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2005年9月22-24日,国家行政学院经济学部与德国阿登纳基金会在北京举办了“政府规制和公共经济政策”国际研讨会。与会的中德专家和来自全国20多个省市自治区的代表就“政府规制与电子政府”、“政府规制与地区产业集群发展”两大议题从多个视角进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

公众信任是电子政府的主要驱动力。目前 ,关于电子政府信任的模式还缺乏系统的研究 ,本文试图就这一问题作一些初步探讨 ,以期为各国政府开展电子政府建设提供理论参考。  相似文献   

构建我国的电子政府   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子政府的概念及发展概况电子政府也可称电子秘书,是指政府有效利用现代信息和通讯技术,透过不同的信息服务设施(如电话、网络、公用电脑站等),对政府机关、企业、社会组织和公民,在其更方便的时间、地点及方式下,提供自动化的信息及其它服务,从而构建一个高效、高服务水平的政府。电子政府是运用信息技术创新政府治理和服务的整合概念。其内涵在于建立一个虚拟政府,为公民提供方便、快捷、高质量的公共服务。目前世界各国都在加快信息基础设施的建设,西方发达国家步子较快,欧、美、日等主要国家已经开始规划用网络构建“电子化…  相似文献   

目前,政府门户网站作为政府提供公共服务的平台和渠道,已经逐渐成为政府与公众之间互动交流的重要平台。政府门户网站建设、运行和管理的好坏直接关系到政府的形象,其发展水平也成为衡量一个国家和地区电子政府建设水平的主要标志。因此,在电子政府建设过程中,加强地方政府门户网站建设,提高政府门户网站建设和管理水平,就成为我国地方政府门户网站建设一个非常重要的问题。  相似文献   

E—GOV基本概念 所谓E—GOV(电子政府),也就是政府职能上网,在网上成立一个虚拟的政府,通过Internet和Intranet实现政府的职能工作。除一些特殊情况外,目前绝大部分政府职能工作在网上基本都可以实现。在世界各国积极倡导的“信息高速公路”五个领域中,“电子政府”被列位第一位,其他四个领域为:电子商务、远程教育、远程治疗、电子娱乐,可以说政府信息化是社会信息化的基础。 目前,从政府的角度来看.利用互联网提供服务主要集中在三个基本方面: 1.内容服务:为公众和企业提供有关政府政策、新闻、…  相似文献   

加快推进政府信息化的措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在当今时代,推进以办公自动化、电子化、网络化和高度信息共享为主要内容的政府信息化已是大势所趋。在世界各国大力倡导的“信息高速公路”五个应用领域中,建立信息化的“电子政府”被列在“电子商务”、“远程教育”、“远程医疗”、“电子娱乐”之前而居首位。诸多发达国家如美国、英国、日本、加拿大等都积极推进政府信息化建设,试图以此革新政府机构,减少政府支出,提供优质服务,提高政府效率,进而提高本国的国际竞争力。所谓政府信息化,主要是指政府部门为更加经济、有效地履行自身职责,为全社会提供更优质的服务而广泛应用信息技术、…  相似文献   

在综述当前最有影响的三大电子政府评价项目的评价方法与评价体系的基础上,评述了基于网站的、单维度的电子政府评价方法存在的问题与缺陷。从电子政府的本质出发,提出电子政府的评价应从多维度、多层面进行深入考察,真实体现电子政府对公民、企业和政府自身带来的益处。  相似文献   

研究了ASP(应用服务提供商)商务模式在传递地方电子政府服务中的应用潜力。ASP模式能够帮助地方政府在提供新一代电子政府服务时克服诸如IT人才缺乏、资金不足等障碍。但要充分实现ASP模式的潜力,地方政府必须具备足够的IT能力和管理能力,并有高层领导的强力支持。  相似文献   

随着信息和网络技术的飞速发展,积极推动“电子政府”和电子商务运行,已经成为提高国家综合国力的重要策略之一。电子政府起源于美国,经济发达的欧美日等国都在建设“电子政府”方面积累了相当多的经验,其中重要经验之一就是政府主导因素在国家电子政府建设中起着关键作用。本文分析了经济发达国家电子政府建设的主导因素,总结了经济发达国家电子政府建设的政府行为及其对中国发展电子政府的启示。  相似文献   

