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我在广告界的工作经验已经超过17年,之前一直都在大家认为的“传统的行业”中打拼与奋斗。两年之前,我被邀请加入到腾讯公司的管理团队。在腾讯工作的两年里,一直在思考:为什么一个有着十来年历史,对生活有深刻影响的行业,直到今天依然被称为“新媒体”。  相似文献   

This article examines spiritual growth and the business career. Rather than a certain decline into workaholism or materialism, the world of business becomes a necessary step on the path of enlightenment, through the transcendant philosophical models of the Hindu householder and the Native American Medicine Wheel.The householder concept, including mastering the material world and the resulting spiritual growth, stresses the importance of action, also a criterion for success in business. Current views, based on studies of modern life, Judaic thought, and Christian beliefs, add further dimension to this executive's model of enlightenment. John Hayes Barnett is Associate Professor at The Whittemore School of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire, U.S.A. He was previously a Management Consultant (Cresap, McCormick & Paget) and a Volunteer Executive (Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines) He is a Certified Public Accountant and a Doctor of Divinity. His most important publications are: Strategic Evaluation and Experimental Gaming (University of Colorado); Constants, Controversy and Change in Cultural Concepts (Sierra Madre Seminary); and Down the Rose Path: A Businessman's Search for Enlightenment (in press).  相似文献   

Networks and small business growth: An explanatory model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To date, there has been limited empirical research related to network theory. With this article, we have tried to fill this gap by testing an explanatory model of the impact of networks on small business growth. To analyze this causal relationship, the log-linear technique was used. The results suggest that networks have an influence on the growth of a small business, especially through contacts with national and international entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

China's position as one of the most powerful nations in the world is undisputed. However, in an evolving landscape, China's utilization of a path-dependent business system may hinder the ability of the country's institutions to undergo necessary change, which will have important implications for international business literature. Through business system theory, empirical evidence, and a mixed methods approach, we discuss China's business system explaining how the system may impair sustainable growth and the transformation required by a less dependent industrial society. Our research suggests that the Chinese business system is still very arrested due to its recent past, and the Chinese Communist Party has only partial interest in improving some of the most important bases for the development of modern enterprises, even if fostering a somewhat liberal economic approach. Since similar political (authoritarian) and economic (liberal) approaches are found elsewhere, we theorize on what we called an authoriliberal economic approach.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(4):543-554
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs) have experienced exponential growth over the past few years. Many companies and creators have experimented with various ways to develop NFT businesses, but often without clear guidance on how NFTs shape property rights and business models. In this article, we examine the roles of NFTs in establishing digital property rights, creating value for creators and collectors, and empowering business model innovation. As NFTs unlock digital property rights, they can spawn new business models centered around digital ownership, portable and composable digital assets, and decentralized communities. We believe our framework can help businesses and creators formulate and implement actionable strategies to create and capture value in NFTs and Web3.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(3):295-306
Much of the attention surrounding blockchain today is focused on financial services, with very little discussion about nonfinancial services firms and how blockchain technology may affect organizations, their business models, and how they create and deliver value. In addition, some confusion remains between the blockchain (with definite article) and blockchain (no article), distributed ledger technologies, and their applications. Our article offers a primer on blockchain technology aimed at general managers and executives. The key contributions of this article lie in providing an explanation of blockchain, including how a blockchain transaction works and a clarification of terms, and outlining different types of blockchain technologies. We also discuss how different types of blockchain impact business models. Building on the well-established business model framework by Osterwalder and Pigneur, we outline the effect that blockchain technologies can have on each element of the business model, along with illustrations from firms developing blockchain technology.  相似文献   

This work aims to approach the reasons for Business Incubators (BINCs) to replace Business Plan by Business Model Canvas (BMC) for creating and accelerating the startup process. The main value of this study lies in its empirical appliance to test the adoption of business modeling for startups in two different entrepreneurial ecosystems. A qualitative approach has been used in analyzing two case‐studies, one from Brazil (Supera) and the other from Portugal (Fabrica). The method used was inquiring into the managers' impressions when helping to create startups and accelerating their development. The analysis was based on the data obtained from interviews and secondary data through a content analysis technique supported by ATLAS ti 7.0 software. The findings highlight how the use of BMC is bringing real opportunities for the development of nascent businesses. Furthermore, the perceptions of the BINCs studied suggest the adequacy of this model to startups due to their flexibility, user‐friendliness, and capability to manage innovation, communicate, and share business logic.  相似文献   

基于Groupon的中国网络团购运营模式及发展对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹丽  尤颖 《江苏商论》2011,(9):46-49
中国的网络团购模仿美国Groupon团购模式发展迅速,随之而来也出现很多问题。本文通过对美国Groupon的运营模式和中国网络团购的运营模式比较分析,对目前中国网络团购中存在的主要问题进行分析,并且作出相应的对策研究  相似文献   

<正> 山东省力源集团公司是以生产豆乳制品和营养保健品为主的加工企业,2001年改制为山东力源食品有限公司。改制以来,该公司通过实施名牌战略、人才战略和多元化发展战略,成效斐然。2001年该公司实现销售收入2亿元、利税2 000万元,先后通过了IS09002国际质量体系认证和ISO14000环境体系认证,产品获得了绿色证书,部分产品还通过了美国  相似文献   

