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2008年12月31日三鹿事件开庭,轰动全国并影响整个乳制品行业的三鹿奶粉事件最终以三鹿破产告终.三鹿等规模不断扩张的在位企业并没有因为规模的扩张获得有效的市场进入壁垒,缺乏壁垒所导致的价格战使企业利润越来越低是三鹿事件发生的根本原因.文章指出企业应该通过不断优化自身组织结构、建立和谐的供应链体系、加强产品创新能力来建立有效的市场进入壁垒.  相似文献   

一、建立激励和约束机制是推进国有企业改革和发展的重要举措 近年来,我国一些国有的和国有资产占控股地位或主导地位的大中型国有企业在经济效益严重滑坡的同时,企业高层管理者的经济犯罪现象也非常严重.在一些国有企业中,存在着严重的经营管理者"内部控制"问题,出现了不少令人惋惜、具有悲剧色彩的"59岁现象"和以权谋私、贪污受贿等腐败问题,导致这一结果的原因自然是多方面的,但笔者认为对国有企业经营管理者缺乏一套完善的激励和约束机制是关键所在.  相似文献   

还没有进入船运界公认的旺季,做货代业务的蔡先生已经遭遇到"甩箱事件"了.6月28日,蔡先生被船公司告知自己代理的一个货柜不能上船,需准备相应的文件按照漏装处理.  相似文献   

如何充分把握运价走势,最大限度地准确估算运费成本,争取对外成交中报CIF、及FCR价显得尤为重要。但此时,又遇各大船公司以船公会名义宣布从4月1日起上调亚洲/欧洲、地中海西行,亚洲/南美西岸等航线运价,还有5月1日起亚洲/北美航线,亚洲/澳大利亚航线,亚洲/非洲航线的运价提升计划,少数航线特别是亚洲/欧洲、地中海西行航线还有10月1日的第二次提价计划。去年船公会单方面宣布大幅度提升运价的阴影还未消除,今年的涨价计划又接踵而来,怎样  相似文献   

我国产业过度进入的制度性因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度性进入壁垒的存在,是导致我国转型期产业过度进入的一个重要原因。制度性壁垒在使我国的市场竞争性下降的同时,却又形成了企业过度进入的局面,这与西方产业组织理论的论述有极大的不同,本文对此展开了深入研究并提出政策性建议。  相似文献   

一、引言宁波梅山保税港区是国务院批准的第五个保税港区,自从2010年8月份进入实质性运作以来,梅山港区集装箱码头加强与干线船公司合作,不断加大航线开发和腹地拓展力度,加快推进梅山港区集装箱码头  相似文献   

市场进入壁垒问题研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李世英 《开发研究》2005,(4):98-100
从产业组织理论研究和对现实经济的更深入理解的角度看,研究进入壁垒问题具有很强的理论性和现实意义。本文从进入壁垒的概念、决定因素、进入壁垒与市场绩效、进入管制与产业组织政策等方面对进入壁垒问题的研究作了较全面的综述,以利于对该问题的进一步的研究。  相似文献   

三部委推动国有科技型企业实施股权和分红激励2月29日,财政部、科技部、国资委联合发布了《国有科技型企业股权和分红激励暂行办法》(以下简称《办法》),3月1日起符合条件的国有科技型企业可实施股权和分红激励,即国有及国有控股未上市科技企业可面向企业重要技术和经营管理人员实施股权出售、股权奖励、股权期权等股权激励方式或实施项目收益分红等激励方式。《办法》明确,大型企业的股权激励总额不超过企业总股本的5%;中  相似文献   

叶生新 《改革与战略》2012,28(7):108-111
中小企业是战略性新兴产业发展的重要推动力量,但现存的资本壁垒、规模经济壁垒、制度性壁垒和技术壁垒又严重阻碍了中小企业进入战略性新兴产业。文章认为,在战略性新兴产业发展过程中,中小企业必须把握好进入产业的时机;创新产业组织和商业模式,破除战略性新兴产业进入壁垒并提升竞争水平;营造支持中小企业发展战略性新兴产业的体制与政策环境。  相似文献   

