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深圳2012年5月29日电/美通社亚洲/——2012年5月10-11日,TUV南德意志集团(以下简称TUVSUD)携手深圳出入境检验检疫局CIO与德国国际合作机构GIZ举办的"中德(深圳)玩具实验室比对测试启动  相似文献   

2009年中国玩具出口累计198亿美元,比2008年下降了22%。不过值得注意的是,进入10月以来,中国玩具出口持续增长,加上全球经济的复苏,欧洲市场需求的增加,根据NPD最新预测,2010年世界玩具市场的销售额将达863亿美元。根据该项报告,北美市场占世界市场的33%,紧随其后的是占30%份额的欧洲市场和占24%的亚洲市场。显然,2010年对玩具企业来说更加关键。  相似文献   

欧盟是中国中药出口的一个关键市场,其设置的绿色贸易壁垒对中药出口的影响不可小觑。笔者查阅大量文献和数据,通过对中国中药出口面临的欧盟绿色贸易壁垒情况以及对中国中药企业存在的影响分析,针对性地提出应对欧盟绿色贸易壁垒的策略  相似文献   

This paper shows that voluntary product standards in EU food and agriculture markets can have significant trade effects. In particular for all countries and for goods that are raw or lightly processed, EU standards can often be trade-inhibiting. However, internationally harmonized EU standards—those that are equivalent to ISO norms—have much weaker trade effects, and in some cases are even trade-promoting. EU standards may have hurt developed countries more than developing countries, but this result is dependent on the sector. At a policy level, the results highlight the importance of dealing with the trade effects of voluntary standards in major markets, not just mandatory public standards.  相似文献   

为保证农业高效用水工程的质量,充分发挥节水增产增效的效益,严格实行工程质量监督是十分必要的.为此,从农业高效用水工程建设施工的一般要求与技术监督、农业高效用水工程施工技术监督的方法、农业高效用水工程施工质量检查评分、竣工验收等方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The recent economic downturn in Zimbabwe impoverished the majority of households. To assist vulnerable rural households improve their food security, the British Department for International Development implemented a seed relief program from 2003/2004 to 2005/2006 that emphasized recycling of maize open pollinated varieties (OPV). Using data collected from 597 households in six districts in 2006, this study assesses the effectiveness of the program in terms of its targeting of beneficiaries, the flow of information from participating NGOs to beneficiaries on the need to recycle the seeds, and the level of recycling done at the end of the program. The empirical results suggest that the targeting method participating NGOs use inadvertently excludes relatively vulnerable households while including large proportions of relatively well-endowed households in the program. The choice of varieties to distribute is guided more by the ecological adaptability of available commercial seeds and less by preferences of beneficiaries. Notwithstanding the fact that seed selection information is critical in encouraging beneficiaries to recycle distributed seed, not all of them received it. In conclusion, it may be stated that the program undoubtedly contributed to increased food productivity by vulnerable households but its overall effectiveness could have been enhanced through (i) the involvement of the beneficiaries in the choice of types of seed to be distributed, (ii) better targeting of beneficiaries, and (iii) improved information flow between NGOs and beneficiaries.  相似文献   

2012年以来,晋江辖区玩具出口持续呈现强劲增长态势。日前,记者从泉州检验检疫局晋江办事处获悉,前8个月该办事处检验共出口玩具2604批、货值6125.52美元,同比分别增长3.9%和29.6%。出口玩具  相似文献   

记者从丽水检验检疫局了解到,今年1至10月我市出口木制玩具货值2.3亿多美元,与去年同期相比增长了13%。我市木制玩具出口已经连续18个月保持批次和货值双增长的态势。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of network knowledge resources in influencing firm performance. More specifically: Can a firm that uses the identical supplier network as competitors and purchases similar inputs from the same plants achieve a competitive advantage through that network? In a sample of U.S. automotive suppliers selling to both Toyota and U.S. automakers, we found that greater knowledge sharing on the part of Toyota resulted in a faster rate of learning within the suppliers' manufacturing operations devoted to Toyota. Indeed, from 1990 to 1996 suppliers reduced defects by 50 percent for Toyota vs. only 26 percent for their largest U.S. customer. The quality differences were found to persist within suppliers because the inter‐organizational routines and policies at GM, Ford, and Chrysler acted as barriers to knowledge transfers within suppliers' plants. These findings empirically demonstrate that network resources have a significant influence on firm performance. We also show that some firm resources and capabilities are relation‐specific and are not easily transferable (redeployable) to other buyers or networks. This result implies that a firm may be on its production possibility frontier for each customer but the productivity frontier will be different for each customer owing to constraints associated with the customer's network. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the literature and often in practice, technical assistance, technical information, and technology transfer are treated as three separate activities. This paper discusses the relationship between them. Illustrations are given of the inability of overspecialized systems to effectively serve a broad range of needs. Some suggestions are made for research that is needed in this area. to help improve the design of systems and institutions and the training of people to carry out these functions. Some experimental ideas are presented which can help to resolve some of the policy and design problems in this area.  相似文献   