<正> 陕西省西安市群众面粉厂是全省规模最大的面粉加工企业。自1998年改制为股份合作制企业以来,该厂积极开展多种经营,全面实施多种经营战略和品牌经营战略,相继成立了  相似文献   

Building an integrative model of small business growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this article is to develop an integrative model of small business growth that is both broad in scope and parsimonious in nature. Such a “big picture” model provides an opportunity (1) to gauge how much we really know about small business growth, when we simultaneously consider the constructs from the dominant perspectives, (2) to assess the contribution of each of these perspectives, (3) to examine the indirect effects that some constructs from one perspective might have on small business growth through constructs from another perspective, and (4) to consider different levels of analysis. Based on an analysis of data from 413 small businesses, we derive a set of propositions that suggest how entrepreneurial orientation, environmental characteristics, firm resources, and managers’ personal attitudes directly and/or indirectly influence the growth of small businesses.   相似文献   

We build a bank-specific, fixed-effects regression model to develop proxies for a bank's monitoring effort. Our results show that banks that devote more resources to monitoring (based on these proxies) are more profit efficient and the effect is large. A very important theoretical literature in finance suggests that monitoring is value enhancing; we provide empirical evidence consistent with the theory. This research thus establishes an important link between the large literature on bank monitoring and the equally large literature on profit efficiency. Monitoring is a key technology in the commercial lending business model (e.g. Mester, Nakamura, & Renault, 2007). Thus, these results point to considerable strengths in the dominant business model used in the banking industry.  相似文献   

Segmenting business markets is challenging but potentially highly rewarding. An in-depth understanding of how to segment markets is necessary to guide the best decisions leading to profitable targeting. Business markets are changing rapidly due to new technology and a more complex business environment. Current segmentation frameworks are not sufficient to guide business-to-business (B2B), business-to-business-to-business (B2B2B), and business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) market analyses. Thus, new strategic segmentation insights are required. This paper introduces and tests a new six-cell business market typology building on two key segmentation dimensions – product use by intermediaries in their marketing (B2B, B2B2B, and B2B2C) and product standardization (standardized or customized products). Examples are developed showing how this model is used by organizational marketers, research findings are presented, and a research agenda is proposed to fill the gap in the literature – i.e. understand the new model and apply appropriate business segmentation criteria.  相似文献   

随着互联网的时代、移动的时代,每个人身上都带着一个移动终端,这个移动终端看似是一部手机、一部ipad,为现代的商业提供了无数的发展可能,在原来我们想都不敢想的商业机会都如雨后春笋般地涌现出来。在阿里巴巴联合天弘基金通过支付宝开发出一支类似活期基金产品一一“余额宝”之后,在短短的一个月时间内就募集资金超百亿,就连貌似坚不可摧的商业银行帝国似乎也被撼动了,“余额宝”这样看似普通的理财产品怎么能够掀起投资狂潮,它背后的潜在诱因是什么?支付宝的到来对于中国商业模式是怎样的一种冲击?而它给投资者带来的是长期的利益还是更加狭隘的渠道?历史经验告诉我们,繁荣往往伴随着危机暗流涌动,本文通过对几个问题的浅析来讨论余额宝引发对中国商业模式的新思考。  相似文献   

Small and medium enterprises’ entry to international markets leads to their continuous growth and facilitates national and global economic development. In an attempt to substantiate these outcomes, they seek to acquire best practices and experiences in order to facilitate entering, surviving, and growing in global markets. To address this challenge practically, the present paper introduces a media for networking and a system for transferring internationalization best practices across small and medium enterprises under the concept of Best Practice Network. Subsequently, the paper tries to depict Best Practice Network as a viable business and establish a guideline for implementing it by developing its business model. To achieve this objective, the authors have administered multi-case study research among the top managers of international small and medium enterprises in the information and communication technology sector of Iran. The resulting model is based on business model ontology and proposes a bird’s eye view of the Best Practice Network including product, customer interface, infrastructure management, and financial aspects. Moreover, by proposing a media for sharing related best practices, this paper can lead to the decline of the stage theory of internationalization and can excel the born global theory of small and medium enterprises.  相似文献   

基于产业链分工的传统制造业和服务业有其固有的优势和劣势.为了弥补自身的劣势,制造业企业和零售业企业的商业模式出现了趋同的趋势.本文通过一些制造业企业和服务业企业的商业模式趋同的知名案例,进一步分析了跨两个行业的企业商业模式趋同的方式及意义.  相似文献   

