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简论收入分配差距在消费层面的表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从我国居民消费与分配差距间实证关系、居民的消费倾向、年底人民币储蓄余额和最终消费支出等几个方面,表述了收入分配差距在消费层面存有不"和谐"因素.认为收入分配差距过大,对经济增长的影响主要表现在有效需求上,即当前我们所抓的国内需求上;而有效需求,尤其是有效需求中的消费需求,也从一个侧面体现着收入分配差距状况.  相似文献   

城乡收入差距对消费需求影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在目前外部经济受到较大冲击的情况下,刺激国内消费需求已成为中国面临的重要政策举措.作为影响消费需求的重要因素,城乡收入差距问题不能不成为我们研究的重点.本文总结了中国1978-2008年间社会消费与收入分配现状,从理论和实证两个方面探讨了城乡收入差距与消费需求之间的关系,根据相关结论,提出了增加农民收入、建立健全社会保障制度和加强收入调控等政策措施.  相似文献   

消费条件模型和各地区消费条件指数   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
樊纲  王小鲁 《经济研究》2004,39(5):13-21
本文建立了一个消费条件模型来考察影响我国人均消费水平变化的各种因素 ,包括交通运输和通讯等基础设施条件、城市化水平、消费者信用手段的发展、社会保障体系的发展 ,以及收入分配差距等等。模型发现城市化水平是在收入水平以外对人均消费影响最大的变量。交通运输和通讯设施条件也对消费有重要影响。银行卡普及率和养老保险的普及有正的影响 ,而以吉尼系数表示的收入差距可能具有负影响。基于模型取得的对消费影响的经验参数 ,作者建立了一个中国各地区消费条件指数 ,对各省市自治区的消费条件状况进行刻画。这对于进一步研究消费变动的未来趋势将有重要意义  相似文献   

收入差距、位置消费与社会稳定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
适度、合理的收入差距,不仅是激励人们竞争,促进发展的重要务件,也是位置消费产生的基本条件;但过分悬殊的收入差距则不仅会影响人们的社会心理,不利于提高有效消费,而且可能产生畸形的位置消费行为,甚至会因此影响社会的稳定.在分析和研究目前收入分配问题时,应当从位置消费的新视角研究它们对社会稳定的影响.研究位置消费有利于我们从人们相互比较的满意度中观察改革的效果,权衡各项利弊得失,并及时地采取微调措施,尽可能地减少改革的摩擦和阻力.  相似文献   

内需不足是制约经济发展的瓶颈。当前我国内需求最有潜力扩大的地方是广大农村,特别是农村的消费需求。消费理论认为,影响消费的最主要的因素是可支配收入,因此增加农民的可支配收入是扩大农村消费需求也是扩大社会总需求的关键。  相似文献   

农户消费决定因素:基于有序probit模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以问卷调查数据为基础,利用有序Probit模型建立农户消费需求模型,分析微观因素对农户消费的影响.模型的计量经济分析表明:(1)农户家庭的经济状况对农户的消费有重要的影响.低收入家庭消费意愿明显高于高收入家庭;(2)户主个人因素对农户消费意愿有重要影响.户主受教育水平的提高以及户主主业的非农化对农户消费有积极的影响;(3)农村金融发展和农村保险体系完善与农户的消费意愿呈正相关;(4)农村居民消费环境对农户消费意愿有重要影响.并据此提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

文章基于消费函数和误差修正模型,分别建立了我国农村和城镇居民消费的协整方程和误差修正模型,结果发现农村居民和城镇居民各自的收入和消费存在长期协整关系,并且这种关系由于体制改革和制度创新而发生了结构性变化。农村居民的边际消费倾向较高,收入不足才是农民消费需求不足的根源,因此扩大农民消费需求的政策着眼点应当放在促进农民增收、提高农民收入水平方面。对于城镇居民来说,其消费需求疲软主要是边际消费倾向较低造成的,要通过体制改革和制度创新提高城镇居民边际消费倾向以刺激城镇居民消费需求。  相似文献   

张保法  曹治星 《经济师》2007,(2):283-283
文章利用2005年河南省城市调查队城镇居民生活抽样调查资料,建立了河南省城镇居民扩展线性支出系统(ELES)需求函数模型。通过模型分析了河南省城镇居民对各类商品的基本需求和边际消费倾向,研究了收入的变动对需求的影响,及消费需求结构的变动趋势。  相似文献   

运用凯恩斯绝对收入假说,对武汉城市居民人均收入与消费支出统计数据(1980—2009)进行了参数估计和检验并建立了城市居民的消费收入模型,结果表明,当期收入是影响居民消费的最直接、最重要的因素,并提出相应的一些政策建议。  相似文献   

基于人口老龄化背景,本文根据标准消费人的方法测算出我国1995—2011年老年人消费总支出,选用老年人人均消费支出反映老年人消费需求,利用单位根检验、协整检验和误差修正模型的估计与检验方法,就社会基本养老保险对老年人消费需求的影响进行实证研究。结果表明:社会基本养老保险拉动老年人消费的经济效益明显,据此提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This article presents a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model in which income smoothing takes place within the households (intra-temporally), and consumption smoothing takes place among the households (inter-temporally). Idiosyncratic risk-sharing within the family is based on an income smoothing contract. There are two-sectors in the model, the regular sector and the underground sector, and the smoothing comes from the underground sector, which is countercyclical with respect to aggregate GDP. The article shows that the simulated disaggregated consumption and income series (that are the regular and underground consumption flows) are more sensitive to exogenous changes in sector-specific productivity and tax rates than regular and underground income flows, and that this picture is reversed when the aggregate series are considered.  相似文献   

