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The traditionally monopolistic character of common carrier telecommunications in the USA has meant that all communications functions have been the responsibility of the carrier. Recent proposals by the Federal Communications Commission, if accepted by the courts, will allow intermediaries to operate between the carrier and the user. The author examines the background to the issues involved, describes and analyses the policy options that were open to the FCC and finally summarises the reasons behind its ultimate decision.  相似文献   

This article describes the role of Australia in economic cooperation and telecommunications development in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly Asia. Australia's economic imperative focuses on north-east Asia while targeting markets for telecommunications in the relatively poorer nations of south-east Asia. A new role is advocated for Australia to take the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum it instigated beyond the purpose of economic cooperation directly into the cultural and human realm. Australia is challenged to use the new communications technologies to facilitate an active, shared learning process which could move Asia-Pacific into a new global order. A case is put for research on the use and impacts of the new telecommunications technologies in the service of humankind.  相似文献   

根据世界银行和安永的报告,全球30个主要油气生产国的综合税率2016年为41.8%,比2015年下降1.4个百分点,比2012年下降2.5个百分点,过去5年一直高于世界平均水平,2017年主要油气生产国的综合税率可能进一步下降.在企业所得税方面,主要油气生产国都正在或计划降低所得税税率.一些油气生产国家积极通过征收增值税、拓展增值税税基、提高增值税或消费税税率等措施来增加财政收入,特别是海合会6国签署了统一的增值税框架协议.经济合作与发展组织推行的税基侵蚀和利润转移行动计划带来全球范围税收征管从紧的趋势,对企业的纳税遵从要求趋向加强.  相似文献   

Traditional discussions of telecommunications pricing utilize microeconomic models that are often timeless. In reality, static models of price-based decision making in telecommunications do not capture an important reality: that the price feedback is substantially delayed. Since consumers have no immediate feedback on which to base rational decisions, they must utilize their expectations of price. This article analyses the implications of this, using the alternate operator services as a discussion case. This analysis shows that few alternatives beyond price regulation exist to resolve the rampant complaints in this industry.  相似文献   

Digital exclusion of seniors covers both social and technical drivers that affect the magnitude of this phenomenon. It arises from the fear of technology, reduced manual and mental abilities, socio-economic status, and also the mismatch between the technological environment and the needs of the elderly. The consideration of the needs of seniors are mainly implemented through social policies while the provision of government services is achieved through digitization policies and procedures. Our research is addressing two objectives. The first objective is to identify the main determinants affecting the adoption of e-government and its use by seniors. The second objective is to build a research framework for assessing e-government policy for the digital inclusion of the seniors from both social and technical perspectives. This research framework is then validated based on a case study of Poland. Presented framework proves to be a useful tool to evaluate and depict the areas of improvement for a comprehensive e-government policy toward seniors' inclusion.  相似文献   

Public policy for foodgrains distribution and consumption in Coimbatore District of South India involves processing through state trading institutions, and distribution through fair price shops, Food for Work and Employment Guarantee Schemes. Policies are evaluated in terms of their objectives, and institutions for the implementation of policy are analysed in terms of the way in which they mobilize and distribute resources: foodgrains, capital and labour. Although this deficit district has captured shares of Tamil Nadu State's publicly distributed grain which are disproportionate to its share of the state's ‘vulnerable’ population, nevertheless, schemes to increase the latter's foodgrain consumption have been patchily implemented over space and time, and they have had little measurable impact on intended beneficiaries.  相似文献   

Telecommunications is at a critical juncture in the development of technology, policy and industry structure. The industry is becoming increasingly global and competitive; technology is developing faster than it can be implemented; and telecommunications is becoming strategically important to user organizations. Regulatory bodies and standards organizations are struggling with these developments. Public policy that encourages both competition in the telecommunications industry as well as the organized participation of users in the development of new technology applications, technical standards and industry regulations is essential for realizing the prospective benefits of the information age.  相似文献   

Output price support and input subsidies, particularly fertilizer subsidies, are used in many developing countries as short-term policies for stimulating food production. This paper presents a method of evaluating combined price support and fertilizer subsidy policies, allowing for differences in emphasis on each. Bangladesh is taken as a case study. The paper also indicates the likely distributional consequences of the various combined policies and formulates policy suggestions based on the results. The guiding hypothesis for the study is that some combination of price support and fertilizer subsidies is preferable to a price support or fertilizer subsidy monopolicy in achieving rice self sufficiency in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Review of Industrial Organization - The European telecommunications sector has been radically transformed in the past 25 years: from a group of state monopolies to a set of increasingly...  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2017,41(10):853-877
This paper investigates the evolution of the telecommunications policy agenda by means of text mining forty years –from 1976 to 2016– of papers in the journal Telecommunications Policy. Text mining techniques help identify the key topics, the dominant combinations of concepts and the main areas of research within this multidisciplinary –technical, economic, social, policy– discipline. In addition they depict an evolution of the policy agenda more nuanced than the conventional public service, pre-competition and post-liberalisation stages typical of telecommunications. Also, in combination with bibliometric information, the results display the relationships between areas of research and methodologies, countries and authors’ background, all together providing a deeper understanding of the past, present and future avenues for research in telecommunications policy.  相似文献   

