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This paper is the first attempt to analyze ITC Commissioner voting behavior on sunset reviews of antidumping cases. Sunset determinations entail greater complexity than initial antidumping investigations because ITC commissioners must account for the impact of dumping protection as well as competitive forces on industry conditions. Empirical findings indicate that ITC voting is based on both sunset regulation and nonstatutory factors. Results reveal apparent biases against Chinese competitors and poorer nations generally, and favorable treatment toward U.S. steel producers and high-wage industries. There is also evidence of preferential treatment of industries located in states of Senate oversight committee members. JEL no. F13  相似文献   

This paper is the first comprehensive analysis of the U.S. antidumping sunset review process required under WTO commitments. The econometric models study determinants of decisions by three U.S. actors: the petitioning industry, the Department of Commerce (DOC), and the International Trade Commission (ITC). Domestic industries facing potential vigorous competition seem to use sunset reviews to maintain current high domestic profits. U.S. governmental institutions use criteria broadly consistent with their legal obligations. Exports involving Chinese firms may face negative bias in the ITC process. JEL no. F1, F13  相似文献   

王胜伟  刘芳 《改革与战略》2009,25(3):181-183
依照WTO反倾销日落复审制度,反倾销税在征收5年后应该终止。但事实上我国的出口产品在美国被采取反倾销措施5年后,并没有因此规定而被停止征收反倾销税,这种无限期地实施反倾销措施偏离了世界贸易组织设置反倾销日落复审初衷。文章对WTO反倾销协议中的日落复审条款和美国反倾销日落复审的国内法进行了详细的分析,并指出美国反倾销日落复审的国内法存在违背WTO协议的可能,进而为我国企业提供有针对性的对策。  相似文献   

欧盟反倾销对我国产业的影响:以焦炭为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年的中欧焦炭案是欧盟对华反倾销案中的一个特例。本文收集了该案发生前后我国焦炭产业及其上下游产业的相关数据,着重分析欧盟反倾销对我国被诉产业及其上下游产业的影响。结果表明:欧盟对我国焦炭实施反倾销的负面影响比较小,同时,基于环保方面的考虑,我国应该对焦炭的出口予以限制。  相似文献   

日本反倾销政策及其特点探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋利芳 《亚太经济》2006,27(6):101-104
日本是世界上最早实施反倾销制度的国家之一,其反倾销政策具有自身的特点。同时,在美国和欧盟等发达国家或地区纷纷采用反倾销手段保护本国产业、国际反倾销摩擦愈演愈烈的大背景下,同为发达国家的日本却很少发起反倾销调查。本文从日本反倾销政策的基本内容出发,考察了日本反倾销政策及其实践的特点,并分析了形成这些特点的相关原因。  相似文献   

美国对华反倾销的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1980—2005年间,美国越来越重视对华反倾销措施的使用,美国对华反倾销案件涉及的行业比较集中,钢铁业、化工业和机电业这三个行业被诉次数最多,而涉及这三个行业的案件的裁定结果却存在着较大的差异。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the notion of “material injury” when used as a condition for levying antidumping duties. Using a standard geometric model, we argue that the material injury suffered by import‐substituting industries is only one side of the dumping coin; it is necessary also to consider the possible benefits that other stakeholders, including consumers and other domestic producers, may derive from lower import prices. The decision whether to introduce antidumping duties should ideally be based on the net effect that dumping has on the social welfare of the broader community.  相似文献   

《World development》2004,32(6):1043-1057
This study examines how macro factors influence the use of antidumping in developed and developing countries. A panel data analysis of 99 countries over 1980–2000 reinforces the view that the primary jurisdiction for the antidumping law is really more political than economic. Furthermore, it suggests that once the WTO is fully enforced, the use of antidumping will spread among developing countries not only due to greater liberalization pressures but also as many countries would like to create an antidumping ability so as to counter its use against them. This may reverse the trade gains that liberalization may ensure to them. This paper thus calls for the granting of the special and differential treatment to developing countries in this provision. Finally, based on its findings, the paper argues that future negotiations should be directed toward revising safeguard rules and replacing antidumping by this new clause.  相似文献   

