. In this study, we combine a foundation study of accounting usages over two centuries in the Kiribati Islands; and an exposé of these usages from the perspective of the I-Kiribati indigenes. The study is unusual in linking the history of a colony with the history of an emerging economy. We argue that colonisers espied economic, social and political benefits of colonialistic acts, and accounting usages were initiated and maturated alongside these, to avail commerce and life's personal dealings, religion-making, and government and public policymaking. Several persisting inadequacies of these accounting usages are revealed. They derive mostly from how asymmetric power relations in various contexts have played important roles in ways that accounting usages were constituted and sustained, and that this continues to be the case. The indigenes have not been accounted to, nor have had ready access to information concerning them. The indigenes have shared in some benefits but only incidentally and invariably down the pecking order. The indigenes have been precluded, befuddled and amazed by the usages, which concomitantly have enabled successive colonisers to re-define, enclose, exploit, subject and neo-liberalise them.  相似文献   

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