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The industrialization of eco-agriculture has applied modern science technology in accordance with ecological principles and has promoted agricultural production.As a subsystem of agricultural industrial clusters,the industrialization of eco-agriculture is the specific applications of cluster concept in the industrialization of eco-agriculture development.Industrialization of eco-agriculture cluster will achieve eco-agriculture and interact with industrial cluster which forms eco-agriculture integration and composite industry and ultimately realize the new benign circulation eco-agriculture model.According to the ecological engineering basic principles of recycling of the overall coordination,industrialization of eco-agriculture is focusing on the main systems operating coordination between the various subsystems and its various factors,and will maintain a reasonable ecological and economic structure to ensure the recycling of natural resources.Industrialization of eco-agriculture in Yunnan has adjusted the agricultural production structure to keep the stability of the gross grain production and economic development and has taken effective measures to vigorously improve land use and land productivity.Various ways of improving soil fertility has vigorously promoted other water-saving agricultural technologies.Ecological protection of rice no-tillage,cultivation of crop cultivation of the integrated control crop disease pests grass and agricultural production have taken the sustainable development.  相似文献   

农业产业化意味着农 业的工业化经营, 它对中国的工业化 进程具有广泛的影响。农业产业化进程提高了农村要素生产率和联合交易 能力, 有利于 工农业产品之间的平等交 易, 为培育农产品的上层交易市场营造了更好的氛围。上层交易组织 一方面帮助农业抵御市场 风险, 另一方面会提高资源的配置能力。当 农业产业化使农民在市场 中的地位逐渐加强时, 政府应逐步减弱自身的制度供给功能, 以避免政府的不合理干预带来的农村的 “政企不分”。  相似文献   

Although the inland region of China has generally been left behind in economic development compared with the coastal region, the motorcycle industry in Chongqing has recorded remarkable growth due to the meteoric rise of private enterprises over the last decade. Based on panel data of enterprises, we attempt to identify the factors behind the dynamic development of this industry. We conclude that the success of the motorcycle industry in Chongqing is attributable to a combination of positive features from the Wenzhou model in the 1990s, in which industrial development is based on clustering of private enterprises, and the Sunan model in the 1980s, in which industrial development is based on the effective use of human resources recruited from existing state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Learning by collective enterprises from SOEs in Chongqing coupled with the growth of the private enterprise sector fostered cluster-based industrial development. Journal of Comparative Economics 34 (4) (2006) 818–838.  相似文献   

罗清和  谢良 《时代经贸》2007,5(11X):17-18,20
农业产业化是实现农业现代化的路径选择,其实质是农业工业化。城市化是社会经济发展的规律,是工业化发展的必然结果。目前,特区农业产业化面临发展薄弱、产业化经营方式不完善,城市化进程中存在劳动力转移数量波动大、城市基础设施不完善、“中村”问题较难解决等问题。为此,特区政府应充分发挥政府的调控作用,制定农业产业化与城市化发展战略,调整农村产业结构,确保农业产业化与城市化的协调发展。  相似文献   

在工业化、城镇化深入发展中同步推进农业现代化,是我国"十二五"时期的一项重大任务。文章通过分析我国"三化"发展的现状及特征,发现农业现代化发展明显滞后于工业化和城镇化。立足于当前"三化"发展存在的问题与今后面临的挑战,文章提出要按照以工促农、以城带乡的发展思路,继续加大农业农村投入,着力加强现代农业建设和新农村建设,加快转变工业化发展方式和城镇化发展战略,促进"三化"统筹协调发展。  相似文献   

The apple industry in Shaanxi Province is a resource-based industry; compared to the best productiveregions at home and abroad, it is advantageous in high quality as well as geographical and natural resources. Currently,big changes have occurred in the apple market supply-demand relations; long-term and comprehensive shortage haspassed; the buyer's market has come into being; competitions in the domestic market are fierce. At the same time, theforeign apple will impact on the domestic market, increasing competitive pressure. Foreign anti-dumping measures,green barriers and technologies restrict the exportation of the domestic apple. Based on successful experience of otherindustrial clusters, this paper analyzes the existing problems in the development of Shaanxi apple industrial cluster,combining empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, proposes specific policy recommendationsand get the conclusions. First, the characteristics of the agricultural industrial cluster are analyzed; Shaanxi appleindustry is characterized by cluster. Second, the rapid development of Shaanxi apple industrial cluster exposes someproblems. Third, we need the government to control the disorderly competition of Shaanxi apple industry.  相似文献   