An Analysis of ITC Decisions in Antidumping, Countervailing Duty and Safeguard Cases. — This paper investigates the economic factors that best explain the decisions of the International Trade Commission in administering the injury provisions of U.S. antidumping, countervailing duty, and safeguard laws during the 1980s. Utilizing the economic data collected by the Commission for each investigation, it attempts to ascertain through regression analysis how strictly the commissioners have been interpreting these laws in recent years in terms of the economic conditions required for finding that an industry has been injured and for establishing a casual relationship between imports and this injury.  相似文献   

宏结  何平 《南方经济》2014,(12):47-65
近年来,“双反”措施已成为国际贸易救济领域的新手段,其对产业的救济力度远超反倾销、反补贴措施单独使用。中国屡遭外国“双反”措施之困,已经成为“双反”措施的最大受害国,而战略性新兴产业成为受害最严重的领域之一。自2009年起,中国开始对外国产品实施“双反”措施,以维护国内产业利益。本文以首例中国对外“双反”案———对美取向电工钢“双反”案为例,以抵消税思想为理论基础,运用COMPAS模型对案件的产业救济效应进行了实证模拟。研究结果表明,中国取向电工钢在采取“双反”措施后,产出回升基准期的1.3%~2.4%,收入回升基准期的6.5%~6.9%,延续了从2005年开始的增长势头,国内产能的释放得益于及时的产业救济;中国实施“双反”削弱了美国取向性硅电钢产品在中国市场的竞争力,有效阻断美国取向性硅电钢产品不正当挤占国内市场的步伐,为国内行业发展和调整赢得了时间。这一案件的成功为未来反制“双反”调查提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Antidumping and Tariff Jumping: Japanese Firms’ DFI in the European Union and the United States. — The relationship between EU and US antidumping measures and direct foreign investment (DFI) is examined through a micro-econometrical analysis of Japanese firms’ plant establishments in the electronics industry. After controlling for firm and industry capabilities, market size, transport cost, and product cycle effects, antidumping actions are found to have a substantial positive effect on Japanese DFL EU antidumping is roughly twice as likely to lead to tariffjumping DFI as US antidumping, which is ascribed to marked differences in antidumping procedures. Tariff jumping makes antidumping ineffective in combatting anticompetitive behaviour by foreign firms and may result in increased market concentration.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the worldwide use of antidumping has become very widespread—41 WTO-member countries initiated antidumping cases over the 1995-2003 period. From another perspective, U.S. exporters were subjected to 139 antidumping cases during this period, by enforcement agencies representing 20 countries. In this context, it is natural to consider whether antidumping filings may be motivated as retaliation against similar measures imposed on a country's exporters. This is the focus of our study, though we also control for the bilateral export flows involved and nonretaliatory impacts of past cases, with other motivations—macroeconomic, industry-specific, and political considerations—dealt with through fixed effects. Applying probit analysis to a WTO database on reported filings, we find strong evidence that retaliation was a significant motive in explaining the rise of antidumping filings over the past decade, though interesting differences emerge in the reactions to traditional and new users of antidumping.  相似文献   

Using data on US imports, classified at the 10‐digit Harmonized System commodity level, we study the effects of all antidumping investigations initiated by the USA against China between 1998 and 2006. We find that antidumping actions cause a reduction in the volume and value of imports from China as well as an increase in the price of those goods in the US market. Critically, however, we find that these effects are short‐lived and dissipate approximately 2 years after the antidumping decision. Furthermore, antidumping actions against China prompt a substitution effect as they increase US imports from other countries. In general, our results cast doubt on the effectiveness of antidumping actions against China as mechanisms for protecting US producers.  相似文献   

