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2012年9月,顺丰航空机队规模达到9架,圆通等快递企业也意欲筹办航空公司。与此同时,东航加快整合中货航和东方远航的资源步伐着力延伸产业链,中国航空货运市场的天地大战已经开启。本文基于物流链的角度介绍了货运航空三种不同的航空货运运作模式。同时,从航空货运企业的视角分析了航空货运公司发展面临的机遇和挑战。最后,本文还提出了我国航空货运企业从传统的航空货物承运商向综合航空物流服务商转变的三个突破点。2012年10月22日,由于违规运输禁运危险品, 相似文献
一、香港机场航空货运发展现状自1996年以来,香港国际机场~直是全球最繁忙的国际航空货运机场,全天24小时运作,也是全球最重要的多式联运物流中心之一。机场拥有两座客运大楼、两条跑道及34个货运停机位,为香港带来巨大的社会及经济价值。机场与业务伙伴共5000名人员坚守岗位,巩固了香港在国际及区域的主要航空物流中心地位。机场连接全球约180个航点,包括48个内地城市。 相似文献
2007年我国民用航空货运业发展势态良好,按照已公布的数据,我国航空货物运量同比提高12%,增长非常迅速,经济效益同样显著。取得这些进步主要源于行业结构不断优化,整体运输规模上升,运输环境得到进一步完善等原 相似文献
最近,OAG航空分析服务公司公布了最新的全球航空货运预测报告。该报告的作者Marry Graham称,全球航空货运需求至少要到2013年才能恢复到2007年的水平。 相似文献
国内理论学术界在给传统货运航空企业开出的药方中,多为传统航空货运企业亟需物流化,大笔引进全货运飞机,大幅提高运力等云云,但是现在这些对策需要我们认真反思。 相似文献
“有运力,无产品”,这是业内对中国航空货运企业的一个普遍看法。航空货运企业间的终极竞争是“服务”的竞争,但此“服务”很多时候要通过“产品”表现出来,本文就航空货运企业的产品设计思路和推广策略做一简要分析,以期抛砖引玉。 相似文献
全球新的快节奏经济环境正显著地改变着企业的选址、生产和分销策略。商业竞争越来越取决于企业能否对全球市场变化做出快速且灵活的反应,能否为顾客提供最有价值的产品,并将成本效益、灵活性、可靠性和速度纳入企业供应链之中。 相似文献
3G不仅仅是手机的技术,更是整个空运物流信息化技术的发展和革新;3G是全新的技术,更是深层次的社会化应用;3G步入了一个新的空运物流时代,更意味着一种新空运物流方式的到来…… 相似文献
随着世界航空业的发展,国际民航的竞争日趋激烈,对中国民航的发展构成严重的压力。2006年以来,由于中国民航局为履行中国加入WTO后,实行“天空开放”政策,进而放松了对航空货运发展的管制,以顺应民航全球化、自由化的发展趋势。国外航空巨头借中国“天空开放”之际,纷纷抢占中国民航国际、国内的客、货运市场,挤压我国航空公司的发展空间。国外货运航空公司也在货运旺季利用航权对等使用的原则, 相似文献
Many tourist destinations have focused heavily on attracting a growing number of new visitors each year. However, recent changes in the tourism market have led to the need for new strategies oriented towards retaining already existing visitors. Service-Dominant Logic (S-D Logic) is a new orientation that allows greater competitive advantage by recognising the active role of tourists in the creation of their own experiences. The main purpose of this paper is therefore to develop a theoretical model based on S-D Logic in order to increase levels of tourist loyalty. An in-depth analysis of foundational premises has allowed us to identify the key aspects of this process. The proposed model was empirically tested, using a structural equation model with partial least-squares technique, on a sample of 763 tourists visiting Spanish tourism destinations. Research findings have evidenced that tourist loyalty is achieved through the development of relationship quality in the co-creation of tourist experiences. These results will help destination managers to achieve a greater competitive advantage through the development of customer-centric strategies. The relevance of this article also lies in its being one of the first attempts to develop practical measures for S-D Logic by applying them to tourism. 相似文献
Darren Lee-Ross 《International Journal of Tourism Research》1999,1(4):239-253
Research for the present study was undertaken in the summer of 1995. This paper seeks to identify whether Salaman's notion of ‘occupational communities’ exists in a sample of six British seasonal seaside hotels, a relatively unexplored sector of the hotel industry. Briefly, occupational communities have as their major focus the job itself and they are also characterised by a fusing of work and leisure activities. Interviews with 30 hotel workers indicate that seasonal, and particularly live-in workers, tend to form distinct ‘occupational communities’. These communities, however, are different to ‘traditional’ occupational communities in a number of respects. Most importantly, instead of the job itself being the focus for community formation, job importance is replaced by work situations characterised by hedonism and close social bonding. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
有第三方向引入的中间站不多,车站布置比大站简单,但比一般中间站复杂。由于受地形条件、车站平纵断面条件的限制,第三方向引入的中间站布置图型并不是固定的。这就需要对这类车站进行分析,在实际应用过程中,抓住本质,解决关键问题。通过对不同情况下有第三方向接轨的车站进行分析,总结中间站平面布置规律。 相似文献
The liberalisation of air transport in the European Union encouraged a proliferation of new entry airlines exploiting the opportunities offered by minor airports. This was particularly apparent in France where “third level” airports experienced growth associated with start-up airlines using low-capacity aircraft. A summary of these trends is followed by a detailed examination of the Centre-East District, which demonstrates that the aspirations of both airlines and airports have been compromised by recent restructuring of the French airline industry. Far from providing greater competition, deregulation has increased the quasi-monopoly of Air France as market forces proved to be stronger than liberalisation. As a result, many third level airports face an uncertain future, especially in the light of the terrorist attack on the United States and its likely effect on airline economics. 相似文献
面对新线集中投入运营,高速客运专线及电气化新设备从无到有的新形势,乌鲁木齐铁路局采取"延伸管理+业务外包"的新线管理模式,确保实现安全标准、质量标准、管理标准、技术标准和作业标准"五统一",快速形成新线运输能力,有效提高全局整体管理水平。 相似文献
This paper analyses the interrelationships between risks faced by third party logistics service providers (3PLs) in relation to one of its customers using DEMATEL. Novel analysis of both within and between risk categories and generation of threshold value to prioritize risks generate useful insights. Results show that arms-length relationship between the customer and the 3PLs has strong influence on other risks and there is a need for collaborative relationships between 3PLs and its customers. Moreover, analysis indicates that the 3PLs need to improve internal processes related to quality management, flexibility of its operations and also geographical coverage of their services. 相似文献
Rubén C. Lois-González 《旅游与文化变迁杂志》2013,11(2):149-164
This article proposes a theoretical and analytical approach to modern pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela; a cultural and experiential tourism route for the twenty-first century, founded upon the recovery (idealized) of the medieval way and leading to a Christian sanctuary (where the remains of Apostle Saint James the Great are held). The success of this route is based on the fact that the new tourist mixes pilgrimage motivations (displacement for religious or spiritual motivations) with tourist motivations, such as the search for various landscapes, the need to mentally unwind and to escape from the pressures of daily life. This work analyses the case of Santiago de Compostela and the evolution of the three elements that make up pilgrimage and lead us to understand the current position of the Camino, along with some of its weaknesses. 相似文献
效益审计是内部审计实务发展过程中的较高阶段。结合财务收支审计做好效益审计,有利于铁路内部审计在铁路资产经营、管理方面发挥更大的作用。从效益审计的涵义、效益审计的方法步骤及铁路内部审计如何进行效益审计进行论述。 相似文献