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This introduction to the special issue on Data Governance, Digital Innovation, and Grand Challenges highlights the importance of data governance when seeking to address grand challenges through the innovative use of digital technologies. The benefits, risks, and consequences of data, ubiquitous in today's data-rich world, can be harnessed for innovation and societal good. However, there are no guarantees that (only) desirable outcomes will develop. The creation and exploitation of vast data stockpiles raise substantial concerns about privacy, data security, equity, and the potential for harm from data misuse. Meaningful approaches to data governance within and across organizations are critically important to facilitate digital innovation and to balance social, economic and technical benefits and risks for individuals, organizations, and societies. In this introductory paper, we reflect on foundations established to date in information systems (IS) research and highlight possible future directions for scholarship on data governance across multiple levels to enhance digital innovations for transformation and societal good.  相似文献   

While most previous research on orchestration of digital innovation ecosystems has examined governance structures, our knowledge of relevant dynamic capabilities remains abstract and lacks conceptual integration. This imbalance limits current knowledge to the extent that digital innovation ecosystem orchestration is mainly considered a structural issue. Based on a synthesis of related literature, we present a novel dynamic capabilities framework that builds on sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring capabilities for digital innovation ecosystem orchestration. We differentiate two major challenges addressed in orchestrating such ecosystems: component challenges and complement challenges. We propose six concrete routines that collectively help address these challenges. These include co-creating architectural knowledge, cultivating boundary objects, renegotiating system integration, screening complementors, co-specializing interfaces, and restructuring complementarities. We illustrate each of these routines with examples from the automotive sector. In addition, we sketch trajectories for future research both at the level of the individual routines and at the level of the overall framework.  相似文献   

The rise of digital platforms creates knowledge monopolies that threaten innovation. Their power derives from the imposition of data obligations and persistent coupling on platform participation and their usurpation of the rights to data created by other participants to facilitate information asymmetries. Knowledge monopolies can use machine learning to develop competitive insights unavailable to every other platform participant. This information asymmetry stifles innovation, stokes the growth of the monopoly, and reinforces its ascendency. National or regional governance structures, such as laws and regulatory authorities, constrain economic monopolies deemed not in the public interest. We argue the need for legislation and an associated regulatory mechanism to curtail coercive data obligations, control, eliminate data rights exploitation, and prevent mergers and acquisitions that could create or extend knowledge monopolies.  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - This paper analyses the TrentoSmartCity project to redefine Trento (an Italian municipality) as a smart community according to an ecosystems...  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(4):101009
This paper analyses the link between institutional quality and innovation for 103 Italian NUTS-3 provinces during the 2004–2012 period, providing fresh evidence for a country with great disparities in both aspects. Results suggest that institutional quality largely drives innovation performance across provinces, and to some extent it contributes to explain the great North-South Italian divide in terms of innovation. The findings are robust to the inclusion of spatial spillovers and to the control of potential endogeneity. Moreover, we find uneven effects for different levels of institutional quality and for its distinct pillars. These results can be useful for the design of more specific innovation policies.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the relationship between governance and learning in clusters and networks. In particular, we see these two key elements as interdependent, suggesting that, under particular circumstances, such interdependence may drive clusters and networks towards a dynamic development trajectory. A pure ‘governance perspective’ makes the development of any locality dependent on the system of powers which exists within the locality or across the global value chain. In parallel, a pure ‘competence-based approach’ focuses mainly on the capabilities of actors to learn and undertake activities. In contrast, we open the prospects for an interdependent relation that may change the actual competences of actors as well as the governance settings and dynamics in networks and clusters. When supported by public policies, the learning process may have the potential to modify the governance environment. Simultaneously, the learning process is intrinsically influenced by economic power, which may seriously affect the development prospects of clusters and networks. This is why an intertwined consideration of both aspects is necessary to promote specific approaches to learning and to design appropriate policies. In this paper we offer two preliminary case studies to clarify some of these dynamics: the first taken from the computers cluster in Costa Rica and the second from an Italian bio-pharmaceutical firm and its production network. The first case study refers to the software cluster that was created from scratch in Costa Rica thanks to an enlightened government policy in coordination with new local enterprises and an important foreign direct investor; while the second reflects on the ability of an individual company to create a network of relationships with large transnational companies in order to acquire new competences without falling into a subordinate position with respect to its larger partners.  相似文献   

