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高梁 《开放导报》2006,(5):55-58
垄断行业包括多种不同行业,情况千差万别。破除垄断必须对每个行业做深入分析。一是对各垄断行业目前的开放准入情况有一个客观的评价;二是对这些行业的技术经济情况做具体分析;三是在目前情况下,每个行业的开放度。只有在此基础上制定有针对性的政策或法规,才能正确地引进竞争,实现公平健康的竞争,放开竞争才具有可操作性。仅仅一般地呼吁放开竞争或“非禁即入”显然是不够的。  相似文献   

The European Union's long-term goal for regional policy is economic and social cohesion. In Merseyside the Union has been engaged in a range of policies, through Objective 1 status, to stimulate regional economic development. In view of the current government's concern to promote capacity building and community economic development, an interesting aspect of Objective 1 is Pathways to Integration, a policy that seeks to tackle the problems of high unemployment and social exclusion across Merseyside through community economic development and capacity building. This paper contrasts the rhetoric of the Pathways literature with the reality of its local delivery in the Knowsley Borough of Merseyside. It argues that the reality of Pathways, particularly in relation to community involvement, does not match the rhetoric and the local delivery has been problematic, and that this experience has important lessons for local economic development strategies that include a large element of capacity building.  相似文献   

对于一个成功的接访者而言要做到言辞得体、因人制宜、动之以情、以事为本和晓之以理。才可以成功的处理一次次的上访事件  相似文献   

黎琴 《理论观察》2014,(8):122-123
企业外宣翻译是企业向外国受众宣传自身的一项交际活动。从西方修辞学的角度看,它也可被看作修辞劝说活动。为更好地宣传企业及其服务或产品,在翻译时,译者应具备修辞意识,合理借鉴和运用西方修辞学的劝说策略,努力尝试获得受众"认同"。  相似文献   

作为一种独立的文体形式,科技英语具有内容客观准确、结构严谨周密、语言精确简练和逻辑性强等独特的文体特征。文体特征具体表现在词汇、句法和修辞等方面。从以上三个层面上对文体特征进行分析可以起到见微知著的功用,并且对于理解和翻译科技文章会大有裨益。  相似文献   

In 2008 the South African National Disaster Management Centre commissioned a study into measures taken by local municipalities to plan for climate change. Two areas were selected for their dissimilar climatic challenges: the //Khara Hais Municipality,1 1The // spelling represents the click consonant in the Kxoe language that the name comes from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki///Khara_Hais_Local_Municipality * Brendon Solik is now a Consultant at Environmental Resources Management (ERM), Johannesburg, South AfricaView all notes a semi-desert area in the Northern Cape Province plagued by droughts and severe weather events, and the George Municipality, an area in the Western Cape Province plagued by droughts, the rising sea level and flash floods. It was found that despite South African laws and regulations requiring local government to take action to reduce the risk of disasters, planning for climate change is still no more than sophisticated rhetoric in the two municipalities. This lack of urgency can be ascribed to local municipalities having other more pressing developmental priorities. It would, however, be short-sighted of municipalities not to plan for climate change, as major setbacks in hard-won economic and social development follow a disaster.  相似文献   

张藤耀 《魅力中国》2010,(26):248-248,233
广告英语作为一种实用文体,在词汇、句法、及修辞上都有其独有的特点。在顺应理论构建的框架下,本文试图通过社交世界、心理世界以及物质世界三个方面解释广告英语的顺应性,希望能探究广告英语如何做出语言选择以顺应动态的语境,同时分析制约的语境因素以期望对文体学研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

Foreign aid critics, supporters, recipients, and donors have produced eloquent rhetoric on the need for better aid practices—has this translated into reality? This paper attempts to monitor the best and worst of aid practices among bilateral, multilateral, and UN agencies. We create aid practice measures based on aid transparency, specialization, selectivity, ineffective aid channels, and overhead costs. We rate donor agencies from best to worst on aid practices. We find that the UK does well among bilateral agencies, the US is below average, and Scandinavian donors do surprisingly poorly. The biggest difference is between the UN agencies, who mostly rank in the bottom half of donors, and everyone else. Average performance of all agencies on transparency, fragmentation, and selectivity is still very poor. The paper also assesses trends in best practices over time—we find modest improvement in transparency and more in moving away from ineffective channels. However, we find no evidence of improvements (and partial evidence of worsening) in specialization, fragmentation, and selectivity, despite escalating rhetoric to the contrary.  相似文献   

As official discourses throughout Central Asia reflect, China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ has become very attractive to the local regimes. They perceive it as corresponding to the urgent need to achieve social and economic growth and maintain alternatives for international cooperation. Political elites have incorporated the BRI-agenda into their rhetoric of growth and actively promote the idea of BRI’s ‘conjugation’ with local development plans. The success of the initiative, however, differs from state to state.

The BRI-related narratives of local expert communities mainly correspond to the goals set by the officials. At the same time, local experts elucidate important issues, such as BRI’s impact on national security, Chinese migration, and public discontent. These elucidations may adjust the official stand towards the BRI. The possibility of such adjustments, varying in different Central Asian states, depends in each case on the openness of a regime to scholarly prognostications.

