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《Journal of econometrics》1998,85(2):269-288
This paper is concerned with tests for seasonal unit roots in a univariate time series process. The paper extends the procedures and tables of critical values due to Hylleberg et al. (1990) and Ghysels et al. (1994) to obtain tests which are similar (exactly and asymptotically) with respect to both the initial values of the process and the possibility of differential seasonal drift under the null hypothesis of a seasonal unit root. Representations are derived for the limiting distributions of the test statistics in this and other cases of interest. These representations provide an explanation for the similarity between critical values for the statistics in different scenarios. The seasonal unit root properties of real seasonally unadjusted UK non-durable consumption expenditure are re-examined.  相似文献   

Panel unit root tests under cross-sectional dependence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper alternative approaches for testing the unit root hypothesis in panel data are considered. First, a robust version of the Dickey-Fuller t -statistic under contemporaneous correlated errors is suggested. Second, the GLS t -statistic is considered, which is based on the t -statistic of the transformed model. The asymptotic power of both tests is compared against a sequence of local alternatives. To adjust for short-run serial correlation of the errors, we propose a pre-whitening procedure that yields a test statistic with a standard normal limiting distribution as N and T tends to infinity. The test procedure is further generalized to accommodate individual specific intercepts or linear time trends. From our Monte Carlo simulations it turns out that the robust OLS t -statistic performs well with respect to size and power, whereas the GLS t -statistic may suffer from severe size distortions in small and moderate sample sizes. The tests are applied to test for a unit root in real exchange rates.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,127(1):103-128
Seasonal and non-seasonal data are frequently observed with noise. For instance, the time series can have irregular abrupt changes and interruptions following as a result of additive or temporary change outliers caused by external circumstances. Equally, the time series can have measurement errors. In this paper we analyse the above types of data irregularities on the behavior of seasonal unit root tests. Outliers and measurement errors can seriously affect seasonal unit root inference and it is shown how the distortion of the tests will depend upon the frequency, magnitude, and persistence of the outliers as well as on the signal to noise ratio associated with measurement errors. Some solutions to the implied inference problems are suggested and shown to work in practice.  相似文献   

We propose a class of distribution-free rank-based tests for the null hypothesis of a unit root. This class is indexed by the choice of a reference densityg, which need not coincide with the unknown actual innovation density f. The validity of these tests, in terms of exact finite-sample size, is guaranteed, irrespective of the actual underlying density, by distribution-freeness. Those tests are locally and asymptotically optimal under a particular asymptotic scheme, for which we provide a complete analysis of asymptotic relative efficiencies. Rather than stressing asymptotic optimality, however, we emphasize finite-sample performances, which also depend, quite heavily, on initial values. It appears that our rank-based tests significantly outperform the traditional Dickey-Fuller tests, as well as the more recent procedures proposed by Elliott et al. (1996), Ng and Perron (2001), and Elliott and Müller (2006), for a broad range of initial values and for heavy-tailed innovation densities. Thus, they provide a useful complement to existing techniques.  相似文献   

This paper employs response surface regressions based on simulation experiments to calculate distribution functions for some well-known unit root and cointegration test statistics. The principal contributions of the paper are a set of data files that contain estimated response surface coefficients and a computer program for utilizing them. This program, which is freely available via the Internet, can easily be used to calculate both asymptotic and finite-sample critical values and P-values for any of the tests. Graphs of some of the tabulated distribution functions are provided. An empirical example deals with interest rates and inflation rates in Canada.  相似文献   

