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This study aims to scrutinize the antecedents that force the evolution of Taiwanese higher education from an elite to a universal system in the past two decades. From policy perspective, this study looks at how Taiwanese government encouraged educational reform in a way that has led to the massive expansion of both the numbers of colleges and universities and the increasing enrollment rate in higher education. This study also discusses the governmental policies that emphasized the quality enhancement and identified the lack of mechanism of quality assurance in Taiwan’s early educational reformation and how government reacted to the concerns associate with quality assurance that has been brought by the public after the educational reform. Taiwan’s case illustrated in this paper reveals a possible dilemma and lesson that developing countries may encounter when seeking to expand higher education for human capital by imposing incongruous policies that on the one hand promote the growth of higher education institutions, especially the private ones, and on the other depress their existence for the sake of quality assurance.  相似文献   

略论高等教育评价创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价主体的互动性、价值判断的复杂性与有效评价的滞后性,是高等教育评价的基本特征,教育创新有赖于评价创新,评价创新的核心是人才质量观的创新,选择性评价、课程性评价与过程性评价,是教育评价创新的本质体现、现实基础与基本途径。  相似文献   

构建纵向衔接与横向沟通的现代职业教育体系是国家职业教育发展的一项重大战略决策。纵向衔接是建设现代职业教育体系的基础,是搭建不同类型教育与培训“立交桥”的前提。基于北京市现代职业教育体系建设中纵向衔接问题的调查与分析,提出了要以培养学生职业能力为主线,以专业衔接为依托,以课程体系建设为手段,加强现代职业教育体系建设中的纵向衔接。  相似文献   

Chen  Shun-Hsing 《Quality and Quantity》2012,46(4):1279-1296
This study is based on the SERVQUAL model and the Plan-Do-Check-Action (P-D-C-A) cycle of TQM to establish a higher education quality management system. In this system, it includes ‘Plan’ and ‘Do’ dimensions to execute ten factors, each dimension complements with each other. The ‘Check’ dimension has four factors and the ‘Action’ dimension has three factors. Each execution factors of the quality management system could reduce the occurrence of five gaps in the SERVQUAL model and facilitate education providers to provide a better service quality. Education providers strengthen an education system by carefully planning and implementation of quality auditing and continuous improvement. The desired result of this study is to possess a more explicit framework for high education industry and provide a proper service for students.  相似文献   

As one of the major developing locations that are playing a critical role in determining the national competitive advantage to accomplish the Taiwanese national goal of becoming a Republic of Creativity (ROC) and a kingdom of innovation, Taipei County has started to become a highlighted issue by both researchers and practitioners. Because a higher education system is at the core of generating innovation in a nation, how to prompt the creativity of higher education system in Taipei County has been one of the top concerns for the Taipei County government. Therefore, the aim of this study is to select critical creativity strategies that were developed by the Taipei County government for the higher education system to implement creativity improvement and enhancement. Based on the results, the most effective creativity strategy is Creative Intelligence. The higher education system in Taipei County is encouraged to improve and enhance creativity in accordance with the results so as to enhance the Taiwanese innovation level and fulfill the Taiwanese national goal of efficiency.  相似文献   

职业素养教育与学徒制有着内在的统一性,而现代学徒制又赋予职业素养教育以外在的包容性。实践共同体理论很好地揭示了现代学徒制的本质,并且为在现代学徒制的制度安排下开展职业素养教育打开了一道大门。如何更好地发挥现代学徒制在职业素养教育方面的优势,解决好当下职业素养教育存在的诸多问题,是高职教育改革走向深化不可回避的重要命题。  相似文献   

徐晓亮  许学芬 《企业技术开发》2012,(31):107-108,118
高等教育对经济社会发展具有支撑、保障和引导作用,高等教育改革下的教师与学生互动发展一直是研究的热点。为全面反映教师与学生互动发展关系,文章分析了教师与学生互动发展的特征、层次和指标,从物理和管理两个方面来构建教师与学生互动发展指标体系,为决策提供参考。  相似文献   

借鉴美国经验完善我国高等教育创新教育机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
创新教育机制是教育机制创新的重要内容.美国是最早实施创新教育的国家之一,其高等教育创新教育机制具有导向性、个性化、实践性等特征.我国应借鉴美国经验,采取有效措施,加快创建和完善我国高等教育创新教育机制的步伐.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether one of the determinants of academic performance in higher education is the geographical distance separating the place of study and the place of family residence. Twelve years of data on students from a public university are utilized to estimate a model of relative academic performance, with an instrumental variables two-stage least squares estimator to account for possible endogeneity bias. The results indicate that distance is a negative determinant of academic performance and provide a new factor to take into account in reflexions over the impact of the spatial organization of higher education institutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the transitional dynamics of an economy populated by individuals who split their time between acquiring a formal education, producing final goods, and innovating.The paper has two objectives: (i) uncovering the macroeconomic circumstances that favored the rise of formal education; (ii) to reconcile the remarkable growth of the education sector with the constancy of other key macroeconomic variables, such as the interest rate, the consumption-output ratio, and the growth rate of per capita income (Kaldor facts).The transitional dynamics of human capital growth models, such as Lucas (1998), would attribute the arrival of education to the diminishing marginal productivity of physical capital. Conversely, the model proposed here suggests that it is the rate of learning that catches up with the rate of return on physical capital. As technical knowledge expands, the rate of return on education increases, inducing individuals to stay longer in school. The model's transitional paths are matched with long run U.S. educational and economic data.  相似文献   

