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张向前 《商业时代》2007,(5):53-53,56
本文论述了西方战略管理理论产生的设计学派、计划学派、定位学派等十个代表性的学派,并分析了不同学派思想对现代企业战略管理的积极意义。  相似文献   

一、引言 战略管理的实践和研究兴起于20世纪50年代.至今名家辈出.方兴未艾。在这个过程中.不同的学者将战略管理划分成了不同的学说和流派.其中最有影响的是台湾的吴思华教授和加拿大的明茨博格教授。吴思华提出了“策略九说”.将策略(战略)分为价值说.效率说、资源说.结构说.竞局说.统治说.互赖说、风险说和生态说.明茨博格则将战略管理分为十大学派.即设计学派、计划学派、定位学派、企业家学派、认识学派.学习学派、权力学派、文化学派.环境学派和结构学派。上述学说和流派分别从各个角度或层次反映了战略管理形成的客观规律,都对战略管理理论做出了贡献。它们之间有的是矛盾的,有的是互补的.都并非确定的结论.而是可能的启发。  相似文献   

现在,企业管理思想已经进入到“文化管理”阶段。现代企业管理应该引入“文化管理”的理念,将组织文化建设作为企业的一种重要战略管理目标提高到企业生存与发展的高度上。  相似文献   

一、引言 战略管理的实践和研究兴起于20世纪50年代,至今名家辈出,方兴未艾.在这个过程中,不同的学者将战略管理划分成了不同的学说和流派,其中最有影响的是台湾的吴思华教授和加拿大的明茨博格教授.吴思华提出了"策略九说",将策略(战略)分为价值说、效率说、资源说、结构说、竞局说、统治说、互赖说、风险说和生态说;明茨博格则将战略管理分为十大学派,即设计学派、计划学派、定位学派、企业家学派、认识学派、学习学派、权力学派、文化学派、环境学派和结构学派.上述学说和流派分别从各个角度或层次反映了战略管理形成的客观规律,都对战略管理理论做出了贡献.它们之间有的是矛盾的,有的是互补的,都并非确定的结论,而是可能的启发.  相似文献   

经济新常态背景下,我国经济发展进入一个崭新时期。同时,企业也在面临着转型升级的最大难题,而企业的转型升级必须要考虑到行业的进入壁垒和进入阻挠问题。对于进入壁垒与进入阻挠理论,各个学派研究结论均有所差异,本文主要从产业结构组织理论出发展开研究。在不同市场类型中,潜在企业如果想要进入市场就必须承担一些在位企业不会承担的成本,在位厂商有意识地利用低价格、过度生产能力设计、"抢占"手段等战略行为来构筑战略性进入壁垒,以保持"蛋糕"的规模和完整性。本文针对行业进入壁垒与进入阻挠问题提出经济新常态下企业的应对策略。  相似文献   

我国经济发展进入高质量发展阶段,各行业呈现出良好的发展态势。民营中小企业在促进经济社会发展方面发挥了重要作用,强化战略管理能力是民营中小企业提升综合竞争优势和实现健康持续发展的关键所在。民营中小企业在战略管理方面存在诸多弊端,很大程度上限制了企业发展。对“两个毫不动摇”中小企业实施战略管理的重要意义进行分析,指出其存在的问题,并提出相应的优化对策。  相似文献   

战略管理中的学习学派认为组织环境具有的复杂和难以预测的特性,战略的制定首先必须采取不断学习的过程,在这一过程中,战略制定和执行的界限变得模糊不清、不可辨别。哈慈作为上世纪90年代末的知名保健品企业,短短十几年间从行业的龙头老大到创始人套现转让;其兴衰历程值得相关企业引以为戒,基于学习学派的视角主要从学习型组织、学习力和学习型领导三个方面分析了哈慈走向失败的原因。  相似文献   

由于中国"中庸"思想的文化传统,在学习西方的过程中,我们很容易的对西方的文化与学术进行某种调和,使得原本完全对立的学术观点在中国这块“土壤”,一下成了“一家人”。西方的综合法学派在某种程度上也是一种“中庸”的观点,我们在学习这派观点的时候,很多时候简单的将其与目前中国学术界盛行的“中庸”观点等同视之,其实两者有很大的不同,同时这两种观点也只是“百家中的一家,百花中的一朵”,而且这两派观点的重心在于“调和”而不是“争鸣”,所以在中国法学仍然没有摆脱“幼稚”的阶段,过多的提倡这种观点与方法,必然会阻碍中国“法学”的学派发展与法学自身的成熟.在这个基础上,作者认为我们法学界相较于“和平”,更需要“战争”。  相似文献   

伴随市场竞争的日益激烈与全球化,企业为了生存和发展,必然会对环境的各项要素及未来的投入产出进行全面、系统的分析.因此战略管理变得愈发的重要该文通过对战略管理理论各学派的梳理,以寻找各学派理论间的研究重点与差异。  相似文献   

