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The sources of value destruction in acquisitions by entrenched managers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prior work has established that entrenched managers make value-decreasing acquisitions. In this study, we determine how they destroy that value. Overall, we find that value destruction by entrenched managers comes from a combination of factors. First, they disproportionately avoid private targets, which have been shown to be generally associated with value creation. Second, when they do buy private targets or public targets with blockholders, they tend not to use all-equity offers, which has the effect of avoiding the transfer of a valuable blockholder to the bidder. We further test whether entrenched managers simply overpay for good targets or choose targets with lower synergies. We find that while they overpay, they also choose low synergy targets in the first place, as shown by combined announcement returns and post-merger operating performance.  相似文献   

We do not find a significant influence of management entrenchment on the firm's propensity for frequent acquisition, in contrast to the existing studies that show entrenched managers are more likely to become frequent acquirers. We show that entrenched management is less likely to engage in frequent acquisitions because of low strategic managerial ability. Strategic managerial ability is positively associated with the firm's propensity for frequent acquisition. Entrenched acquirers have lower strategic managerial ability; and lower ability acquirers are more likely to be entrenched. Reducing acquisition frequency exacerbates management entrenchment. Frequent acquisitions further enhance strategic managerial ability, and high-ability management is likely to be more acquisitive. Frequent acquirers are 40% less likely to be entrenched compared to non-frequent acquirers. Our results are consistent with the notion that the market for corporate control effectively disciplines frequent acquirers such that their management are less likely to be entrenched. Entrenched acquirers suffer a loss in firm value, which further supports that the market for corporate control is effective in penalizing entrenched management. Frequent acquirers, often being in the market for targets, are disciplined by the market for corporate control. Frequent acquisitions appear to be driven by strategic managerial ability, rather than by management entrenchment.  相似文献   

Companies facing new requirements for governance are scrambling to buttress financial-reporting systems, overhaul board structures--whatever it takes to comply. But there are limits to how much good governance can be imposed from the outside. Boards know what they ought to be: seats of challenge and inquiry that add value without meddling and make CEOs more effective but not all-powerful. A board can reach that goal only if it functions as a high-performance team, one that is competent, coordinated, collegial, and focused on an unambiguous goal. Such entities don't just evolve; they must be constructed to an exacting blueprint--what the author calls board building. In this article, Nadler offers an agenda and a set of tools that boards can use to define and achieve their objectives. It's important for a board to conduct regular self-assessments and to pay attention to the results of those analyses. As a first step, the directors and the CEO should agree on which of the following common board models best fits the company: passive, certifying, engaged, intervening, or operating. The directors and the CEO should then analyze which business tasks are most important and allot sufficient time and resources to them. Next, the board should take inventory of each director's strengths to ensure that the group as a whole possesses the skills necessary to do its work. Directors must exert more influence over meeting agendas and make sure they have the right information at the right time and in the right format to perform their duties. Finally, the board needs to foster an engaged culture characterized by candor and a willingness to challenge. An ambitious board-building process, devised and endorsed both by directors and by management, can potentially turn a good board into a great one.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of corporate boards following a large performance decline. Over 40% of the original directors depart the board during the three years following underperformance. Measures of initial CEO influence over the board such as CEO ownership are associated with smaller increases in board independence and less board turnover. The underperforming firms undergo a strong recovery subsequently, with the largest performance improvement occurring among firms that experience no turnover on their boards and among firms that do not change their board independence. We conclude that the large board turnover experienced by underperforming firms presents significant challenges for subsequent recovery.  相似文献   

Classified boards actually benefit firms that have low monitoring costs and greater needs for advisory services. Previous literature has emphasized the entrenchment effect of classified boards. However, we find that this adverse impact of classified boards can be offset or even superseded by the potential benefits of board classification for firms who hope to benefit from the advisory services of their independent directors. We show that firms with greater advising needs appoint more outside directors with diverse attributes and expertise, qualifications that enhance the ability to provide useful advice to managers. Furthermore, in such firms, board classification is associated with higher performance sensitivity of forced CEO turnover and better acquisition performance. Conversely, in firms with high monitoring costs, board classification hurts managerial equity-based incentives and risk-taking incentives. These findings suggest how and through which channels classified boards engender the differential effects on firm value.  相似文献   

