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宋鑫陶 《商周刊》2011,(4):32-33
“十年九早”,干旱似乎已是我国北方大地冬春季节的常态。切实地走在田间库边,记者才深切的感受到去冬今春的干旱度。眼前的景象早已不是往昔的“北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘”,而是皲裂的土地,干涸的水渠,枯黄的麦苗……持续的干旱,将可能终止我国连续七年丰收的好景,更会给北方这片我国冬粮的主产区带来大面积的歉收。  相似文献   

基于生活方式而出现的商业空间,颠覆了传统工业时代商业空间的存在形态,在未来的商业世界里,商业空间是以一个个的漩涡状的商业黑洞状态存在着[编者按]  相似文献   

零售业态所处的生命周期不仅影响、刺激零售商的多元化冲劲,同时直接关系到零售商业态多元化的机会[编者按]  相似文献   

This paper is the first to adopt longitudinal data analysis methods, such as the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis model, hierarchical linear model and Cox proportional hazards regression model, to investigate the relationship between large shareholders’ shareholding and earnings persistence. We find that large shareholders’ shareholding has a negative effect on corporate longitudinal persistence. The large shareholders’ shareholding will increase the risk of earnings decline and strengthen the declining trend of earnings. The effects of large shareholders’ shareholding on earnings’ longitudinal persistence for SOEs are different from those for non-SOEs, the effects in the pre-crisis period are also different from those in the post-crisis period. These findings contribute to the literature by adopting longitudinal data analysis methods and present new empirical evidence on the economic consequences of large shareholders’ shareholding.  相似文献   

This article reviews a number of models of the process of technological innovation and identtities the important elements involved. Although no universal model is applicable to all processes of technological innovation, given the importance of technology in the long-tern strategy of research-intensive trns , a knowledge of the elements involved in the process is essential to today's managers. Models of the process of innovation must be developed contingent upon thejirn's needs. The critical factors, which must be conszdered when developing such a model, are identified.  相似文献   

对利用外资,引进技术存在着两种认识:一种是把利用外资,引进技术当成一回事。第二种是没有把二者较好地结合起来。弄清楚利用外资对引进技术的作用,对做好利用外资工作和技术引进工作都有利。  相似文献   

Rawls’ Paradox     
Rawls’ theory of justice is paradoxical, for it requires a society to aim directly to maximize the basic goods received by the least advantaged even if directly aiming is self-defeating. Rawls’ reasons for rejecting capitalist systems commit him to holding that a society must not merely maximize the goods received by the least advantaged, but must do so via specific institutions. By Rawls’ own premises, in the long run directly aiming to satisfy the difference principle is contrary to the interests of the poor, though it is meant to aid them.
Jason BrennanEmail:

Editors’ note     
Portuguese Economic Journal -  相似文献   

为确保工业增长大局稳定,加快工业从大向强发展,省政府办公厅近日印发了《关于保持工业经济平稳较快增长促进工、№南大变强的通知》,出台了7个方面26条“一揽子”政策举措,并在4月9日全省工作会议上进行了专题部署。为全面贯彻落实《通知》和省政府系列专题会议精神,浙江省经信委于4月27日专门下发《关于进一‘步做好当前工业经济工作的通知》,提出具体意见。  相似文献   

朱虹波 《新经济》1995,(1):26-30
1994年以来,在美国经济强劲复苏、中国经济持续稳定发展和日欧经济出现好转的推动下,香港对外贸易(指金额,下同)继续保持增长势头,首10个月增长13.7%,略超1993年同期增幅,从发展趋势看,全年外贸增长估计高于1993年的12.7%,可达至U15%。  相似文献   

《Journal of economic issues》2012,46(4):1088-1102

It is widely known that all principles of economics textbooks do not consider advertising much less fashion a demand determinant factor. Fashion’s effect on consumer choice is a critically important topic to the understanding of consumer behavior and decision-making in the “new economy.” The discussion of such issues includes verifying the effect of three important fashion market features on consumer preference formation and choice, namely the length of product life cycle, demand volatility, and impulse purchasing. It seems that time has come to concede that fashion firms, especially those producing fast or “junk” fashion, if you will, have successfully been affecting consumer preferences and have manipulated consumer choices for the sake of their own interests. Such a goal has been achieved by exploiting the fashion market features by employing specific marketing strategies, within the framework of supply chain agility, such as product remodeling, product customization, and revisions or innovation.  相似文献   

1997年,河北国民经济保持了“高增长、低通胀”发展态势,实现了“稳中求进”的调控目标.作为其重要标志的物价指数,持续在低位平稳运行,且与相关经济指标比较协调,巩固和发展了“九五”开局以来的良好势头,为1998年经济发展、体制改革和社会稳定打下了良好基础.这一年,河北商品零售价格比上年上涨2.1%,比全国高1.3个百分点,其中城市上涨2%,农村上涨2.1%,居民消费价格上涨3.5%,比全国高0.7个百分点,其中城市上涨3.7%,农村上涨3.4%,农业生产资料价格上涨4.3%,均为1992年以来的最低值.圆满实现了省政府制定的商品零售价格上涨6%、居民消费价格上涨8%的控价目标.  相似文献   

《福布斯》2007年度全球上市公司2000强排名座次揭晓.已连续三年上榜的中国平安,凭借2005年总收入645,9亿元.42.65亿元净利润.3197.06亿元总资产等多项指标.首次昂首挺进全球企业500强,排名第440位,较2005年前进了97席。[第一段]  相似文献   

在2011年的金融风波中,温州市工业经济整体“低、小、散”发展及部分企业主急功近利、偏离主业的多样化经营弊端浮上水面。走过经济低谷的温州市痛定思痛。2012年,温州市从优化发展环境入手,着力发起“破难攻坚”多项行动。其中,“实施振兴实体经济‘亩产论英雄’专项行动”通过将温州布各企业资源整合、分类管理,进而优化了全市各类要素配置,提升了企业的土地综合效益。  相似文献   

In the main, Hayek favored rules that apply equally to all and located such rules in tradition, beyond conscious construction. This led Hayek to attack Keynes’s immoralism, i.e., the position that one should be free to choose how to lead one’s life irrespective of the informal institutions in place. However, it is argued here that immoralism may be compatible with Hayek’s enterprise since Hayek misinterpreted Keynes, who did not advocate the dissolving of all informal rules for everybody. By avoiding this misinterpretation, immoralism can be seen as institutional experimentation at the margin, which Hayek himself favored.
Niclas BerggrenEmail:

‘Seeing War’     

中国经济的升级版应该是财富创造能力的升级版,因此政府宏观调控的发力点应该更多地向供给的角度倾斜。新一届政府对未来施政方针的阐述已经显现出加强供给管理的倾向。  相似文献   

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