我国海水淡化产业化的机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水淡化是有效缓解我国淡水资源紧缺矛盾的重要途径.本文根据循环经济的原理,通过探索海水淡化产业化模式来寻求降低海水淡化成本,鼓励发电厂等有条件企业充分利用能量、余液等延展海水淡化产业链条.同时加快海水淡化高技术与设备产业簇群的建立,形成规模效益,创造出新的经济增长点.  相似文献   

基于产业链的产业势力模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年爆发的全球经济危机激发了人们对国家实力分布与产业链上不平等关系的关注。在特定的产业链上,产业势力的决定因素分为两个维度:供需态势与市场价值量,它们都取决于一定的知识/技术模块特性与企业技术函数选择。具有不同禀赋结构与技术条件的地区或国家会选择具有不同技术/知识特性、不同价值量的产业环节,从而具有不同的产业势力,最终表现为不同的地区势力和国家势力。通过将产业势力建立在产业链上,我们为产业势力、地区势力、国家势力提供了一个统一的分析框架。  相似文献   

In this article, the industrialization process can be regarded as the transition from traditional to modern and more coercive work organizations. Workers are heterogeneous (autonomous or non-autonomous) and according to their preferences they choose between these two organizational forms. In addition, preferences evolve through intergenerational transmission mechanisms. This setting allows for a reciprocal interplay between the evolution of workers' autonomy and the industrialization process that generates multiple development paths. Thus, the initial degree of autonomy within the workforce may have long-run implications for the level of industrialization. Finally, taking into account a complementarity between autonomy and incentives to invest in human capital, we conclude to a non-monotonic impact of workers' autonomy on the growth process.  相似文献   

基于层次聚类分析东北地区生态农业区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业系统是一个开放的、具有耗散结构的生态—经济—社会三维复合系统,发展农业生产必须因地制宜,为此需要进行农业区域划分。文章在确立生态农业区划原则、明确分区依据的基础上,建立了东北地区生态农业区域划分指标体系,运用层次聚类分析法把整个东北地区分为6个大生态农业区、14个二级生态区。东北地区作为我国具有战略意义的商品粮基地,充分发挥地域生态优势,是把它建成我国粮食安全基地与绿色农畜产品基地的必然趋势。  相似文献   

本文从工业结构的视角对新中国60年工业化历程进行了回顾和分析。构建了一个探讨工业结构变迁动力机制的分析框架,并在此基础上分析了新中国成立以来工业结构变迁的动因和类型。结果表明:1978年之前,中国工业结构演变趋势极不稳定,且与发达国家工业化的一般规律存在很大差异,原因在于政府过度干预工业结构演变过程。1978年以来,中国工业结构明显升级,趋势稳定性逐步增强,先后出现了适应需求结构和要素结构的两轮工业结构变迁,此外国际贸易和国际投资对我国工业结构变迁的影响力正不断加强。  相似文献   

工业化是一个国家经济发展、社会进步的手段与战略模式。作为一个历史必然性的阶段,各个国家的工业化发展已成为世界工业化进程中的重要组成部分,与世界工业化格局的动态发展相互作用、相互影响。而世界工业化的历史纵向演进及在全球范围内的横向渗透,亦为学者的深入研究提供丰富的素材。本文基于世界工业化理论所涵盖的马克思工业化理论与西方发展经济学两大层面视野下的旧式工业化理论进行梳理与简要评介,总结并提炼出世界工业化发展的一般性规律:不论是发达国家的工业化、发展中国家的工业化,还是新兴国家的工业化都始终位于世界工业化涉及的范围之内,各个理论之间都能够相互作用、相互影响及共同演化。最后文章试图寻找其内在本质与范畴。  相似文献   