Expertise diversity is expected to enhance the monitoring and advising functions of boards of directors. Yet, little is known about the expertise that actually exists on corporate boards. In this study, we examine the diversity of professional expertise on corporate boards in Australia and implications for shareholder value. We categorise directors by 11 types of professional expertise and find the most common types of expertise are business executives, accountants, bankers, scientists, lawyers and engineers. We find that expertise diversity is primarily related to board size, industry and location. Our analysis also suggests that shareholders benefit when boards diversify their expertise within a subset of specialist business expertise (lawyers, accountants, consultants, bankers and outside CEOs). Further diversity beyond this subset of expertise is associated with lower firm value and performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence regarding the two quantifiable components of the costs of going public: direct expenses and underpricing. Together, these costs average 21.22% of the realized market value of the securities issued for firm commitment offers and 31.87% for best efforts offers. For a given size offer, the direct expenses are of the same order of magnitude for both contract types, but the underpricing is greater for best efforts offers. An explanation of why some firms choose to use best efforts offers in spite of their apparent higher total costs is given.  相似文献   

Much research has suggested that independent boards of directors are more effective in reducing agency costs and improving firm governance. How they influence innovation is less clear. Relying on regulatory changes, we show that firms that transition to independent boards focus on more crowded and familiar areas of technology. They patent and claim more and receive more total future citations to their patents. However, the citation increase comes mainly from incremental patents in the middle of the citation distribution; the numbers of uncited and highly cited patents—arguably associated with riskier innovation strategies—do not change significantly.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of cultural diversity in boards of directors on firm performance. We construct a measure of national cultural diversity by calculating the average of cultural distances between board members using Hofstede's culture framework. Our findings indicate that national cultural diversity in boards negatively affects firm performance measured by Tobin's Q and ROA. These results hold after controlling for potential endogeneity using firm fixed effects and instrumental variables regressions. Further, the results are robust to controlling for a wide range of board and firm characteristics, including various measures of “foreignness” of the firm, alternative culture frameworks, and other measures of culture. The negative impact of cultural diversity on performance is mitigated by the complexity of the firm and the size of foreign sales and operations. In addition, we find that the negative effects of cultural diversity are concentrated among the independent directors. Finally, we find that not all aspects of cultural differences are equally important and that it is mainly the diversity in individualism and masculinity that affects the effectiveness of boards of directors.  相似文献   

The costs of intense board monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the effects of the intensity of board monitoring on directors' effectiveness in performing their monitoring and advising duties. We find that monitoring quality improves when a majority of independent directors serve on at least two of the three principal monitoring committees. These firms exhibit greater sensitivity of CEO turnover to firm performance, lower excess executive compensation, and reduced earnings management. The improvement in monitoring quality comes at the significant cost of weaker strategic advising and greater managerial myopia. Firms with boards that monitor intensely exhibit worse acquisition performance and diminished corporate innovation. Firm value results suggest that the negative advising effects outweigh the benefits of improved monitoring, especially when acquisitions or corporate innovation are significant value drivers or the firm's operations are complex.  相似文献   

