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Zusammenfassung Der in vielen westlichen Industriel?ndern zu beobachtende positive Zusammenhang zwischen Produktivit?ts- und Exportwachstum führte zu zwei einander entgegengesetzten kausalen Hypothesen. Die erste, von Vertretern des “Export-led-growth”-Modells vorgebrachte Hypothese geht davon aus, da? das Produktivit?tswachstum im wesentlichen über das Exportwachstum bestimmt wird. Dagegen sieht die zweite, auf dem Ricardo-Modell und den Theorien des intra-industriellen Handels beruhende Hypothese das Wachstum der Exporte von der Produktivit?t bestimmt. Die Richtung in der Kausalit?t zwischen Exporten und Produktivit?t hat entsprechende Konsequenzen für die Einsch?tzung von Instrumenten der Industriepolitik. W?hrend das “Export-led-growth”-Modell und jüngere Au?enhandelstheorien Wechselkursabwertungen bzw. Exportsubventionen zur Ankurbelung der Exporte und damit der Produktivit?t nahelegen, ziehen die Theorien des intra-industriellen Handels eine Subvention von Forschung und Entwicklung und/oder des Outputs als wirkungsvollere Ma?nahmen zur Beschleunigung der Produktivit?t vor. Der Aufsatz untersucht anhand ?sterreichischen Datenmaterials, welche der beiden Kausalhypothesen mit der beobachteten Entwicklung der Exporte, der Produktivit?t und der Terms of Trade kompatibel ist. Dabei bedient sich die Arbeit des Wiener-Granger-Konzepts als statistischer Test auf Kausalit?t. Zudem werden Simulationen durchgeführt, um die dynamischen Eigenschaften der untersuchten Zeitreihen zu bestimmen.   相似文献   

This paper applies time series analysis to study how the gap between a number of countries and the USA evolves through time. As other authors, it is found that time series analysis provides a better insight into the concept of convergence than the cross sectional one. The econometric results show that the stochastic behaviour of the output disparity varies considerably: neither the steady-state equilibrium nor the speed of convergence are unique and constant across countries and time. In general, there is catching up for European countries, convergence for East and South Asian countries, and neither of them for Latin American countries.  相似文献   

Norbert Schuh 《Empirica》1985,12(1):67-85
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Politikineffizienzthese für die Geldpolitik in Österreich getestet. Dabei wird der Testmethodologie von Barro gefolgt. Die bisher vorliegende Studie von Driscoll et al. hat die Hypothese abgelehnt, da sich die Annahme der rationalen Erwartungen über den Geldangebotsprozeß als statistisch nicht erfüllt herausgestellt hatte. Dies überrascht insofern, als gerade der Geldangebotsprozeß eher dürftig diskutiert wurde. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher der Geldangebotsprozeß eingehend analysiert und aufgezeigt, wie sensitiv die Ergebnisse hinsichtlich geringfügiger Veränderungen der Geldmengengleichungen sind.Im Gegensatz zu Driscoll et al. kommt die vorliegende Arbeit zu dem Schluß, daß die Politikineffizienzthese nicht verworfen werden kann. Auf Grund der observational equivalence sind sowohl keynesianische Modelle als auch die Politikineffizienzthese mit diesen Ergebnissen vereinbar. Das Resultat reicht daher nicht aus, keynesianische Politik als unsinnig zurückzuweisen.Als interessanter Aspekt der empirischen Analyse zeigt sich, daß die strikte Lucas-Angebotsfunktion die Berücksichtigung laufender Information ausschließt, für Österreich keine Geltung hat. Die Residuen der Geldmengengleichung besitzen nämlich nur dann Erklärungswert, wenn die laufende Zinssatzdifferenz zwischen Österreich und der BRD in die Geldmengengleichung eingeht.Weiters ergibt sich auf Grund eines CUSUM-Tests, daß es keineswegs unproblematisch ist, zur Bestimmung der Parameterwerte der Geldmengengleichung die gesamte Stützperiode heranzuziehen, anstatt jeweils nur die Datenmatrix bis zum Zeitpunktt-1 heranzuziehen.  相似文献   

Within the study of multivariate time series, this work is centered on vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) models, specifically on the specification stage. Until now, numerous procedures have been proposed to resolve the problem of identifying the dynamic behavior in a VARMA model framework. A new strategy is added to specify VARMA models justified by results within the field of matrix Padé approximation. Besides contributing a characterization of these models, alternative methods are added to those already in the literature to deal with the problems of identifiability and exchangeability. The obtained characterizations have the advantage of graphically presenting the results in tables for direct interpretation. The proposed technique is illustrated by means of a theoretical example, a simulated model, and data from economic variables (already dealt with by other authors) in order to compare results.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss a multivariate generalization of autoregressive integrated moving average models. A methodology for constructing multivariate time series models is developed and the derivation of forecasts from such models is considered. A bivariate model for Austrian macroeconomic sequences is constructed. Furthermore it is discussed whether multivariate time series methods can be expected to lead to a significant increase in prediction accuracy when forecasting macroeconomic series.  相似文献   

