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这是一起美国国内以纺织品和服装进口商协会(USA-ITA)为代表的利益团体与纺织品协定执行委员会(CITA)等为代表的利益团体之间,围绕针对中国纺织品的进口是否可基于“市场扰乱威胁”而采取特保措施展开的诉讼案。本文在简要介绍该案的来龙去脉的基础上,就该案涉及的主要法律问题进行了点评, 以供国内相关部门和学者进行深入研究。  相似文献   

游船从19世纪中叶问世以来,至今已有150余年的历史。由于游船的宏伟、豪华、高贵、舒适以及昂贵的造价.所以一直受到人们的关注和向往。  相似文献   

8月份车市整体上扬,但是在中高级车市上,超过平均增幅的却只有经过大幅降价的雅阁和蒙迪欧。据乘用车联席会的统计,8月份雅阁销售了8837辆,环比增长34%;蒙迪欧销售了4765辆,环比增长12%;其它中高级车如领驭、君越、天籁、马6的销量都只在窄幅盘整。但纵观整个中高级车市,与去年相比,已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,新一轮的排兵布阵格局初现。  相似文献   

卢小平 《大经贸》2002,(7):84-86
去年,国家计委斥资3.5亿元支持现代中药产业化项目。如今,国家有关部门又从政策层面对中药产业化进行扶持,这一切表明——"中药内含的优秀中医药文化将成为中药产业现代化、国际化持久的推动力。"  相似文献   

This paper examines the meaning and application of the concept of substantiality for consumer market segmentation and target selection with a focus on ethnicity and minority ethnic groups. In contrast with interpretations of segment substance anchoring on some sufficient potential size to justify time and effort involved in planning, the objective is to consider key group dimensions to ascertain potential substantiality. Common criteria proposed to assess substance are essentially an exhortation to assess the value of the segmenting opportunity. An increase in producer surplus meets this requirement but this consideration is done post hoc. The challenge for market segmentation is to assess substantiality a priori. This paper presents a screening approach based on appraising minority ethnic group resources that enables such an assessment and has potential applicability to other consumer subcultures.  相似文献   

Many researchers have studied correlates of business formation. Through the case-based and statistical literature, several broad categories of influence on the entrepreneurial decision to start a new business have been identified. We contribute to this literature through statistical analysis of a unique database of young inventive scientists and engineers and their propensity toward new business formation. Our particular focus is on young inventors starting a business based on their creative achievements. Among this group, we do not find empirical support for the influence of traditional variables such as age, education, and gender on the propensity to start a new business. Rather, we find that their entrepreneurial experience as a new business proprietor is driven by dimensions of their university laboratory research experience.  相似文献   

随着分工的发展和深化,市场也在不断地扩大和升级.本文从生产力发展和技术进步的角度分析了市场演进的过程,主要表现为信用和契约的替代,企业和市场的替代,以及企业战略联盟的演进.  相似文献   

<正> 有这么一个故事,如果你把青蛙放到热水中,它马上会跳出来,但如果你把青蛙放到冷水中,然后非常缓慢地加温,青蛙却不会跳出来,因为微小的变化不会引起青蛙的反应,青蛙的感觉器官在缓慢升温过程中会慢慢被钝化,最终导致其死亡。  相似文献   

自沃尔沃汽车宣布旗下入门级豪华轿车S40在中国生产后,驰骋欧洲大陆数十年的豪华品牌“三驾马车”——奔驰、宝马、沃尔沃已经全部驶入中国市场。在一个人文、地理、消费习惯、价值观全然不同于欧洲大陆的崭新的东方国度市场里,这豪华的“三驾马车”将如何继续驰骋呢?  相似文献   

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