We apply bootstrap methodology to unit root tests for dependent panels with N cross-sectional units and T time series observations. More specifically, we let each panel be driven by a general linear process which may be different across cross-sectional units, and approximate it by a finite order autoregressive integrated process of order increasing with T. As we allow the dependency among the innovations generating the individual series, we construct our unit root tests from the estimation of the system of the entire N cross-sectional units. The limit distributions of the tests are derived by passing T to infinity, with N fixed. We then apply bootstrap method to the approximated autoregressions to obtain critical values for the panel unit root tests, and establish the asymptotic validity of such bootstrap panel unit root tests under general conditions. The proposed bootstrap tests are indeed quite general covering a wide class of panel models. They in particular allow for very general dynamic structures which may vary across individual units, and more importantly for the presence of arbitrary cross-sectional dependency. The finite sample performance of the bootstrap tests is examined via simulations, and compared to that of commonly used panel unit root tests. We find that our bootstrap tests perform relatively well, especially when N is small.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the issue of unit root testing in cross-sectionally dependent panels. We consider panels that may be characterized by various forms of cross-sectional dependence including (but not exclusive to) the popular common factor framework. We consider block bootstrap versions of the group-mean (Im et al., 2003) and the pooled (Levin et al., 2002) unit root coefficient DF tests for panel data, originally proposed for a setting of no cross-sectional dependence beyond a common time effect. The tests, suited for testing for unit roots in the observed data, can be easily implemented as no specification or estimation of the dependence structure is required. Asymptotic properties of the tests are derived for T going to infinity and N finite. Asymptotic validity of the bootstrap tests is established in very general settings, including the presence of common factors and cointegration across units. Properties under the alternative hypothesis are also considered. In a Monte Carlo simulation, the bootstrap tests are found to have rejection frequencies that are much closer to nominal size than the rejection frequencies for the corresponding asymptotic tests. The power properties of the bootstrap tests appear to be similar to those of the asymptotic tests.  相似文献   

Recent developments on the right-tailed unit root tests of Phillips et al., which are used to date stamp the origination and collapse dates of asset price bubbles, have generated considerable interest. This paper provides a review for both empirical researchers that adopt these new econometric tools to detect the presence of asset price bubbles, and theoretical papers that extend these testing procedures. This paper also uses the psymonitor package in R to demonstrate the practical use of such tests using an example based on data for British Railway Mania of the 1840s.  相似文献   

This paper extends the cross-sectionally augmented panel unit root test (CIPSCIPS) proposed by Pesaran (2007) to the case of a multifactor error structure, and proposes a new panel unit root test based on a simple average of cross-sectionally augmented Sargan–Bhargava statistics (CSBCSB). The basic idea is to exploit information regarding the mm unobserved factors that are shared by kk observed time series in addition to the series under consideration. Initially, we develop the tests assuming that m0m0, the true number of factors, is known and show that the limit distribution of the tests does not depend on any nuisance parameters, so long as k≥m0−1km01. Small sample properties of the tests are investigated by Monte Carlo experiments and are shown to be satisfactory. Particularly, the proposed CIPSCIPS and CSBCSB tests have the correct size for all   combinations of the cross section (NN) and time series (TT) dimensions considered. The power of both tests rises with NN and TT, although the CSBCSB test performs better than the CIPSCIPS test for smaller sample sizes. The various testing procedures are illustrated with empirical applications to real interest rates and real equity prices across countries.  相似文献   

Due to weaknesses in traditional tests, a Bayesian approach is developed to investigate whether unit roots exist in macroeconomic time-series. Bayesian posterior odds comparing unit root models to stationary and trend-stationary alternatives are calculated using informative priors. Two classes of reference priors which are informative but require minimal subjective prior input are used. In this sense the Bayesian unit root tests developed here are objective. Bayesian procedures are carried out on the Nelson–Plosser and Shiller data sets as well as on generated data. The conclusion is that the failure of classical procedures to reject the unit root hypothesis is not necessarily proof that a unit root is present with high probability.  相似文献   

We propose a unit root test for panels with cross-sectional dependency. We allow general dependency structure among the innovations that generate data for each of the cross-sectional units. Each unit may have different sample size, and therefore unbalanced panels are also permitted in our framework. Yet, the test is asymptotically normal, and does not require any tabulation of the critical values. Our test is based on nonlinear IV estimation of the usual augmented Dickey–Fuller type regression for each cross-sectional unit, using as instruments nonlinear transformations of the lagged levels. The actual test statistic is simply defined as a standardized sum of individual IV t-ratios. We show in the paper that such a standardized sum of individual IV t-ratios has limit normal distribution as long as the panels have large individual time series observations and are asymptotically balanced in a very weak sense. We may have the number of cross-sectional units arbitrarily small or large. In particular, the usual sequential asymptotics, upon which most of the available asymptotic theories for panel unit root models heavily rely, are not required. Finite sample performance of our test is examined via a set of simulations, and compared with those of other commonly used panel unit root tests. Our test generally performs better than the existing tests in terms of both finite sample sizes and powers. We apply our nonlinear IV method to test for the purchasing power parity hypothesis in panels.  相似文献   