周瑾 《企业技术开发》2012,(34):114-115
随着我国经济的快速发展,社会需要大量应用型高级技术人才,因此,高等职业教育受到国家和社会的高度重视,并迅速发展成为是我国教育事业的重要组成部分。教育信息化是促进高职教育发展的关键,文章首先讨论了目前高职院校信息化建设现状,如存在缺乏统一规划、信息标准建设滞后、应用不到位、机制不完善等问题,文章最后还对高职院校未来的发展方向作了展望。  相似文献   

实践教学是高等职业教育人才培养的必备环节.电子商务创业成本较低,成功率较高,是最适合开展创新创业教育的高等教育专业.文章基于创新创业教育的理念,构建了“基础性实践、专业特色实践、应用创新实践和创业性实践”4个层次13个模块的实践教学体系,并对如何构建基于创新创业教育的高职电子商务专业的实践教学体系提出建议.  相似文献   

Despite the absence of formal entry barriers, Italy is lagging behind the majority of the developed countries in the share of young individuals with tertiary education. Exploiting the administrative data of a large public Italian institution, we analyze student academic careers across recent matriculation cohorts. We propose a flexible discrete-time competing risks estimation that allows overcoming some major limitations of conventional competing risks models. We find that student pathways vary tremendously across prior schooling profiles: for example, the within 4-year dropout probability ranges between 10% and 77%. We observe improvements over time in retention and time-to-degree, and by decomposing changes into components related to the composition of the enrolled population, the choice of the field of study and ‘individual behavior’ after enrolment, we find that the latter plays a major role. However, the improvement is limited in size and does not interest students from the vocational track. Since this progress is not accompanied by an increase in the share of students making the transition from high school to university, altogether our results call for great concern over the inclusiveness and effectiveness of the Italian university system.  相似文献   


This article outlines the traditional gendered nature of further and higher education and how this has been challenged by long term developments. The focus on managerialism and competition provides a context for a re-invigorated ‘agentic’ (associated with masculinity) gendering. Non-executive management in further and higher education is deeply unbalanced in gender terms. Senior management in universities is male dominated but significantly more balanced in colleges. Furthermore, in universities, the career dynamic which privileges research and the gendering of this in favour of males, more than outweighs some new career spaces open to women. In colleges, the 1990s evacuation of many male managers created openings for women but in a particularly tough economic and business environment in which some have suggested that women have been used to bolster an ‘agentic’ male styled approach to management; others that a more adaptive less stereotypical approach is emerging.  相似文献   

The development planner must often face complex problems with multiple, conflicting objectives. Goal programming provides a general methodology for solving such problems. The tool is applied here to aid in the selection of rural road projects in the Indonesian Rural Works Program. Selection criteria are formalized into a set of nineteen goals which form the basis for a goal programming model. Changes in priority levels of goals and weights are used to analyze the respective effects upon the spatial distribution of investments. The approach is applicable to a wide range of problems and a variety of sensitivity analyses. Despite clear advantages, several drawbacks must be noted. First, the application of the methodology, given its degree of sophistication, is limited to a central decision making unit which has access to appropriate software. Second, the technique assumes that the planner has the ability to formulate alternative actions and consequences in a quantifiable expression.  相似文献   

文章在综述国内外有关高等教育融资问题研究成果的基础上,深入分析了我国高等教育融资中存在的诸多问题,并提出了实现我国高等教育融资多元化的对策建议。  相似文献   

文章通过对我国现行的公共体育教学中学生学习评价体系的研究,找出不足并加以分析,提出相应的改进办法,旨在更好的完成普通高校公共体育课程的教学目标。  相似文献   

针对高职院校电子类专业综合实训的特点和要求,作者设计开发了一套融合多项技术、多个学科、综合性强的LED显示屏综合实训系统。在此基础上,构建以实际产品的设计制作为导向,以培养学生实践能力为目标,具有能力模块化、训练系统化的实践教学体系,让学生在实战当中提高实践动手能力、技术的综合应用能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力、创新能力及职业素养。  相似文献   

中国公共住宅供应体系及其完善的框架思路   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
袁蕾 《城市问题》2006,(2):59-63
从总量、结构、保障范围等方面分析了当前我国公共住宅供应体系存在的问题与不足,并提出了完善公共住宅供应体系的框架思路.  相似文献   

More than 100 years ago, John Dewey, a major influence in American education, argued for the need to “stimulate the spirit of inquiry into actual fact” (Dewey, 2002, p. 118). The debate among politicians and educators about the structure, purpose, and goals of education and inquiry continues. Yet the world has changed, largely because of widely accessible and versatile technologies. We are unclear how Dewey's spirit of inquiry will grow, die, or reinvent itself through boundaryless tools of inquiry such as the Internet, but the technology is here and will not disappear while educators debate best methods. Twenty‐first‐century society demands new ways to learn and understand, and these new ways of learning require new ways of teaching (McPheeters, 2009/2010). For many students, especially the younger generations, technology intertwines with almost all daily activities, including social contact. Many educators lag behind the technological curve and express frustration at the challenge to shift their educational paradigms toward increasingly technological means of communication and interaction, or entertain “virtual realities” as legitimate educational forums. The purpose of this symposium is to examine the role of technology in transforming higher education. The goal is to seek best methods of using technology more effectively to educate learners for the 21st century. The shifts in society's focus and the characteristics of learners going into the future are also critical, and part of this discussion.  相似文献   

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