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卫生部公布国内首个预包装食品营养标签国家标准 卫生部11月2日公布第一个食品营养标签国家标准———《预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB28050-2011),将指导和规范营养标签标示,让消费者买得清楚吃得健康。《预包装食品营养标签通则》将于2013年1月1日起正式施行。  相似文献   

本文回顾了食品企业自主营养标签的发展历程,研究了食品企业提供自主营养标签的经济学动机,探讨了这种质量标签对食品市场产生影响的机制,在此基础上构建关于自主营养标签的市场理论模型。研究发现,消费者健康意识的觉醒是企业提供自主营养标签的经济学动机,自主营养标签不仅会引导消费者购买更健康的食品,也将引导食品生产企业进行健康产品生产,从而推动整个食品市场的健康化进程。政府可以通过对消费者进行健康教育提高消费者的健康意识,从而触发企业提供自主标签的市场机制,进而达到提高食品市场质量、调整国民膳食结构、降低慢性病发病率的效果。  相似文献   

近日,记者从卫生部举行的食品营养标签管理办法听证会上获悉,我国《食品营养标签管理办法》草案已经拟定,正在听取各方意见。管理办法实行后,消费者可以凭借食品包装上的营养标签,科学选择健康食品。 相关部门曾对北京市部分家庭主妇进行调查,结果显示,72%以上的主妇在购买食品时会注意食品标签中的营养内容,一多半人是为了  相似文献   

由国家质检总局、国家标准委日前批准发布的《预包装食品标签通则》和《预包装特殊膳食食品标签通则》两项食品标签强制性国家标准,将于2005年10月1日起正式实施,修订后的两项国家标准进一步强化了食品标签的真实性。此前,我国关于食品标签的国家标准分别是1988年制定的《食品标签通用标准》和1993年制定的《特殊营养食品标签》。新标准不允许利用产品名称混淆食品的真实属性,对消费者造成误导,如“橙汁饮料”、“酸奶饮料”四个字必须使用同一字号,且必须在同一版面;使用代可可脂、可可粉制成的巧克力必须在标签标明,与可可脂、可可粉制成…  相似文献   

对黑龙江省哈尔滨市的居民进行线上问卷调查,分析消费者自身低碳观念、消费者对碳标签概念认知情况、消费者对碳标签食品的需求方向,包括购买的时间成本和空间成本。结果发现:在多数青年消费者具有低碳生活观念的情况下,碳标签的认知程度反而较低;青年消费者对碳标签食品的需求层次丰富,既包括食品的品质,也包括自身的特色;青年消费者对碳标签食品的购买条件较高,愿意额外支付的时间成本和空间成本均较低。提出了加强碳标签食品的宣传引导、持续培育消费者低碳生活观念、提升碳标签食品竞争力以及便利碳标签食品的购买方式的建议。  相似文献   

魏楠  赵世航 《现代食品》2021,27(2):167-169
随着市场经济的发展,食品安全事件频发,造成了严重的社会危害.国家不断修订《食品安全法》《预包装食品营养标签通则》等法律,完善《食品标识监管办法》,以提高食品安全管控效果.本文介绍了焙烤食品安全现状,从食品安全法律体系、食品安全检测技术等方面剖析烘焙食品行业安全管理现状,提出加强烘焙食品安全管理的建议.  相似文献   

近日,卫生部网站公布了针对《特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品通则》(GB25596-2010)(简称《通则》)的问题和解答,对2010年12月21日发布,今年1月1日开始实施的《通则》进行了解读。"特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品"是指针对患有特殊紊乱、疾病或医疗状况等特殊医学状况婴儿的营养需求而设计制成的粉状或液态配方食品。人们在超市中常见的"早产儿配方奶粉"即属于此类。  相似文献   