随着国企改革的深入,现代企业制度的逐渐建立和完善,人们认识到,缺乏对国有企业经营者的有效激励和约束,是国有企业效率难以根本改善的重要原因。激励约束机制成了国有企业的“阿客斯脚后跟”。主要体现在:在激励机制方面,国有企业经营者没有形成一个独立的企业家利益阶层,其收入与企业业绩相关性不大;强调精神激励,忽视国有经营者的物质利益;收入构成不合理,名义工资偏低,灰色收入多;尤其是缺少激励国有企业经营者追求企业长远利益的股权分配或股票期权的制度。在约束机制方面,没有形成规范的公司治理结构,所有者约束机制空缺;由于企业家市场不存在,资本市场和产品市场不完善等原因,市场对国有企业经营者的竞争约束也难以实现,导致了所谓的“内部人控制”的形成;企业经营者的“职位消费”和“个人支出账户”无限制扩张,出现了“59岁现象”等。造成国有企业经营者激励不足、约束不够等现象的原因,主要在于渐进改革的实践,没有摸索出建立国有企业经营者激励约束机制的有效途径。  相似文献   

基于时-频域动态视角采用小波分析模型,文章结合高频序列和低频数据在同一框架内研究总量货币政策、结构性信贷政策和房价波动三者之间不同时期的动态影响关系,并进一步甄别供需调控对房价的异质性影响。实证发现,作为房价调控的手段,结构性信贷要优于总量货币政策,而结构性信贷的影响机制是,中期时供给端调控存在非对称性,长期和超长期需求端优于供给端调控,这表明需求结构性信贷政策+总量货币政策工具的调控效果更佳。因此,应用价值体现在遏制房价的过程中,政府应该让"大水漫灌"式的总量货币政策用于"事前预防",而让"精准滴灌"式的结构性信贷政策用于"事后控制",在不同的时-频域中以前者为辅后者为主交替或协调使用,以此防止房地产市场泡沫累积而爆发风险。  相似文献   

In 1997, the Comisión Reguladora de Energía of Mexico implemented a netback rule for linking the Mexican natural gas price to the Texas price. At that time, the Texas price reflected a reasonably competitive market. There have been dramatic increases in the demand for gas, and there are various bottlenecks in the supply of gas. As a result, the price of gas in Texas now reflects the quasi‐rents created by these bottlenecks. We show that it is optimal for the Mexican government to use the netback rule based on the Texas price of gas to set the price of gas in Mexico even though the Texas market cannot be considered a competitive market, and the Texas price for gas reflects quasi‐rents created by various bottlenecks.  相似文献   

文章通过对事件驱动下的股票价格走势分析发现,事件对股票价格的波动率影响与该事件的作用强度、影响幅度和作用时间有关;为定量描述上述规律,首先构建了股票价格走势曲线的S-曲线模型,从数值模拟结果来看,S-曲线符合事件驱动股票价格波动的规律。然后基于多事件共同驱动的观点,提出S-曲线叠加模型,在有限市场资金约束条件下,通过分析发现事件驱动下的股票价格波动曲线由S-曲线转变成具有最值的单峰曲线;基于市场整体走势,给出了大盘指数影响下股票价格波动同向与异向变化的规律;最后,基于事件驱动机制,提出了"矩形窗口"的交易策略。  相似文献   

Abstract: The cereal market of Togo was liberalized in 1987. This policy aims to improve markets' spatial integration through the development of arbitrage. The paper assesses the extent of maize market spatial integration in order to understand how it has been affected by price liberalization. The monthly retail maize prices collected on 13 markets for the period from 1980 to 2001 are considered. The results show that the impact of price liberalization on markets integration is moderate. The liberalization has not significantly improved the extent of long‐run and short‐run integration of maize markets. The speed of price adjustment is relatively weak for most of the markets. In order to improve market efficiency, it is suggested that the government should create a market information service (SIM) which will be entrusted in collecting and disseminating weekly cereal prices all over the country.  相似文献   