Managing ethical behavior is a one of the most pervasive and complex problems facing business organizations today. Employees' decisions to behave ethically or unethically are influenced by a myriad of individual and situational factors. Background, personality, decision history, managerial philosophy, and reinforcement are but a few of the factors which have been identified by researchers as determinants of employees' behavior when faced with ethical dilemmas. The literature related to ethical behavior is reviewed in this article, and a model for understanding ethical behavior in business organizations is proposed. It is concluded that managing ethics in business organizations requires that managers engage in a concentrated effort which involves espousing ethics, behaving ethically, developing screening mechanisms, providing ethical training, creating ethics units and reinforcing ethical behavior. W. Edward Stead, Ph.D., is Professor of Management at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. His research interests include ethical behavior, cancer in the workplace, social strategy implementation, the ethical implications of cost-benefit analysis, and managing professional employees. His articles have appeared in Psychological Reports, Personnel Journal, Business and Society Review, and the Journal of Accountancy among others, and he has published cases in leading business policy and social responsibility texts. Dan L. Worrell, Ph.D., is Professor of Management and Department Chairperson at Appalachian State University, Boone, NC. He has published articles in such Journals as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Business Horizons, and Psychological Reports among others. His research interests include managerial succession, ethical behavior and social responsibility. Jean Garner Stead, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Management at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. Her research interests include ethical behavior, cancer in the work place, social strategy implementation, and the ethical implications of cost-benefit analysis. Her articles have appeared in Psychological Reports, Personnel Journal, Business and Society Review and the International Journal of Management among others, and she has published cases in leading business policy and social responsibility texts.  相似文献   

Most theoretical and empirical studies of capital structure focus on public corporations. Only a limited number of studies on capital structure have been conducted on small-to-medium size enterprises (SMEs), and this deficiency is particularly evident in investigations into factors that influence funding decisions of family business owners.Theory indicates that there is a complex array of factors that influence SME owner-managers' financing decisions. Recent family business literature suggests that these processes are influenced by firm owners' attitudes toward the utility of debt as a form of funding as moderated by external environmental conditions (e.g., financial and market considerations).A number of other factors have been shown to influence financing decisions including culture; entrepreneurial characteristics; entrepreneurs' prior experiences in capital structure; business goals; business life-cycle issues; preferred ownership structures; views regarding control, debt–equity ratios, and short- vs. long-term debt; age and size of the firm; sources of funding for growth; attitudes toward debt financing; issues relating to independence and control; and perceived risk and attitudes toward personal risk.Although these factors have been identified, until now there does not appear to have been any attempts to develop empirically-based models that show relationships between these factors and family business owners' financing decisions. Utilizing theories derived from divergent disciplines, this study develops an empirically tested structural equation model of financing antecedents of family businesses. Participants of our study involved a random sample of 5000 business owners who were mailed a 250-item Australian Family and Private Business questionnaire developed specifically for this investigation.Notably, our findings reveal that firm size, family control, business planning, and business objectives are significantly associated with debt. Small family businesses and owners who do not have formal planning processes in place tend to rely on family loans as a source of finance. However, family businesses in the service industry (e.g., retailers and wholesalers) are less likely to use family loans as are those owners who are planning to achieve growth through new products or process development. Use of capital and retained profits is likely for family businesses planning to achieve growth through an increase in sales but less is likely for family businesses in the manufacturing sector and lifestyle firms. In addition, debt and family loans are negatively related to capital and retained profits. Equity is a consideration for owners of large businesses, young firms, and owners who plan to achieve growth through increasing profit margins. However, equity is less likely to be a consideration for older family business owners and owners who have a preference for retaining family control.Our findings suggest that the interplay between multiple social, family, and financial factors is complex. In addition, our findings indicate the importance of utilizing theories that also help to explain behavioral factors (e.g., owners' needs to be in control) that affect financial structure decision-making processes. Practitioners and researchers should consider the dynamic interplay among business characteristics (e.g., size or industry), behavioral aspects of business financing (e.g., business objectives), and financial factors (e.g., gearing levels) when working with and researching family enterprises.  相似文献   

面对新形势,全面提高哈尔滨铁路局非运输业实现和加快发展。哈尔滨铁路局非运输业面对货运网上受理、铁路运价及装卸费率调整和货运组织改革等一系列变化与考验,做出了不同的反响。哈尔滨铁路局是资源大局,煤、粮、石油等大宗品类货源占80%以上。多年以来,非运输企业主要依靠资源和运力创效,以物流业务为主导、靠运输优势发展的特征十分明显。货运改革改后,非运输业留存了煤炭经贸、外经外贸、加工制造、工建监理、站车传媒、石油化工以及旅游酒店等产业,路货运组织改革后,总公司提出积极发展门到门运输以外的社会物流服务,所以非运输业精心部署、扎实推进,全面抓好门到门物流服务工作贯彻落实。把握发展定位,必须大力拓展多元化经营领域,认真落实多元化各种保障措施。  相似文献   

刘平峰  张慧 《商业时代》2011,(11):23-24
云计算是现在一个炙手可热的概念,而SAAS是云计算的重要组成部分。SAAS是企业走向信息化的重要途径,对其成功企业商业模式的研究可对即将走向SAAS的企业有着至关重要的参考作用。本文对当前典型的SAAS企业的商业模式做出描述与分析,分别分析了以软件超市著称的阿里软件,企业管理专家NETSUITE,以及对比了在线CRM的Salesforce和八百客。  相似文献   

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