This article reviews the Privy Council's appeal judgment between Clear Communications and the Telecom Corporation over the price of access for local loop telecommunications interconnection. The judgment reflects four years of negotiation and two years of court proceedings between the two parties. The Council's decision that use of the Bamoul-Willig pricing model did not have an anticompetitive purpose in terms of New Zealand law has a number of important ramifications for New Zealand's light-handed regulatory environment. This article provides background to the case, examines the judgment and draws implications from and consequences for regulatory policy in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the concept of social innovation is extensively employed by scholars and practitioners, yet the conceptualisation and the research structure remained fragmented and scattered, because no rigorous attempt has been made to understand the core concept of social innovation. The notion of social innovation is multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary fluctuating from public-policy to environmental sustainability; which makes an investigation of the concept essential for business-to-business practitioners and scholars. By processing 370 publications from a sample of 125 journals and books with a total of 2941 citations, the authors unpack/unfold the intellectual foundation of social innovation in business and management domains by performing four bibliometric analyses and they evaluate the research domain qualitatively (1970–2019). By using co-citation, network visualisation through co-occurrence data, multi-dimensional scaling, and hierarchical cluster analysis, this research sheds light to the intellectual structure of social innovation including social value, economic value, societal impact, and bifocal innovations. This research reveals the key research clusters embodied by social innovation foundation. The present study identifies four important components for the future avenues of social innovation (i.e. opportunity, innovation practice, opportunity exploiter, value), and proposes a potential research framework to the researchers and practitioners, hoping to provide insights on social innovation.  相似文献   

We present a guideline for selecting the inventory management policy for a specialty chemical plant that produces products with limited shelf life, by producing multiple grades of bulk chemical and packaging them into a large variety of bottles. The policy for each product was selected based on a cost-benefit analysis, using the multiple objectives of maximizing the on time order fulfillment, minimizing the production (cleaning and shelf life expiration) and inventory costs. To generate realistic cost estimates, we developed a discrete event simulation model that included demand variability, planning and scheduling policies, and operational details. We evaluated three different policies: make-to-stock (MTS), postponement, and combined MTS/postponement. We also evaluated different storage media and optimized the number of storage units for products selected for postponement. A combined MTS/postponement policy, in which postponement is applied to products with low to medium demand and high expiration provided lowest costs without significantly impacting the customer on time order fulfillment. For all other products, a MTS policy is applied to maximize order fulfillment on time, reduce cleaning costs and to reduce number of storage units.  相似文献   

This article presents the main findings of a major research project jointly sponsored by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The purpose of the project was to shed some light on the ways in which telecommunications contribute to economic and social development. The author also describes one approach to rural telecommunications explored by the project — the GLODOM concept.  相似文献   

The telecommunications industry in most parts of the world experienced a round of market-led reforms in the early 1990s. After a period of sustained development in the sector numerous countries are moving toward government-led network deployments. Even though it may appear as if the pendulum swung back to the previous 1990s period of government-led development, this paper argues persistent regional disparities in access and adoption of new technologies generated a need for public action in the second reform. By analyzing the Mexican case and comparing the policy choices in each one of the reforms, this paper sheds light on how particular policy decisions in the first reform generated inefficient market solutions and were key in creating a perception of the need for stronger public action. In both reforms, the policymaking process was carried out by a small elite that negotiated its contents behind closed doors. Paradoxically, within the transition to democracy, in the second reform, the leaders of the major political parties established a closed-door agreement. Even though the 2013 telecommunications reform improved the status quo, it did not decrease market concentration and, once again, we face low levels of investment and high levels of digital exclusion. By reconstructing the policy decision process in each reform, this paper argues that the closed-door policy choices taken, which were the result of the interaction of political actors with their own agenda and interests, hampered the most efficient solutions.  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦石油矿产资源生产税及其实务分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
哈萨克斯坦共和国新修订的税法于2009年1月1日生效。新税法中增设了矿产资源生产税这一全新的税种。本文介绍了其中的石油矿产资源生产税的一般概念、主要特点及计算方法。运用石油公司案例演示了石油矿产资源生产税计算、中报及其调整的程序和方法;通过对案例的分析,明确了生产税与产量、销售结构和价格之间的关系,并从哈萨克斯坦税务实践的角度,提出了通过优化石油合同生产经营方案进行税收筹划的建议。  相似文献   

In Australia, the federal (central) and State (regional) governments share constitutional responsibility for aspects of science and innovation policy. In practice, the federal government has tended to overshadow the States both in funding and policy for research and innovation. It can be argued that we are now seeing the strong rebirth of regionalism (at least at the State level) as far as government support for science, technology and knowledge-based industries is concerned. The paper traces the growth of regional innovation policies through examples of initiatives from South Australia and other regions and examines the respective contributions of the State and federal governments. The character of State government support has evolved over the last 15 years, from sponsoring grand 'technology citadels' to today's strategies that take a more bottom-up approach to building intense innovation environments, local clusters and knowledge hubs. Some of these trends reflect the influence of the global knowledge economy on regional industries, while others (notably the relative decline of the federal government as an R&D performer) are peculiarities of the Australian innovation system. The outcome is a significant evolution in Australia's innovation system, one which parallels responses to globalisation in other countries and suggests a different – but not diminished – role for public sector innovation policy.  相似文献   

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