食品标签的福利问题一直受到政府和学术界关注,有关福利评估方式、市场竞争假设等方面仍有待探讨。文章按照竞争市场和市场势力两种情况,利用垂直质量差异模型,理论测算食品信息标签实施前后消费者与生产者的福利变动,并结合南京市蔬菜市场调查数据,评估现行质量认证标签制度的福利效应。研究表明,标签引入后,高收入消费者和高质量食品生产者的福利改善,福利效应在竞争市场中随食品质量差异的增大或成本差异的减小进一步增强;但是质量差异化的市场环境约束低收入消费者的食品选择范围,压缩低质量食品生产者的市场份额,削弱食品标签对两类市场群体的福利效应,市场势力的出现甚至加剧低收入消费者福利的恶化。文章丰富了食品标签领域的福利经济学研究,探索了更具一般性的福利测度方法,为把握食品政策制定的方向提供参考。  相似文献   

从5月1日起,《食品营养标签管理规范》正式实行,今后包装食品必须在醒目位置上标示营养成分。营养标签的标示应当真实、客观,不得虚假,不得夸大产品的营养作用。任何产品标签标标和宣传等不得对营养声称方式和用语进行删改和添加.也不得明示或暗示治疗疾病的作用。  相似文献   

本文基于山东省843个消费者样本,以番茄为例,设置食品安全认证标签、可追溯标签、品牌与价格属性进行了选择实验,并借助随机参数Logit模型研究了消费者偏好。结果显示,消费者对食品安全认证标签、可追溯标签和品牌属性均具有显著支付意愿,对可追溯标签的支付意愿远高于其他属性,且不同信息标签的组合给消费者偏好带来不同影响,食品安全认证标签与可追溯标签间以及可追溯标签与品牌间皆存在互补关系,而食品安全认证标签与品牌间存在替代关系。研究同时表明,消费者食品安全认证知识与可追溯知识层次提高,对消费者支付意愿的影响并不相同。在此基础上,提出了建立食品安全认证制度和食品可追溯系统等建议以减小食品市场信息不对称、提高消费者信心与支付意愿。  相似文献   

Consumers face an increasing availability of information on health and nutritional aspects of foods, especially on food package labels. Previous research has identified that this information is positively valued, but the effect of presenting several items of information simultaneously is not well understood. We conduct a choice experiment to identify the effects of multiple health and nutrition information labels for two products representing a healthy and less healthy food choice. Although our consumers attach positive utility to most of the individual labels evaluated here, the simultaneous presence of more than one label only has positive impact on utility in one of nine possible cases. Therefore, promotion of multiple labels should not be considered beneficial a priori either from a regulatory or business perspective. In addition, results show that consumers show a higher willingness to pay for nutrition and health labels for less healthy products.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the effect of labels on food product demand. Labeling statements may convey new information about attributes and place consumers in different choice contexts; consumers' assessment of information in labels may be affected by reference points. We examine labeling context relating to genetically modified (GM) food as a factor in the stochastic component of a random utility model and assess reference points over a set of observable characteristics of consumers. We find that labeling context effects are present, although relatively small, while reference dependence is a very important factor that varies over observable characteristics of the sampled consumers.  相似文献   

姚惠芳 《现代食品》2021,27(3):26-27,33
预包装食品标签作为展示产品质量重要内容之一,主要展示了食品生产者、质量指标、营养指标等信息,是消费者选购食品的主要参考依据。本文依据常用的国家标准及相关法律法规,对预包装食品标签常见问题及原因进行分析,并提出建议,为食品生产企业规范食品标签提供参考,也为食品安全监管部门日常监管提供一定的技术支持。  相似文献   

This study explores the effect of a health involvement manipulation on food choices and how food choices are influenced by front-of-pack nutrition labels. The results show that without health involvement, choice was significantly affected by both nutrition labels and product type, but the product choice with health involvement was affected only by whether the product was selected as the healthier one in the involvement manipulation stage. Moreover, selection of the healthiest product during the manipulation stage was affected by the product type but not the front-of-pack (FOP) labels, potentially because participants relied on their own knowledge or the product perception to assess the healthiness of the product rather than the label information. The implication is that consumers seem to behave differently when pushed into a “choose healthy” state of mind, and their reliance on label information to assess product healthiness may be product and context dependent.  相似文献   

