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Horizontal Mergers and Merger Waves in a Location Model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider sequential mergers in a spatial model with Cournot competition. This model is suitable for explaining the behaviour of some industries where several brands of the same product are delivered by plants. The automobile and oil product industries are examples. To discuss sequential mergers, we use the method of Nilssen and Sørgard (1998). We show that if the transportation cost per length is large relative to market size, a merger wave occurs. In addition, it might improve social surplus. On the other hand, if the transportation cost per length is relatively small, a merger wave does not occur even though firms would be better off with sequential mergers.
We also compare our model to that of Levy and Reitzes (1992) who consider horizontal mergers with spatial price competition. We show that in a merger of neighbouring firms the merged firm's profit decreases. This result is opposite to that of Levy and Reitzes (1992).
Finally, we consider how a regulator affects sequential mergers. When each merger occurs, the regulator assesses each merger. In this case, there is a possibility that the existence of the regulator deters welfare-improving sequential mergers.  相似文献   

We construct a tractable model of an oligopolistic industry that allows us to capture the role of the vertical structure in the incentives for and implications of cross-border horizontal mergers. We show that vertical integration can increase the gains from cross-border mergers. We also demonstrate how market concentration interacts with costs in the decision of a relatively efficient foreign firm located in one country (source) to merge with a disintegrated or an integrated firm in another country (target) when the industry is vertically related. Absent any merger incentives in an autarkic equilibrium, we demonstrate that vertical integration can raise the incentives for diversification in production and add to the gains from cross-border horizontal mergers. Any additional gain from cross-border horizontal mergers, due to the existence of a vertically integrated production structure, is shown to be sensitive to the relative market concentration across countries. Cross-border mergers will be triggered by a relatively cost-efficient source taking over a disintegrated target when pre-merger competition among the disintegrated firms is relatively intense but, otherwise, the initial target will be a vertically integrated firm.  相似文献   

王鹏 《时代经贸》2008,6(1):129-131
并购现已成为企业在日趋激烈的竞争环境下谋求生存和发展的重要手段。但是,许多企业在并购过程中,没有进行有效的人力资源整合,导致企业在完成了资本整合之后,出现了大规模的人才流失,对刚刚合并后的新企业造成致命的打击。正确认识企业并购中人力资源整合的重要性并有效的实施人力资源整合,是并购企业急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of mergers on collusion, depending on the endowment of capital assets among firms. We show that mergers render collusion easier to sustain when an asymmetric capital stock is combined with less-efficient insiders, due to more symmetric conditions and tighter incentive constraints. Moreover, the model allows us to determine an optimal threshold of asymmetry between insiders and outsiders such that mergers have pro-competitive effects; we compare this value with that which would generate perfect symmetry between firms after the merger.  相似文献   

Municipal mergers have become a worldwide phenomenon in the past few decades, primarily advanced to exploit economies of scale. While most evaluations of municipal mergers have focused on the efficiency of local public goods provision, it is rare in the literature to explore how such mergers promote economic growth in a developing country context. This research investigates the economic consequences of a policy experiment of city–county mergers (che xian she qu) in China during the period 2000–2004. Using comprehensive datasets at city, county and firm levels, we present evidence that the merger significantly increases local economic development, and the magnitude of the effect depends on local endowments related to agglomeration forces. The results are robust to a number of different model specifications. We further verify that improved transport infrastructure and urban agglomeration economies after merger are potential contributors to the positive merger effects.  相似文献   

企业并购有横向、纵向、混合三种主要模式。横向并购浪潮促进了资本主义初期企业规模经济的形成与产业集中度提高;纵向并购浪潮促进了西方国家工业化中期企业资本进一步聚集与产业结构升级;混合并购浪潮一方面形成了一批多元化经营的巨型企业,另一方面,使规模小、实力弱的企业重新突出主业。本文将企业并购模式的选择与企业、产业生命周期联系起来考察,提出企业生命周期系数与产业生命周期系数的概念与计量方法;建立了企业、产业生命周期系数与经济周期指数三维坐标系,定量分析了企业、产业及宏观经济处于不同阶段时,如何动态选择并购模式,提高并购绩效。  相似文献   