For dynamic panel models with cross-sectional dependence, several unit root tests are constructed using a Huber-type instrument, whose null asymptotics are standard Gaussian and do not depend on nuisance parameters. A Monte-Carlo simulation shows that the proposed tests have better sizes and comparable powers relative to other two existing tests developed for cross-sectionally dependent dynamic panel models.  相似文献   

This study examines the random walk hypothesis for the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets for both A and B shares, using daily data over the period 1992–2007. The hypothesis is tested with new multiple variance ratio tests – Whang-Kim subsampling and Kim's wild bootstrap tests – as well as the conventional multiple Chow-Denning test. We find that Class B shares for Chinese stock exchanges do not follow the random walk hypothesis, and therefore are significantly inefficient. The Class A shares seem more efficient.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a novel approach to testing for unit roots in panels, which takes a new contour that is drawn along the line given by the equi-squared-sum instead of the traditional one given by the equi-sample-size. We show in the paper that the distributions of the unit root tests are asymptotically normal along the new contour under both the null and the local-to-unity alternatives. Subsequently, we demonstrate that this startling finding may be exploited constructively to invent tools and methodologies for effective inferences in panel unit root models. Simulations show that our approach works quite well in finite samples.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to examine the nature of Greek regional unemployment. The paper contributes to the literature assessing the stochastic properties of Greek unemployment rate in the context of the Greek regions by relying on various univariate and panel unit root tests. In particular, recently developed and more powerful panel unit-root tests that control for structural breaks, heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence in the panel are employed. The results show that in all cases, after taking into account the fact that regional unemployment rates in Greece are subject to a structural break, the null hypothesis of a unit root is not rejected, indicating that the Greek regional unemployment series are non-stationary with the presence of a structural break.  相似文献   

We provide a family of tests for the IID hypothesis based on generalized runs, powerful against unspecified alternatives, providing a useful complement to tests designed for specific alternatives, such as serial correlation, GARCH, or structural breaks. Our tests have appealing computational simplicity in that they do not require kernel density estimation, with the associated challenge of bandwidth selection. Simulations show levels close to nominal asymptotic levels. Our tests have power against both dependent and heterogeneous alternatives, as both theory and simulations demonstrate.  相似文献   

We show that the maximum power of a generic unit root test against any stationary alternative is equal to the true level of the test. We then use Monte Carlo methods to investigate the implications for several such tests. We show patterns of rejection probabilities over a variety of unit root and stationary processes. We discuss the implications of these results for some of the uses of unit root tests in applied work.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,124(1):187-201
This paper obtains an asymptotic Gaussian power envelope for tests of the null hypothesis of cointegration. In addition, the paper proposes a feasible point optimal cointegration test whose local asymptotic power function is found to be close to the asymptotic Gaussian power envelope.  相似文献   

This article proposes a test for the martingale difference hypothesis (MDH) using dependence measures related to the characteristic function. The MDH typically has been tested using the sample autocorrelations or in the spectral domain using the periodogram. Tests based on these statistics are inconsistent against uncorrelated non-martingales processes. Here, we generalize the spectral test of Durlauf (1991) for testing the MDH taking into account linear and nonlinear dependence. Our test considers dependence at all lags and is consistent against general pairwise nonparametric Pitman's local alternatives converging at the parametric rate n-1/2,n-1/2, with nn the sample size. Furthermore, with our methodology there is no need to choose a lag order, to smooth the data or to formulate a parametric alternative. Our approach could be extended to specification testing of the conditional mean of possibly nonlinear models. The asymptotic null distribution of our test depends on the data generating process, so a bootstrap procedure is proposed and theoretically justified. Our bootstrap test is robust to higher order dependence, in particular to conditional heteroskedasticity. A Monte Carlo study examines the finite sample performance of our test and shows that it is more powerful than some competing tests. Finally, an application to the S&P 500 stock index and exchange rates highlights the merits of our approach.  相似文献   

A new family of spectral shape tests was proposed recently by Durlauf (1991) for testing the martingale hypothesis. Unlike the widely used variance ratio test, spectral shape tests are consistent against all stationary non-white-noise alternatives from the martingale null. In this paper we examine the finite sample properties of the spectral shape tests and find that the tests have good size and power properties even for small samples. We apply the tests to examine the martingale hypothesis for five major currencies vis-à-vis the US dollar for the period 1974–89. The results indicate that most currencies violate the martingale hypothesis. It appears that some rejections are due to long-memory influences.  相似文献   

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