本文在明确可再生能源和可再生能源产业化概念的基础上,分析了可再生能源产业化发展的成长过程,并对中国可再生能源政策的发展阶段、农村能源产业的成长过程、可再生能源技术商业化的发展阶段进行了分析。  相似文献   

新农村建设拖累了工业化和城市化吗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于中国的工业化与城市化远未完成历史使命,新农村建设一直受到人们的质疑.本文从中国现代化进程、构建社会主义和谐社会的角度来探讨三者之间的关系,认为三者统一于中国现代化进程中,是互动而非对立关系,并提出加强三者互动关系的建议.  相似文献   

作为区域经济的重要载体,产业集群由于能够便利地获取外部资源而表现出很强的竞争优势,而协同创新能力越来越成为决定产业集群竞争力的关键因素。因此,产业集群中的企业应以共同利益为出发点,通过价值链不同环节的协同创新开发新产品、新技术和新思想。本文从产业集群协同创新的角度出发,通过构建产业集群的协同创新机理、路径,推动我国地区产业集群的协同创新,以提高该地区产业集群的创新水平,以晋江体育产业集群为例,分析了该产业集群协同创新的阻碍并提出了相应的策略,希望带动该地区整个体育产业集群创新能力的升级,形成成熟的产业集群。所提出的政策和建议,希望能够为我国体育产业集群及其他产业集群的发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

The mainland of China’s rapid pace of industrialization and trade expansion have led many to ask whether its ever-increasing demand for resources can be met without disruption to economic stability and growth in the country and the world as a whole. The article examines the experience of growth in resource demand and the associated pressure on global markets from Japan, Taiwan Province of China and Korea during their periods of sustained, rapid economic growth for periods in the second half of the twentieth century. It seeks to draw lessons for the twenty-first century. The article points out that because of its size the mainland of China may cause the resources boom, associated with the later decades of its period of sustained rapid growth, to raise the prices of resource-intensive products by a large amount, not for a few years, but for several decades. This will have important implications for economic development and the distribution of incomes within and between all countries, and on power relations between states in the Asia-Pacific and throughout the global community.  相似文献   

生态农业产业化的发展途径选择——以烟台市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态农业产业化是现代农业发展的必然选择,是我国农业可持续发展的现实要求。在深刻剖析了生态农业产业化内涵和发展生态农业产业化必要性的基础上,结合烟台市生态农业产业化的现状,围绕发展生态农业产业化的关键点经营组织模式,提出了发展生态农业产业化的途径。  相似文献   

FDI与产业集聚的互动——中国农产品加工业视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于传统贸易理论、新贸易理论、新经济地理理论,对FDI与产业集聚的相互关系进行理论探讨。在此基础上,运用面板误差修正模型以及格兰杰因果检验原理对FDI与中国农产品加工业集聚的关系进行实证分析。结果发现,FDI既是推动农产品加工业集聚形成的短期原因,也是影响农产品加工业集聚发展的长期因素,而产业集聚则不是FDI进入农产品加工业的原因。  相似文献   

武汉城市圈工业化水平测度与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取人均GDP、城镇化率、农业增加值占GDP比重、农业劳动力占全社会就业人员比重、第三产业增加值占GDP比重和恩格尔系数等六项指标作为衡量城市圈工业化水平的评价标准。武汉城市圈工业化水平测度的结论是:武汉城市圈整体上处于工业化中期起步阶段:武汉市处于工业化中期的加速阶段,具备向后期发展的潜力;黄石市、鄂州市和潜江市均处于工业化中期的起步阶段;孝感市、黄冈市、咸宁市、仙挑市和天门市均处于工业化初期阶段,仙桃具备向工业化中期阶段发展的条件。  相似文献   

围绕产业融合发展这个主题,对战略性新兴产业融合发展的内涵特征和现实意义给予理论阐述,深入剖析战略性新兴产业融合发展的内在机理。结果表明:战略性新兴产业融合发展,与产业技术和价值链演进相耦合,并且需要构建系统性支撑体系,其实质是一种产业利益融合。通过产业与城市融合、产业与市场融合、产业模块化融合等策略路径可实现战略性新兴产业融合发展。  相似文献   

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