The paper offers an analysis of current account dynamics and its sustainability in Turkey using quarterly data. The focus is on the nonlinear characterization of the long run intertemporal budget constraint and the stationarity tests. Several well-known tests are applied to identify nonlinearity in the current account time series. The analysis reveals that while the classical unit root tests based on linear specification give rise to conflicting results as to the nonstationarity of the current account deficit series, a threshold unit root test due to Caner and Hansen (2001) fails to reject the null of nonstationarity, implying that the intertemporal budget constraint would not be satisfied in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper uses a dynamic general equilibrium two-country optimizing ‘new-open economy macroeconomics’ model to analyze the consequences of international capital mobility for the effectiveness of fiscal policy. Conventional wisdom suggests that higher capital mobility diminishes the effectiveness of fiscal policy. The model laid out in this paper provides an example that a higher degree of capital mobility can also increase the effectiveness of fiscal policy. This tends to be the case if the stance of monetary policy can be described by means of a simple monetary policy rule.  相似文献   

This paper extends the Feldstein-Horioka (1980), Feldstein (1983) and subsequent studies on the degree of capital mobility, by adopting a random coefficients model. This approach is more general in that it permits inter-country variations in the degree of capital mobility to arise due to the differences in size as well as in other institutional or structural characteristics. In addition, it is a refinement of stochastic laws as defined by Pratt and Schlaifer (1984, 1988). Our results point to significant inter-country differences in the degree of capital mobility, thereby lending support to the random coefficients approach. In particular, our results indicate that, on average, the degree of capital mobility is much higher than implied by fixed coefficients approach. Finally, country size itself does not appear to bear a systematic relationship with the degree of capital mobility as suggested by Murphy (1984).We are grateful to two anonymous referees, and Baldev Raj, Editor of the journal for helpful comments and suggestions. The usual caveat applies.  相似文献   

The impact of the accelerated internationalization of the last decade on the Austrian economy is a controversial issue. Granger's concept of casuality is used to investigate one aspect of the internationalization of production: the realtionship between foreign outward direct investment and exports using aggregate flow data from the Austrian economy. The stationarity of the time series is examined and cointegration tests for the adequacy of the multivariate time series approach are performed. The estimation results suggest significant causality of Austrian foreign outward direct investment and exports in both directions. Impulse response analysis and varience decomposition show a very slow dynamic response of both variables to exogenous shocks of the other. It furthermnore indicates the possiblity of a positive effect of exogeneously increased foreign direct investment on exports and a negative effect of export shocks on foreign direct investment; however, significant long-run effects are not established.  相似文献   

The major aim of this paper is to formulate and estimate a model to explain occupational mobility in Australia. The main hypotheses advanced in the development of the theoretical model are that occupational mobility varies with excess demand (or supply) in the aggregate labour market, that segmentation occurs within individual markets for specific occupations, and that net mobility between occupations is responsive to changes in relative occupational wage rates after adjustment for differential risks of unemployment. The empirical results support the hypothesis that net mobility is a function of changes in relative occupational certainty equivalent wage rates. Further, the statistical properties of the estimates suggest that the structural approach can be highly successful in comparison to previous reduced-form studies in this area.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a recent nonparametric forecasting approach by Sugihara, Grenfell and May (1990) to improve the short term prediction of nonlinear chaotic processes. The idea underlying their forecasting algorithm is as follows: For a nonlinear low-dimensional process, a state space reconstruction of the observed time series exhibits spatial correlation, which can be exploited to improveshort term forecasts by means of locally linear approximations. Still, the important question of evaluating the forecast perfomance is very much an open one, if the researcher is confronted with data that are additionally disturbed by stochastic noise. To account for this problem, a simple nonparametric test to accompany the algorithm is suggested here. To demonstrate its practical use, the methodology is applied to observed price series from commodity markets. It can be shown that the short term predictability of the best fitting linear model can be improved upon significantly by this method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the informational efficiency hypothesis in the short and long term for four major commodity markets (oil, gas, electricity, and coal) from January 1997 to January 2016. Unlike previous studies, we provide a more concise comparative analysis by focusing on different classes of commodities for a large sample, including 5 developed and 3 emerging regions and covering 46 countries. We apply different parametric and non-parametric econometric tests. Our study provides two interesting findings. First, we show that commodity markets are informationally inefficient in the short term. Our portfolio simulations highlight that commodities might provide “good” investment opportunities, but those opportunities vary according to commodity class and regions. Second, we show that most commodity markets become informationally efficient in the long term, thereby reducing investors' interest for the duration. Thus, commodity markets might be used to hedge investor’s portfolios, particularly for speculators and chartists in the short term, while these investments might not be appealing in these markets in the long term.  相似文献   

