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企业的可持续成长是企业追求的最高境界,可持续是指企业长寿,但长寿并不是企业追求的唯一目标,如世界各国都有大量的中小企业虽较长寿;但始终无法长大,始终处于长不大的烦恼之中,当然也有不少企业虽然短期内取得了快速的成长,但其寿命却不长,这两都不是企业所应追求的,企业所追求的应该是成长基础上的长寿,即可持续成长;而成长包括量的成长和质的成长,只有当企业的质的成长和量的成长相适应时,企业才能真正实现可持续成长。  相似文献   

企业可持续成长分析与财务成长管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
企业可持续发展作为一种发展目标和战略思想,对企业财务战略管理具有重要意义,企业可持续成长分为销售可持续成长和盈利可持续成长。在企业企业可持续成长模型的基础上,对企业财务成长管理进行了讨论,提出了财务成长与财务资源的协调措施。  相似文献   

经济学、管理学视角下的企业可持续成长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新古典经济学的企业成长论是企业规模调整论,成长的动力和原因在于对规模经济和范围经济的追求。新制度经济学认为企业成长是企业边界扩大的过程,其动因在于节约市场交易费用。管理学中的企业可持续成长理论分别从企业对外部环境的适应和内部资源能力两个方面进行了阐述,认为企业可持续成长来自于企业的内部资源、核心能力、知识存量、竞争战略等方面。  相似文献   

在讨论企业核心竞争力的起源上,有两个学派值得关注,即资源学派和能力学派两大理论派别。从20世纪20年代至20世纪80年代是这两个学派的共同起源阶段,20世纪80年代后这两个学派则分别强调能力和资源对企业核心竞争力的重要性而分道扬镳。一、能力学派与资源学派的起源及演进20世纪20年代,经济学家阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔在其著作《经济学原理》中提出企业内部成长论。1959年艾迪斯·彭罗斯在她的《企业成长论》一书中深入研究企业成长问题并提出了企业内在成长论的思想,她认为被新古典企业理论视作“黑箱”的企业资源和能力是构成企业经济效益的…  相似文献   

文章从大胆借鉴外国现代管理理论和经验、管理观念由追求利润最大化向追求企业可持续成长的和谐观转变和树立人性化管理的和谐观念等三个方面对和谐社会下企业管理观念创新进行探讨.  相似文献   

西方企业成长研究发展述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业成长是一种复杂的社会经济现象,一直是经济学和管理学关注和研究的课题之一。长期以来西方学者从不同角度研究了企业成长问题.并形成了许多不同的理论学派;20世纪80年代以后,实证研究方法被大量引入企业成长研究,从而推动了企业成长研究的发展。本文从经济学和管理学两个视角对西方企业成长研究成果进行重点回顾和评论,据此认为企业成长研究尚需进一步深化与完善,并指出今后研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为企业可持续成长(长寿)而管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
所谓企业可持续成长,就是既追求企业生产力水平永续提高,又节约资源和改善生态环境的企业成长。纵观企业演进的历史,在市场经济条件下,主要有两种管理观:一种是把利润最大化作为管理的惟一主题、最高宗旨和核心价值观的管理观;一种是把企业可持续成长作为管理的主题、最高宗旨和核心价值观的管理观。这两种管理观主要是由于立场不同产生的。前者主要是站在资本所有者的立场、反映资本所有者要求的管理观。因为资本所有者的利益和命运是同企业的剩余价值息息相关的,资本所有者最关心的就是企业的剩余价值。这种管理观,在企业管理的历史演变中,属于资本所有者和经营者相统一的古典的传统管理观。  相似文献   

王林  刘彤 《生产力研究》2004,(9):115-116
本文认为影响我国中小企业发展的问题 ,是企业发展战略问题、风险控制管理问题、创业者角色转换及管理的问题。解决中小企业的出生与成长发展问题 ,可以促进我国中小企业的健康稳定的发展 ,促进就业可持续稳定地增长。  相似文献   

企业持续成长的“绊脚石”——管理失误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李波  周艳 《当代经济》2002,(9):53-53
管理失误是指管理者在外界环境或内部条件发生突变时,因应变不力或管理不当,致使企业目标无法实现的错误管理行为。企业持续成长作为现代企业追求的核心目标,必然需要良好的管理行为去加以实现,而实际管理活动的复杂性、管理者认知能力的有限性、企业成长环境的不确定性,致使管理者无法准确把握企业成长的客观规律,无法如期实现企业的管理目标,进而无法确保企业成长的  相似文献   