Abbreviations: BRI - Belt and Road Initiative; CDA - Critical Discourse-Analysis; DHA - Discourse-Historical Approach; SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation; EAEU - Eurasian Economic Union; TAPI -Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (pipeline)  相似文献   

随着商品经济的不断发展,广告已成为人们生活中不可或缺的部分。然而,由于广告太多,麻痹了人们的神经,导致多数人对广告视而不见,充耳不闻。因此,要想让广告达到预期的效果,就必须提高广告语言表达的有效性,而运用意境上的修辞则是提高语言表达有效性的最好方法。  相似文献   

祖利军 《理论观察》2005,(5):131-133
作为语言学认知理论的中心课题,隐喻研究日益受到语言学者的重视.隐喻理论经历了漫长、复杂的发展过程,由传统的修辞手段到现代的认知手段,无一不浸透着哲人的智慧.无论是替代论、比较论,还是互动论,都可作为认知手段.隐喻是语言和认知之间的重要桥梁,是我们认识世界的重要手段之一.  相似文献   

Although beneficiary participation occupies a prominent place in the rhetoric of rural development, attempts actually to achieve it have a much less notable record. This essay examines reasons for this disappointing history and suggests eight elements that can be used to improve the practice. Two cases are used to illustrate the potential of the approach, and ways to manage it. The authors conclude that, for participation to succeed, redistributing power must be accompanied by the simultaneous building of local capabilities.  相似文献   

The rhetoric of positivism had a profound effect on the worldview and practice of economists in the middle of the last century. Though this influence has greatly diminished, it still may be found in the attitude of many economists toward the history of their discipline. This article traces the effects of positivism in economics and then argues that the history of economics is a critical component of both the undergraduate teaching and the graduate training of economists, and that as such, it should be reintroduced into the economics curriculum. It concludes by documenting some recent hopeful signs of change.  相似文献   

This study advances the analysis of factors contributing to the persistence of the black-white racial wealth gap using insights from Institutional Economics and Stratification Economics. The analysis challenges discourses trumpeting the emergence of a post-racial society in which previous barriers to attaining equal economic outcomes have been eliminated. It is argued that the post-racial rhetoric conveys inaccurate information to agents regarding the expected returns from investments in both capital assets and racial identity. Sub-optimal decisions by Black agents result, in part, from failure to take advantage of cultural knowledge about more advantageous investment strategies tied to indigenous cultural traditions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the opposition to housing stock transfer in Glasgow in the early 1990s. Taking the position of anti-transfer campaigners, it argues that transfer can be interpreted as a form of 'privatisation' involving a profound restructuring in the role of the state in a key heartland area of welfare provision. Using interviews from housing campaigners in Glasgow, the paper argues that the much-heralded rhetoric about housing stock transfer as promoting tenant choice is highly contentious and misleading. The paper includes by highlighting that dispite the move to transfer in Glasgow, there remains a significant campaign against transfer in other parts of the UK.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the World Bank has become the leading international institution for development financing and for elaborating new development strategies. This has involved a major shift in lending toward agriculture and rural development. Explanations for the change range from more progressive expertise within the Bank to the shock of the 1972-74 food crisis and renewed penetration of Third World agriculture by capitalist agribusiness. Discriminating among these perspectives requires attention to the core issue of the relationship between increasing food production and reducing rural poverty. The issue is irreducibly political, and the Bank's record is less encouraging than the reformist rhetoric.  相似文献   

Roy Coleman 《Local Economy》2004,19(3):199-211
Government and media rhetoric obscures the entrepreneurial roots of closed circuit television (CCTV) and its position in the regeneration of politically and economically 'viable' city centres. The paper charts this concern with 'viability' and traces the reassertion of class based discourses on crime, fear and insecurity as a component in the regeneration of UK cities and reflected and reinforced by camera networks. The efficacy of CCTV is questionable and its significance may be understood less for its 'crime prevention' potential and more for its success in reinforcing a long established scrutiny and criminalisation of the activities of the least powerful inhabitants of urban areas at the expense of scrutinising other harmful activities in the city.  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has much to learn from the Indonesian economic experience of coping with one booming sector while creating an environment in which the economy could generate jobs. PNG's macroeconomic policy adjustments to the boom-bust cycles which characterise its economy work extremely well by comparison to most other developing countries experiencing the same difficulties. At the microeconomic level, policy improvement has been harder, with the rhetoric far out-distancing the actual advances. The challenge is to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector, to raise the education levels, and to attract investment to provide employment. At present the investment environment is bleak because of the deteriorating law and order situation.  相似文献   

Banking Regulation and Systemic Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The term Systemic Risk belongs to the standard rhetoric of economic policy discussions related to the banking industry. Besides the goal of protecting small depositors, control of systemic risk is given as one of the main arguments for banking regulation. Various recent financial crises have increasingly focused the regulatory debate on issues of systemic risk and financial stability. There is, however, no generally accepted definition of systemic risk and the effectiveness and the economic consequences of various instruments of banking regulation that are intended to attenuate it are still only partially understood both theoretically and empirically. In this paper, we make an attempt to discuss some of the issues raised in this debate by reviewing recent contributions to the academic literature.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to evaluate critically the extent to which there is community involvement in the construction and delivery of urban policy under New Labour, through a case study of the Greater Pollok Social Inclusion Partnership. The paper concentrates on the Scottish experience, but its lessons resonate more widely. Its key finding is that, for all the rhetoric of New Labour and community involvement, the degree to which it has occurred in practice is little different to the level of involvement under Conservative urban policy initiatives. The paper argues that the processes of community consultation and participation during the early stages of the Greater Pollok Social Inclusion Partnership were woefully inadequate. At best it was tokenistic, and at worst, local people were being 'exploited' to legitimise the policy process.  相似文献   

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