Useem M 《Harvard business review》2006,84(11):130-6, 138, 158
In the aftermath of seismic debacles like those that toppled Enron and WorldCom, corporate boards have been shaken up and made over. More directors are independent these days, for instance, and corporations now disclose directors' salaries and committee members' names. Research shows that most of the changes are having a positive effect on companies' performance. They are primarily structural, though, and don't go to the heart of a board's work: making the choices that shape a firm's future. Which decisions boards own and how those calls are made are largely hidden from the public. As a result, boards are often unable to learn from the best governance practices of their counterparts at other companies. This article pulls back the curtain and provides an inside look. Drawing on interviews with board members and executives at 31 companies, along with a close examination of three boardroom decisions, the author identifies several formal processes that can help companies improve their decision making: creating calendars that specify when the board and the standing committees will consider key items; drafting charters that define the decisions committees are responsible for; and developing decision protocols that divvy up responsibilities between directors and executives. The author also identifies a number of informal decision-making principles: Items that are strategically significant and touch on the firm's core values should go to the board. Large decisions should be divided into small pieces, so the board can devote sufficient attention to each one. Directors must remain vigilant to ensure that their decisions are effectively implemented. The CEO and either the nonexecutive chair or the lead director should engage in ongoing dialogue regarding which decisions to take to the full board and when. And directors should challenge assumptions before making yes-or-no decisions on management proposals.  相似文献   

Recent surveys indicate that industry expertise is the most sought-after director qualification. Yet evidence on the value of such expertise is limited. This paper shows that firms that are difficult for non-experts to monitor and advise are more likely to appoint industry expert directors. Such appointments also depend on the supply of industry-experienced candidates in the local director labor market. Board industry expertise reduces R&D-based real earnings management and increases R&D investments. The increase in R&D spending is value-enhancing: firms with industry expert directors receive more patents for the same level of R&D, their R&D spending is associated with lower volatility of future earnings, and their value is higher. Finally, industry expertise is associated with CEO termination and pay incentives that encourage R&D investments.  相似文献   

Affirmative action and diversity continue to be contentious issues in the United States. Financial markets are still reeling from the effects of Enron, WorldCom and other corporate exemplars of corruption and malfeasance. The role of the board of directors in these scandals is the subject of serious and ongoing concern. Weak and/or ineffectual boards are often the consequences of “old-boy networks” and a lack of diversity in membership. This research study argues for an increased presence of gender and race diversity on boards of directors. Empirical evidence is presented that shows a significant increase in the presence of ethnic minorities and females when pictures of board members are included in annual reports. We suggest that requiring pictures of board members in annual reports and regulatory filings would result in a larger presence for gender and race diversity on boards of directors. This requirement is not a significant burden and merely represents compliance with the spirit and intent of the “full disclosure” principle.  相似文献   

What makes great boards great   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the wake of meltdowns at WorldCom, Tyco, and Enron, enormous attention has been focused on the companies' boards. It seems inconceivable that business disasters of such magnitude could happen without gross or even criminal negligence on the part of board members. And yet a close examination of those boards reveals no broad pattern of incompetence or corruption. In fact, they followed most of the accepted standards for board operations: Members showed up for meetings; they had money invested in the company; audit committees, compensation committees, and codes of ethics were in place; the boards weren't too small or too big, nor were they dominated by insiders. In other words, they passed the tests that would normally be applied to determine whether a board of directors was likely to do a good job. And that's precisely what's so scary, according to corporate governance expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, who suggests that it's time for some new thinking about how corporate boards operate and are evaluated. He proposes thinking not only about how to structure the board's work but also about how to manage it as a social system. Good boards are, very simply, high-functioning work groups. They're distinguished by a climate of respect, trust, and candor among board members and between the board and management. Information is shared openly and on time; emergent political factions are quickly eliminated. Members feel free to challenge one another's assumptions and conclusions, and management encourages lively discussion of strategic issues. Directors feel a responsibility to contribute meaningfully to the board's performance. In addition, good boards assess their own performance, both collectively and individually.  相似文献   

Many U.S. commercial banks are prohibited from establishing more than one full service office location. In the absence of free entry to the banking industry, this constraint may force unit banks to operate with a socially inefficient combination of inputs. Moreover, entry to the industry in unit banking states may be more difficult than in branching states, where market entrants need not necessarily acquire a new charter. If so, existing unit banks could price their output above marginal social cost, earning excess profits and imposing allocational inefficiencies. This paper demonstrates empirically that unit banking restrictions in the United States impose statistically and economically significant deadweight social costs.  相似文献   