财务管理目标的选择基于企业理论,现代企业理论中有两个主要的学术派别,即新古典产权学派和利益相关者学派。新古典产权学派影响下的财务管理目标过于强调出资者的利益,难以解释现代企业日趋发展的现实,也不适应以人为本管理思想的需要;利益相关者学派影响下的财务管理目标在可操作性方面存在缺陷。本文认为,财务管理的目标应是股东主导下的利益相关者财富最大化。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of partially revocable endogenous commitments of a seller in a negotiation with a deadline. In particular, we examine when commitment is a source of strength, a source of inefficiency and when it does not affect the bargaining outcome at all. We show that when commitment possesses a minimum amount of irrevocability this crucially determines the bargaining outcome. In the bilateral bargaining case, commitment becomes a source of inefficiency since it causes a deadline effect. In the choice of partner framework, however, the deadline effect disappears and there is an immediate agreement and, moreover, commitment becomes a source of strength since it increases the seller's equilibrium payoff by triggering off competition between the buyers.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hospital markets are often characterized by price regulation and the existence of different ownership types. Using a Hotelling framework, this paper analyses the effect of heterogeneous objectives of hospitals on quality differentiation, profits and overall welfare in a price‐regulated duopoly with exogenous symmetric locations. In contrast to other studies on mixed duopolies, this paper shows that, in this framework, privatization of the public hospital may increase overall welfare. This holds if the public hospital is similar to the private hospital or less efficient and competition is low. The main driving force is the single‐regulated price which induces under‐provision (over‐provision) of quality of the more (less) efficient hospital compared with the first best. However, if the public hospital is sufficiently more efficient and competition is fierce, a mixed duopoly outperforms both a private and a public duopoly due to an equilibrium price below (above) the price of the private (public) duopoly. This medium price discourages over‐provision of quality of the less efficient hospital and – together with the non‐profit objective – encourages an increase in quality of the more efficient public hospital.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse major determinants of disposable per capita income at a local municipality level for a territory of Spain: the Valencian region. A cross-sectional spatial study for an averaged period (2010–2013) will allow us to control for intraregional correlation, paying special attention to the role of real public investment and its possible effects on disposable personal income. A reference framework for economic and social policymakers will be provided by the specification of the model.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the influence of the number of past transactions on the continuity of the transaction relationship between a bank and a borrower. It is shown that banks, in deciding whether or not to maintain a transaction relationship with a borrower, fall into one of two categories: if the average of past returns from borrowers is equal, either a bank is more likely to maintain transaction relationships with those whose number of past transactions is larger, or it is indifferent to the number of past transactions. This result holds whether the bank is risk-averse or risk-neutral.
JEL Classification number: G21.  相似文献   

This paper suggests several methods of estimating a technology matrix from a domestic transactions matrix, and a row vector of imports into each sector. The performance of the proposed techniques is assessed on the basis of tests using data on a large number of countries, for which both domestic and technology matrices exist. The best method is subsequently used to generate estimates of technology matrices for countries where such information has not previously been available, and as an illustration of a possible application of such estimates, a brief international comparison of production structures is attempted.  相似文献   

Ian A. Curtis   《Ecological Economics》2004,50(3-4):163-194
A new approach to valuing ecosystem goods and services (EGS) is described which incorporates components of the economic theory of value, the theory of valuation (USappraisal), a multi-model multiple criteria analysis (MCA) of ecosystem attributes, and a Delphi panel of experts to assign weights to the attributes. The total value of ecosystem goods and services in the various tenure categories in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area (WTWHA) in Australia was found to be in the range AUD$188 to $211 million year−1, or AUD$210 to 236 ha−1 year−1 across tenures, as at 30 June 2002. Application of the weightings assigned by the Delphi panelists and assessment of the ecological integrity of the various tenure categories resulted in values being derived for individual ecosystem services in the World Heritage Area. Biodiversity and refugia were the two attributes ranked most highly at AUD$18.6 to $20.9 million year−1 and AUD$16.6 to $18.2 million year−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Should the FED try to set some monetary aggregate, or should it try to create certain credit conditions by setting interest rates? This question has been examined extensively within models that are essentially non-stochastic or certainty equivalent; however, the question is not meaningful to the monetary authority unless one postulates a stochastic setting. This paper attempts to analyze the question within a stochastic setting. It illustrates the new dimensions added by incorporating risk adverse economic behavior, “rational” expectations, and randomized policy settings.  相似文献   

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