An Assessment of Bank Merger Success in Germany   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. German banks have experienced a merger wave since the early 1990s. However, the success of bank mergers remains a continuous matter of debate.This paper suggests a taxonomy to evaluate post-merger performance on the basis of cost and profit efficiency (CE and PE). I identify successful mergers as those that fulfill simultaneously two criteria. First, merged institutes must exhibit efficiency levels above the average of non-merging banks. Second, banks must exhibit efficiency changes between merger and evaluation year above efficiency changes of non-merging banks. I assess the post-merger performance up to 11 years after the mergers and relate it to the transfer of skills, the adequacy to merge distressed banks and the role of geographical distance. Roughly every second merger is a success in terms of either CE or PE. The margin of success in terms of CE is narrow, as efficiency differentials between merging and non-merging banks are around 1 and 2 percentage points. PE performance is slightly larger. More importantly, mergers boost in particular the change in PE, thus indicating persistent improvements of merging banks to improve the ability to generate profits.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the unique strategic issues of cross-border mergers in a mixed oligopoly showing that the presence of a welfare maximizing public firm increases the incentive for such mergers. The well-known merger paradox that two-firm mergers are rarely profitable is substantially relaxed in the cases of both linear and convex production costs. The ability to identify profitable two-firm mergers in this context takes on added importance as the recent cross-border merger wave often involved industries with public firms.  相似文献   

随着我国企业并购交易活动的日益活跃和不断发展壮大,我国现行并购税制的完善建设问题也日渐凸出,从理论上对企业并购与并购税制之间的关系进行解析,是探究完善我国企业并购税制的逻辑起点。通常而言,企业并购交易是效率的选择,课于该交易的税收应保持中性,并购税制的变迁及优化完善依赖于税制结构、税种、税率、税基、税收优惠政策及税收征管办法等要素的设计选择。企业并购税制安排应着重从所得税设计、免税并购及免税并购适用条件的设定和完善并购制的时机选择等三个方面考虑。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** : Research into the benefits of mergers in small financial institutions, in particular credit unions, is sparse. This study helps to fill this gap by analyzing recent intense merger activity in New Zealand credit unions. The major driver for these mergers was not the usual reason of attempting to increase efficiency for competitive purposes but rather enforced government action. Data envelopment analysis is used to explore changes in efficiency in merged credit unions between 1996 and 2001. Those credit unions not involved in merger activity are used as a control group. Overall, credit unions have become more efficient over the period, notably in those that undertook mergers. The Malmquist index indicates significant technological progress over the period but a slight regression in terms of efficiency.  相似文献   

From the standpoint of investors successful acquisitions increase profitability and stock Contemporary studies find acquiring firm shareholders earning small gains before and large losses after consolidation. Using modern financial market procedures, we examine a portfolio of 191 acquiring firms from 1905 to 1930 to determine the impact on firm owners of early industrial acquisitions in the United States and the effect of institutional changes on takeover gains. Acquisitions from 1905 to 1930 raised shareholder wealth by more than 3 percent, an increase exceeding gains from more recent mergers. Stock price continued to rise after completion for acquisitions before World War I, but fell dramatically for acquisitions during the oligopoly merger wave of the late 1920s.We would like to thank Patrick Byrne and Tara Nussman for help in collecting the financial data, Ralph Nelson for permitting us to use his and Carl Eis's worksheets on merger activity from 1905 to 1930, and George Bittlingmayer, Malcolm Burns, David Gulley, Stephen Grubaugh, Lori Leeth, John Matsusaka, Dennis Mueller, Rexford Santerre, Scott Sumner, Tugrul Temel, and Nikhil Varaiya for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

This article presents the outcomes of an evaluation of the impact of the series of mergers of the local exchange companies that have taken place between 1988 and 2001 on an important measure of performance of the firms undergoing the mergers. The analysis reveals that after firms have undertaken one merger they experience little or no growth after such mergers, but the impact of second mergers on firm growth have been negative. If an important motive in undertaking mergers has been to enhance firm growth, then the merger waves that have been approved and consummated have led to performance declines. The impacts of the merger wave on the growth of the telecommunications sector firms have been negative.  相似文献   

目前,全球经济呈现一体化趋势,企业要想生存发展,唯有不断扩大企业规模,不断增强企业竞争实力。企业并购是提高企业竞争力的有效手段,要想让并购后的新企业焕发新活力,迅速占领新市场,仅靠"硬件"整合是不够的,文化整合同样重要。  相似文献   