丛海彬  邹德玲 《特区经济》2007,(12):268-269
反倾销是针对倾销的存在而实施的,是WTO允许其成员国用于保护国内企业和市场,抵制进口产品不正当竞争的主要行政手段之一。反倾销税作为世界各国广泛采用的反倾销主要措施,应服务于发展本国经济,增进国家整体福利水平,而非局限于保护进口竞争产业。因此,慎用反倾销税这项措施,对其经济合理性作出判断,是值得世界各国深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

文章利用1995-2013年的相关数据,从涉案总量、国别和行业层面考察了中国遭遇反倾销与对外反倾销的现状,并运用指控对称性指数和制裁对称性指数对中美和中欧双边反倾销的对称性进行了分析。结果表明,入世以来,中国遭遇的反倾销指控和制裁呈现出跳跃式增长,中国与欧美之间的反倾销指控和制裁都具有明显的不对称性,目前中国通过反倾销手段来保护国内产业安全的能力还相当薄弱。  相似文献   

杜宇  雷结斌 《特区经济》2010,(8):256-257
当前,反倾销已经成为世界各国防止倾销、保护国内产业的一种普遍策略。在此背景下,印度针对我国产品的反倾销调查案件居该国之首。对此,本文就中国与印度反倾销法的法律渊源、实体法、程序法等方面进行了对比研究,这对进一步完善我国的反倾销立法,更好地解决两国目前所面临的贸易阻力有着重要的积极意义。  相似文献   

欧盟对华反倾销是长期困扰中欧贸易健康发展的重要问题。饱受反倾销之苦的中国企业在面对欧盟反倾销的许多不公正的待遇时,经常是愤愤不平。但因为不熟知其法律和实践,对其司法问题的公正性缺少深入的研判,而错失许多可能的胜诉的机会。揭示欧盟反倾销法和对华反倾销实践的不公正性,提供对抗这些不公正因素的理由和依据,应该是当前反倾销研究的当务之急。本文的写作正是从这一基点出发,而对欧盟对华反倾销实践的不合理、不公正的问题所进行的揭示,作者期待通过该文的分析,有助于中国企业界了解欧盟对华反倾销法的实体和程序规定中的不合理因素,并根据每案的具体案情,进行有理有据的抗辩。这既是促使这些消极方面发生转变的积极的努力,也是中国企业维护自己尊严和利益、改变自己被动地位的重要的突破口。  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the productivity effects of antidumping (AD) measures on Chinese industries. Industry‐year panel data and generalized method of moments estimators are used in the empirical analysis. Productivity indicators are calculated using data envelope analysis. The empirical results show that China's industrial total factor productivity has improved under the pressure of AD measures taken by developed countries, and the mechanism inspires technological progress but hurts technological efficiency. Developing countries' AD measures have no significant productivity effects on China's targeted industries, except for slightly positive effects on technological efficiency. These results indicate that China should pay more attention to technological innovation and take different counter‐measures for different cases of AD measures.  相似文献   

宋利芳 《亚太经济》2007,(2):104-108
澳大利亚是世界上第二个制定反倾销政策的国家,其反倾销政策具有自身的特点。同时,在反倾销实践中,澳大利亚被称为全球四大传统反倾销用户之一,而中国则成为澳大利亚实施反倾销政策的首要目标国。本文从澳大利亚的反倾销管理体制出发,分析了澳大利亚反倾销政策的主要内容,进而考察了澳大利亚反倾销政策及其实践的特点。  相似文献   

Is European Antidumping Protection against Central Europe Too High? —In this paper, the author finds that the average level of European antidumping protection against Central Europe in 1985-1990 was by 14 to 20 percentage points too high. Her simulation results on the Central European antidumping cases show only ‘de minimis’ injury margins. Hence, the European Commission would have dismissed all European antidumping complaints against Central European imports and no antidumping measures would have been imposed. In view of these results, the author feels that European antidumping legislation and its implementation seriously undermine the credibility of the Association Agreements recently signed between the European Union and the countries of Central Europe.  相似文献   

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