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就产融结合来看,东部地区的金融业比较发达,应该重点发展金融主导型的合作模式,而在中西部地区则应该发展产业主导型的合作模式。  相似文献   

深发展推出固定利率气球贷,首只结构式私募股权投资信托计划面市,鹏华丰收债券基金发行,招行推出小企业融资新品“点金物流金融”,兴业银行“季季丰”理财产品  相似文献   


今年我即将大学毕业,发现找工作比较困难。我想毕业后在繁华路段开一个男士用品专卖店,如果采取加盟的方式需要考虑的因素主要有产品、店面地址、人流量、消费水平等等。请问我还有要注意的方面吗?在大学时就一直阅读你们的杂志,希望能得到你们的帮助。  相似文献   

近年来,我国商业银行的信贷变化受到社会各界的广泛关注.正确看待银行信贷资金在中国社会资金配置中比例下降的问题,是正确认识银行在这几年经济发展中的作用的关键.文章认为,近几年我国商业银行努力扩大信贷供给,其信贷资金供给增长基本上可以满足企业的有效贷款需求的增长以及我国经济增长的需要.而银行信贷资金在社会资金配置中比例下降是中国经济市场化的必然结果,它符合市场经济中融资格局多元化以及商业银行自身定位市场化的发展趋势.针对当前银行信贷工作中存在的主要问题,文章最后从银行自身方面提出了改进优化资金配置的具体建议.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,新兴市场经济体国家曾面临三轮大规模的资本流动。第一次是1996年到1997年东南亚金融危机期间;第二次是2006年到2008年上半年;第三次则是全球金融危机爆发后直到现在。我们发现,每一轮大规模的资本流动都埋藏着较大的金融隐患。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the findings of the authors' recent survey of 392 CFOs about the current practice of corporate finance, with main focus on the areas of capital budgeting and capital structure. The findings of the survey are predictable in some respects but surprising in others. For example, although the discounted cash flow method taught in our business schools is much more widely used as a project evaluation method than it was ten or 20 years ago, the popularity of the payback method continues despite shortcomings that have been pointed out for years. In setting capital structure policy, CFOs appear to place less emphasis on formal leverage targets that reflect the trade‐off between the costs and benefits of debt than on “informal” criteria such as credit ratings and financial flexibility. And despite the efforts of academics to demonstrate that EPS dilution per se should be irrelevant to stock valuation, avoiding dilution of EPS was the most cited reason for companies reluctance to issue equity. But despite such apparent contradictions between theory and practice, finance theory does seem to be gaining ground. For example, large companies were much more likely than their smaller counterparts to use DCF and NPV techniques, while small firms still tended to rely heavily on the payback criterion. And a majority of the CFOs of the large companies said they had “strict” or “somewhat strict” target debt ratios, whereas only a third of small firms claimed to have such targets. What does the future hold? On the one hand, the authors suggest that we are likely to see greater corporate acceptance of certain aspects of financial theory, including the use of real options techniques for evaluating corporate investments. But we are also likely to see further modifications and refinements of the theory, particularly with respect to smaller companies that have limited access to capital markets.  相似文献   

To the extent raising external capital is especially costly for banks (as the preceding article suggests), bank managers have incentives to manage their internal cash flow in ways that minimize their need to raise external equity. One way to accomplish this is to establish bank holding companies that set up internal capital markets for the purpose of allocating scarce capital across their various subsidiaries. By “internal capital market” the authors mean a capital budgeting process in which all the lending and investment opportunities of the different subsidiaries are ranked according to their risk-adjusted returns; and all internal capital available for investment is then allocated to the highestranked opportunities until either the capital is exhausted or returns fall below the cost of capital, whichever comes first. As evidence of the operation of internal capital markets in bank holding companies, the authors report the following set of findings from their own recent studies:
  • ? For large publicly traded bank holding companies, growth rates in lending are closely tied to the banks' internal cash flow and regulatory capital position.
  • ? For the subsidiaries of bank holding companies, what matters most is the capital position and earnings of the holding companies and not of the subsidiaries themselves.
  • ? The lending activity of banks affiliated with multiple bank holding companies appears to be less dependent on their own earnings and capital than the lending of unaffiliated banks.
The authors also report that, after being acquired, previously unaffiliated banks increase their lending in local markets. This finding suggests that, contrary to the concerns of critics of bank consolidation, geographic consolidation may make banks more responsive to local lending opportunities.  相似文献   

At leading companies, financial executives are becoming business partners rather than just scorekeepers. In this environment, capital structure can be a source of competitive advantage, and financial strategy issues are critical: Should your company buy back shares or issue stock, grow internally or join the M & A boom, issue fixed-rate debt or stay floating? These decisions must be addressed one company at a time, balancing the competing priorities of cost, risk, and flexibility. The most important issue, target leverage, depends on the company's desired risk profile, growth plans, and debt cost considerations. But market conditions are also very important: Can the company access the equity market? How will a repurchase announcement be interpreted? Market conditions also affect the raising of debt capital. Rather than maintaining a constant mix of fixed- to floating-rate debt, companies should shift the mix during high- or low-yield environments. Many other financing issues will effectively be decided by market convention. For example, meeting a company's needs with respect to seniority, maturity structure, call flexibility, and financial covenants is often accomplished simply by choosing the market that most closely matches the firm's cost and risk preferences.  相似文献   

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