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In this paper, we analyse the optimal exercise strategies for corporate warrants issued by levered firms. For the analysis, we distinguish between two exercise variants, namely the traditional block exercise and competitive exercise in equilibrium. We find that the optimal exercise date under the block condition can be before or after an optimal exercise in equilibrium. Surprisingly, optimal block exercise can occur even without any dividend payments in contrast to the competitive exercise. As a consequence, the asset values and the stock volatility under block exercise fundamentally deviate from those under the competitive exercise variant. Moreover, the value of a warrant in the block case and its exercise strategy do not coincide with those of a corresponding call option which contrasts with the assumption of ‘option-like’ warrant valuation.  相似文献   

The problem of pricing Bermudan options using simulations and nonparametric regression is considered. We derive optimal nonasymptotic bounds for the low biased estimate based on a suboptimal stopping rule constructed from some estimates of the optimal continuation values. These estimates may be of different nature, local or global, with the only requirement being that the deviations of these estimates from the true continuation values can be uniformly bounded in probability. As an illustration, we discuss a class of local polynomial estimates which, under some regularity conditions, yield continuation values estimates possessing the required property.  相似文献   

The pricing problem of options with an early exercise feature, such as American options, is one of the important topics in mathematical finance. Pricing formulas for options with the early exercise feature, however, are not easy to obtain and the numerical methods are thus frequently required to derive the price of these options. The value function of perpetual Bermudan options is characterized with the partial differential equation and this is solved by the finite difference method in this article.  相似文献   

We propose here a theory of cylindrical stochastic integration, recently developed by Mikulevicius and Rozovskii, as mathematical background to the theory of bond markets. In this theory, since there is a continuum of securities, it seems natural to define a portfolio as a measure on maturities. However, it turns out that this set of strategies is not complete, and the theory of cylindrical integration allows one to overcome this difficulty. Our approach generalizes the measure-valued strategies: this explains some known results, such as approximate completeness, but at the same time it also shows that either the optimal strategy is based on a finite number of bonds or it is not necessarily a measure-valued process.Received: November 2002, Mathematics Subject Classification: 60H05, 60G60, 90A09JEL Classification: G10, E43The first author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the CNR Strategic Project Modellizzazione matematica di fenomeni economici. We thank professors A. Bagchi, R. Douady and J. Zabczyk for helpful discussions. A special thanks goes to professors T. Björk, Y. Kabanov and W. Schachermayer for comments and suggestions which contributed to improve the final version of this paper.  相似文献   

试论商业银行品牌战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
靳继同 《新金融》2001,(1):14-16
银行品牌是银行产品个性化的体现,是一家银行及其所提供的产品之所以不同于其他银行的重要标志.银行品牌的内涵主要包括银行产品品牌、服务品牌、文化品牌、管理品牌等方面的内容.随着市场经济的发展和竞争的不断深化,银行竞争的内容逐步从产品竞争上升到了品牌竞争.创立和发展品牌,实施品牌战略已经成为现代商业银行生存、发展和竞争取胜的重要法宝.  相似文献   

Because of limited wood resources the Scandinavian forest sector will soon have to make the transition from rapid to slow industrial growth. This will mean increased wood prices, excessive removals, increased centralisation, and reduced employment. The authors discuss the strategies available to cushion the effects of the transition, and the factors that should be taken into account when choosing a strategy. Their conclusions are based on a computer model which enables possible developments in the forest sector over the next 30–50 years to be simulated quickly.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the source of momentum profits, while inferring the validity of the assumptions underlying rational and behavioural theories. Using a unique sample of securities listed in the Italian Stock Exchange from 1950 to 1995, we observe that buying better performing stocks in the previous 3-12 months and selling worse performing stocks over the same period yields significant profits in the short term (less than 1 year). Results also hold when conditioned upon different risk specifications. On the other hand, the continuation effect seems to significantly revert over a longer period. More importantly, in contrast with Conrad and Kaul [Rev. Financ. Stud. 11 (1998) 489], bootstrap and Monte Carlo simulations show that momentum profits are more likely to be generated by stock returns time series properties rather than by their cross-sectional differences. While the overall findings cannot reject the market efficiency hypothesis, we argue that behavioural theory may be a possible “story” to interpret the continuation effect.  相似文献   

Four strategies for the age of smart services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Allmendinger G  Lombreglia R 《Harvard business review》2005,83(10):131-4, 136, 138 passim
Most industrial manufacturers realize that the real money isn't in products but in services. Companies such as General Electric and IBM have famously made the transition: A large proportion of their revenues and margins come from providing value-added services to customers. But other companies attempting to do the same might miss the boat. It is not enough, the authors say, just to provide services. Businesses must now provide "smart services"--building intelligence (awareness and connectivity) into the products themselves. Citing examples such as Heidelberger Druckmaschinen's Internet-connected printing presses and Eaton Electrical's home-monitoring service, the authors demonstrate how a product that can report its status back to its maker represents an opportunity for the manufacturer to cultivate richer, longer-term relationships with customers. Four business models will emerge in this new, networked world. If you go it alone, it may be as an embedded innovator- that is, your networked product sends back information that can help you optimize service delivery, eliminate waste and inefficiency, and raise service margins. Or, you may pursue a more aggressive solutionist business model- that is, you position your networked product as a "complete solution provider," able to deliver a broader scope of high-value services than those provided by the embedded innovator's product. In the case of a system that aggregates and processes data from multiple products in a building or home, you may be either an aggregator or a synergist, partnering with others to pursue a smart-services opportunity. An aggregator's product is the hub, collecting and processing usage information- and creating a high-value body of data. A synergist's product is the spoke, contributing valuable data or functionality. Woe to the company that takes none of these paths; it'll soon find its former customers locked in--and happily--to other smart service providers.  相似文献   