In this study, Canadian consumers’ preferences for enhanced carnosine (a naturally occurring dipeptide that exhibits antiaging properties) in pork are examined. Carnosine is a relatively unknown nutrient to the public such that we are interested in understanding the relative merits of informing consumers of enhanced carnosine levels through a possible health claim, a nutrient content claim or including it in the nutrition facts table (NFT). As a basis of comparison, we include two other possible labels, a protein nutrient content claim, and a Verified Canadian Pork label (created by industry identifying food safety, animal care, traceability, and farm to table quality assurance attributes of the production system). Data were collected through an online survey that included a choice experiment and were analyzed using conditional logit and random parameters logit models. Compared to carnosine (as a functional attribute), consumers prefer the identification of protein content. In terms of labeling carnosine, consumers have higher willingness to pay for carnosine content included in a NFT than for nutrient or health claims. Higher levels of nutrition knowledge are associated with higher willingness to pay for the different pork attributes.  相似文献   

EU Regulation 1924/2006 introduced a European legal framework for nutrition messages for food product labels. The study analyses consumer interest towards nutrition labelling and claims, and examines the information consumers consider important during their purchasing decisions, and the main characteristics of those consumers interested in nutrition claims and nutrition labelling use. A total of 1,025 northern Italian consumers were surveyed. We estimate one binary logit model to investigate the use of nutrition labelling, and seven other ordinal regression models to analyse consumer interest towards nutrition claims and labelling. Consumers who use nutrition labelling have characteristics different from those who use nutrition claims. Consumers using nutrition labelling show a marked interest in food safety concerns, use experts as their source of information and have specific dietary habits. For consumers concerned about nutrition claims, the survey shows significant links with attributes influencing purchasing behaviour, such as price, brand, certification, etc. Socio‐demographic characteristics are statistically significant and show a positive link with age, gender and a negative linkage with income.  相似文献   

Labels signaling sustainable product attributes are gaining importance, although uncertainty concerning the environmental, micro‐ and macroeconomic benefits of such labels persist. One of the questions still incompletely answered is whether Willingness To Pay (WTP) varies with a gradually increasing number of labels on a food product. In order to answer this question, we conducted a laboratory experiment with 191 student respondents, testing consumer valuations of different labeling strategies. Using the Becker‐DeGroot‐Marschak mechanism, WTP for 15 food products was measured. The products were endowed with up to six different sustainability labels, such that each grocery item was available in eight product versions. For perishable, nonperishable, and plant‐based products, the results indicate that participants are prone to allocating WTP‐premiums to labeled products, more than to unlabeled products. For animal products, however, labels do not influence WTP significantly. Furthermore, the premiums do not vary with an increasing number of labels, irrespective of whether the labels signal substitute or complementary sustainability information. The results are not entirely in line with normative notions of magnitude variation, but rather with the behavioral economic concept of embedding effects.  相似文献   

New labels for food products continue to be introduced in the United States. This paper estimates interaction effects among labeled attributes for eggs to investigate cases where affixing labels of “premium” attributes would indeed gain additional premiums in the U.S. market. A latent class analysis identified four consumer segments (Attribute Seekers, Price Checkers, Local Supporters, and Combination Responders). Several interaction effects were sufficiently large in magnitude to neutralize the main effects, but differently for each segment. While the combination of certified-organic with cage-free or local label yielded negative premiums in certain segments, the premium Attribute Seekers were willing to pay were considerable. Across all segments, preferences for locally produced products were robust singly or in combinations. Consideration of interaction effects and consumer segments are recommended for effective labeling strategies.  相似文献   

本文对2016—2019年的酒类预包装食品标签不合格情况进行统计,解读了当前食品标签标准的变化对酒类食品生产企业的影响,分析了标签不合格的原因并提出自己的建议。  相似文献   

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