A vector autoregression (VAR) is estimated on tick-by-tick data for quote-changes and signed trades of 2-year, 5-year and 10-year on-the-run US Treasury notes. Confirming the results found by Hasbrouck and others for the stock market, signed order flow tends to exert a strong effect on prices. More interestingly, however, there is often a strong effect in the opposite direction, particularly at times of volatile trading. Price declines elicit sales and price increases elicit purchases. An examination of tick-by-tick trading on an especially volatile day confirms this finding. At least in the US Treasury market, trades and price movements appear likely to exhibit positive feedback at short horizons, particularly during periods of market stress. This suggests that the standard analytical approach to the microstructure of financial markets, which focuses on the ways in which the information possessed by informed traders becomes incorporated into market prices through order flow, should be complemented by an account of how price changes affect trading decisions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a pattern of price revision by firms in Korea and sheds light on the cause of price stickiness by providing reliable statistical estimates for calibration of the parameters of the widely‐used macro‐models. Based on firm‐level survey data and using a probit model, we identify the firm characteristics or market conditions that discourage firms from carrying out state‐dependent price adjustment. We also estimate the factors driving firms to engage in state‐dependent adjustment rather than wait until the next scheduled revision under three different shocks: demand, general cost and exchange rate shocks. We find a few interesting features, as follows. First, price revision by Korean firms tends to be time‐dependent rather than state‐dependent, with a sizable dispersion across sectors and firm sizes. Second, the pattern of price revision in Korea is not significantly different from that in selected advanced economies. Third, the reason why firms favor time‐dependent price adjustments appears to be endogenous, accounted for by a number of market institution variables. Fourth, in response to shocks, Korean firms tend to wait until the next periodically scheduled revision rather than make a state‐dependent price adjustment, unless marginal costs are affected significantly by the shock, and state‐dependent revisions are often significantly delayed when they do occur.  相似文献   

市场分割下中国双重上市公司资产定价效率问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对双重上市公司在不同市场首次公开发行定价、上市首日抑价和二级市场交易价格差异三个层次对资产定价效率进行了经验数据分析,结果表明,内资股相对外资股具有发行定价高、首目抑价高的“双高”现象;在定价效率方面,对于“A+H”公司,A股的发行定价受到发行时H股二级市场价格的显著影响,而与H股的发行价格之间没有显著关系,但“A+B”公司A股和B股的发行价格之间存在显著的正相关,同时在二级市场上,“A+H”公司的市场价差波动相对于“A+B”公司小。这意味着“A+H”公司的资产定价效率要高于“A+B”公司,H股的价格较能反映公司的真实估值,对A股的定价具有指导作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the liquidity of the London capital markets in the decades following the liberalization of UK incorporation law. Using comprehensive stock and bond data, we calculate a measure of market liquidity for the period 1825–70. We find that stock market liquidity trended upwards but bond market liquidity did not increase over the sample period. Stock market liquidity during our sample period was partially influenced by the bond market, rather than fluctuations in economic output. In our analysis of the cross‐sectional determinants of individual stock liquidity, we find that firm size and the number of issued shares were important determinants of liquidity.  Finally, we find little evidence of an illiquidity premium, which is consistent with the view that investors did not price liquidity in this nascent market.  相似文献   

Endogenous price leadership and technological differences   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This study constructs a two-stage game of price leadership in a duopolistic market for a homogeneous product. In the first period, the two firms determine a price leader; they set a price for the product in the second period. It is demonstrated in the present study that the technologically superior firm tends to become a price leader. This result reveals that price leadership is determined by the interaction of "competitive force", which prevents the price leader from choosing too high a price (like the joint profit maximizing price or the cartel price), and "collusive force", which prevents a price from falling to a Bertrand price.  相似文献   

基于协整理论的美国电力期货市场实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文基于VAR的协整理论,对美国PJM电力期货市场作了模型实证研究。因果关系检验显示下月合约价格是现货价格单向的Granger原因。协整检验结果显示电力期货价格和现货价格存在长期稳定均衡的关系,期货市场具有价格发现的功能,与现货市场相比价格发现功能较弱。方差分解结果显示,期货价格受自身的影响很大,受现货价格的影响很小;而现货价格受自身影响很大,随着滞后期的增加,受自身的影响逐渐减弱,受期货市场的影响逐步增大,期货市场在价格决定中起主导作用;脉冲响应函数同样显示现货对期货的影响较小,期货对现货的影响相对较大。  相似文献   

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