德国决算银行成立于 1950年,总部设在波恩,共有 800余名员工。该银行是德国 政府为推动政府产业政策实施 而成立的政策性金融机构,也 是德国联邦经济部的主要合作 伙伴。 为了向德国新建的高技术 企业或技术型企业提供风险资 本,该银行于1989年专门成立 了由政府资助的“技术参与公 司”。政府为了鼓励并支持该公 司积极参与提供风险资本,自 1989~1997年政府承担该公 司100%的亏损额。近年来,随 着公司业务迅速发展,政府自 2000年起承担该公司60%的 亏损额。据统计,公司十余年来受政府委托与商业性…  相似文献   

政府信息化项目的策略模式选择,对于降低政府信息化投资风险与投资成本、提高效益水平至关重要。以信息化项目的全生命周期为分析视角,探讨了政府信息化项目在各个环节可选择的各种策略模式,分析了不同策略模式的特点,并给出了策略模式选择的建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the tax implications of systems of care for psychiatric patients that rely more on the provision of services in the community rather than in state hospitals. State governments pay the costs of patient care in state hospitals, but share costs with the federal government (via Medicaid) for community based care. Taxes create distortions as gauged by the marginal cost of public funds (MCF). Since state and federal governments use different tax mixes, one needs a MCF for each form of government to evaluate system changes. Separate estimates of the MCF for each state in the USA are derived. Only for Alaska is cost shifting welfare improving.  相似文献   

Most employers delegate responsibilities for health plan administration to one or more service providers or vendors. Recent legal developments make it increasingly important for employers to ensure that the contracts with their vendors provide appropriate protections against liability, hold vendors accountable for performing the services they agree to provide and enable plans to comply with an ever-expanding list of federal and state law requirements.  相似文献   

Many changes have occurred in the financing and organization of health care services in recent years. Medicare's prospective payment system, a major financing innovation implemented by the federal government, is continuing to evolve in response to demands that costs be controlled while quality of care and access are ensured.  相似文献   

Medical effectiveness initiatives, outcomes research, and practice guidelines--the new buzz words for the 90s--will change the way health care services are delivered and allocated. The focal point for medical effectiveness and health services research for the federal government is the Public Health Service's newest agency, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. The agency is headed by J. Jarrett Clinton, MD, MPH, administrator, who also served as acting administrator since the creation of the agency in December 1989 until April 1991. In this interview, Dr. Clinton discusses the agency's responsibilities, his perspective on the agency's work, and the effect of health services research on the U.S. health care delivery system.  相似文献   

A spatial taxonomy of broadband regions in the United States   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The steady growth of broadband penetration in the United States is indicative of a major shift in advanced data services and last-mile infrastructure in the deregulated telecommunication environment. Although there are concerns with the equitable provision of broadband services in urban, rural and remote areas, the diffusion process has also created a unique landscape of broadband availability that reflects elements of competition, federal policy, local government initiatives, technological limitations and location. This paper explores the dynamic and diverse spatial landscape of broadband availability in the United States at the zip code level, for 2004. In addition, this study provides a multivariate, spatial taxonomy of broadband regions, highlighting their socioeconomic and demographic differences.  相似文献   

Frakes MA  Evans T 《Nursing economic$》2006,24(2):59-65, 55
The federal government spends nearly 15% of the budget on Medicare services annually, and advanced practice nurses are eligible for reimbursement from that pool. The regulations governing reimbursement are complex because of the social, political, and financial pressures involved in their development. Although economic viability and due diligence considerations make it incumbent on advanced practice nurses to understand the rules, the profession, as a whole, has knowledge deficits in this area. The essentials of regulatory development and structure are reviewed and considerations for optimizing reimbursement are described.  相似文献   

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote extensively on economic matters, especially unemployment policy. King supported a federal job guarantee for anyone ready and willing to work. He believed it would provide employment and income security, as well as increased public and community services. Dr. King's writings on employment are reviewed and discussed. His policy proposals are just as relevant today as they were when they were first put forward some forty years ago.  相似文献   

Demkovich LE 《National journal》1980,12(32):1316-1320
Almost a third of the nation's hospitals are owned, leased or managed by hospital corporations, and the trend toward professional group management is expected to continue. It is partly a response to the growing complexities of the federal laws that govern reimbursements for medicare and medicaid services and that dictate conformity to state plans for hospital expansion. Group ownership is also a way of pooling resources to make it easier to obtain the capital for expansion.  相似文献   

Federal laws affect contingent workers and the companies using their services, but do not directly address compliance in the context of such workers. Congress enacted employment laws, as well as employee benefit laws, prior to popular use of contingent workers. This article examines fact-specific applications of federal employment laws and existing contingent worker regulations, particularly within the benefits and compensation arena.  相似文献   

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