俗话说,将军们总是在打上一场战争.意思是说,在新的情况下他们仍然使用从之前战争中总结出来的已经过时的战略战术.信用卡发行机构通常使用余额控制策略来规避高风险的客户,同时留住有价值的长期客户.但是,信贷危机前制定的策略已经不能满足当前的业务需求了.在新形势下涌现出了大量高风险、低价值客户,而由此形成的风险规避趋势使得低风险、高价值客户被忽视,甚至受到伤害.  相似文献   

本文分析了当前信贷市场的需求特征及农行信贷营销中存在的问题 ,对如何加强现阶段信贷资产营销进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The winners in business play hardball, and they don't apologize for it. They single-mindedly pursue competitive advantage and the benefits it offers: a leading market share, great margins, and rapid growth. They pick their shots, seek out competitive encounters, set the pace of innovation, and test the edges of the possible. Softball players, by contrast, may look good--they may report decent earnings and even get favorable coverage in the business press--but they aren't intensely serious about winning. They don't accept that you must sometimes hurt your rivals, and risk being hurt, to get what you want. Instead of running--not scared, but smart--softball players seem almost to be standing around and watching. They don't play to win; they play to play. That approach may reflect the recent focus of management science, which itself has gone soft. Indeed, the discourse around soft issues such as leadership, corporate culture, knowledge management, talent management, and employee empowerment has encouraged the making of softball players. While there are countless ways to play hardball, a handful of classic strategies are effective in generating competitive advantage. Best employed in bursts of ruthless intensity, these strategies are: Devastate rivals' profit sanctuaries, plagiarize with pride, deceive the competition, unleash massive and overwhelming force, and raise competitors' costs. But hardball isn't only about the moves you make. It's also about the attitude you bring to them. The playbook won't do you any good if you feel squeamish about using it. Do you have what it takes to play hardball?  相似文献   

Until the technology needed to surmount global physical limits is discovered and widely used, raising standards of living in much of the third world is a luxury. Three ways of creating the wealth required to support such a massive technological and investment programme are reviewed: letting present trends continue, going for increased regional autonomy, or greatly increasing prices of third world primary exports. A simple model with five sectors and three regions is used; it confirms aspects of The Limits to Growth models, and raises further qualms concerning social and political constraints.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(3):245-255
The performance of optimal strategies for hedging a claim on a non-traded asset is analysed. The claim is valued and hedged in a utility maximization framework, using exponential utility. A traded asset, correlated with that underlying the claim, is used for hedging, with the correlation ρ typically close to 1. Using a distortion method (Zariphopoulou 2001 Finance Stochastics 5 61–82) we derive a nonlinear expectation representation for the claim’s ask price and a formula for the optimal hedging strategy. We generate a perturbation expansion for the price and hedging strategy in powers of ε2?=1?ρ2. The terms in the price expansion are proportional to the central moments of the claim payoff under the minimal martingale measure. The resulting fast computation capability is used to carry out a simulation-based test of the optimal hedging program, computing the terminal hedging error over many asset price paths. These errors are compared with those from a naive strategy which uses the traded asset as a proxy for the non-traded one. The distribution of the hedging error acts as a suitable metric to analyse hedging performance. We find that the optimal policy improves hedging performance, in that the hedging error distribution is more sharply peaked around a non-negative profit. The frequency of profits over losses is increased, and this is measured by the median of the distribution, which is always increased by the optimal strategies. An empirical example illustrates the application of the method to the hedging of a stock basket using index futures.  相似文献   

This article examines three issues. The first is the pervasiveness of technology use and the impact of technology use on performance in the Canadian manufacturing sector. The use of advanced technologies, particularly labour-enhancing ones, is found to be widespread. A strong connection between technology adoption and superior performance is also found. The second section examines the relationship between technology adoption and training in manufacturing firms. Firms using either labour-saving or labour-enhancing technologies are found to be more likely to train. The third section expands this analysis to examine how innovation-related strategies and activities are related to training. Innovation is found to be a key driver behind training in all sectors.  相似文献   

The paper aims to offer a good guideline for anyone who intends to do a futures or a foresight exercise for rural communities. The case presented is the one of the future of rural communities in Romania. The article begins with a brief presentation of the prevailing rural situation in Romania followed by a dialogue regarding suggestions for the possible objectives of a foresight exercise and the methods used (e.g. visioning, alternative futures, scenarios).  相似文献   

The Internet and other electronic channels are enabling a radically different interface between the customer and organisation. This paper argues that too many practitioners in this environment have failed to recognise its primary role as a channel and have been seduced into believing, wrongly, that the medium itself is enough to create a motivational customer proposition. The paper then goes on to describe an approach for a sustainable model based on well-established best practice customer management principles. Finally, it concludes with an example of how real and virtual channels can be used in such a model in a way that each is used to deliver what it is best suited for.  相似文献   

There are incentives on both sides of the practitioner–academic divide for co-production of research. This article identifies and evaluates five strategies for achieving more engaged and engaging scholarship. At one end of the spectrum are models involving relatively low levels of involvement by practitioners, for example as the providers of data or passive recipients of research findings. At the other end, practitioners play an active role in commissioning, overseeing and learning from studies. Higher levels of engagement should enhance the prospects of utilization but may risk politicizing the research process. So it is important to be clear about the benefits of and barriers to different forms of co-production and to recognize what works best, in which circumstances and for whom.  相似文献   

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