The paper highlights the importance of data sustainability in the data infrastructures aimed at long-term knowledge discoveries. Data sustainability refers to data's capacity to endure across technological and human generations, and it problematizes the data governance literature from a temporal perspective. Existing work has already moved the literature from the organizational setting to more complex interorganizational settings, highlighting discrepancies between normative data governance models and organizational practices. We broaden this literature temporally by examining and outlining research directions for data sustainability from different meta-theoretical perspectives – evolutionary, relational, and durational. Data sustainability across technological and human generations navigates complementary and competing temporal demands: Data need to transition across socio-technical regimes over time, yet be embedded in social and material networks to be meaningful; historical and present data also must remain available and accessible in near and distant futures, for going back in time and seeing new data linkages and combinations. We argue that data sustainability is critical in ensuring progression in social and environmental sustainability. The paper contributes both to data governance and sustainability literatures.  相似文献   

The issue of intellectual property rights (IPRs) is assuming increasing importance, especially for innovative firms seeking international growth. This leads to an increasing need for IPR research. Nevertheless, so far it is not known how well the current research answers to this emerging need. Hence, this study finds out how IPR research has evolved in the literature on innovation management and identifies the current trends. In order to do this we analysed articles published in the years 1970–2009 in the seven leading innovation management journals. We found 111 articles focusing on IPR issues for our systematic content analysis. The results indicate that IPRs are a fast-growing research field in innovation management, but there is a need to develop coherent constructs and conceptual frameworks that would strengthen the theoretical basis of the research. Most of the studies emphasise patents, rely on secondary data, and focus on North American and European contexts. The article concludes with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Many countries and governments consider smart cities a solution to global warming, population growth, and resource depletion. Numerous challenges arise while creating a smart city. Digital twins, along with the Internet of Things, fifth-generation wireless systems, blockchain, collaborative computing, simulation, and artificial intelligence technologies, offer great potential in the transformation of the current urban governance paradigm toward smart cities. In this paper, the concept of a digital twin city (DTC) is proposed. The characteristics, key technologies, and application scenarios of a DTC are elaborated upon. Further, we discuss the theories, research directions, and framework regarding DTCs.  相似文献   

The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has been a devastating crisis affecting the physical, social, and financial well-being of people the world over. Unlike business-as-usual, crises create unique context conditions in which to study digital innovation. Crises can create widespread suffering. Crises can also trigger the creation of “compassionate ventures” started by emergent entrepreneurs, who, by being themselves victims of adversity, are driven to start ventures to alleviate people's suffering. In this essay, we appropriate the literature from management and entrepreneurship on compassionate venturing to suggest a framework for helping to clarify distinctions in the ways in which digital innovation may emerge during crises.  相似文献   

This article begins by providing insights from the research literature on the union and nonunion grievance processes in the United States. We then take a look at the status of “voice” in the American workplace and identify both inherent and practical implementation problems in providing employee “voice” regarding workplace rules. Finally, we lay out the elements of a viable system that would best meet the criteria for procedural and substantive due process in the employment relationship.  相似文献   

Job embeddedness (JE) theory is a relatively new perspective in turnover research. Although theoretical and empirical implications are encouraging, the construct of JE is still under development. In this paper, we identify five conceptualization and measurement issues warranting additional discussion and research. These are: (1) the composite measure vs. the global measure, (2) conceptual and measurement problems of community embeddedness, (3) conceptual and measurement problems associated with links, (4) discriminant validity issues and (5) the cultural boundaries of JE. For each issue, we discuss our concerns and suggest future research directions.  相似文献   

We investigate how the size of the geographic cluster in which a firm is located influences its governance choice between equity and non-equity alliances and subsequent innovation performance. We argue that firms located in larger clusters tend to form non-equity alliances rather than equity alliances because the communication and control benefits of cluster membership, which increase with cluster size, reduce in-cluster firms' need to form equity alliances. We also claim that the effect of this preferential use of non-equity alliances on innovation becomes stronger when firms are located in larger clusters. Our arguments are supported by a panel analysis of alliances formed by US-listed semiconductor firms.  相似文献   