The study of fiscal convergence in the EU is a relevant issue in the context of economic integration and fiscal harmonization and we report new empirical evidence on this topic using a time series approach. We apply unit root and stationarity tests with an endogenous break for the study of long run, deterministic and stochastic convergence of the national tax burden taking Germany, the United Kingdom and the European average as benchmarks. Only the United Kingdom and Germany show long run convergence and few countries converge despite harmonization efforts and fiscal competition.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an Austrian research project that deals with the question how the Austrian society could cope with long-lasting low economic growth. Various causes of low-growth that are relevant for Austria (a deteriorating balance of trade, increasing resource prices, consumer restraint of households and less immigration) have been identified, leading to an only moderate gross domestic product growth of 0.55 % per year. The resulting impact on the economy is substantial: the labour market suffers from a shortage of labour supply (due to reduced migration) and from a reduced demand for labour (due to reduced demand in consumption, investments and exports). Subsequently, less employment decreases the development of the disposable income of private households (tax rates and social security contributions held constant). Related to this, public debt is higher due to reduced tax incomes and slightly growing public expenditures. From an ecological perspective, resource consumption increases at a slower rate, however, no absolute reduction can be reached. CO2 emissions also slightly increase. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that low growth necessarily leads to the achievement of energy and environmental policy goals. Based on these results, a policy scenario was used to analyze whether and how policy measures are able to cope with the negative consequences of persistent low growth. The results reveal that the selected measures are suitable to reduce negative economic effects: The implementation of reduced working time and an eco-social reform of levies might improve the labour market situation. The negative effects on the national budget can be diminished by a reduction of environmentally harmful subsidies. Induced behaviour changes of private households can reduce energy and resource-intensive consumption.  相似文献   

Vector autoregressive time-series modelling methodology is applied to the 1920s exchange-rate data for France, Germany, the U.S.A., Belgium, and Holland. A Wald test is found to conclusively reject the hypothesis that the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate for all five currencies. Details are given of various external shocks that may have influenced the exchange rates and these are dealt with by a set of dummy variables. The data series exhibit some rapid depreciations and nonstationarities of interest to econometricians and time series analysts.  相似文献   

This article takes a time-series analysis approach to evaluate the directions of causality between tourism flows, on the one side, and museum and monument attendance, on the other. We consider Italy as a case study, and analyse monthly data over the period January 1996 to December 2010. All the considered series are seasonally integrated, and co-integration links emerge. We focus on the error-correction mechanism among co-integrated time series to detect the directional link(s) of causality. Clear-cut results emerge: bi-directional causality exists in the long-run dynamics, but it is the long-run dynamics of visits to museums and monuments that mainly adjust to tourism variables (arrivals, overnights, average stays). In the short run, there are some causal effects going from the cultural sites’ attendance to tourism dynamics. The nonstationary nature of time series, their co-integration relationships and the direction of causal links suggest specific implications for tourism and cultural policies.  相似文献   

This paper examines price and inflation convergence between three European countries (Italy, Spain and the U.K.) and a European average and, alternatively, between them and Germany from the beginning of the 80's.  For this purpose the long-run stochastic relationships on prices derived from the convergence criteria agreed in the Maastricht Treaty are analyzed. In order to do this, some recent unit root tests have been applied as well as time-varying parameters models.  The results reject the long-run convergence hypothesis in all the cases but allow us to accept the existence of catching-up with the European average and Germany in some cases depending on the nature of the prices and on the countries considered. First version received: March 1997/final version received: May 1999  相似文献   

Okun's coefficient is estimated from U.S. quarterly data covering the period 1947:1–1992:2. The cyclical components of unemployment and output are extracted by smoothing using the Kalman filter as applied to Harvey's structural time series model. The estimated Okun's coefficient is around −0.38 irrespective of the whether the model used is static or dynamic and irrespective of the lag length in the dynamic model.  相似文献   

This paper exploits a structural time series approach to model the time pattern of multiple and resurgent food scares and their direct and cross-product impacts on consumer response. A structural time series Almost Ideal Demand System (STS-AIDS) is embedded in a vector error correction framework to allow for dynamic effects (VEC-STS-AIDS). Italian aggregate household data on meat demand is used to assess the time-varying impact of a resurgent BSE crisis (1996 and 2000) and the 1999 Dioxin crisis. The VEC-STS-AIDS model monitors the short-run impacts and performs satisfactorily in terms of residuals diagnostics, overcoming the major problems encountered by the customary vector error correction approach.  相似文献   

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