In order to protect fund investors against conflicts of interest with fund management companies, US funds have mandatory independent directors, but this obligation is not required under the European Union Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive. Nevertheless, a considerable number of UCITS funds do have independent directors. Whether independent directors should also be mandatory in Europe has been a topic of ongoing debate. Using a sample of Luxembourg UCITS, we test the hypothesis that more independent boards add value for investors through lower costs and/or better investment performance, but we fail to find supporting evidence, even for funds with a higher risk of conflicts of interest. Oversight by independent depositaries and institutional shareholders does not seem to be effective either. It appears that board attitude and the sponsor distribution model are more important since we find evidence that boards that prioritise cost monitoring have lower costs and that independent sponsor funds have better performance. These results question the effectiveness of self-regulation or formal regulation requiring independent board members.  相似文献   

This paper examines the trends and endogenous determinants of boards of directors (board size, composition, and CEO duality) for a sample of 212 US bank holding companies, from 1997 to 2004. Overall, the results show that the costs and benefits of boards’ monitoring and advising roles could explain bank board structures with caveats. For example, due to the regulatory nature and comparatively intensive scrutiny of bank officers and directors, it is argued that bank managers have less control over the directors’ selection processes. Thus, bank board independence should not be the outcome of negotiation with CEOs. Consistent with this view, bank CEOs are found not to affect bank board independence. The trend analysis also provides some important results. In contrast to non-bank evidence, for instance, board size was discovered to decrease over the sample period for large and medium-sized banks, while board size remained relatively stable for small banks. These results are robust with respect to different estimation specifications. Furthermore, the study’s findings have important policy implications for bank regulators and investors.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of more than 2.5 million HotCopper messages on the Australian stock market. HotCopper is the largest online stock message board in Australia and the sample of messages covers over 2000 companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from January 2003 through December 2008. We exclude messages surrounding public price-sensitive announcements released centrally by the ASX in order to examine the private information content of internet board messages. We find that the number of board messages and message sentiment significantly and positively relate to the contemporaneous returns of underperforming (low ROE, EBIT margin, EPS) small capitalization stocks with high market growth potential (low book-to-market). Posting activity is positively associated with trading volume for small stocks and negatively associated with bid-ask spreads for small and large stocks in the short term. Bullish small stocks outperform bearish ones significantly in respective days and months, exhibiting no return reversals to pre-message board activity levels in subsequent time periods. Large stocks are not found to be affected by message board activity. We conclude that higher message board activity quickly reflects itself into the prices of small capitalization stocks in a highly regulated market like the ASX.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects on acquisitions of creditor-director presence on corporate boards. Using a hand-collected dataset for boards of large U.S. corporations, we find that companies with creditor-directors are more likely to engage in acquisitions with attributes that are unfavorable to shareholders and favorable to creditors (more diversifying and fewer cash-financed acquisitions). Consistent with these patterns, acquisition announcements are associated with lower shareholder value, higher creditor value, and lower overall firm value when a creditor is present. These results support the hypothesis that conflicts of interest between shareholders and creditors can result in value-destroying acquisitions. In addition, commercial bankers with no lending relationship are not affected by conflicts of interest. Where appropriate, our estimation strategy takes into account that there may be self selection of bankers onto corporate boards.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of co-opted directors and further tests the monitoring effectiveness of non-co-opted independent directors and co-opted independent directors on capital structure decisions. Employing a large sample of 2548 US firms over the 1996–2015 period, we find strong evidence that co-opted boards exert a positive and significant influence on firms' financial leverage. We also find that, whereas co-opted independent directors are positively associated with financial leverage, non-co-opted independent directors have a negative influence on a firm's leverage ratio, suggesting that co-option weakens the effective monitoring, thereby increasing the firm's leverage ratio. Further analysis indicates that co-opted boards adjust towards target leverage levels at a faster speed, with a half-life within a year for book and market leverage. Lastly, our results show that the agency costs of managerial discretion and stockholder-bondholder conflicts arising from board co-option are important drivers of financial leverage relative to tax incentives. Our results are robust to alternative measures of board co-option, financial leverage, and endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

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