Office automation is a concept with which the majority of executives and senior managers profess to agree but to which few have made a serious commitment. The authors examine the barriers to office automation which may be responsible for the reluctance of many executives to proceed with automating the office. In addition, they offer suggestions for removing the real and perceived obstacles to office automation.  相似文献   

This article describes the importance of scientific and technical information for the technical personnel at various organizational hierarchies and how these people satisfy their information needs. Inter- and intraorganizational channels used for information acquisition are discussed. Implications of these channels are discussed for industrial marketing.  相似文献   

中国是欧盟第一大进口来源地,2013年,中国出口欧盟总额达3702.7亿美元,其中,儿童用品是拳头产品,主要包括童装、玩具、童车等。但近年来,中国输欧儿童用品频因不同形式的贸易保护措施而受限,产业安全已遭受不利影响,三大现象须引起高度重视。  相似文献   

干线原油管道是俄罗斯原油的主要运输工具,它属于国有资产,受政府的管理和控制.政府委托管道运输公司实施对干线管道的日常管理和运营,并建立了两种基本制度--管道使用权分配制度和运输价格决定制度,以实现管道利用的最优化和原油出口利益的最大化.管道使用权分配的决定权属于挂靠在能源部下面的管道利用跨部门委员会,委员会参考石油公司的申请每季度进行一次管道使用权分配.由于涉及多方面的利益,对管道使用权分配制度的每一次改动都要克服很大的障碍.管道运输价格由联邦税费局参考管道运输公司的申请决定,原则上每年改定一次.在制定通过远东原油管道向亚太国家出口原油的运输政策时,有三种运价方案可供俄政府考虑.从长期的角度看,俄政府会采取平衡自西西伯利亚地区向东和向西出口运价的方案;从短期的角度看,俄政府会向石油公司提供优惠的运输政策并尽量减小到达中国与到达科兹米诺的运价差.  相似文献   

钢铁出口虽然对河北省经济贡献很大,但是钢铁生产带来的污染问题日益突出。河北省将钢铁大量出口到国外,却把污染留在了国内,环境保护与经济发展之间的矛盾日益激化。近年来,河北省成为全国雾霾最严重地区,治理大气污染已成为河北省亟待解决的问题。因此,研究钢铁出口对河北省碳排放的影响并为河北省治理大气污染提出针对性的对策,是该文研究的目的。在大量河北省钢铁出口与碳排放数据的基础上,运用格兰杰因果分析方法以及回归方法对钢铁出口与河北省碳排放进行了分析,结果发现二者之间存在紧密的因果关系,钢铁出口是河北省碳排放的格兰杰因。经过计量方法得出钢铁出口对碳排放的影响程度为钢铁出口每增加1%,带来的碳排放增加1.396%的结论。基于研究结论,从政府和企业层面提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

今年前9月,安徽省玩具出口7.1亿元人民币,比上年同期增长7.6%。其中,8月单月玩具出口1.1亿元人民币,同比增长25.1%,出口值和增幅均创今年新高,自5月起,实现连续5个单月出口同比增长。  相似文献   

2012年1-4月,我国出口玩具27.4亿美元,比去年同期(下同)增长7%,增速较去年同期放缓10.3个百分点。其中,4月份当月出口7.6亿美元,同比增长3.8%,  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(3-4):197-208
Modern telecommunications technology is now widely seen as a critical driver in economic development. However, the issues involved in the rapid deployment of this technology are complex and frequently highly controversial. While some issues are technical, the most difficult ones involve changing an institutional framework originally designed for different times and different technologies. The process of changing this framework necessarily involves disruptive change for existing infrastructure and service providers as well as substantial benefits for the economy at large. This paper, based on an extensive series of interviews in Turkey in 2005 as well as published sources, seeks to discuss these issues in light of Turkey's progress to date in taking advantage of advanced available telecommunications technology and the myriad productivity-enhancing services that are associated with it.An important element in developing a more competitive and dynamic sector has been Turkey's long-standing desire to become a member of the European Union (EU). This has encouraged changes in the telecommunications regulatory regime following the guidelines set out in Chapter 19 of the EU “acquis” for candidate members. Nonetheless, substantial further efforts are needed to complete and implement the desired regulatory framework, particularly as it affects the former government monopoly carrier, Turk Telekom and the cable companies. A further limiting factor in recent years has been an overall investment climate characterized by a high level of uncertainty for most investors, regardless of size or nationality.Policy recommendations to help accelerate the deployment of telecommunications technology include a clear reaffirmation of the government's priorities for the sector, a reduction in the level of regulatory uncertainty, strengthening the Board and Staff of the Telecommunications Authority, and reviewing policies to broaden the scope and decrease the cost of telecommunication licenses.  相似文献   

Various functional forms are employed to examine the independent and interactive effects of seller concentration and entry conditions on profitability. Significant interactive effects appear. There is also some evidence of a critical concentration ratio, which affects the slope of the concentration-profitability relationship.  相似文献   

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