Public sector purchasing processes are gaining increasing prominence as a demand-side innovation tool for addressing national sustainability challenges. Accordingly, there has been growing research attention to this topic. Prior studies suggest three key rationales that underlie the use of public sector procurement to drive innovation: (i) the buyer–user rationale (for creating new needs); (ii) the market/system failure rationale (for improving suppliers' capacity to innovate); and (iii) the public services rationale (for improving public services). However, operational activities at the upstream supply chain affecting the sustainable innovation capacities of supplier firms appear to be under-researched in the public procurement for innovation (PPI) scholarship, despite knowledge about innovation capacity being critical to successfully implementing PPI. This paper adopts a systematic literature review approach to synthesise existing fragmented literature on sustainability-oriented PPI, focusing on supplier perspectives. Findings from a synthesis of 41 relevant articles suggest, among others conditions, that a procurement framework that maintains a good balance of competition and innovation, builds buyer–supplier relationship and urges strong supply networks, maintains a stable political commitment, offers security for niche markets with effective innovation risk management culture would enhance suppliers' sustainability capacity and propensity to innovate. This paper contributes to the PPI literature and the literature on determinants of sustainable innovation systems from supplier firms' sustainability lens.  相似文献   

The business analytics and strategic management literatures suggest that organizations should seek to exploit data as a key mechanism for competitive advantage. However, the rules of engagement are evolving, the regulatory landscape is becoming increasingly complex, and examples of poor outcomes are increasingly common. The board – in its role of setting and monitoring risk appetite – needs to be able to govern the risk/reward trade-off of the data asset. Contemporary data governance approaches are inadequate: they are overly rigid and risk oriented, limited in scope to an organization's self-interest rather than considering the broad set of stakeholders, and do not provide a platform for the board to manage this critical risk. This paper uses a unique set of informants – 41 board directors – to demonstrate that differences in board perspectives influence how organizations explore the secondary use of data. Furthermore, this paper identifies a set of relevant individual, organizational and environmental factors and presents empirically based configurations of these factors that lead organizations to consider (or neglect) the secondary use of data as a critical enabler of competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - The expression ‘open data’ relates to a system of informative and freely accessible databases that public administrations make generally available online in...  相似文献   

In this paper we present an overview of Dutch HRM Research in the last decade, based on a content analysis of academic journals in this area. Also included is a comparison between UK and USA research, on the one hand, and Dutch research, on the other. Looking back, we conclude that HRM research in the Netherlands has had a relatively institutional character and has been less focused on HRM activities in a narrow sense. Dutch HRM researchers have paid less attention to the strategic positioning of HRM, to the redesign of HRM tools in the area of through-flow and performance management (appraisal, reward systems, feedback mechanisms) and to the monitoring of the effects of HRM. In this way HRM research has not reflected the key HRM issues occupying the attention of practitioners. From more recent patterns, however, we expect Dutch HRM research increasingly to reflect managerial concerns. This does not imply full convergence with US patterns, especially given the Dutch traditions in industrial relations and personnel management. The challenge for Dutch research on HRM is to find the right balance between market forces and institutional arrangements, including a fair position for the workers; this will have to do justice to the long established tradition of industrial democracy and consultation practices among the various stakeholders.  相似文献   

Corporate actors are rapidly gaining ground as nontraditional forms of authority that shape sustainability governance efforts in global food supply chains. This paper highlights the critical, but underresearched role of traders—companies whose core business lies in the movement and exchange of agricultural commodities between producers and manufacturers—in linking corporate sustainability ambitions to on-the-ground impacts. Drawing on a systematic analysis of the major transnational corporations trading cocoa, coffee, and palm oil, we present advantages and potential pitfalls of relying on traders as implementers of sustainability governance and outline a future research agenda that focuses on producer-level impacts, changes in supply chain organization and power dynamics, and traders' interactions with state and other nonstate actors. At the intersection of supply chain management, political economy, geography, and global governance, research on traders as key sustainability governance actors also provides novel opportunities for interdisciplinary work and stakeholder engagement.  相似文献   

This paper examines interpretivism as an approach for researching fundraising practice as context and practice specific. In doing so, it highlights the agency of fundraisers and extends critical analysis of fundraising practice and its broader implications in ways that the dominant positivistic, functionalist literature does not. Building on previous comparisons of positivist and interpretivist approaches, we consider two fundraising studies, and benefits and challenges of using an interpretivist approach. These observations highlight both the complexity and messiness of interpretivist studies, and of the fundraising process. The paper concludes by discussing how these challenges can be managed through analytical iteration, adjustment, and pragmatism throughout the research process; while advocating for including more critical and dialectic approaches to research fundraising and fundraisers' broader practice.  相似文献   

对股票期权会计若干问题的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在简单评议美国股票期权会计两种处理方法的同时,结合我国具体情况,从会计确认、计量、记录和信息披露四个方面对我国股票期权会计处理问题进行了探讨,并依据股票期权制度要素的要求,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

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