李欣 《现代商贸工业》2007,19(9):115-116
在美国经济发展的不同阶段,有两个学派对美国的反垄断政策影响极为深远,它们是哈佛学派和芝家哥学派,两大学派争论的主要焦点在于企业大小与市场竞争秩序的关系。以中国电信行业为例,论述了电信企业由垄断型的大企业拆分重组成若干小企业后的成功与缺陷,同时也对电信行业在面对WTO的严峻形势时所采取的措施提出建议。  相似文献   

During the last two decades, researchers have sought to develop categories of entrepreneurs and their businesses along a variety of dimensions to better comprehend and analyze the entrepreneurial growth process. Some of this research has focused on differences related to industrial sectors, firm size, the geographical region in which a business is located, the use of high-technology or low-technology, and the life-cycle stage of the firm (i.e., start-up vs. more mature, formalized companies). Researchers have also considered ways in which entrepreneurs can be differentiated from small business managers. One of these classifications is based on the entrepreneur's desire to grow the business rapidly. This is the focus of our study.To date, the media have paid considerable attention to rapidly growing new ventures. However, still lacking are large-scale research studies guided by theory through which we can expand our knowledge of the underlying factors supporting ambitious expansion plans. Some research has identified factors that enhance or reduce the willingness of the entrepreneur to grow the business. Factors include the strategic origin of the business (i.e., the methods and paths through which the firm was founded); previous experience of the founder/owner; and the ability of the entrepreneur to set realistic, measurable goals and to manage conflict effectively.Our study attempted to identify the strategic paths chosen by entrepreneurs and the relation of those paths to the growth orientation of the firm. The entrepreneurs sampled in this study are women entrepreneurs across a wide range of industrial sectors. Recent reviews of entrepreneurship research have suggested the need for more studies comparing high-growth firms with slower-growth firms to better delineate their differences in strategic choices and behaviors.Our study sought to answer the following questions: What characterizes a “high growth-oriented entrepreneur?” Is this distinction associated with specific strategic intentions, prior experience, equity held in previous firms, the type of company structure in place, or success factors the entrepreneur perceives are important to the business? Do “high growth” entrepreneurs show greater entrepreneurial “intensity” (i.e., commitment to the firm's success)? Are they willing to “pay the price” for their own and their firm's success? (i.e., the “opportunity costs” associated with business success and growth). Other relationships under investigation included different patterns of financing the business' start-up and early growth. Do “high-growth” entrepreneurs use unique sources of funding compared with “lower-growth” entrepreneurs?Eight hundred thirty-two entrepreneurs responded to a survey in which they were asked to describe their growth intentions along nineteen strategic dimensions, as well as respond to the foregoing questions. Some of the strategic activity measures included adding a new product or service, expanding operations, selling to a new market, and applying for a loan to expand operations. Actual growth rates based on sales revenues were calculated, and average annualized growth rates of the industrial sectors represented in the sample were obtained. This study showed that high-growth-oriented entrepreneurs were clearly different from low-growth-oriented entrepreneurs along several dimensions. The former were much more likely to select strategies for their firms that permitted greater focus on market expansion and new technologies, to exhibit greater intensity towards business ownership (“my business is the most important activity in my life”), and to be willing to incur greater opportunity costs for the success of their firms (“I would rather own my own business than earn a higher salary while employed by someone else”).The high-growth–oriented entrepreneurs tended to have a more structured approach to organizing their businesses, which suggests a more disciplined perception of managing the firm. In summary, results showed the group of high-growth–oriented entrepreneurs, labeled “ambitious,” as having the following distinctions: strategic intentions that emphasize market growth and technological change, stronger commitment to the success of the business, greater willingness to sacrifice on behalf of the business, earlier planning for the growth of the business, utilization of a team-based form of organization design, concern for reputation and quality, adequate capitalization, strong leadership, and utilization of a wider range of financing sources for the expansion of the venture. The purpose in uncovering these differences is to enable entrepreneurs and researchers to identify more clearly the attributes of rapid-growth ventures and their founders and to move closer to a field-based model of the entrepreneurial growth process which will help delineate the alternative paths to venture growth and organizational change.  相似文献   

产业技术联盟是国家和区域技术创新体系的重要组成部分,政府要根据科技发展规划以及重点产业和战略性新兴产业的技术创新需求,加强对产业技术联盟的规划与管理。通过分析产业技术联盟的生命周期特征,本文指出了联盟不同发展阶段存在的主要问题,提出了联盟不同发展阶段的政府管理思路,设计了联盟组建阶段、成长阶段、成熟阶段和再造阶段的政府管理策略,旨在为政府明确产业技术联盟的管理重点,促进联盟的快速和可持续发展提供决策支持。  相似文献   