This paper extends public spending-based growth theory along three directions: we assume a logistic trajectory for the ratio of government expenditure to aggregate income, self-limiting population change, and exogenous technological progress. By focusing on the choices of a benevolent social planner we find that, if the inverse of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution in consumption is sufficiently high, the ratio of consumption to private physical capital converges towards zero when time goes to infinity. Depending on the form of the underlying aggregate production function and on whether, for given production function, technological progress equals zero or a positive constant, our model may or may not yield an asymptotically balanced growth path (ABGP) equilibrium. When there is no exogenous technological progress, an equilibrium where population size, the ratio of government spending to aggregate income and the ratio of consumption to private physical capital are all constant does exist and the equilibrium is a saddle point. In case of positive technological progress numerical simulations show that the model still exhibits an ABGP equilibrium.  相似文献   

We analyse the influence of financial openness on the level of aggregate consumption, a research question that has been left surprisingly unexplored by the previous literature. We construct a complete and balanced panel data set of 88 countries for the period 1980–2010, and then differentiate between four groups of countries. Models for non‐stationary heterogeneous panels, as well as panel threshold regression models, are used to estimate the determinants of aggregate consumption. The core finding of the paper is that the financial openness effect on consumption changes in the course of economic development, with the level or per capita income acting as a threshold which is consistently estimated within the model. The openness effect is non‐homogeneous across groups, stronger for low levels of per capita income and diminishes as income rises. These findings provide new insights into the welfare effect of financial liberalization.  相似文献   

Consumption dynamics under information processing constraints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies how “rational inattention” (RI)—a type of information processing constraint proposed by Sims [Sims, C.A., 2003. Implications of rational inattention, Journal of Monetary Economics 50 (3), 665–690]—affects the joint dynamics of consumption and income in a permanent income model with general income processes. Specifically, I propose an analytical approach to solve the multivariate permanent income model with RI and examine its implications for optimal consumption, saving, and welfare. It is shown that RI can affect the relative volatility of consumption and provide an endogenous propagation mechanism that disentangles the short-run and long-run responses of consumption to exogenous income shocks. I also explore how aggregation reduces the impact of the RI-induced endogenous noise on consumption and thus increases the smoothness of aggregate consumption. Finally, I compare RI with four alternative hypotheses (habit formation, signal extraction, robustness, and inattentiveness) by examining their implications for the joint behavior of consumption and income.  相似文献   

This study extends a two-sector Kaleckian model of output growth and income distribution by incorporating endogenous labour productivity growth. The model is composed of investment goods and consumption goods production sectors. The impact of a change in wage and profit shares on capacity utilisation and output growth rates at the sectoral and aggregate levels are identified. The study reveals short-run cyclical capacity utilisation rates and productivity growth dynamics. Even if the short-run steady state is stable, the capital accumulation rate in the consumption goods sector must decrease more than that in the investment sector for long-run stability. When simultaneous rises in profit shares in both the sectors affect long-run aggregate economic growth differently at a steady state, the distributional interests between the same class in different sectors may hamper the long-run economic growth. A policy message is that the effect of income distribution on industrial output growth is not always beneficial. These phenomena are specific to two-sector models and cannot be observed when using conventional aggregate growth models.  相似文献   

我国宏观消费率变化的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国宏观消费率的下降程度应从宏观经济均衡运行的角度来判断,我国宏观消费率的下降主要原因是居民平均消费倾向的下降,宏观消费率的提高主要应从改善微观收入分配、转变经济增长方式、发行国债刺激消费等方面着手.  相似文献   

中国的消费不振与收入分配:理论和数据   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
本文根据消费理论的最新发展对收入分配与总需求关系的认识 ,结合中国的具体国情 ,建立了一个用于解释中国消费不振的理论框架 ,并较好地说明了其它理论所不能解释的一些消费特征。最后提出政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper tests the permanent income hypothesis (PIH) for public consumption. Unlike private agents, a government is a representative national, infinitely-lived agent that usually faces no liquidity constraints. Thus, the expectation is that the PIH restrictions should not be rejected for public consumption. However, using U.S. data, the paper is unable to find evidence supporting the permanent income model of public consumption. Public consumption is found to be sensitive to lagged public income and too smooth relative to permanent public income. The results therefore cast doubt on the characterization of the public sector as a social welfare optimizing agent.  相似文献   

An aggregate consumption function incorporating random coefficient approach is estimated to investigate the changing pattern of consumer response in Austrialia using quarterly data from 1959: IV to 1990: IV. The methdology applied is that of Hidreth and Houck (1968), Singh et al. (1976) and Hoque (1991). The largenge multiplier test, as suggested by Breush and Pagan (1979), supports the hypothesis of randomness in the response coefficients. Our Study indicates strong dependence on the first-difference of income and that consumers respond quite slowly to short-run fluctuations. This is because consumption and income have been found to be integrated of order one and co-integrated. Thus, as error correction model has been estimated following Engle and Granger (1987).  相似文献   

基于国民收入总需求方程的理论研究表明,投资产出效率与消费-投资之比呈倒U型关系,其最优值取决于消费-投资之比与投资增长率的动态均衡.投资增长率是影响投资产出效率变动趋势的关键因素,而消费抑制减弱了投资驱动对经济增长的贡献.1992-2007年中国的省级面板数据研究表明,近五年84%的省区年度消费率低于最优的消费率水平,而且消费率有逐渐下降的趋势.因此,消费与投资的结构优化有助于投资产出效率的提升.  相似文献   

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