Horizontal Mergers in a Liberalizing World Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with the effect of horizontal mergers in an open economy environment. It is found that, with the presence of economies of scale and imperfect competition, a domestic merger may bring about an additional gain to the country in that it shifts profit from foreign to domestic firms. Consequently, the condition on the degree of economies of scale for permitting domestic horizontal mergers would be weaker under an open economy than under a closed economy. Furthermore, the analysis shows that such mergers can also raise foreign welfare. Finally, the model is used to discuss the need to coordinate merger policies among trading partners in tandem with trade liberalization.  相似文献   

We consider a sequential merger game between Cournot firms with homogeneous product and quadratic cost. A large slope of the marginal cost function or a small slope of inverse market demand are both predicted to increase the incentive to merge. The profitability of any merger increases with the number of mergers having already taken place. Thus, mergers tend to occur in waves in industries that have experienced exogenous shocks affecting firms’ cost or demand. We also show some mergers that are not profitable for merged firms in the short-run may take place in the early stage of a wave.  相似文献   

向海燕  李子瑞 《技术经济》2022,41(9):122-132
为探究制造业企业通过并购实现服务化的转型路径,以2014—2018年制造企业并购服务企业并购事件为研究对象,运用组态思维和fsQCA方法,选取“基于并购的资源获取”和“并购后资源整合”两个维度的5个前因条件,讨论前因变量组合与制造业服务化转型之间的复杂因果机制。结果表明,制造业服务化转型存在3条转型路径,即研发能力驱动型、财务能力驱动型和服务化经验驱动型。通过分析路径和典型案例,发现:并购标的企业的盈利能力与研发能力均能衡量服务型资源质量且二者具有替代效应;并购方财务柔性在并购后整合与服务化转型中具有重要作用;并购方服务化经验有助于并购后整合。  相似文献   

This article estimates scale economies for Arkansas school districts. Large economies of scale exist in teacher salary and supply costs, as well as total costs. The results suggest that districts, especially rural districts, would experience measurable cost savings from consolidation. The authors simulate a hypothetical rural school district consolidation to obtain cost-saving estimates from consolidation. Simulations indicate that districts could save an average of 34% in average variable costs. At the state level, consolidation of rural districts in Arkansas could annually save $40 million. However, consolidation of school districts may increase various implicit costs to students and local communities. (JEL I22 , I28 )  相似文献   

李胜旗  赵鑫钰 《技术经济》2023,42(4):147-159
本文基于新冠疫情爆发后跨国并购规模不断扩大的背景下,利用全球并购数据以及国泰安数据库中的上市公司财务数据,将每家企业的跨国并购事件作为准自然实验,采用多期双重差分模型研究企业跨国并购对经营风险的影响,研究发现:跨国并购显著降低了企业经营风险,为了解决偏误性问题,本文还对其进行了双重差分倾向得分匹配检验。进一步影响机制表明,跨国并购通过“人力资本效应”提高了企业管理效率以及通过“技术进步效应”解决了企业在核心技术方面“卡脖子”的问题,进而降低经营风险。从异质性上看,跨国并购对降低技术密集型企业和大规模企业的经营风险效果更强。同时,本文还发现人民币汇率大幅度波动会加大跨国企业经营风险。因此,研究跨国并购对企业经营风险的影响,对企业长期高质量发展与提高国际竞争力具有现实意义。  相似文献   

We study the intense wave of mergers among Italian mutual cooperative banks (Banche di Credito Cooperativo, BCCs) trying to assess whether those mergers were efficiency-enhancing. Specifically, we employ a two-step procedure: first estimating bank-level cost efficiency scores over 1993–2013 via a stochastic frontier approach, then trying to explain the estimated BCCs' scores with a set of merger status dummies (never merged, before the first merger, merged once, merged twice, etc.) and a vector of control variables. We find that mergers increase mutual banks' cost efficiency only in 5% of the mergers, precisely those in which a BCC has merged at least three successive times with other BCCs. Besides, we conjecture that the serial mergers led those BCCs to reach remarkably large size and this could harm especially marginal borrowers (i.e. those likely served by smaller banks but neglected by bigger ones), with strong adverse impact on development and inequality and violating BCCs' ethics and mission.  相似文献   

In this paper, mergers are an equilibrium outcome in which acquirers “marry” targets so as to gain access to their organization capital. Firms with lower learning costs about the new technology are not necessarily those that manage it best once it is mature. Since there are gains from trade, a market for organization capital can arise through mergers. This model generates a merger wave after a shock to technology and is consistent with several other stylized facts on mergers documented in the literature.  相似文献   

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