In the 1960s, Kaldor defined the manufacturing sector as the engine of growth, suggesting that industrialization might help accelerate growth rates in low income economies. This is still relevant in today’s world, where growth rates in countries in the middle income trap slow down, extending their time in the trap. In some of these economies, industrialization slows down while others face “premature deindustrialization.” Adding to this scenario, this paper describes, in Kaldorian fashion, the streamlined features of industrialization, technical capabilities and technical progress, which offer explanations as to why sectoral industrial policies are necessary in releasing countries from the trap. It presents a taxonomy of industrial policies and discusses how industrial policy and science, technology and innovation policies should be sequenced along the process of industrialization. Finally, the paper develops a methodology to identify the “strategic” sectors on which industrial policy could focus.  相似文献   

Relatively few empirical studies address the question of generic relationships between consumers and brands. But a relationship‐oriented brand communication seems to have become increasingly important to companies. In this article, the authors present details of a study on generic consumer–brand relationships conducted in Germany. Based on the data of more than 900 consumers, four different types of consumer–brand relationships emerge, characterized as “best friendship,” “unemotional purpose‐based relationship,” “loose contact,” and “happy partnership.” An extended analysis of the data using advanced statistical methods supports these findings to a high degree. Furthermore, as the results of the extended analysis also suggest, numerous well‐known brands often appear within less favorable relationships like “unemotional purpose‐based relationship” and “loose contact.” These findings indicate important shortcomings of relationship‐oriented brand management in many companies and suggest the need for further work in this area.  相似文献   

文章通过使用2016年35个城市的上市公司微观数据,并匹配相应的营商环境指标和企业家才能指标数据,定量分析了企业家才能、营商环境对企业全要素生产率的影响。实证分析结果表明:企业家才能对企业全要素生产率影响存在着营商环境“门槛效应”,即企业家才能只有与一定的营商环境相结合,才会对企业全要素生产率提升产生积极作用;企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响存在着明显的区域差异和产业差异特征:沿海地区企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响要强于内陆地区企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响;企业家才能对传统产业企业全要素生产率影响大于对战略新兴产业企业全要素生产率影响。  相似文献   


Industrial buyers and consumers may have opinions about the general quality of products and companies from different nations and use such opinions as informational cues in their buying processes. This article presents a comparative study of the industrial profile of a “New European nation” and Western European nations. Tentative implications of the differences in industrial profile are suggested for international marketing strategy.  相似文献   

奥运赞助对企业而言有着重大的战略意义,它能为企业带来巨大的经济效益。在此背景下,我国企业纷纷通过加入奥运赞助计划进入奥运市场平台。在奥运市场平台上,赞助企业必须灵活运用营销的策略和技巧,学会驾驭大型赛事的影响过程,把握奥运营销的特性,更好地实现企业赞助奥运的目标。  相似文献   

江苏沿海地区三次产业严重趋同,部分制造业存在产业同构,其中尤以南通和盐城两市较为明显。究其原因,主要缘于地区资源差异、比较优势和制度因素。江苏沿海地区应错位发展其优势产业,创新产业合作发展机制,平衡各方利益关系,以区域战略联盟延长产业链,提升区域产业技术水平,推进江苏沿海地区产业协同发展。  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of an ambidextrous context in a rapidly growing emerging market multinational (EMNE), thus unbundling cultural and structural complexities. We use the micro-foundational lens of ambidexterity to explore and identify different processes, structures and mechanisms that underpin the development of ambidextrous practices in the EMNE. We adopt a longitudinal case study design to trace the evolution of the EMNE, which during the initial phases of its existence focused on supplying industrial enzymes and refined its technical base. In subsequent years, it exploited its technical base to emerge as a full-fledged biopharmaceutical EMNE and adopted strategic partnerships with international companies to explore new knowledge. Our novel and rich research context also provides us with insights on how this EMNE exploited its technological knowledge, whilst utilizing strategic alliances to simultaneously engage in exploratory activities. Through the micro-foundational lens of ambidexterity, we uncover the critical role played by its leadership in addressing paradoxical tensions for simultaneously managing exploitation and exploration in an international strategic alliance context.  相似文献   

Japanese industrial policy had been well known to be about specific sectors and technologies. About 1990 economic growth stopped after decades of a remarkable process of catching up with the US. The potential to borrow technologies and ideas from other countries has become exhausted and Japan had to develop own technologies. The article descibes structural reforms in competition policy, corporate governance, management of intellectual property and mobility of researchers. Industrial policy has now more to do with horizontal policies and framework conditions than with targeting. Even if the “new economic growth strategy” – drawn up by the economics ministry [Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)] and improved by government in 2006 – defines industrial areas with strong growth potential, these areas are obvious and there are no instruments available to promote them specifically. METI has become a proponent of government wide deregulation and will play as a leader of reforms.  相似文献   

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