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2008年11月,天津经济技术开发区环保局对外公布,卡夫旗下的卡夫天美食品(天津)有限公司曾经在检测中出现超标排放污染物的情况,其超标排放物质为化学需氧量和生化需氧量,并因此被列入“天津开发区2008年第三季度污染物排放超标公司名单”中。  相似文献   

5月25日,浙江省工商局公布了近期该省市场儿童食品质量抽检报告,其中知名的雀巢奶粉赫然被列入碘超标食品目录。  相似文献   

对于大企业而言,如何保持自身信誉度,让消费者能够对其保持长久的信任是一个非常重要的问题。最近发生的雀巢奶粉碘超标事件就是对雀巢的一个考验。  相似文献   

国家环保总局副局长潘岳日前向新闻界通报,国家环保总局和中国保监会近日联合发布了《关于环境污染责任保险的指导意见》,正式确定建立环境污染责任保险制度的路线图。这是继“绿色信贷”后推出的第二项环境经济政策。据介绍,国家环保总局日前确定了2008年结构减排、工程减排两项污染物排放目标,确保2008年二氧化硫、化学需氧量排放量分别比2005年下降6%和5%,需要削减二氧化硫230万吨、化学需氧量130万吨。  相似文献   

环境保护部会同发展改革委、统计局近日联合完成了2009年上半年各省、自治区、直辖市主要污染物总量减排情况的考核工作。结果表明,上半年全国化学需氧量(COD)排放总量657.6万吨,与2008年同期相比下降2.46%;二氧化硫排放总量1147.8万吨,与2008年同期相比下降5.40%,污染排放继续保持双下降的良好态势。  相似文献   

《无机磷化学工业污染物排放标准》求准求严 新标准确定了污染物的排放浓度限值和废水、废气排放量,其中水污染控制项目包括pH值、悬浮物、化学需氧量、总磷、单质磷、总砷、总氮、氨氮、氟化物等9项,大气污染控制项目包括颗粒物、二氧化硫、氟化物、砷及其化合物和氯化氢等。在水污染物中,总砷为有毒污染物,需要在车间或生产设施排放口进行控制。  相似文献   

董敏杰 《数据》2009,(11):41-42
面对国际金融危机给我国节能减排工作带来的新的问题和挑战,中国积极致力于环境保护行动,取得了显著成果。环境保护部会同发展改革委、统计局联合完成了2009年上半年各省、自治区、直辖市主要污染物总量减排情况的考核工作。结果表明,上半年全国化学需氧量排放总量657.6万吨,与2008年同期相比下降246%;二氧化硫排放总量11478万吨,与2008年同期相比下降5.40%,  相似文献   

2007年中央经济工作会议提出,2008年是完成"十一五"节能减排约束性目标的关键一年,必须加大力度、迎难而上,打好节能减排攻坚战、持久战.2007年前三季度,全国主要污染物排放量扭转了连续几年上升的趋势,二氧化硫和化学需氧量排放总量首次双双下降,其中,二氧化硫排放量同比下降1.81%.化学需氧量同比下降0.28%.  相似文献   

瑞典查出雀巢米粉含砷 婴儿米糊就是家长常给宝宝吃的婴儿辅食米粉,主要是以大米、小麦、黑米等为原料制成。瑞典国家食品局称,2011年4月11日,瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究院化验雀巢、喜宝在内的知名婴儿食品时发现,里面可能含超量有毒元素如砷、镉、铅、铀,像喜宝的有机桃和香蕉早餐麦片含1.7mg砷、0.13mg镉和0.33mg铅(单位均为每千克)。  相似文献   

过去几年,雀巢中国的业绩都在飞速增长,因为经营需要.雀巢中国近几年平均每年都会净增加1000名左右的员工。截止今年5月,雀巢中国的总人数达到了1300。人。此次雀巢中国受经济危机的影响并不大,在人力资源方面承受的压力也相对较小  相似文献   

"芭比还会回来吗?"在上海淮海路550号的芭比旗舰店门口,一位小女孩问她的妈妈。女孩的妈妈笑笑,没有回答。因为她没有答案,美泰可能也没有答案。答案在时间那里……  相似文献   

黄秋丽 《中国企业家》2009,345(16):84-91
曾经被视作商业地产轻骑兵的深国投商置,正在经历翻天覆地、伤筋动骨的调整  相似文献   

全球八成以上的打火机出自温州,但在温州,却只有大虎打火机名气在全球叫响.据有关媒体报道,大虎的名气是靠"吃亏"经营出来的.1 993年,温州大街小巷挤满了前来收购打火机的各国客商.  相似文献   

Technology transfer processes enable universities to increase their positive impact on society by pursuing their entrepreneurial mission in several ways. By analyzing quantitative and qualitative data collected in a longitudinal dataset of 60 U.S. universities during the period 2002–2012, this article identifies four types of technology transfer business models that may generate economic and non-economic linkages that need to be evaluated. Findings reveal that business models that leverage high-quality research (i.e., catalyst) and startup creation (i.e., orchestrator of local buzz) are associated with higher economic performance. This study contributes to the emergent literature on university business models and provides suggestions to policymakers to incorporate a business model typology in university evaluation programs.  相似文献   

Many papers have tested the prediction of the rational voter model that, ceteris paribus, turnout will be low when potential voters expect the winner's plurality to be large. The appropriate null hypothesis, however, is unclear. We show that statistical models of voting in which each voter's decision of whether to vote does not vary with the expected plurality can nonetheless generate data which lead to both positive and negative correlations between turnout and plurality.  相似文献   

Organized crime emerges out of the power vaccuum that is created by the absence of state enforcement, and which can have many sources: geographic, social, and ethnic distance, prohibition, or simply collapse of state institutions. Mafias and gangs are hierarchically organized and can be thought of as providing primitive state functions, with economic costs that are typically much higher than those associated with modern governance. Though organized crime cannot be completely eradicated, its control is necessary, since it can easily corrupt existing institutions of governance. Some thoughts on what can be done to control organized crime are offered.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the productive efficiency of 141 public hospitals from 1998 to 2004 in two Canadian provinces; one a small province with a few small cities and a generally more rural population and the other a large province that is more urban in nature, with a population who mainly live in large cities. The relative efficiencies of the hospitals, the changes in productivity during this time period, and the relationship between efficiency and the size or scale of the hospitals are investigated using data envelopment analysis. The models for the production of health care use case mix adjusted hospital discharges as the output, and nursing hours as inputs. We find clear differences between the two provinces. Making use of ‘own’ and ‘meta’ technical efficiency frontiers, we demonstrate that efficient units in the larger and more urban province are larger than non-efficient units in that province. However, efficient hospitals in the smaller and more rural province are smaller than non-efficient hospitals in that province. Overall, efficient hospitals in the larger more urban province are larger than efficient hospitals in the smaller more rural province. This has interesting policy implications—different hospitals may have different optimal sizes, or different efficient modes of operation, depending on location, the population they serve, and the policies their respective provincial governments wish to implement. In addition, there are lessons to be learned by comparing the hospitals across the two provinces, since the inefficient hospitals in the small rural province predominantly use hospitals from the large urban province as benchmarks, such that substantially larger improvement potential can be identified by inter-provincial rather than intra-provincial benchmarking analysis.  相似文献   

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